Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 21

by Sage, Jennifer

She couldn’t outfly him for sure but she knew of someone who could. “Toressa! Please come, I need you!”

  She heard the flapping of the wings in seconds and her Larien dropped down next to her. Not hesitating a second she jumped lightly onto her back and whispered to her, “take me to Morkain.”

  Toressa whinnied in protest and stomped her feet. “No girl, I will not be swayed here. Take me or I shall take myself.”

  Toressa shook her head and lifted her to the sky, a Larien was ever faithful.

  “Isabel wait! I will not lose you again!” He screamed at her back. The wind began to whip all around him and he swore that he could hear a voice whispering within it. Follow her.

  “As if I wouldn’t!” He roared back to the gust and chased her through the woods.


  Where the hell were they? Amele sifted from place to place in Loveryn, not finding Bodhe or Isabel anywhere. Why couldn’t she reach anyone’s mind? She reached her brother’s chambers and knocked hard. “Rystrom! Open the door!”

  The doors breezed open and her brother, Syon and the Queen stood there staring at her. “What the hell is happening here? Why is everything so damned quiet! And where is Isabel?”

  Her brother looked at her with unease. “She is running to Morkain as we speak.”

  “But why? The Elemental told me that Bodhe rescued her. There is only one way that could have been done. Why is she not here presently coupled in his arms?”

  They all gasped and Rystroms eyes flared. “Which Elemental were you speaking to against the laws of Loveryn sister?”

  “Ah hell brother! Was there any choice? I didn’t know that Bodhe was playing hero and I was stuck there in the mortal realm thinking that Isabel was being sucked dry by the Unseelie. I had no choice!”

  Their faces softened but still looked shocked.

  “Don’t worry, my deal made with Nikolai was almost too good. It shall restore the veil and bring Isabel back though I guess restoring the veil alone since she was already saved is worthy enough.” A little lie since it was really all for nothing. They didn’t need to know that.

  “And your cost?” He said softly.

  “Merely three months of my life. No biggie. Now tell me what happened to the Princess.”

  Relief flooded through the room. “I went to the caves after they had gone,” Danua said. “They are sealed with Elemental magic. My belief is that Keiren is awake within it, but she is bound. Isabel doesn’t know that the curse is broken and we have come here to consult with Syon and find out how to release her. Bodhe is running after her and she has called her Larien, she will be okay. But it would be even more helpful if we could get Keiren free. Then all could be explained to the girl by her mother.”

  “But she runs to that beast! How could she run to him after the news of Rhonan? What if something happens to her?”

  “Don’t worry sister, the guard is just a step behind. I don’t believe Bodhe had yet gotten to the part about Rhonan and Morkain yet but Morkain will have his due today. The Prince is very displeased as you can imagine. We saw much in the waters when Phera had a vision.”

  The Queen explained what had happened and Amele flared with anger and looked at the three of them.

  “Did you see the part where I killed her?” Amele growled, wishing she had done it a bit more slow and painfully.

  They just stared at her. “Always the warrior sister, we are pleased that it was you that was chosen to guard her.”

  “And she is now my friend as well so I shall sift towards the border to see if there’s anything I can do to help.” Maybe I shall get to run the piece of crap through myself.

  “Welcome home sister.” Rystrom hugged her and smiled. “It has been too long.”

  “Yes, and it will be a short lived reunion I’m afraid.”

  “So when does the three months begin?” he asked after their embrace just before she sifted.

  “Tomorrow, after I have had a chance to see her and say goodbye without really saying it. But please don’t speak to anyone else about the deal I made. If there is happiness for her to find, I don’t wish it to be marked with any sorrow for me. I will be fine.”

  She sifted before anymore could be said.

  Chapter 25

  “Sister, you must release the immortal from the cave. I have made a pact with one of them.”

  She looked at him from her nest of clouds. “Really Nikolai, it didn’t have anything to do with your pact so don’t get in bunches all over it.”

  “Isura!” He roared. “This has gone on long enough. “Release the female!”

  She groaned and rolled her eyes. “Really, must you yell so? It’s nearly over anyway. Plus, you have your plaything, what do you care about the other two female immortals anyway?”

  “I don’t,” he growled, “I just think this has gone too far. You are relishing in the mistakes of the immortals like Reisha now. Do you really think that they will call on us more often if tragedy follows every time? Look at them sister, she will fall to her death in the very place of her father. Do you think this a good plan still? Besides, we must call our brother Leif so that we can restore the veil.”

  She frowned and realized he was right. “Oh all right. Do you not think Reisha should be involved?”

  Shaking his head no he looked at the scene unfolding at the cliffs. “No, Reisha would cause more harm than good. The three of us should be powerful enough to do this.”

  She nodded and flicked her wrist, creating a gust of wind so strong that it fell the boulder at the cave’s opening. “Happy brother? Now, call Leif, there is work do do!”


  They were nearing a break in the trees and something in her gut urged her forward. Flying swiftly now she could feel the magic of Loveryn ebbing.

  “That’s it girl, we’re close now aren’t we?” Toressa made a sound that she deciphered as a yes. Could she really be nearing the outer bands? Was Albequen so close by?

  How could she be sure of anything anymore? She felt as if she couldn’t trust anyone. If her mother had been free then all of this would have been over. She could live happily ever after with Bodhe.


  As if such things happened in the real world. Screw the happily ever after. At the moment, not being suffocated by doubt would do. But he didn’t explain anything to her. Certainly if he was the answer to lifting the curse then he would have been able to speak freely if it had been broken? It didn’t matter that he looked as confused as she was at the cave being sealed. It didn’t matter that he was perfect in every way and that he had told her he loved her. She neared a great cliff and her heart caught in her throat. Her skin tingled with memories that she did not have. This was the place of her father’s death; she knew it and had to force herself to choke back the sorrow.

  “Set me down Toressa, here.”

  The Larien circled to the earth and set her down a few feet from the edge. The beautiful Larien backed away to the tree line, stopping there and making sounds low in her throat.

  “Shh girl, it’s okay. I promise.”

  Toressa stomped a few times in protest.

  A dark storm loomed in the distance and painted the sky with grey and black; the heavy rains and lightning would come soon. Silence hummed all around her and her skin pricked at the impending storm, all the hairs on her arms standing up because of the electric current from the storm.

  Suddenly it felt as if all the air had been stolen from her lungs in half a second.

  The lightning.

  Her mother’s own curse upon her. She halted at the edge of the cliff to think. Looking over the edge she got slightly dizzy and backed up a few feet. She had said to think of her curse. What did the lightning have to do with this? Bodhe’s touch caused lightning within her, rather than him being struck by it. She had felt the sensation a hundred times since they had been together.

  Oh! Stupid! Just as lightning may strike the earth, so shall your lover strike you with his touch.
The lightning would never strike him, but he would strike her with it every time he touched her. There had always been heat with Morkain, but that could not be helped. He was gorgeous, and utterly motivated. Son of a bitch. She put her hand over her mouth. Bodhe had even told her! He called Rhonan a ‘mate’. Dammit! The Sidhe had ‘partners’, it was the Elves that had ‘mates’. What a fool! She was running away from the man she loved for what? Stupid Isabel! Ugh!

  She turned from the rock face and was relieved to see Bodhe ripping through the trees. She looked in his eyes, her own beginning to well up. “I’m sorry Bodhe! It all just came to me, God I’m an idiot sometimes!”

  She watched as he soared towards her but as he neared he halted quickly, a frozen look of crazed anger coming over his beautiful features as he hissed.

  “Really Bodhe, I said I’m sorry! You don’t have to get all pissed at me over this. Aren’t I entitled to just one mistake after everything?”

  “Well hello, Beauty.”

  She spun around and there on the cliff edge was Morkain not a foot from her with his sword drawn. Before she could even blink he had spun her around to face Bodhe again and his sword was against her throat, his strong arms no match for her.

  “Morkain! So help me if you even scratch her with that thing I am going to skin you alive!”

  “Well Prince, I don’t think you are in any position to make demands right now. Don’t piss me off or I might slip.”

  Anger rolled off Bodhe in hot waves, much like his passion did. Only this was dark and not at all a pleasant sensation against her skin. She felt it welling in her too. Shared emotions. Hmmm, maybe she could use this to her benefit after all.

  “I suggest you release me Morkain, or this is about to get very ugly,” she purred lowly.

  He tightened his grip on her and put the sharp edge of the sword harder against her neck. When a small trail of blood streamed down to the white dress she thought she was going to see Bodhe actually turn into an animal. His eyes burned with anger and he was visibly restraining himself. She reached into his mind and only hoped that he could hear her. I’m so sorry Bodhe, please forgive me for what I may have to do. Look, the blood moon has risen. Not all will be lost.

  He looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

  “So what is it that you want Morkain?” She said softly. “You cannot have me obviously so what the hell are you after now?”

  “I never wanted you, Beauty. I suppose you have learned that by now. I was foolish but now all that I want is Rhonan back and one of your sifters will get her for me.”

  Bodhe sucked in air and the fire in his eyes was absolutely smoldering now. He was glowing brightly from the anger, as was she.

  “Really, could you two tone it down a notch? It’s starting to bother my eyes.”

  “You know that we cannot do that Morkain, on either account. Bringing back the dead never has the results you want. Plus, the universe makes up for it by killing the dead again, since they no longer belong with the living. Who will you threaten next time when a boulder falls on your beloved?”

  Morkain roared so loud that her sensitive ears thought they would burst.

  “You will bring a sifter here NOW or I will cut her throat and you can watch her bleed to death just out of your reach Faerie!”

  Okay, now she was pissed.

  “You know Morkain, you should never call us Faeries. It really makes us mad. I am personally a sifter but since I’m the one that killed her in the first place I would hardly agree to bring the traitorous bitch back,” came Amele’s voice from the trees.

  The blade tightened on her neck and she felt more blood running down to her chest. She could feel his muscles clenching at Amele’s words.

  “When I am done with Isabel, I will be coming for you next.”

  “Ha! As if I would ever be afraid of an Elf! Really Morkain. I would sift to you and stab you myself if this wasn’t all so very entertaining.”

  “Amele! She is bleeding! How can you be entertained right now?” Bodhe seethed.

  “Oh don’t worry dear nephew, just watch.” She grinned and gestured her eyes back to Morkain and Isabel.

  “She’s right you know, for a man that wants something there’s a few things you’re just not going about right with it. Hi Amele!” Isabel smiled.

  Amele winked at her and Bodhe just continued to spill his anger in waves.

  “Oh, and what is that you little brat?”

  “Well, for starters, you should never call us faeries; we really don’t appreciate that term. Second, holding a knife to my throat isn’t going to do you much good since I’m immortal now. Helloooo? Full moon’s a rising.”

  He looked up at the harvest moon in the sky and tightened his grip on her arms.

  “Well I could sever your head, that would do the trick,” he growled.

  “Well that’s the third, and most fatal of your flaws in this master scheme, you shit. I’ve actually only been letting you hold me here. I really could get free.”

  “Oh really? So why don’t you then?”

  “Well, I’m not so good at flying yet and I’m terribly afraid of heights but you’ve left me no choice.”

  Before he could even respond her slipper foot cracked down on his shin with a force Amele had to be smiling about. He loosened his grasp enough so that she could grab her dagger from the sheath on her arm and she twisted it into his side just before she used all her weight to throw them both over the edge of the cliff.

  Okay, so maybe not brilliant, but certainly effective.

  “Isabel no!” She heard Bodhe scream before she passed out from the whole falling thing.

  Chapter 26

  “My brave little warrior, what the hell were you thinking?” She opened her eyes and smiled at the concern on his face.

  “That you would save me of course. Oh! And look! You did!” She grinned at him.

  “So how far down did I get before you swept me up in your arms? I’m afraid I passed out quite cold. The only flaw in what would’ve been a flawless plan.”

  “I, um, didn’t. Amele sifted to you. She got you before I could, but had she not been there it would’ve been me dammit,” he growled with frustration even as Isabel started laughing.

  “Amele saved me?” She laughed even harder.

  He scowled at her and she bit her lip and stifled her giggles.

  “Oh dear, I’m sorry. You can save me next time I promise,” she smiled. “And it was you that saved me from the Uglies remember?”

  He laughed at her term. “Yes Princess, I remember. Nasty little things, aren’t they? Would you believe they were seconds from that door when we were whisked home?”

  Raising an eyebrow, “That little bit of info I could’ve done without.”

  He laughed a bit more then. “You? At least you were oblivious. Talk about performance pressure!”

  She giggled and sat up in bed, reaching for his mouth. After a slow, lightning filled kiss she broke away from him. “How long have I been out for?”

  “Just a few hours and um, there’s something we need to talk about.”

  She blinked. “Please, no more bad news. I think I have had enough of that for one day?”

  His face got serious then. “No, I think this news you can handle. I hope,” he still looked at her with that serious expression, brows slightly creased with concentration. “Well first, your mother is freed from her cave and eager to see you. Apparently the Elemental was toying with her that she had called upon to make you safe in the first place.”

  Isabel’s face grew dark.

  “Don’t even think about it love. The Elementals are Gods and at no time will you ever call upon them. My only rule. Please?”

  “Until I learn more, agreed. What else?”

  “Well, Amele and our Mothers have been working tirelessly in the great hall and would like to see that we have our Lerei nish dei tomorrow. They are refusing reason even though I tried to tell them that you may not be ready. I’m sorry.” He began
to pace the room.

  “Well Bodhe, in all my wildest dreams did I never imagine a proposal as sweet and genuine as that! My God! You brought tears to my eyes. How could I ever say no?” She scowled at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Isabel! I didn’t mean…I only wanted to…Gods! I just thought that you would not be ready! I would walk over the fire pits of Hades for you female! I am yours for all eternity, I have told you this! But having you with me is enough. I just thought you may need some time before the ceremony at the Day of Light. This isn’t coming out right at all,” his perfectly chiseled face became red as he paced back and forth in front of her.

  He walked over and cupped her face in her hands. “I love you. Would you like to join with me for eternity in front of the entire realm tomorrow?”

  “Now that Bodhe, is much better,” she smiled, eyes misting. “I would like nothing more than to tell the entire realm how much I love you.”

  He kissed her slowly and fully, pressing against her so that she could feel the rock hard length of him against her again. “We shall join them in just a little while, but first I need to do something to you,” he grinned wickedly and carried her to the bath. “I need to wash that man off and then make you scream again.”

  She almost got mad, until his mouth came down on her.

  Chapter 27

  “I know that what I ask of you is extreme aunt, and I do not do so without burden. We must try though. She was not lying. And she has suffered as none should for a choice that wasn’t hers.”

  She looked at him slowly. “But you know the laws Bodhe. I cannot just bring her back. It would alter everything that has come to pass.”

  “Yes I know, but there must be a way. Can Nikolai help with this? He has tricked you has he not? Perhaps he would be willing to add this to the deal. They have the power to transform the past and it is possible that he could keep everything the same but not keep Delia and her children there. They were just girls then, please, can’t you try?”


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