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by Leslie Stainton

  FGL attends private Granada academy:

  Martin Martin, 73; FM, 76–77; Rodrigo, Memoria, 19–20; Emilio Orozco Díaz, “Federico García Lorca se gradúa de bachiller. (Notas en torno a unos años de la vida del poeta),” in

  Lecturas del

  27, 34, 38.

  Classmates tease FGL:

  G, I

  , 95; Higuera Rojas, 14; author interview with Joaquín Alemán Marín.

  “like a sailor” and “normal”:

  Author interview with Joaquín Alemán Marín.

  FGL struggles in school:

  Martín Martín, 56, 80–81;


  , 88; GM, 68. On Don Federico’s response to FGL’s negligence, see


  , 82; also author interview with Joaquín Alemán Marín.

  “schoolboy pride”:


  , 82.


  EC, 51.

  “Federico, study!”:


  , 82.

  FGL’s curriculum:

  Martin Martin, 80, 144. On FGL’s inability to learn French, see


  , 73; GM, 56.

  FGL receives


  Martín Martín, 126–27, 131; University of Granada Archive, undergraduate records, 614–63; Huerta de San Vicente Archive, Granada.

  FGL’s adolescent reading:


  , 99–100, 143–44, 161; Rafael Martínez Nadal, “Guía al lector,” in FGL,

  El público y Comedia sin título

  , 247. For underlined passages in FGL library, see Fernández-Montesinos García, “Descripción.” On FGL’s preoccupation with Omar Khayyam, see Ian Gibson, “Un probable artículo de Lorca sobre Omar Jayyam,”

  Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos

  433–36, vol. I (July-August 1986), 37–42.

  “It has everything”:


  García Lorca

  , 196.

  “not a set of rules”:

  “Rubén Darío,” in

  Benét’s Reader’s Encyclopedia

  , ed. Bruce Murphy, 4th ed. (New York: HarperCollins, 1996), 251.

  “Rubén Darío, ‘The Magnificent’”:

  FGL, “Las reglas en la música,”

  El Diario de Burgos

  , August 18, 1917, in OC, IV, 42.

  FGL and his brother recite Hugo dialogue:


  , 49–50; trans. GM, 35.

  FGL drafts siblings into performances:


  , 70; Francisco García Lorca, introduction to FGL,

  Three Tragedies

  , 10; Isabel García Lorca, 15–16; Auclair, 56; author interview with Joaquín Alemán Marín.

  FGL creates altars:


  , 70; Francisco García Lorca, introduction to FGL,

  Three Tragedies

  , 10.

  FGL’s love of disguise:



  , 87–88;

  G, I

  , 186;


  , 124–25.

  Religion in the Lorca home:

  Isabel García Lorca, 17–19; author interview with Isabel García Lorca.

  “We’re not going to that church”:

  Isabel García Lorca, 17.

  “Only stay a little while”:

  Author interview with Isabel García Lorca.

  FGL studies piano:


  , 55–56, 424; Mora Guarnido, 77.

  “took the Holy Orders … passion”:

  EC, 49.

  “No one”:

  FGL, “Las reglas en la música,”

  El Diario de Burgos

  , August 18, 1917, in OC, IV, 42.

  “like a madman”:


  El poeta

  , 10.

  “It wouldn’t be proper”:

  G, I

  , 101.

  “I love you”:

  FGL, “Mi piano,” in OC, IV,



  “a woman who is always asleep” and “she is unpredictable”:

  FGL, “Fray Antonio (Poema raro),” in OC, IV, 756–57.

  “painful song”:

  FGL, “Elogio. Beethoven” (December 20, 1917), in OC, IV, 242.

  FGL begins composing:

  Auclair, 59; OC, IV, 1051–52; Christopher Maurer, “Lorca y las formas de la música,” in

  Soria Olmedo

  , 248–50.

  Antonio Segura Mesa:

  Ian Gibson, “Federico García Lorca, su maestro de música y un artículo olvidado,”


  XXI (1966); Auclair, 58–59; Mora Guarnido, 75–77; Giménez Caballero;


  , 424.

  “Just because I haven’t reached”:

  Mora Guarnido, 75.

  “a saint”:


  Impresiones y paisajes

  (author’s dedication).

  FGL plays piano at Granada Arts Center:



  , 80–81; FGL, “Nota autobiográfica,” OC, III, 306.

  FGL enrolls in University of Granada:

  The Spanish university system at that time allowed students to take preparatory courses in certain disciplines, such as Philosophy and Letters, before completing their secondary school degree. University of Granada Archive, School of Philosophy and Letters records, 201–20, and School of Law and Philosophy and Arts records, 138–13,


  , 93–94.

  FGL expelled from class:


  , 89.

  Paco García Lorca receives university degree:

  University of Granada, General Library, academic record of Francisco García Lorca, nos. 565–67.

  FGL befriends university librarian:

  Mora Guarnido, 145–46.

  FGL meets de los Ríos:

  Fernando de los Ríos, “Fusilaron a F. García Lorca porque él representaba el pensamiento español …”

  La Prensa

  (New York), October 11, 1937, 3.

  “eloquence, wisdom, and honesty”:

  Rodrigo, Memoria, 102.

  “spiritual grandson”:

  Virgilio Zapatero, “Estudio preliminar,” in Fernando de los Ríos,

  Escritos sobre democracia y socialismo

  , ed. Virgilio Zapatero (Madrid: Taurus, 1975), 10–46.

  Fernando de los Ríos:

  University of Granada, General Library, personal records of Fernando de los Ríos, 0169–1;


  , 96; Virgilio Zapatero, “Estudio preliminar,” in Fernando de los Ríos,

  Escritos sobre democracia y socialismo

  , ed. Virgilio Zapatero (Madrid: Taurus, 1975), 10–46; Hernández, introduction to


  , xvii; Rodrigo,


  , 100; author interview with Alvaro Custodio.

  “listen” and “inner voice”:

  Hernández, introduction to


  , xvii.

  De los Ríos encourages FGL:

  Hernández, introduction to


  , xviii;


  , 96; Mora Guarnido, 103–4.

  Paco García Lorca begins writing:


  , 166.

  “I don’t know”:

  Higuera, 186–87. On Don Federico’s frustrations, see also


  , 94–95.

  “The children who were in my grade school”:

  FGL, “Mi escuela,” in OC, IV, 848–49. Christopher Maurer presents an insightful discussion of this issue in his introduction to FGL,

  Collected Poems

  , x-xi.

  “the enormous, mustachioed face,” “life of fun,” and “a true but charitable”:

III, 178; trans. FGL,

  Deep Song

  , 104.

  3. Young Spaniard: 1915–16

  Father blames FGL’s friends and “Why can’t you just”:

  Mora Guarnido, 102–3.

  El Rinconcillo:

  Other members of the group were Constantino Ruiz Carnero, Ramón Pérez de Roda, Juan Cristóbal, and Luis Mariscal.

  Friends send letter:


  , 93–94. The letter was apparently published in

  El Noticiero Granadino

  , but because copies of the newspaper from the relevant years are missing, the specific contents of the letter remain unknown.

  FGL meets José Mora Guarnido:

  Mora Guarnido, 47–48.

  José Mora Guarnido:


  , 92; Rodrigo,


  , 80.

  “Granadan spirit”:

  José Mora Guarnido and Constantino Ruiz Carnero,

  Libro de Granada

  (1915), 18.

  “distant murmur”:

  Mora Guarnido, 48.

  “To my friend Federico García Lorca”:

  Fernández-Montesinos García, “Descripción,” 97.

  “living archive”:

  José A. Muñoz Rojas, “Melchor y Federico en su correspondencia,”


  (Granada), May 29, 1986, 19.

  Angel Ganivet and

  Granada the Beautiful:


  , 126–27; Angel Ganivet,

  Granada la bella

  (Helsinki: 1896), 5, 33.

  “the most illustrious


  Luis Góngora, “Apostillas a una cena de artistas,”

  La Noche

  (Barcelona), December, 24, 1935, in OC, III, 623.

  Generation of

  ’98: Donald L. Shaw,

  The Generation of

  1898 in Spain (London and Tonbridge: Ernest Benn, 1975); Brenan,




  Ward, 238–39; Auclair, 40–42;


  , 126.

  Rinconcillo’s campaign to reform Granada:

  See, for example, Rodrigo,


  , 141, citing correspondence from José Mora Guarnido to Melchor Fernández Almagro, Casa de los Tiros Archive, Granada. On the group’s activities, see


  , 145–46;


  , 128, 148–49, 130–31.

  FGL resigns from Arts Center and “direction”:

  Together with Paquito Soriano, Melchor Fernández Almagro, and Antonio Gallego Burín, FGL signed a letter of resignation dated September 19, 1918 (Centro Artístico Archive, Granada).

  FGL meets Berrueta:


  , 90–92.

  “lazy atmosphere”:

  El Diario de Burgos

  , November 4, 1916, 1.

  Martín Domínguez Berrueta:

  University of Granada Archive, personal records of Martin Domínguez Berrueta, 673–6;


  , 90; María Cruz Ebro,

  Memoria de una burgalesa

  , 1885–1931 (Burgos: Diputación Provincial, 1952), 227–28;

  G, I

  , 104–5;


  1 (Granada), June 1916, 3–4.

  “cheap histrionics”:

  Mora Guarnido, 83.

  Berrueta’s semi-annual expeditions:

  Cano, 25;

  G, I

  , 114.

  “know and love Spain!”:

  El Diario de Burgos, November 4, 1916, 1.

  Berrueta’s selection of travelers:

  Mora Guarnido, 85–86.

  “For the first time”:

  Martínez Nadal, introduction to FGL,


  , ix.

  Berrueta expedition, June,

  1916: “Para los anales”;

  G, I

  , 114.

  FGL keeps notes:

  FGL, “Fres-del-val” and other juvenilia ([1916–1917]), in FGL,

  Prosa inédita

  , 463–88.

  “Here among these golden stones” and “solemn black chord”:


  Impresiones y paisajes

  , 136, and OC, IV, 110–15.

  FGL reads impressions to Rinconcillo:

  Camilo José Cela,

  La rueda de los ocios

  (Barcelona: Editorial Mateu [Colección La Pluma. Autores españoles.], 1957), 243, citing Melchor Fernández Almagro.

  Segura Mesa’s death:

  La Gaceta del Sur

  (Granada) May 27,1916;

  Defensor de Granada

  , May 31, 1916.

  Don Federico refuses to let FGL study in Paris:

  Auclair, 59;

  G, I

  , 112; Arciniegas.

  “Since his parents”:

  FGL, “Nota autobiográfica,” OC, III, 306. In this 1930 document, FGL remarks, “The poet’s life in Granada, until the year 1917, was dedicated exclusively to music.”

  “Never in poetry”:


  FGL meets Machado:

  “Para los anales”;

  G, I

  , 115–16;

  Noticiero Granadino

  , June 15, 1916, 1;


  , 91; Rafael Lainez Alcala, “Recuerdo de Antonio Machado en Baeza (1914–1918),” in Antonio Chicharro Chamorro, ed.,

  Antonio Machado y Baeza a través de la crítica

  (Baeza: Universidad de verano de Baeza [Cursos internacionales de la Universidad de Granada], 1983), 56; Miguel Angel Baamonde, “Antonio Machado y Domínguez Berrueta. Ensayo a torno a un trabajo desconocido de Antonio Machado,”

  Insula 269

  (April 1969), 1, 12.

  Antonio Machado:

  Ward, 348–49; Antonio Chicharro Chamorro, ed.,

  Antonio Machado y Baeza a través de la crítica

  , 11–93; Moreno Villa, 89; Alberti,

  La arboleda perdida

  , 220; Antonio Machado,

  Selected Poems

  , trans. Alan S. Trueblood (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982), 88–91.

  FGL inscribes poem:


  Collected Poems

  776–81. FGL signed his name “Federico García Lorca, 7 August 1918”; the book in question belonged to Antonio Gallego Burín (Antonio Gallego Morell, “Cuando Federico leyó a Machado,”

  La Estafeta Literaria

  [November 15, 1944], 25.

  Second Berrueta expedition, October

  1916: University of Granada Archive, personal records of Martín Domínguez Berrueta, 673–76; trip itinerary, AFFGL; “Para los anales.”

  “all red, all kneaded,” “full of melancholy,” and “There were few”:


  Impresiones y paisajes

  , 18–23, in OC, IV, 54–57.

  FGL describes visit to cloister, “took photographs,” and “everything the Saint”:


  , 29–30.

  Mariscal and FGL appear before Ávila public and “young musician”:

  “En el Instituto,”

  El Diario de Avila

  , October 20, 1916, 1.

  FGL copies article:

  FGL to parents (October 20, 1916), AFFGL.

  FGL receives similar notices:

  In Santiago, FGL was hailed as a “disciple” of the composer Enrique Granados (

  Diario de Galicia

  [Santiago de Compostela], October 27, 1916);

  G, I

  , 121.

  “But I’m stronger”:


  , 31.

  FGL asks father for money:


  , 31, 35.

  “I’m in Salamanca”:


  , 32.

��an eighteen-year-old boy”:


  , 31.

  FGL meets Unamuno:

  “Para los anales.”

  “not only of Salamanca”:

  Antonio Machado,

  Cartas a Miguel de Unamuno

  , ed. José Ramon Arana (Mexico: Ediciones Monegros, 1957), 21.

  FGL recommends Unamuno’s work:


  , 52–53.

  FGL inscribes poem in


  Manuel Fernández-Montesinos, “Lorca y Unamuno: nuevos datos,”


  (Granada) May 29,1987,11.

  Miguel de Unamuno:

  Martin Nozick,

  Miguel de Unamuno

  (New York: Twayne, 1971), 32; Ward, 583; Donald L. Shaw,

  The Generation of

  1898 in Spain (London and Tonbridge: Ernest Benn, 1975), 41–74.

  “serene intuition”:

  Donald L. Shaw,

  The Generation of 1898

  in Spain, 42–47.

  “One year since”:


  Federico García Lorca, heterodoxo y mártir

  , 150; see also


  , 160.

  “Think of it”:

  Antonio Machado,

  Selected Poems

  , trans. Alan S. Trueblood, 145.

  4. Crucible: 1917–18

  FGL writes at night:

  FM, 160. See also “The Night,” a 1917 poem in which FGL describes the “silence of night” (OC, IV, 234); he signed this poem at dawn (FGL,

  Poesía inédita

  , 62).

  “Another day … growing light”:

  FGL, “Mística que se trata de una angustia suprema que no se borra nunca,” in OC, IV, 564.

  “Am I to blame”:

  FGL, “Meditación apasionada y sentimental,” OC, IV, 656, trans. Maurer, introduction to FGL,

  Collected Poems, xxv


  “strange opinions”:

  Higuera Rojas, 38. On FGL’s unkempt appearance see Mora Guarnido, 105; also author interview with Vicente López.

  FGL’s use of music in early writing:

  Maurer, “Sobre la prosa temprana,” 14–18;


  , 158; Maurer, introduction to FGL,

  Prosa inédita


  Influence of Darío:

  Many scholars have written about Darío’s influence on FGL; see, for instance, Francisco Umbral,

  Lorca, poeta maldito

  , 43; J. B. Trend,

  Lorca and the Spanish Poetic Tradition

  , 4;

  G, I

  , 210, 214; FM, 162; Río, “El poeta Federico García Lorca,” 178.

  “delightful bad taste”:

  OC, III, 230.

  “When will my carnal calvary” and “my spirit … sacrifice of semen”:

  FGL, “[¿Qué hay detrás de mí …?],” in OC, IV, 649.

  “lips that burn”:

  FGL, “Canciones de besos al estilo de Oriente,” in OC, IV, 674.

  FGL writes dialogue between Sappho and Plato:

  FGL, “El poema de la carne. Nostalgia olorosa y ensoñadora,” in OC, IV, 693–95.


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