Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them

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Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them Page 1

by Cindy J. Kelley

  ”Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them”


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  ”Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them”

  By Cindy. J. Kelley


  Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them

  Copyright 2013 Cindy J. Kelley

  All rights reserved, including the rights to reproduce this work, in whole or in part, in any form.

  This is the work of fiction. All characters, events, locations, organizations and products depicted herein are either a product of the author’s imagination, or used fictitiously.

  Chapter One

  Abigail sat at her desk concentrating on the last paragraph of her newest novel, “The Pirate’s Lady by Abigail Kincaid”. She glanced at the clock on her desk and knew she had at least twenty minutes before Mark came to pick her up for their date. She didn’t exactly care for the opera that he invited her to go to, but it was easier to go along with whatever plans Mark made for them. It was easier than to listen to his lectures about how she needed to get out more and have fun. It wasn’t exactly her idea of having fun but he rarely liked her suggestions and she was willing to make the best of it as she always did.

  She reread the last couple of paragraphs she had typed earlier in her novel and then wrote the last paragraph. Sylvia never thought it was possible to feel such a strong love for another human being but she did. She would give her life for David, her pirate love. She would sell her soul to the devil himself to always be right here in his arms as she was now. The ships crew could be heard by the two lovers as they readied the ship to sail. David and Sylvia didn’t know what new adventures they would face but they knew they would face them together, forever until the end of time. The End. “Finished!” Abigail said with a big smile. She breathed a sigh of relief. She saved her writing program on a CD and decided she’d mail it to her publisher the next morning.

  Abigail couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t fantasize about living in the day in age when there were pirates. She always held a fascination for pirates particularly. When she was a young teenager she read every pirate romance novel she could get her hands on. She wasn’t sure where the obsession came from, she only knew that she loved the era and she loved the romantic idea of being captured by a pirate and falling in love and living happily ever after.

  She wrote her first novel when she was nineteen years old. She smiled as she recalled the title. “The Pirate’s Lure by Abigail Kincaid”. That was over ten years ago. She got extremely lucky and found a publisher that was interested in her book and she sold over a million copies. She had written six novels since then including the one she just finished.

  Abigail went into the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of coffee. She carried it into the living room and sat down and sipped on it. She sat there lost in her thoughts about her latest book and sighed wistfully. Oh, how I wish I could have a pirate lover like in my books! She thought as she took another sip of her coffee. She giggled to herself at her lusty thoughts.

  She thought about Mark and her relationship with him and frowned. They had met a year earlier at one of her book signings. She thought of how hard of a time she gave him when he stepped up to the table she was sitting at. He held her book in his hands and handed it to her to sign. But he wouldn’t let go of it when she reached out to take it from him. How arrogant! She had thought at the time. She tugged on the book and he said, “I’ll let you sign it if you give me your phone number.” That should have been clue number one, how arrogant he was. But at the time, she really had no clue. And besides, his smile warmed her heart and she couldn’t help but be attracted to his good looks and confidence. She laughed out loud at his audacity then wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. Only then did he release the book so she could sign it.

  Abigail glanced at the clock on her livingroom wall. Mark was almost an hour late. She suspected for awhile that he was cheating on her and she furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about it. She took another sip of her coffee then sat it down on the end table next to her. Her cell phone started to ring and she jumped up and ran to her diningroom table where it was sitting. She flipped the phone open and put it to her ear.

  “Hello?” She said in a breathless voice.

  “Abigail? Hi, I just wanted to call and apologize for not keeping our date. I’m so sorry dear.” She heard Mark’s voice say in a casual tone.

  “I swear Mark, I’ve had it! Seriously, I don’t know why you even bother anymore with us!” She said in a hurtful voice. She knew he wasn’t sorry, in fact she had a gut instinct that he was lying...again. “What’s your excuse this time Mark? Why can’t you just be honest and tell me the truth? Oh that’s right, because you’re a lawyer that’s right!” She said and then started to cry. Don’t cry Abigail, don’t cry! Don’t give him the satisfaction! She told herself but the tears came anyway. Why can’t you be like the heroes in my books?

  “It’s not my fault dear, please don’t cry. I’ll make up for it, I promise. I’m at the office still, I don’t even know how long all this is going to take. I hate being a lawyer sometimes, it sucks.” Mark said apologetically.

  Abigail paused and tried to collect herself. She felt her mascara running down her cheeks and she wiped at her eyes in frustration. “Whatever Mark.’ She said sadly, knowing their relationship was over now. He hadn’t even bothered to deny he was cheating. “Don’t call me again.” She said in a choked up voice.

  “Please don’t be that way. I’ll call you tomorrow dear, I have to go now.” Mark pleaded then he hung up the phone on his end. Abigail pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the blank dead screen. He hung up! She thought with disgust. What a cad! She almost laughed at the thought. That’s what her pirate hero in her books would say.

  Abigail snapped her phone shut and tossed it on the couch cushion next to her then stood up. Next to her coffee cup was a box of tissues and she grabbed a few and headed towards her bedroom. She walked into her bedroom and threw herself on her bed and gave in to her tears. She grabbed her pillow and hugged it close to her face as the tears flowed. “Why me? Why do I always pick a man who treats me like shit?” She yelled into the pillow. “I don’t deserve this!” She dabbed at her eyes and cried her heart out.

  Chapter Two

  The evening lights of New Orleans sparkled like stars in the clear night, the full moon seemed to be settled over the city reflecting on The Gulf of Mexico, the major coastal port adding to it’s dazzling ambiance.

  Devon’s ethereal being walked along the sidewalk unobserved by the people that walked past and through him. He was so used to exploring in this fashion that he barely paid any attention to the passing people as they went about their daily lives. He would sometimes glimpse a certain feeling from someone and he would pause and look back as they passed through him to see what their aura looked like. None so far had never matched his own. Disappointment usually followed if he felt an attraction to a woman but he knew from experience that none so far could see him or communicate with him.

  Devon had traveled all over the world over the past three hundred years but he always ended up back to New Orleans, where he was from originally.

  When he was in China a sh
ort time ago, he felt the strong urge to return home. He’d never felt such a strong urge before and he immediately got on a ship to sail home. He was familiar with the city, the salty scent of the ocean brought back so many good memories. He was witness to much of New Orlean’s progress through time. It seemed every time he returned home the place had changed somewhat. New buildings were built, old ones were torn down. The progress through time took it’s toll on his city but it still held that special excitement and contentment for him no matter how much had changed.

  He came upon a big fancy apartment building where a doorman stood before it’s double glass doors. The doorman was sharply dressed and wore an expression of importance on his stern face. Devon walked up to him and stood right in front of him, almost nose to nose. He smiled when the guards expression didn’t change whatsoever but looked through him to the busy traffic walking by. Devon walked right through his body and he didn’t notice the guard turn his head around as he felt a cold chill pass through him. Devon walked through the glass doors and stood in the lobby and looked around.

  Devon looked over to a young couple that were seated side by side on a settee. They were engaged in a heated but low tone conversation. He walked over and sat down in a chair opposite from them and crossed his legs and sat back. He couldn’t count the times he would listen in on people’s conversations. Through all his years of exploring and searching, he learned much about human nature and was fascinated being an observer.

  Wouldn’t they be shocked to see a pirate ghost sitting in their midst? He thought. He chuckled as he looked over at the vast wall to his left that was completely made of mirrors. He saw his reflection sitting in the chair that nobody else could see. His long black hair hung to his shoulders. When he was alive, women would swoon over his handsome good looks. He grinned into his reflection, his masculine lips parted to show perfectly white teeth, his eyes were the bluest blue. He wore a white blousy shirt that was unbuttoned down to his midriff that showed off his muscular chest. His shirt was tucked loosely into snug black pants. His feet were encased in black leather boots that reached up to his mid calf.

  Devon turned his attention back to the young couple and listened to their conversation.

  “Mark, I don’t care what you say, I’m going to tell her!” The woman said heatedly to the man holding her hand next to her. She pulled her hand from his in anger. “If you don’t tell Abigail then I will!”

  The woman was dressed in a long red evening gown. Diamonds glittered in her ears and around her neck hung a heavy diamond necklace that sparkled as it sat nuzzled right above her heaving ample cleavage. Her long black hair was piled up on her head stylishly with pen curls that hung loose around her very pretty face. Even as angry as she was, her beauty was classic. He knew by her mannerisms that she was the elite class and was use to getting her own way. Her aura was pale green, not anything like his violet aura.

  The man reached out to clasp her hand again but she would have none of that and Devon smiled. Give him Hell lady. He thought with slight amusement.

  Devon took a good look at the man. He was wearing a tuxedo with a black tie. He had short blondish brown hair and a neatly trimmed mustache. His expression was one of exasperation and again Devon smiled at the man’s uncomfortable and obvious position. “Please Candice, I do plan on telling Abigail it’s over between us. But not tonight. I wouldn’t want to disrupt her writing, she’s almost finished with her newest novel.” He said to the angry woman as if to explain his way out of trouble.

  The woman rose up to leave but the man stood up also and grabbed her hand and brought it to his chest to hold it there against his heart. “Let’s just go to the opera as planned darling and tomorrow I’ll tell her. I promise.” He lifted her hand up to kiss it and she jerked it away.

  “No! You go to the opera if you want, I’m leaving!” She turned and stalked away towards the double doors and he didn’t try to stop her.

  Devon was about to stand up and wander around again when the man sat back down and reached inside his pocket for his cell phone. Devon always marveled at the new technologies that existed and how most people took such progress for granted. The man dialed a number and put the phone to his ear.

  “Abigail? Hi, I just wanted to call and apologize for not keeping our date. I’m so sorry dear.” The man said suavely into the phone. Devon’s eyes slitted in disgust as he listened to the one sided conversation. Devon watched Mark roll his eyes upward as if exasperated that he were the one that should be upset his plans went array. Devon wished he could hear what the woman was saying to him.

  “It’s not my fault dear, please don’t cry. I’ll make up for it, I promise. I’m at the office still, I don’t even know how long all this is going to take. I hate being a lawyer sometimes, it sucks.” There was a long pause. “Please don’t be that way Abigail. I’ll call you tomorrow dear, I have to go now.” Devon watched as the man closed his phone, stood up again and rushed towards the double glass doors. Apparently to chase after the women in the red dress that had stormed out.

  Chapter Three

  Devon rose up from the chair dismissing the young couple from his mind. He walked towards a set of metallic golden doors across the room and stood in front of it. A bell chimed and the elevator doors opened up and several people stepped out and walked through him as he walked in. The doors closed and he reached over to the panel and concentrated until his hand became more solid and he pushed a random floor button. The elevator hissed quietly as it lifted and rose up to take him to the eleventh floor.

  When the elevator stopped, the doors opened and he stepped out. He glanced down in both directions and saw many apartment doors. He started walking down the corridor to his left.

  He remembered only the night before when he docked, he visited the main harbor in New Orleans. It had a familiar feeling to him and it reminded him of the twenty seven years he spent there when he was alive. The harbor was situated at the Gulf of Mexico’s port of entry where he would often dock his ship. He had wandered around as he did many times and marveled at how much had changed over the years. But what hadn’t changed for him was the familiar scents and atmosphere of the busy port. New Orleans was his home.

  Devon was passing a door on his right when he felt a strong urge to pause. He listened closely and heard a woman’s soft sobbing coming from behind the door. The woman’s crying tugged at his heartstrings so he walked through the door to see. He glanced around at the tidy living room. Whoever lives here has excellent taste. He thought. It had a very feminine and homey feel about it. There was a half empty coffee cup sitting on an end table next to a brown leather couch with an open book laying next to it and a box of tissue. A few lit candles glowed throughout the room, the light fragrance of vanilla reached his nostrils. The beautiful marble fireplace caught his eye and he walked over to it. He looked at the photographs sitting on the mantel in various frames. The same woman was in several pictures. In all the pictures she wore a beautiful happy smile. She had beautiful long blonde hair and an almost angelic face. He looked at her eyes, they were the most beautiful violet eyes he’d ever seen.

  In one picture the woman was a young girl hugging a smiling man with graying hair. Devon assumed it was a photo of her and her father, she had his smile. It looked like they were standing on a boat, the ocean was in the background. In another picture was the same woman about eighteen wearing a graduation cap and gown holding her diploma proudly as she smiled into the camera. Another picture was a photograph of a woman that was at least in her fifties. Obviously it was the young woman’s mother, the resemblance was uncanny. They had the same blonde hair and beautiful eyes and face structure. In another picture that looked most recent was the same young woman but she was maybe in her late twenties.

  Devon turned his head towards a small hallway where the crying was coming from and he walked towards it. At the end of the hall to the right was an open doorway, the light shined out into the dark hall. He walked to the room and paused in the doorway

  He looked towards the bed, a woman laid on the bed crying softly into her pillow. She was turned on her side, her face away from the door so he couldn’t see her face. Her long blonde hair was hanging loose and settled on the dark rose colored comforter that covered her bed. Devon’s eyes scanned over her body and his heart quickened at her beautiful black velvet gown that accentuated her shapely rear end. He could tell she was dabbing at her eyes with a tissue and sniffling even though she was faced away from him.

  He looked over to a large desk sitting in the corner to the right and he walked over to it. On the desk was a laptop computer that showed a writing program opened and words were typed out. There was a large cup with a chip in it that held various pens and pencils. Sticky notes with scribblings on them stuck around various places, reminders of something she needed to do. He looked up to the wall above the desk, it was a wall mounted bookshelf with books on it. He leaned in to peer closer to some of the titles. “Pirate Amour by Abigail Kincaid”. “The Pirate’s Treasure by Abigail Kincaid.” Devon arched his eyebrow when he read the titles. Interesting. He thought. “Love’s Deathly Trap by Abigail Kincaid.” One of the books was propped up with the cover showing a pirate that uncannily looked like himself holding a beautiful blonde haired woman in his arms. “A Pirate’s Piercing Love by Abigail Kincaid.”

  Devon glanced over to the bed at the woman again. Her sobs had quieted. He felt a strong urge to touch her, to comfort her. He knew this was the Abigail the couple downstairs were talking about in their conversation.

  He’d never felt the desire to touch a woman like this before. Not with anyone he had ever encountered in all his years wandering. As if he had no self control, he stepped closer and bent over and laid a hand on her shoulder. He felt vibrations spark up his arm at the contact and he was taken aback, not only at the sudden emotion it made him feel but because he felt her solidness. What? He thought as he began to unconsciously rub her shoulder. He knew she couldn’t feel his touch but he let his hand linger as he marveled at the new sensation.


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