Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them

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Ghostly Realm - Not Even Death Could Separate Them Page 4

by Cindy J. Kelley

  “Dev, will you tell me about your brother now?” She asked him.

  Devon kissed her soft lips when she tilted her face up to his.“Okay Abby.” He said. “My brother Eric and I are half brothers. We share the same father but we have different mothers. I didn’t even know of my brother Eric’s existence or that I was my fathers bastard son until my father lay dying on his deathbed when I was twenty years old.” Devon began.

  “My father was from Norway and was a viking Lord of a castle but he traveled all over the world on his pirate ship and was rarely there. That’s how he made his fortune. It was on his death bed that he told me that he had a wife named Lynessa and a son named Eric who lived in Norway.”

  Abigail sat transfixed with fascination as Devon told his story.

  “My mother and father fell in love when they met in New Orleans and he got her with child, me. She would tell me stories of my father when I was growing up and I knew him as a fierce yet kind and loving man. He procured a little cottage for my mother on the outskirts of New Orleans and even when he wasn’t around, he made sure that her and I were taken care of financially.”

  Devon stood up and walked over to the little table against the wall and poured himself a cup of hot tea that Abigail had made. Her eyes followed him to the table and she smiled as he poured the tea with his powerful hands and remembered how they felt on her body and she felt herself blush.

  Abigail cleared her throat. “Did you see your father often when you were a boy?” She asked.

  Devon walked back to the couch and sat down and took a sip of tea. He placed the cup on his thigh and continued. “Whenever he had business in New Orleans every year, he would spend about a month with me and my mother. The year I was twelve, my mother died of consumption. I was alone for nearly a year before my father came back to visit. He didn’t want to leave me there alone so he took me with him.”Devon chuckled. “Boy, did I grow up fast!” He said as he remembered fondly the adventures he had with his father.

  Abigail took a sip of her tea and remained quiet as she rested her cup on her thigh again.

  “Mind you, I had never been on a ship before. I had only dreamed of someday being a pirate like my father. I would wander down to the docks even as a young boy and watch the men work unloading ships. I would beg for work and most of the time I’d get paid a coin to help unload crates or do whatever they needed. But anyway, even though I was grieved when my mother died, I was also excited that my father loved and cared about me enough to take me with him. He could have easily abandoned me but he didn’t.” Devon said proudly as thoughts of his father filled his voice with emotion.

  Abigail was trying to picture what Devon looked like as a twelve year old boy and imagined what he was like. A boy on the verge of becoming a man, a boy not afraid of hard work and needing a father to guide him into manhood. Devon had paused talking, a look of reflection on his face as he thought back to the time when his father was alive. He had never spoken of these things to anyone before and even though it had been over three hundred years since he’d been dead, it felt good to have somebody to talk to.

  “When your father took you with him, is that when you met your brother?” Abigail asked. She wanted him to keep talking. She loved the sound of his deep voice, it soothed her in a way that made her heart melt.

  “Oh no. My father never talked to me about his life in Norway or the family he had there. I don’t even think my mother knew of his family in Norway, if she did, she never told me of it. I had heard rumors from other shipmates but nobody talked of it to speak of. Looking back, I realized that my father must have ordered his men not to tell me of his family in Norway. I understand now my father’s reasoning, but of course at the time of his death, it was a shock to me.” Devon said as he continued. “My father and I sailed to many ports during the time I spent with him on his ship, but we never traveled to Norway. I questioned him only once when I was about eighteen years old why he never took me to Norway to see his castle and to see the place he came from. He adamantly refused and I never questioned him again. I figured he had his reasons.”

  Devon shook his head slowly, remembering as if it were only yesterday. “When my father lay on his deathbed on the ship, I was at his side. I knew he was dying and so did he. The sword wound was deep and had pierced his heart, so he only had moments before he would be gone. He told me to get his wooden box from under his bed and I did. He always kept it locked, so I didn’t know what was in it. My father pulled a corded necklace from his neck that had a key dangling on it and he handed it to me. He told me to open the chest and to hurry before he died.” Devon cleared his throat again as emotion choked him up.

  Abigail had tears running down her cheeks as she listened. She felt Devon’s grief as he told her of the last moments of his father’s life and she swallowed the lump that was in her throat. Thoughts of her own father’s death brought back painful memories and she wiped her tears away with her hand and listened as Devon started to talk again.

  But, instead of continuing, Devon glanced at Abigail and saw the tears running down her cheeks. He was so engrossed in telling her about his father that he didn’t realize how it might effect her. He reached out to take her hand in his and gave a gentle squeeze. “Are you alright? I can finish later if you want.” He said with concern.

  Abigail gently squeezed his hand back and wiped away a tear with her other hand. “No, please tell me Dev. It’s just very emotional but I want to hear all of it.” She said with determination.

  Devon settled back a little bit and kept Abigail’s hand in his and cleared his throat again. Every so often he would unconsciously rub her hand with his thumb and Abigail’s heart felt like it would leap out of her chest at the intimate contact. Devon continued his story. “I opened the box and saw there were papers inside. Documents and a map. I lifted them out and glanced at them. I’m leaving my castle, my estates and my ship to you son. I don’t want THEM to have any of it! He told me in a raspy fading voice. I put the papers down when he started to cough up blood and his final words to me were. There’s a map to a hidden treasure that I hid years ago, I want you to have it. It was always meant for you and your mother. I loved you both more than life itself. There was a long pause and I thought he had died but then he said lastly, Tell my wife Lynessa and my son Eric...tell them...that I’ll see Hell! And then he was gone.” Devon said quietly.

  Abigail remained quiet until she felt Devon squeeze her hand again and he gazed at her with pain filled eyes. “Lynessa and Eric, they were your father’s wife and son in Norway.” She said even knowing what the obvious truth was. “And until that moment, your father never talked of their existence? Wow. I wonder why your father never told you that information long before he died?” Abigail asked the question out loud.

  “At the time I was in shock. I buried my father at sea and for over six months I roamed around with no clear path to follow. It wasn’t until my ship was attacked and I nearly lost it that I gave a thought to the documents.” Devon said.

  Devon continued. “I went to Norway and arrived at the castle that my father had bequeathed to me. I know this may sound odd but I did not want my father’s castle, his title or his estates. I had father’s ship and the treasure, that was enough for me. I wasn’t from Norway, I didn’t want to live in Norway and had no intentions of making a home there.” He looked at Abigail’s and saw her smile.

  “That doesn’t sound odd to me at all Dev. You wanted your father’s wife Lynessa and his rightful heir Eric to have your father’s castle, title and estates. Right?” She asked.

  “Yes Abby. I know my father must have had his reasons for leaving all he had to me but I could not accept it in good conscience.” Devon said. A look of exasperation came into his expression and he continued in a somewhat subdued tone. “I went into the castle alone, with the documents on me and announced myself to a guard. Without question, the guard lead me to the main hall where my brother and his mother sat side by side on thrones.”
r />   Abigail listened enthralled as she listened. She visualized everything so perfectly, it felt as if she were right there with him as he told her everything that happened.

  Devon went on. “I stood before them and told them who I was. I pulled the papers from inside my shirt where they were tucked away and held them out to Eric. I said, Our father had bequeathed all that he owned to me on his deathbed six months ago but I feel it was only right that I give them to his rightful heir. I release any claim to his title, his castle and his estates. Eric slowly stood up and stomped down the few steps to me and snatched the documents from my hand. If looks could kill, I would have died right there that moment. Eric’s hatred of me was fierce to behold but I stood my ground and put my hand on the hilt of my sword. When Eric sat back down on the throne, his mother tried to speak but he gripped her arm hard and twisted it to silence her and I looked into her face. It was contorted with rage and hatred too as she glared at me. I looked again at Eric, he resembled me very little. He had red hair like his mother. He was at least a foot shorter than me and he was stocky although muscular, it was obvious he ate very well and was a lazy sort. His long red hair and full beard and mustache were unkempt and messy. His eyes were dark blue, so dark they appeared black.” Devon looked at Abigail, she was staring off into space as if in a trance. Only when he stopped talking did she notice and her eyes were drawn to his.

  “And then what happened?” She asked in a mesmerized voice.

  Devon nodded slightly and continued. “Well, then Eric spoke. You! The bastard son of our father, have the gall to come here to MY castle and GIVE me what is rightfully mine? He raised his head up and laughed in a loud roar then looked back down at me and stood up. You! He pointed to me. The offspring of a tavern whore who beguiled my father, bewitched him with her wily slutty ways DARE to come before me, Lord Eric of Norway and tell me that you don’t covet all my riches, all my lands, my title, my castle? He drew his sword and I drew mine. Lynessa hissed loudly, Kill him son! He charged down the steps with a mighty roar and the fight began. He was cumbersome and clumsy in his movements so the battle was not long and it wasn’t very hard to knock his sword from his hands and he lay at my feet with my blade at his throat. Lynessa rushed down the steps screaming with a dagger raised high in the air. Do not kill my son! She screamed wildly as she jumped on my back and plunged her dagger into my shoulder. I instinctively reached up with my other arm and grabbed her by the throat and slung her away forcefully. I felt her neck snap and knew she was dead. Eric struggled underneath me and I dug my sword tip into his neck and said to him. I came here in peace, to give you the documents our father gave me. I want none of it, do you understand?, none of it! I rose up releasing him and he rushed over to his mother’s dead body. He glared at me and said, You will pay for this Devon! I will hunt you down until you are dead! I didn’t reply, I turned and left. A year later I encountered Eric’s pirate ship and we had a fierce battle. Many of our men died on both sides and when the battle was turning in my favor my brother came up behind me and ran his sword through my back and up through my heart...killing me.” Devon finished with a sigh. “A most cowardly way to kill a man.”

  Abigail felt so overwhelmed and sorry for what happened she hugged Devon and he embraced her back. “I’m glad you’re a ghost Dev. I can’t bare to think that I could lose you someday.” She said compassionately.

  Devon chuckled and hugged her closer. “I’m not going anywhere Abby.”

  Abigail covered her mouth with her hand and yawned.

  “You better get some sleep love.” Devon said.

  “Do you sleep Dev?” She asked him curiously.

  “No, I don’t sleep but I do rest. I grow weary sometimes and I usually go to the cottage my mother and I lived in. That’s where I usually stay when I’m here in New Orleans.” Devon said.

  Abigail didn’t want him to leave. “You can rest here with me if you want Dev. Would you stay?” She asked.

  Devon stood up and took her by the hand and pulled her up on her feet. “Come on, let’s go lay down. You need some sleep and I need some rest.” He said with a smile.

  They walked back to Abigail’s bedroom and they climbed into bed and got under the covers and Devon took her in his arms and she laid her head on his chest. She moved her hand over his chest and sighed with contentment and soon drifted off to sleep. Devon smile and closed his eyes to rest, her sweet little snores soothed him.

  Chapter Nine

  Devon and Abigail spent a lot of time together the past few days secluded in her apartment. It was hard for them to be apart for very long. They made love and talked about their lives. They felt a familiarity with each other that came natural and they both felt they’d always been together. Neither of them could imagine a time they lived without the other. It was late afternoon and they were thinking about getting out and doing something.

  “Dev, can you take me to the house where you grew up?” Abigail asked excitedly. She wanted to see where he lived as a boy.

  “Sure, I’d like that.” Devon said with fondness. “It’s run down but it’s still beautiful to me.”

  Abigail drove them the few miles outside of New Orleans where he use to live.

  “See that dirt road up there to the right? Turn there.” Devon said as he pointed at the almost hidden road. Tall trees lined both sides of the secondary highway they drove down and Abigail slowed the car down and turned right on a narrow road.

  “Are we close now?” She asked, growing more excited.

  “We’re getting closer so don’t drive too fast, it’s easy to miss the road that leads up to the house.” Devon said as he watched for the opening.

  Abigail drove a couple of miles and then Devon pointed to the left. “There, in between those two big trees.” He said.

  Abigail slowed down and turned the car into the overgrown dirt road that was between the two big trees Devon pointed to. The road was bumpy so she drove slow. Tall trees lined both sides of the long narrow winding road and then finally they came to a clearing and Abigail stopped the car. In front of them was an old small cottage that was once white but was now covered in pretty Irish moss. The roof was covered in the soft moss and parts of the house itself. Wild roses grew in the front of the house, they were in full bloom.

  “Oh Dev, it’s beautiful!” Abigail exclaimed as she shut her car off and opened the door and stepped out. Devon got out too and walked around to take Abigail’s hand and they walked up to the front of the house. The path was almost completely overgrown but they stepped through it easily as they came up to the front door. Devon reached out and turned the handle of the door and gave a mighty shove and the door creaked open.

  They stepped inside and immediately Abigail gasped in awe. She glanced around the small living room, the furniture was old and rotted mostly. A large fireplace was on one wall directly in front of them, moss grew in the interior and it gave it an almost fairy home kind of feeling she thought. “I can tell it was once very homey and beautiful Dev.” Abigail said as she started to walk around. She felt like she stepped back in time. She saw a door to the left and stood in the doorway and glanced inside. Devon walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist and peered inside too. “This was my room.” He said.

  Abigail walked in and Devon smiled as he released his hands from her waist. “There’s not much to see Abby.” He said with a smile.

  She walked over to a bed that was still standing and sturdy. The mattress was long deteriorated by time. She visualized a young boy sleeping in the bed and tears formed in her eyes. She sniffled and dabbed at her tears and turned to look at Devon. “Wow, you use to sleep here when you were just a little boy.” She said wistfully.

  Devon smiled and walked to her and took her in his embrace. “That was long, long ago. I remember laying here and I would listen to my mother humming in the next room as she did her sewing.” He said in a faraway tone. He snapped out of the memories that tried to choke him. “Want to walk down to the beach? It�
�s not far from here, just down a little path.” He asked her.

  “Yes, I’d like that Dev.” She said and they walked outside.

  Devon led Abigail down a small path towards the secluded beach down a ways from the cottage. They walked out onto the soft sand barefoot, hand in hand. The Mississippi River shimmered in the setting sun and the city lights across the water reflected on the far side of it’s surface. The narrow beach was hidden by most people because of its location and was very private. Dense woods spanned out along the beach for a few miles in both directions. The water appeared calm but it was in constant motion, the sound of water slapping against the rocks and sand was music to their ears.

  Abigail glanced back at the little hidden path they just walked out of and smiled as she swung her and Devon’s hand back and forth as they leisurely walked. “Back in the day honey, your home was very pretty.” She said as they walked along the beach. “I’m glad you took me there and showed me where you use to live.”

  Devon smiled and stopped, Abigail’s arm extended out behind her at his sudden pause. She turned around and he pulled her around and wrapped his arms around her. “It was my pleasure my dear.” He said as he picked her up and twirled her around.

  Abigail laughed joyously as Devon swung her around in his powerful arms and she gripped them with her hands. His powerful muscles rippled underneath her touch and she grew breathless.

  Devon stopped suddenly and lowered her down onto her feet. She laughed lightly and smiled warmly up at him as she released her hands from him reluctantly. Devon had grown very still and was looking out at the water and she followed his gaze to the water and then looked back at him. “Are you ok honey? Dev, what’s wrong?” She asked concerned. She had a dreadful feeling even though she had no idea what was happening.

  Devon took his arm and pushed her behind him in a protective manner. “Be still!” He commanded harshly.


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