of self, 206-10
thin slices, 35-6
of time, 42-51
top-down processing, 34
performance, theory of, 38
Perot, Phanor, 88
Perry, Campbell, 124
Petrella, Bob, 87
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14
phantom recollective experiences, 80
photographic memory, 90-2
photographs, 180-2, 207-10
phubbing, 195
pineal gland, 56
place cells, 69
planning fallacy, 43
plasticity, 57-8, 213
police, 135-7, 138, 140-1, 143, 148-9, 218-25, 231, 254
and groupiness, 203
identification, 148-9
interview techniques, 170, 222-5, 235
psychological biases, 136-7, 138, 140-1, 143, 149
super-recognisers, use of, 148-9
Porter, Stephen, 34, 161, 164, 171, 174
post-event information, 198
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 103-4, 162, 176, 185, 226
potentially traumatic experiences (PTEs), 184-6
Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 202
prefrontal cortex, 9
priming, 132-3
Princeton University, 7, 190
prions, 62
prisoners of war, 175-7
Pronin, Emily, 141-3
propaganda, 130-1
prosopagnosia, 147-8
prospective memory, 44-6, 143-7
pruning, 16-18, 117, 119
psycho-phone, 118-19, 123
psychoanalysis, 19, 228-33
psychological biases, 44-6, 136-47, 149-51, 157-8, 167-8, 206-10, 237, 243, 254
asymmetric insight illusion, 141-3
attractiveness, 206-10
identification, 149-51
overconfidence, 135-47, 150, 157-8, 167-8, 237, 243
prospective memory, 44-6, 143-7
superiority illusion, 138-40
survivorship bias, 140
Queen Mary University, 53
Rahnev, Dobromir, 131
Rain Man, 98
Ramirez, Steve, 69-70
RAND Corporation, 120
rapid eye movements (REM), 121
rats, 62-4, 65
Raven test, 245, 246
Read, Don, 133, 181, 231
recollection rejection, 169
Reddit, 203
regression, 19-20, 129, 228-33
reminiscence bump, 50-1
repressed memories, 161, 163, 225, 228-33
retrieval induced forgetting, 64-5, 214
retrieval practice, 213-14
retrospective timing, 46-7
Reyna, Valerie, 78
Rice University, 236
Rientamo, Eveliina, 131
Roberts, James, 195
Roediger, Henry, 199-200
Rohypnol, 65
roofies, 65-8
Ross, David, 153
Ross, Michael, 168
Russ, Molly, 189
Russell, Richard, 148
Salem witch trials (1692-3), 233-4
Saliger, Alois, 118
San Diego, California, 27, 36
Sargant, William, 130
satanic ritual abuse, 221, 226-8, 232, 233-4
savants, 98-101
scepticism, 221-3
Schafe, Glenn, 62
schemas, 9, 33-6
Schilling, Thomas, 38-9
Schooler, Jonathan, 178-80
Science, 70
scientific method, xiv
sea slugs, 61
Searleman, Alan, 90-2
secret agents, 247-8
self-concept, xv
self-perception, 206-10
semantic memory, xii, 11, 58, 100
Sennott, Charles, 217, 221
senses, 31-3, 51
sensory cortex, 88
separate recall, 79
September 11 attacks (2001), 47, 94-5, 165, 166, 169
sexual abuse, 155-8, 217-39
accommodation syndrome, 223-6
and interview techniques, 222-5
satanic ritual abuse, 221, 226-8, 232, 233-4
witch hunts, 233-6
Shalom, Dorit, 100
Sheehan, Peter, 124
Shonkoff, Jack, 26
short-term memory, 6-11, 17, 55, 115, 190, 245-7
similarity, law of, 72
Simons, Daniel, 114, 179
singular information, 43
Skagerberg, Elin, 212
sleep, 107, 109, 116-22
deep, 117, 121, 122
dreams, 118-19
learning, 119-22
paradoxical, 121-2
smells, 109, 116, 122
Smith, Michelle, 227-9
smoking, 125
social contagion of memory, 199
social media, ix, xi, 15, 28-9, 30, 160, 187, 189-90, 195-7, 203-6, 209, 213-15
somatosensory cortex, 68
sonogenetics, 71
soul, 56
source confusion, 3-4, 200
Southern Methodist University, 181, 199
Soviet Union, 9
Spanos, Nicholas, 18-19
Sparrow, Betsy, 203-5
spatial information, 68, 70
Spiegel, David, 127
spies, 247-8
spilling the punchbowl experiment, 5-6, 174
Sporer, Siggi, 154
spreading activation model, 95-8, 97
St Lawrence University, 90
stamping, 58-65
Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales, 127
Stanford University, 35, 102, 117, 127, 141
Staniloiu, Angelica, 163
Star Wars, 220
state-dependent memory, 40-2
Strange, Deryn, 21-2
Strayer, David, 193
stream of consciousness, 89
structural MRI, 15
subliminal learning, 119-22
subliminal messages, 131-3
Sucala, Madalina, 119, 122
Summit, Roland, 224, 225
super-recognisers, 148-9
superior memory, 85-6
superiority illusion, 138-40
suppression of memories, 102-4, 161, 249
survivorship bias, 140
Sutherland, Matthew, 39
Svenson, Ola, 137-8
Swarthmore College, 200
Switzerland, 121
synapses, 16-18, 59-62, 66-7, 71, 117
calpains, 60, 62
GABA, 66
long-term potentiation, 60
pruning, 17, 117
spines, 59, 118
synaptogenesis, 17
Tamnes, Christian, 8
task-switching, 188-95
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), 254
Tel-Aviv University, 18
telescoping, 48-9
Temple University, Philadelphia, 14
temporal displacement, 48-9
temporal lobes, 88, 89-90
temporary insanity, 238
ten Brinke, Leanne, 34
Texas A&M University, 250
Texas Women’s University, 189
thalamus, 16
Thatcher, Margaret, 48
theory of mind, 101
theory of performance, 38
thin slices, 35-6
time, 42-51
time, perception of, 42-51
Tobin, Simon, 46
top-down processing, 34
Total Recall, 71
transactive memory, 203
transferable gains, 245-6
traumatic memories, 104, 129, 160-5, 175-7, 183-6, 217-39
Treffert, Darold, 99
trustworthiness, 34-6
Tufts University, 154
Tversky, Amos, 43
Twitter, ix, 29, 30, 187, 196, 203
Über das Gedächtnis (Hermann), 73
p; Ukraine, 47
United Airlines Flight 93 crash (2001), 94
University College London, 69, 147
University of Aberdeen, 197
University of Alabama, 189
University of Amsterdam, 50, 131
University of Arizona, 78
University of Bern, 245
University of Bordeaux, 66
University of British Columbia, 34, 161, 171, 174
University of California, 36, 83, 86, 93, 96, 124, 138, 232, 234
University of Chicago, 17, 207
University of Edinburgh, 138
University of Freiburg, 100
University of Geneva, 3
University of Glasgow, 152
University of Greenwich, 148-9
University of Haifa, 146
University of Hartford, 194
University of Hull, 123
University of Lethbridge, 133
University of Lille, 103-4
University of Maryland, 183
University of Melbourne, 184
University of Missouri, 7
University of Nevada, 30
University of New Hampshire, 225
University of New South Wales, 149, 209
University of North Carolina, 15
University of Oslo, 8, 165, 246
University of Paris, 121
University of Pittsburgh, 178
University of Southern California, 39, 60
University of Stockholm, 137-8
University of Toledo, 224
University of Trier, 39
University of Tübingen, 117
University of Turku, 131
University of Utah, 12, 193
University of Victoria, 181-2
University of Virginia, 111, 203, 207
University of Washington, 112
University of Waterloo, 168
University of Zurich, 121
unlimited viewing time, 91
van Gaal, Simon, 131
van Koppen, Peter, 137
Vanderbilt University, 153
verbal overshadowing, 177-80, 184, 186
verbatim memory, 78-80, 85
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 25
Victoria University of Wellington, 181
Victoria, British Columbia, 227
Vidailhet, Pierre, 67
visual memory, 88, 90-2, 177, 179
vividness, 80
Vokey, Jon, 133
Vredeveldt, Annelies, 211-12, 213
Vrije University Amsterdam, 211
Wade, Kimberly, 181
Wagstaff, Graham, 127-8
Wang Qi, 12
Wang, Gordon, 117
Warner Bros, 21
Washington University, 199
Watters, Ethan, 157
weapon-focus effect, 40
Webster, Richard, 229
Wegner, Daniel, 203
weirdness, 249-53
Weizmann Institute of Science, 109
Wellcome Trust, 22, 167
Wellesley College, 29
Wellman, Henry, 23
Western Illinois University, 197
Western Washington University, 4, 114, 174
Whitchurch, Erin, 207
White, David, 149, 209
‘Who abused Jane Doe?’ (Loftus and Guyer), 228
Why Freud Was Wrong (Webster), 229
Wilfrid Laurier University, 44
Williams College, 145
Williams, Brad, 87
Williams, Brian, 159-61, 254
Winkler, Alissa, 30
Witch-Hunt, The (Cheit), 234
witch hunts, 233-6
Wolff, Alexandra, 101-2
working memory, 7-8, 11, 17, 190, 245-7; see also short-term memory
World Memory Sport Council, 248
World War II (1939-45), 23
Wright, Daniel, 212
wrongful convictions, 136, 143, 157, 218-21, 238-9, 255
Yale University, 176
Yang Guang 118
Yerkes, Robert, 38
you-ness, x-xii, 51
Young, Steven, 154
YouTube, 78, 187
Zaidi, Farhan, 144-5
Zimmerman, Frederick, 112
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Copyright © Julia Shaw, 2016
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ISBN 9781847947628
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