Hannah's Warrior

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Hannah's Warrior Page 15

by S. E. Smith

  Core choked out a nervous laugh while looking at Hannah. “I found that out the hard way.” He said.

  Hannah threw her hands up in the air. “That’s right. Give a girl a hard time for defending herself. Might I remind you I was the one who was kidnapped?”

  Core rubbed the cut on his neck while cupping his balls. “I might have kidnapped you but it was not without its difficulties.”

  Laughter spread throughout the large group of men. Soon, Nadu called to the other women to join in and a feast was prepared. Tells of Hannah’s daring escape through the trees and her ability to take down an Eastern Mountain clan warrior grew until even Hannah had to laugh at the outrageous tale. It was well after dark when Teriff called the head table to order. Teriff looked at the men gathered around. Te’mar sat next to Merrick and Core while J’kar, Borj, Hannah, and Teriff occupied the other side. Borj refused to let Hannah out of his sight or away from his side. They were going to stay the night as guest of the Eastern Mountain Clan as it was so late.

  Hannah was enjoying sitting next to Borj. She loved being outside and the night air seemed especially fragrant. Her eyes drifted around the small village. Lights gleamed from the homes high in the trees while small campfires burned with small groups of men sitting around them sharing stories. The feeling of camaraderie and peace in the air relaxed her as much as the wine she was sipping.

  “Merrick.” Teriff said calmly as they sat around sipping a potent wine the clan made. “Where is the human male? He has a debt to pay for killing two of our warriors.”

  Merrick leaned forward with a nod. “Yes. After meeting the female I find many of the things he said hard to believe.” Merrick looked at Hannah.

  The human female was beautiful in the glowing light. He could easily understand how Borj was able to complete a mating rite with her. She was beautiful, strong, and courageous for all her smaller size. She was also passionate. The men of his clan deserved to be able to find a mate such as her. They offspring would be strong and fierce. Merrick felt a ping of jealousy and envy that surprised him as he had never felt such a thing before. He knew what it felt like to long for a bond mate. Every warrior wanted one to warm his nights and plant his seed. But, to have a bond mate who was also his partner was never something he even thought of.

  Borj felt the growl rumble deep in his chest as Merrick stared at Hannah. “Down boy.” Hannah said softly. “He is just lost in thought. Not thinking of kidnapping me again.”

  Merrick cleared his throat as he turned his gaze to Teriff. “He is under guard in one of our homes. I will have him brought to you in the morning. He has been treated as a guest until we discovered if he spoke the truth. Now that we know he does not, you may have him to do with as you please.”

  Core reached out and put a hand on Merrick’s arm. He leaned in to him and spoke quietly. Merrick looked at Hannah, then Borj before turning with a heavy sigh to Teriff. He nodded once to Core.

  “The problem of not having any females of age for mating remains. We ask for the right to know where the female’s planet is so we may search for our bond mates.” Merrick said heavily.

  Before anyone could say anything Hannah spoke up. “You cannot get to it using a spaceship. It is too far.” Hannah said quietly. She looked at Teriff who frowned at her before turning to Borj. “They deserve to know something. I’ve been observing their village all afternoon. There are only a handful of women here and they are all mated. I’ve also only seen four young girls while there are several hundred men. Even on my planet history shows when the population of males exceeds the number of available females there is war.” Hannah said looking at each of the men.

  “Are there not enough females on your planet?” Core asked tensely.

  Hannah laughed and shook her head. “No, most parts of the world the women far exceed the men. There are always exceptions to the rule but that is mostly in more rural areas or in areas where it is difficult to live but even that is changing. In the country where I live there is about a fifty/fifty ratio. Of course, that is for all ages but females usually outnumber the guys.”

  Hannah fought back a laugh as Merrick, Core, and Te’mar let out a sigh of relief. “Then we can bring some here.” Merrick said with a smile.

  “Not necessarily.” Hannah responded firmly. “There are things you need to understand. First, no one on my world knows that aliens exist. Second, if they found out said aliens did exist it could be very, very bad. Not only would there be mass hysteria worldwide but if any of you were caught they would lock you up and probably take you apart piece by piece. On my world we have movies, similar to your holovids. These movies normally do not show aliens being nice guys. Third, if you just start taking females the local authorities are not going to be very happy and neither would the female’s families. We don’t get ‘mating marks’ when we bond. You would have to know if the female has family, is she married, does she have children. There is a whole host of questions before you just take off with her. Not to mention, does she want to come and is she willing to give up everything she knows? Fourth, as I mentioned, it is too far to travel using a spaceship.” Hannah explained carefully.

  Core’s mouth tightened into a straight line. “How did Borj find you then? How did Borj claim you? What of your family? How do you feel about giving up your ‘world’ and everything you know as you just said?” Core asked determinedly.

  Hannah sighed and looked at Borj. “I said it is too far to travel in a spaceship but it is not impossible to go to my planet. Borj came to the home where my sister was living. She was one of the small females who was with me in the Council Chambers. The other female was my mother. The man who came in later wearing glasses is my father. I…” Hannah looked at Teriff who remained silent letting Hannah decide how much information she was willing to tell. Hannah looked at Borj who squeezed her hand in encouragement.

  “How much should I tell them?” Hannah asked silently looking with concern into Borj’s eyes.

  “As much as you feel comfortable, I just ask that you not tell them where the portal device is until we have discussed it more.” Borj answered.

  Hannah nodded. Taking a deep breath, she looked back across the table. “What I am about to tell you must remain between us. I need your promise that you will not try anything stupid or act upon the information I give you without permission from Teriff or the council.” Hannah said firmly.

  Merrick nodded. “You have my promise as clan leader we will respect the knowledge you share.”

  “A friend of my family created a portal between our two worlds. He is the only one who knows how to do it. No one on my planet is aware of it, including our government. There is a great possibility of danger should it fall into the wrong hands. No one knew exactly what would happen when it activated. My little sister did so by mistake and found herself aboard J’kar’s spaceship, the Prime Destiny, by mistake.” Hannah said looking at J’kar.

  J’kar continued. “Tink saved my younger brother, Derik’s, life. We were attacked by a group of Juangans. They had set up a trap and we walked right into it. This portal opened onto our warship and Tink was able to kill the beast before it killed Derik. She treated his wounds and helped bring him to the bridge where Borj and I were. The moment I saw her…” J’kar’s voice broke off for a moment as he remembered the first time he saw Tink. A small smile curved his lips. “…The moment I saw her it was unlike anything I had ever encountered before. She seemed to glow. I tried to catch her but she was too quick. She had never been in space before and was fascinated by it. But, it was when she grabbed my hand that I felt the mating rite.” J’kar lifted his left hand so the others could see the intricate circles on the palm of his hand. “I felt the force of it throughout my body as if I had been shot with an electrical charge. I could not understand anything she said but it did not matter, I knew she was mine. Not long after, the portal doorway opened and Cosmos, the man who created the portal, took her from me.” All the men saw the pain that flashed across J’kar�
��s face at the memory. “I feared I would never find her.” He said quietly.

  “But, you did and you saved her life.” Hannah said gently. She continued the story. “The man you have been protecting was stalking my sister. He wanted to rape her and kill her. He trapped her in a small room and beat her before stabbing her repeatedly. If not for J’kar, she would have died.” Hannah said quietly.

  Borj pressed a kiss into Hannah’s palm as her eyes filled with tears at the near lost of her sister. “Human females are very passionate creatures. It was a surprise to us as we are not accustomed to such behavior from our females without at least releasing the mating chemical into their bodies. Tink shared many things with the crew when they became curious.” Borj laughed as he remembered his own reaction to her ‘things’.

  Teriff laughed out loud. “Yes, much to my enjoyment. My mate is learning much and I am enjoying her lessons.” Teriff said with a grin as he adjusted the front of suddenly tight pants.

  Hannah blushed. “This is really more information than I think I want to know. Tink is a lot like my mom, you ask and she gives you more detailed information than you really need.” Hannah muttered.

  “I liked the information she gave on the holovid.” Core said with a curious smile. “But, is what she said even possible?”

  “Yes!” Borj, J’kar and Teriff all practically shouted at the same time. All three had huge smiles on their faces.

  Hannah looked back and forth before shaking her head. “I don’t want to know what she told you guys. Something tells me I would be mortified.”

  Borj grinned wickedly and let images of what Tink said flow through his thoughts to Hannah. He watched as her jaw dropped and her face turned a brilliant shade of red that could be seen even in the glow of the fire light. As he continued, he felt his own blood heat as thoughts of doing them to Hannah began changing the images to their bodies entwined as he brought her to release. Hannah’s soft moan filled the air and all the men glanced at her as she tensed suddenly then melted against Borj. Sniffing the air, all the men groaned loudly as if they could taste her sweet cream.

  Chapter 15

  “You have to come out from under the covers at some point otherwise we will have to remain here.” Borj said gently trying to pry the covers down from where Hannah had pulled them.

  “I’m never coming out again.” Hannah’s muffled voice said. “I’m going to live the rest of my life right here and die peacefully.”

  Borj was finally able to pull the cover from over Hannah’s still hot face. “I can’t believe you did that to me last night!” Hannah whispered fiercely.

  Borj chuckled as he rolled on top of Hannah’s naked body. “I love how responsive you are to me.” Borj said as he pushed Hannah’s thighs apart so he could settle his heavy cock against her moist mound. Hannah moaned softly as Borj pushed his thick, heavy length into her hot pussy.

  He had woken more than a half hour ago to find Hannah’s hand gripping his cock tightly while she still slept. Thin streams of light were just breaking through the dark sky and beginning to shine down through the thick canopy above casting early morning shadows in the room. Sometime during the night their roles reversed. He found Hannah curled tightly against his back holding him while he faced the window. Borj bit back a moan as Hannah’s hand gently squeezed his fast hardening cock as she dreamed. Unable to hold back, he gripped her hand around his cock and rolled over until he was facing her. He loved watching as her eyes slowly flickered as she woke. She lay next to him with a sleepy smile on her face before a deep blush darkened it. That was when he knew she remembered how their night started. With a loud groan, she jerked the covers over her head with a loud mutter about a painful death to all men.

  After Hannah’s unexpected climax at the table last night thanks to the images Borj sent to her, the men quickly called it a night. Hannah was too mortified by what happened to look at any of them as they made a quick exit. Borj swung Hannah up in his arms and hurried to Merrick’s home. They were staying in the room she was originally placed in. Borj barely made it into the room before he set her down and pulled both their pants around their ankles. He turned Hannah until she was facing the door and pushed her against it. Hannah had to brace her hands so she wouldn’t fall with her pants tangled around her boots. Borj quickly thrust his cock deep inside her as she bent forward. His loud groan of need fired Hannah’s pussy until she could feel the moisture running down the inside of her leg. She was already wet from the climax she had in front of all the men, as it was.

  “Gods, Hannah. I love you so much.” Borj murmured as he took her hard and fast. “You are the light to my soul.” He groaned as her slick channel tightened around him as she came again.

  Hannah’s nails clawed at the wood of the door and she fought an unsuccessful battle to keep her loud cry of pleasure from escaping. Borj’s own cries of release echoed Hannah’s as he pushed in as far as he could. Borj held Hannah’s hips tightly as he felt the last of his seed spill deep inside her. Afterwards, he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. He carefully removed her boots, pants and shirt before turning to the bowl of water on a nearby stand. Dipping a cloth in it, he cleaned her first before cleaning himself. Only then did he climb into the bed next to her, pulling her tightly against his body. He held her against him running his hand up and down her back until he felt her slip into a deep, dreamless sleep. Borj lay awake for several hours longer just enjoying the feel of holding Hannah’s soft body safely against his own.

  Just remembering what happened last night had him ready to explode all over again. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. Last night was beautiful.” Borj whispered as he moved slowly back and forth enjoying her tight channel.

  “I had a bloody orgasm in front of a bunch of men including your father and brother and you say I have nothing to be ashamed of?” Hannah thought with a groan. “Obviously it embarrassed them! Did you see how fast they left?”

  Borj chuckled then groaned as Hannah squeezed down on him. “They left because the scent of your arousal caused them to become aroused. They all found a place to relieve their own needs.” Borj said in a strained whisper.

  Hannah looked up into Borj’s eyes in shock. “You mean they found other women? If J’kar cheated on my sister I’m going to mount his balls on a wall!” Hannah growled out silently.

  Borj shook his head slightly. “He would not betray your sister. He probably contacted her the way we are communicating now and found release together even while they were apart. The same for my father knowing the way he and my mother have been ever since they met your sister. For the others, I cannot say. I am more concerned with what is happening now.” Borj bit out.

  “Oh.” Hannah wiggled so she could wrap her legs higher around Borj’s back. “This feels so good.” She moaned out loud.

  The new position forced Borj to push deeper into Hannah. Borj wrapped his arms tightly around Hannah pulling her into his chest and began moving faster and harder. He felt his canines drop and knew he would mark her again as his. He heard Hannah’s gasp as his teeth pushed through the skin on her shoulder. An explosion of heat engulfed his cock as the chemical moved through both of them releasing the hormones needed to prepare her womb for his seed. They had not talked about having children but it might already be too late to worry about that. In a Prime female, he could bite her thousands of times over a course of years and never impregnate her but if Hannah was anything like Tink it was possible she was already breeding. He would need to remember to have the healer exam her when they returned to the palace.

  It was over an hour later when Hannah followed Borj down out of Merrick’s home. Nadu and Nadine laughed and joked about the lateness of the hour as they emerged out of the bedroom. Borj finally convinced Hannah there was no need to sneak off because of what happened the night before. He promised her none of the men would say anything or think less of her. If anything, he was proud to show off how responsive his mate was to him. Hannah shook her head and muttered
something about ‘a male peacock and his feathers’. Borj didn’t understand when she tried to explain what she meant so she decided to just let him strut his stuff.

  Hannah watched as Merrick, Core, Te’mar, Teriff, and J’kar approach. They each had a grim face. A sudden flash of them ‘relieving’ themselves flashed through her mind right before Borj turned to face her. He pressed his lips to hers in a crushing kiss of possession.

  “You should not be thinking of other men like that.” He growled possessively.

  Hannah giggled as she let her lips soften and returned Borj’s kiss tenderly. “You are the only one I want.”

  Core groaned loudly. “Borj, can you not have mercy on the rest of us? I am still hard from last night even after seeking relief.”

  Hannah jerked her lips from Borj’s and looked at Core darkly. “I didn’t need that information, thank you very much. You are worse than my mom!”

  The other men’s faces cleared and they laughed. “Your mother is a very interesting person.” Teriff said with a huge smile. “She has been of great help to my mate. I have learned many new things over the past few cycles.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “So much for promises.” Hannah muttered under her breath.

  “She did not break her promise, Hannah.” Borj whispered wickedly. “She said she would not mention it unless asked. My father wanted your mother brought here so she could share more about human mating. Your sister, Tink, spoke highly of her knowledge.”

  Hannah’s face flushed and she gritted her teeth. “She is NOT Dr. Ruth. She gets her knowledge from horsing around with my dad and the Internet. I wouldn’t doubt if she doesn’t make half of the stuff up!” Hannah hissed back quietly.

  Borj slid his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “I am happy with what I have learned. Are you not pleased as well?” Borj asked against the mark on Hannah’s neck.


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