Mad About You: A Box Set

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Mad About You: A Box Set Page 54

by Pamela Ann

  Thank goodness my grandmother and mother arrived, breaking the awkward tension between us.

  The atmosphere between the five of us reminded me of old times. Not only did nostalgia come at me full-throttle, but Drew seemed more amiable toward me. He didn’t really do much other than passing me the bowl of mashed potatoes, but it signified how he was gradually thawing his icy treatment of me. Compared to yesterday, it was black and white.

  When Mom and Grandma left, I thought Drew had left with them, but when I noticed his bedroom was open, I was startled to find him in there, sitting at the edge of his old bed, deep in thought.

  “Sorry, I thought you had already left.”

  Looking up, he shook his head. “I didn’t.”

  Torn between leaving him and curiosity, I chose the latter.

  “If you still plan on moving out, I can pack everything for you so you won’t have to bother.” My offer had a motive. I had kept some of his shirts, thinking he might not come back for a long time. And since I had grown attached to those shirts, I didn’t plan on handing them back. So hopefully, he wouldn’t notice them gone.

  Pressing his lips together, he let out a deep breath before looking about the room, as if noting how much he had to pack up. “No, I’ll do it myself. I’ll come back later when I get a chance.”

  Feeling as though I was interrupting his solace, I decided to leave him be. “All right, then.” Nodding at him, I gave him a tight smile before gripping the door, readying to leave.

  “Chloe?” he called out to me.


  Our eyes locked for what seemed like forever, but I knew it was only mere seconds. It felt as though he wanted to say something yet couldn’t bring himself to form the words.

  “Goodnight.” He broke eye contact and whatever else we had just shared in those few glorious seconds.

  “You, too.”

  Chapter 58

  For the past month, I had submerged myself in work, school, and being around my boys. Not a day went by that I didn’t come home, close to passing out from exhaustion. It was the way I coped, not wanting to think about Drew and what he had been up to.

  After my grandma and mom had left, I hadn’t seen nor heard from him. From what I had gathered from Jackson, they still went out to sporting events together, but Drew never stopped by the condo, nor did he ever get the chance to pack his things.

  Life carried on for me, and for a time, Cori was a good distraction, but after several weeks of declining him, he became frustrated, so much so that I felt pressured to simply just give in to his demands. However, I eventually outright told him that I couldn’t do it and that he needed to find someone else, that I wasn’t ready to give him the carnal cravings he so adamantly wanted. Let’s just say that he wasn’t at all pleased. I sat him down and fully explained myself, and in the end, he apologized for pressing on the issue. We promised to keep in contact, and he said he would hold out hope that, maybe someday, we could try again.

  He was a great guy, so if that time ever came and he was still willing to start over, then great. If not, then I wished him all the best in life.

  Halloween came and went, which I celebrated with Manolo and Chuey. Although things were almost the same, I couldn’t help noticing something was off with Chuey. Manolo and I faulted his recent break-up with Jordy.

  He tended to get depressed once drunk. It came to a point where he was in tears, recalling their memories together. Since I was in the same boat, we bonded. I didn’t divulge as much as he did, feeling like, if I shared those moments with someone else, then they wouldn’t be as special. Those beautiful memories were mine and mine alone.

  The only thing that kept my memories alive and the only connection I had with him that was left behind was his bedroom. If he took that away, too, I wasn’t sure what I would do. Besides, I was sure his brand new belongings were much better than the ones he had there. His things at the condo represented his past, the old him. And the things he had in the hotel symbolized his new life. So here was to hoping Drew would stay too busy to remember his things. That was my only comfort, the anchor that kept me from spiraling out of control.

  As the weeks carried on, I began to like working under Nola, the intern I was an assistant with. Just like the rumors, she took self-entitlement to a whole different playing field, but unlike the others who were intimidated by her arrogance and snobbishness, I actually found it refreshing. I mean, apart from my mundane life, Nola and the guys were the only invigorating aspects in my life, partly because they were so full of life. And while I was the polar opposite, through them, I got to absorb some of their amazing zest in living life to the fullest.

  Nola and I weren’t friends. Heck, she was barely friendly toward me. Yet, somehow during the weeks I worked under her and her unending criticisms, we had found common ground. That happened when I accidentally learned that she had just gotten her heart broken, as well. If I hadn’t known that fact, I wouldn’t have had a clue, because she hadn’t shown any signs of it.

  In some ways, my admiration for her grew. Underneath that strong-willed, bitch-better-get-out-of-my-way attitude was a vulnerable woman who had learned how to take care of herself at the age of sixteen. She was a force to be reckoned with, and if I could just get a quarter of her mentality, I could rule everything I had set my sights on. Until that day happened, I was left learning whatever I could from her.

  On the day I was supposed to leave with Jackson so we could spend Thanksgiving back on the west coast, Nola called, informing me that I had an hour to meet her for an emergency shoot. Apparently, the entire spread for next month’s cover was getting scrapped.

  Thanksgiving was a day away, but if I had any designs on being taken seriously, sacrifices had to be made. Therefore, I had to tell my brother to fly out, and I would reschedule my flight for the first one out.

  “There’s a snow storm hitting here before noon tomorrow, Chlo. You better fly out before then, or you’ll end up getting stuck here, and we didn’t grocery shop. So make sure your flight is rescheduled now, or you’re going to get bumped if you wait until the last minute.”

  It was already last minute, but I didn’t have time nor the patience to argue with him. I promised him that I would reschedule the flight while en route to the shoot, which was taking place in Central Park.

  With the weather so lousy and chilly, I wasn’t sure how they were going to pull this off without catching a cold. Of course, I supposed a cold wasn’t that big of a deal when there was a deadline.

  The entire chaotic ordeal took a little over six hours due to everything going wrong, from lighting to lacking people. We were left to work with what we had. And by the time I had the chance to call the airlines to reschedule, it was already past midnight. Getting a seat at one of the busiest times of the year was hell, and the best they could do for me was to put me on stand-by.

  Starving and tired from no sleep, I dropped by the condo to gather my luggage then made my way to the airport. Even at five in the morning, the airport was a jungle of people.

  After getting bumped for three flights, I knew my chance of getting a seat before the snow storm hit was slim to none. The urge to cry was high. Jackson was on the phone with me, and we both conceded that it was time to give it up.

  “I know you’re tired, but hang on for a little bit more until I can book a car to pick you up,” Jackson insisted as I dejectedly sunk back into my seat.

  “Cabs are fine, Jacks. Don’t worry about me.”

  “You’re tired, so the odds are, you’re going to fall asleep in the cab on the way back. I’d rather take my chances with a well-known, secured driver than some random guy who might take advantage.”

  He had a point.

  “All right. Text me when and where, and I’ll be waiting. And, Jacks … Thank you for being the great you.”

  He gave a hearty laugh. “Anytime, booger face.”

  His silly names for me wouldn’t ever change. And as much as he drove me crazy at times
, he was a great brother.

  Much to my disappointment, I had to make a quick call to Grandma, my parents, and my best friend Courtney, telling them I wouldn’t be able to make it, but I would definitely see them at Christmas.

  When my phone beeped with Jackson’s message, a wave of relief washed over me.

  Thirty-five minutes. Arrivals. Go to carousel 1.

  It took forever to get to the carousel—forty minutes to be exact. Hopefully, the driver hadn’t arrived yet, or I would have to join in the hundreds of people milling around to get their ride to the city.

  When ten minutes has passed, I pulled out my phone and was about to call Jackson when I heard my name being called.


  “Hello—” I stopped and my eyes grew wide at the sight of him parting the throng of people as he purposely strode toward my frozen state. “Drew?” I croaked out, confused as to why my brother would pull such a horrible prank on me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was on my way to my father’s place when Jackson called, wondering if I could come and get you.”

  This placed me in a very awkward position. I couldn’t tell if he was displeased by this development or not. I was left to figure that out by myself.

  Had I known it was Drew coming to get me, I would have taken my chances with a cab.

  “Thank you for coming to my rescue, but you didn’t need to. I thought Jacks booked me a hired car. Had I known it was you, I would’ve said no.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t mind.” He gazed at me for a few moments before gesturing to take my things. “Come on, we have to get going, or we’ll get stuck in the snow on our way to the Hamptons.”

  “Hamptons?” No one had mentioned anything about me going there.

  “Yes,” he stated in a casual manner, beginning to walk in long strides, heading toward the exit door. “Did you honestly think I’d leave you to spend Thanksgiving alone?”

  Yes. After all, it wasn’t his business to care. He had made that quite known before. As important as those thoughts were, however, my mind veered to a more prevalent matter, such as the pretty Poppy.

  His girlfriend would definitely mind if he brought an uninvited third-party along to their cozy family celebration.

  Trailing behind him, I cleared my throat as I tried to get within his hearing range. “Drew, please, I don’t mind spending it in my place. You can drop me off, or I can get a cab, but I’m not going to crash on your family’s Thanksgiving. It’ll be crazy awkward, and it’s a family thing. I’m in no position to—”

  “To what?” He spun around to face me, frowning as he stared deeply into my eyes. “You’re my family, too. Nothing will change that. So spare me the list of reasons you can’t join me, because I’m taking you along, even if I have to use force to get you there. So what’s it going to be, Chloe? Take your pick.”

  He deemed me family … still … after what had happened? That sentiment touched and moved me, and I no longer wanted to argue with him. Besides, what harm could a day or two with his family in the Hamptons be, anyway? And even if Poppy would be there, I could stay out of their way and maybe, just maybe, Drew and I could begin rebuilding our friendship.

  “All right, Drew. I’ll come with you as long as you promise there’ll be no more fights between us.”

  A sudden ray of sunshine burst through his widening, handsome smile, blinding me for a second. “You’ve got yourself a deal, woman.”

  The blacked out SUV and his driver, Everson, drove us to his father’s estate. During our ride, while Drew busied himself with his laptop, I inevitably dozed off, too exhausted to care about anything other than sleep.

  Chapter 59

  It was the lulling sound of the waves that made me aware that I wasn’t sleeping in my bedroom in midtown Manhattan, and a quick glance at the window told me that the storm had finally arrived. I had no recollection of getting out of the car, let alone getting myself to bed with the same clothes I’d had on yesterday.

  Getting out of bed, I was about to come out of the bedroom when Drew came barging in, catching us both by surprise.

  “You’re up,” he stated.

  “I am.” Pausing, I glanced toward the window again before glancing back at him. “So, um, did I miss Thanksgiving?”

  “No, actually, that’s what I came to tell you. They’re expecting us in an hour at the main house.”

  “Main house?” Looking around, I realized this place was too masculine, too manly to be the same mansion, so this had to be somewhere around the estate.

  “We’re in a bungalow half a mile from the main house. This is where I stay when I’m back here. I like having my own privacy, a hard feat in the big house.”

  I gave a quick nod, as if I understood. It did give me a glimpse of his relationship with his father. Drew might still be playing family with them, but he was keeping a little distance as a precaution.

  “I’ll be ready in forty-five. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. Come down when you’re ready.”

  Based on his birthday party, jeans or tights wouldn’t work with these folks. I should thank my lucky stars that I’d had the sense to pack the dress I had snagged from the shoot when one of the Creative Directors had suggested that the olive silk dress would look brilliant on me. That was one of the great perks of working in the fashion industry—there were just so many free products to choose from.

  After a quick shower, I donned the stunning floor-length, silk dress, pairing it with gold three-inch stilettos. With the blizzard outside, I wasn’t sure I could pull off walking in them, but they were the only shoes I had that could work other than my black flats. I could literally see his stepmother aghast at the sight of those.

  With a quick application of light eye shadow, a few sweeps of mascara, and my beloved red lipstick, I was set to go with my off-white wool jacket.

  Standing atop the stair landing, I was caught off guard at the sight of Drew in his Italian dinner suit. I knew he looked good in them, but tonight, he truly looked knee-buckling sexy.

  “Ready?” he asked the second I stepped off the stairs.

  Gripping the lapels of my jacket, my eyes dropped to my shoes of choice. “I hope this won’t delay us. I don’t have any other option with me, sorry.”

  He smirked. “Don’t worry. I’m going to drive us to the house; you’re fine.”

  I took a breath of relief. “And here I thought I’d be walking in a blizzard with this thing.” Maybe not entirely. In my mind, we would be riding in a golf cart or something. That seemed to be quite common for big homes.

  There was a silver Range Rover parked right outside the bungalow as he had promised. I was relieved that it was an actual vehicle and not a buggy.

  I was just about to comment about his nice ride when he swept me off my feet, carrying me to the passenger’s side without a word of warning.

  “We don’t want those little toes to catch frost bite,” he explained as he situated me in the seat before slamming the door shut and rounding the car to get in the driver’s side.

  Mumbling a soft thanks as he started the engine, I dared not overthink what had just happened.

  The ride to the main house wasn’t all that bad. What I hadn’t expected was to see about a dozen or so parked cars. This wasn’t a simple family Thanksgiving. In fact, it was a party, consisting of a six-course meal with a string quartet playing in the background. My dress was perfect for the occasion. I should give myself a pat on the shoulder

  Apart from Caroline, Drew, and myself, the rest were aged fifty and above. During dinner, I was asked subtle questions about my background. It was a good thing Drew was sitting next to make sure no one crossed the line after his stepmother Caroline inquired about which finishing school I had attended.

  First off, I didn’t want to sound idiotic, but what the hell was a finishing school? I hadn’t heard of it. Thankfully, Drew came to my rescue, changing the topic.

  Caroline wasn’t very pleased that I had crashed
her party. I heard her complain to Conrad about Drew not mentioning a guest and how she’d had to rearrange the table seating because of it. Add the fact that she was sending me daggers with her calculating smiles, and I knew then that Jackson’s joke wasn’t a joke at all, but in fact, a reality. How could she have designs on her husband’s son was beyond me.

  Apart from her apparent disdain for me, the rest of the party seemed not to mind me at all. In fact, Conrad, Drew’s father, was constantly engaging me with questions about Drew and how he had been while growing up, a subject I didn’t mind discussing. I even brought the table to a laugh or two. Even Drew didn’t seem to care that I was telling stories about how I used to terrorize him whenever he hadn’t been playing with Jackson.

  After the lengthy but engaging dinner, everyone gathered in the salon that showcased pricey artworks with the beautiful music playing in the background. Some danced, some smoked cigars, and the others gossiped. Since I didn’t really feel like mingling with anyone, I stayed put around the corner, nursing my third glass of champagne while I enjoyed the scenery and the music.

  Drew joined me with his own drink in hand. Leaning over, he whispered close to my ear, “Sorry for Caroline earlier. I told her to be nice to you, but I guess, after seeing how her husband kept talking to you, she couldn’t stop herself.”

  Frowning, I cocked my head to the side, gazing at him in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re attractive with a beautiful body. That dress surely doesn’t downplay your amazing physical attributes, so she felt the need to protect her own.”

  My eyes flickered toward his while I tried to grasp what he had just stated. “What does my dress have to do with it?”

  “If you’re the third wife, you know that you can be easily dispensed.”


  “God, if you think for one second I’d ever flirt with your dad, I’m going to murder you in your sleep, Drew Cavendish.”


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