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Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers' Bride [The Men of Space Station One #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Marla Monroe

  “I really must insist that you take me back this minute. They’ll be worried about me and not know where I am.”

  “We’ll notify them as soon as we get home. Besides, enough people saw you with us that they’ll assume, and rightly so, that you eloped with us.” Danny smiled at her.

  “You really don’t know what you’re getting with me. I don’t know the first thing about ranching or gardens or canning vegetables,” she felt compelled to point out.

  “We have plenty of books on all of it at the ranch. You can read up on it, and we’ll be there to help you figure it out. Don’t worry so much. Besides, we’ve already started the garden for you. All you will have to do is tend it until it starts producing,” Andrew told her.

  “How do you know you’re going to be happy with me? I mean, I’m not the most beautiful woman around, and I’m grouchy in the mornings.”

  Danny laughed and wrapped and arm around her shoulders. “Honey, you don’t know what grouchy is until you’ve dealt with Andrew over there at five in the morning after being up all night pulling calves. Now that’s grouchy. I think we can handle a female fussing.”

  Rachel frowned. What had she gotten herself into? Why would they be up all night pulling on calves? Couldn’t they do that during the day? And what was calving anyway? She shook her head and realized she was going to have to make the best of it. They’d lured her out and scooped her up without her so much as yelling boo. No one would ever believe she hadn’t gone with them on her own. Truth was, she might just have jumped at the chance to get away from the dorm and all the other hopeful women. Except that now she had none of her things.

  “I don’t suppose you could be persuaded to go back for my things, could you?” she asked.

  Danny looked over at Andrew and sighed. They obviously hadn’t thought about her things. What was she going to wear for the next several weeks?

  “Don’t worry about them. We’ll get them sent out to you tomorrow.” Danny squeezed her shoulders.

  “I’m not sure I like the idea of some stranger packing up my things.” She was deliberately trying to be obtuse.

  She wanted to know how they would act when riled up. She wasn’t staying with anyone who’d hurt her. She needed to know now how they would react to her baiting them. She had a mind and spoke it on a pretty regular basis. If they didn’t like it, now was the time to find out.

  “I’ll tell them not to paw through them and just pack them up,” Andrew assured her with a smile.

  “Why did you pick me? Was I the only one you danced with?”

  “No, we danced with most of the women out there, but you were the one we chose. You’re perfect for us.”

  “How do you know that after only one dance?”

  “It was two actually,” Danny pointed out.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  “We just know. I’ve been hard as a rock ever since I laid eyes on you,” Andrew confessed.

  “Oh my God. You did not just say that.” She hid her smile behind an expression of horror.

  “Oh, come on. You’re not some wilting violet. You felt my cock when I rubbed it against you.” Andrew frowned.

  “It’s ‘shrinking violet,’ and yes, I felt it, but I didn’t say anything out loud about it.”

  “Well, we don’t mince words around here. We tell it like it is, and you make us horny as a bull in a pasture full of cows.” Danny smiled down at her.

  “Now you’re comparing me to a cow. Really. You both need to learn some manners.” Rachel had to bite her lower lip to keep from giggling at their analogy. She just might have made a good choice after all. Even if they did jump the gun and grab her first.

  “Woman, comparing you to a cow is a damn sight better than comparing you to a…”

  “Danny!” Andrew stopped him from saying it out loud, but Rachel knew what he had been about to say.

  “Cows may be dumb, but they’re noble animals.” Danny seemed intent on getting that out.

  “I’m a human being, not a cow, though. Now turn this around and take me back to the town.”

  “We’re nearly there now. No use going back tonight. You can go back tomorrow if you’re so inclined,” Andrew said with a sigh.

  Rachel frowned. She really didn’t want to go back. Now she had to figure out how to stay. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut? She leaned back and crossed her arms to study to the two men.

  Danny looked to be about thirty, with light-brown hair and hazel eyes. He stood around six feet three inches and had muscular arms and a wide chest. She could tell when he had kissed her that his abdomen was hard as a rock and that he had a generous cock hidden in his jeans. His easygoing nature showed on his face with laugh lines at the edges of his mouth.

  Andrew appeared much more serious and had little lines between his brows that could either be from squinting into the sun or frowning. His dark eyes shown when he had been aroused earlier, and his thick, black hair had enough curl to be unruly. No doubt he wore a hat most of the time by the line around the top of his head.

  He had a worker’s body with broad shoulders that looked strong enough to carry the burden of the ranch there. His chest felt hard and unyielding and tapered down to a small waist and rounded ass. She wanted to sink her fingers into his ass cheeks and feel that hard dick he’d talked about earlier rubbing against her again. He looked to be thirty as well and stood at around six feet five inches.

  All in all, she’d chosen well. Now if she could just get them to claim her properly, she’d be happy.

  They pulled into a yard of some sort, complete with a couple of barking dogs and a two-story house. She couldn’t tell much in the dark, but it looked decent enough. The dogs settled down as soon as Andrew stepped outside the transport.

  “Well, help her down, Danny. Let her see her new home.”

  * * * *

  Danny grinned from ear to ear and opened his door to step out of the transport. He helped Rachel out with a hand on either side of her waist. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she walked around the side of the transport to look at the house. Danny watched her expression, hoping she would be pleased. He wasn’t disappointed. She smiled and nodded as if giving her approval.

  Danny saw his partner reach over and take Rachel’s hand in his. She pulled away from him at first but then sighed and let the other man hold her hand. When he turned her toward him for another kiss, she went willingly into his arms. She obviously wasn’t all that shook up over being kidnapped, he decided.

  “Maybe we should get inside,” he suggested.

  Andrew pulled back from the kiss and nodded his agreement. Then the dogs realized there was someone new and began nosing her ankles. She didn’t scream or fuss or complain. She just held out her hands palm up for them to sniff and then petted each of them.

  “What are their names?” she asked.

  “Skippy and Rex,” Danny supplied.

  “Cute names. Okay, I’m ready to go inside now.”

  Andrew led the way and unlocked the door, opening it wide. At the last second, he scooped Rachel up in his arms and carried her over the threshold. Danny just smiled and shook his head. His partner was a traditional sort of guy. That was why his agreeing to kidnap their bride had surprised Danny so much. Then when he’d likened it to eloping, he figured that was what had sealed the deal for Andrew. He felt justified now.

  Once they were all inside and the door was closed and locked, an awkward silence descended around them. No one seemed to know what to say. Andrew slowly sat Rachel back on her feet and hung his hat on the hook by the front door. Danny did the same thing. They all stared at each other.

  “Um, maybe one of you might like to show me around the house?” Rachel suggested.

  “I will.” Danny jumped at the chance to show off the house.

  He and Andrew had designed it and built it themselves. It had taken longer than they had wanted, but in the end, he felt like it was perfect. Being bachelors at the time,
they’d opted for comfort and convenience in everything they installed. It had state-of-the-art appliances and tiled floors. They’d originally thought about wood floors but went with the tile as it would be easier to keep clean considering they were in and out of mud and dirt all day long.

  He started in the living area where they were, then took her to the kitchen and showed off the stainless-steel appliances along with the cellar for storing their canned goods. The kitchen had a pantry and a mudroom off to the back for when they came in for lunch or supper.

  Danny pulled her by the hand back around the living room to the other side of the house to show her the office, and then upstairs to where the bedrooms were. The master suite hadn’t been used, but if she stayed, it would be used now. He led her to the two walk-in closets.

  “One would be yours, and the other one belongs to me and Andrew. We don’t have that many clothes. Mostly they are jeans and shirts.” Danny pulled her around to the master bath.

  He smiled at the indrawn breath when he turned on the light for her to see. The entire room was done in ceramic tile and glass. The sunken garden tub, a Jacuzzi, drew her attention first. Then she walked around the glass blocks to see the overly large walk-in shower. It had multiple shower heads and a bench along the back wall. There were even some strategically placed handles for safety.

  She lifted an eyebrow at his pointing that out. She knew what he was hinting out. Shower sex would be a lot of fun. Danny grinned at her and pulled her along to show her the rest of the bedrooms. There were a total of five bedrooms and three baths. The other four bedrooms each shared a bathroom.

  “What do you think?” Danny asked.

  “The house is really nice. Why so many bedrooms?”

  “For the children,” Andrew interrupted from the doorway.

  “You want four children?” She gasped.

  “At least. We can always add on,” Danny explained.

  “I see.” She looked a bit green now.

  “How many children did you want?” Andrew asked her.

  “I–I guess I hadn’t thought about a number. That just seems like an awful lot of kids to raise.”

  “I have five brothers and sisters,” Danny told her.

  “I have four,” Andrew added.

  “What about you?” Danny asked her.

  “Um, there’s just me.”

  “Ah, an only child.” Danny nodded.

  That explained the deer-in-the-headlights look she’d given them when they’d said they wanted at least four children. She didn’t have a clue about large families. Well, if she didn’t run off, she’d learn. They wanted a big family. Besides, it worked better for a ranch to have lots of kids to help with the chores.

  “We need to run check on the cows that are calving. We’ll be back in as soon as we can. Why don’t you take a bath and relax?” Danny suggested.

  “Okay, thanks.” She walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Thankfully, he didn’t hear the lock engage. She was giving them her trust—for now.

  He and Andrew exchanged looks and left the bedroom to head out to the barn where they’d sequestered two of their prize heifers that were ready to drop their calves at any minute. They grabbed their hats off the hooks in the front of the house and walked toward the barn in the back, around the house. They found that one of the cows had given birth, and momma and calf seemed to be doing well. The other one was in the process and having a little trouble.

  He and Andrew spent the next hour helping her before the solid-black calf was born. It was touch and go at first, but they both managed to get up, and the calf began nursing almost as soon as it did. They cleaned up in the tack room and checked the rest of the animals before returning to the house. They weren’t sure what they would find, but their bride in a long T-shirt, serving coffee to them, wasn’t it.

  “I figured when you didn’t come back you had something going on and would need some coffee when you got back. It’s still a bit cool out there at night.”

  “Thanks, we really appreciate it,” Danny said after taking a sip of the excellent coffee.

  “This hits the spot,” Andrew admitted.

  “Um, I hope you don’t mind, but I searched one of the other rooms to find this T-shirt to wear. I’m not sure whose room it was.”

  “That’s okay. We don’t have anything to hide from you, Rachel.” Danny sat his cup on the table and reached across to take her hand in his. “We’ll be up-front with you on everything. No secrets in this house. Okay?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Chapter Three

  Rachel smiled and felt like they had reached a good understanding. She looked at the clock on the kitchen stove and realized it was close to eleven. They all needed to get some rest. The days were longer here on this planet by an extra hour. She realized she was really quite tired.

  “I’m going to head to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” She turned and walked out of the kitchen, not expecting for someone to grab her up and throw her over their shoulder. She screeched.

  “We’re headed to bed, too, honey,” Danny said from behind her. That meant Andrew had her.

  “Well, um, thank you for the ride, but I could have walked.” She couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her lips.

  “We’re all headed in the same direction,” Danny said.

  She stiffened. They were planning to sleep with her tonight? Why hadn’t she seen that coming? They weren’t married yet, but then, they were right, it was just a ceremony, and it wasn’t like she was a virgin. Still, she barely knew them. Never mind that her panties had been wet the moment they’d touched her at the dance. Her heart raced at the possibilities.

  Andrew carried her up the stairs and around to the master bedroom. She wasn’t wearing panties, so when he put his hand up to hold her as he lowered her to the bed, his bare hand met her bare ass. He stilled with her halfway off his shoulder.

  “Fuck! You’re not wearing anything under that T-shirt are you, Rachel?”

  “Um, no. My clothes were, um, dirty.” Since her face would be red from her being upside down, she didn’t think they would notice the blush she felt heating up her cheeks.

  “Ah, hell. I thought I could be a gentleman and not bother you tonight, but I’m hard as a steel post, Rachel.” Andrew groaned.

  “Here, let me have her,” Danny said, taking her from Andrew’s arms.

  Danny gently laid her on the bed and stared down at her with heavy-lidded eyes. His hazel ones looked darker now that he was aroused, and she had little doubt of that by the bulge behind his zipper.

  “Um, guys. Maybe we should sleep in separate rooms until after the ceremony,” she suggested, only half meaning it.

  “Oh, hell no. You’re in our bed from now on,” Andrew said in a raspy voice.

  They stared at her as they slowly began to strip out of their clothes in front of her. She leaned up on her elbows and watched them. She wouldn’t miss this show for anything.

  First they unsnapped their shirts and shoved them off their shoulders. Then they bent over and pulled off their boots, followed by socks. When they began unzipping, she had the sudden urge to hide her eyes. She resisted and was totally ill prepared for the two monster cocks that emerged from behind their jeans. Both men were painfully aroused, with jutting cocks sporting purple, angry-looking heads.

  She felt faint at first. What in the world was she supposed to do with them? Andrew’s was thick, where Danny’s was long. There was no way she could handle two men at one time that looked like they did. She just wasn’t built that way. Worry set in, and the men must have noticed it because they both turned away and busied themselves picking up their clothes.

  Had she not been so shocked, she would have appreciated that they’d straightened up after themselves. Now, however, she was flabbergasted at the images burned in her brain.

  “Let’s get some sleep, Rachel. Climb under the covers.” Andrew pulled back the covers and waited while she crawled over them
then slipped under them.

  “Here, you don’t need this to sleep with us. We’ll keep you warm.” Danny pulled the T-shirt she’d borrowed off over her head and laid it at the foot of the bed like a robe.

  Both men climbed into bed on either side of her and crowded her into the other one. She felt their hard dicks pressed on either side of her, and she wondered how she was supposed to sleep with the things poking her in the sides.

  “Do you sleep on your back or your side?” Danny asked.

  “Huh?” She couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying. All her attention was below her waist.

  “Do you sleep on your back or your side?” he repeated.

  “Oh, sort of on my belly.”

  “That works.” He pulled her over on top of him so that she was half lying on him and half on her side. Then she felt Andrew scoot up closer and cover her back.

  Rachel felt like a sandwich suspended between them. Is this how it would feel when they fucked her together? Ah, hell. How would she ever survive taking those cocks? Even though her cunt was leaking juices all down her legs, she didn’t see how she could possibly manage it.

  She felt a hand run through those juices. When it emerged to go to Danny’s mouth, she knew it was his hand. He sucked his fingers and closed his eyes, looking totally content.

  “You taste like spicy sugar. I could eat you all day long.”

  She felt her face heat up again.

  “I want a taste.” Andrew slid off of her back, and the next thing she knew he was between her legs with his mouth sucking on her pussy lips.

  “Oh—my—God!” Rachel could barely breathe around the explosion of sensations bombarding her clit.

  “She tastes good, doesn’t she, Andrew?” Danny pulled her mouth to his.

  His tongue licked along the seam of her lips, and she opened to him. He sank into her as if he’d never tasted anything so good before in his life. As Andrew licked her cunt juices, Danny licked at the roof of her mouth and along her teeth. She tried to explore his mouth with her tongue, but he kept control of the kiss.


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