Taming Hollywood’s Ultimate Playboy

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Taming Hollywood’s Ultimate Playboy Page 4

by Amalie Berlin

  And she needed to be there in order to intercede, but Liam didn’t want people seeing her shirt. “Do you have clothes here? Other than the ones for the trip and the premieres?”

  He nodded. “Why?”

  “The crews are here and Shopper Tom hasn’t had enough time to get something here for me to wear. Thought maybe I could snag one of your button-downs and wear it instead of the polo until he gets here.”

  He nodded toward his female assistant. “Show Miss Watson what’s available in the wardrobe. The shirts I wore when I leaned out for that role eight months ago would probably work best.”

  Grace followed the woman.

  He’d leaned out?

  In general, looking at Liam’s chest was a bad idea if Grace wanted to keep her wits about her, but she couldn’t help herself now. His shoulders were broad, had always been broad. How much weight had he lost for a role? Everything looked normal to her with his clothes on... What other tortures was he putting his body through for this job?

  What would she have put her own through to turn pro? More than was sane. She’d done plenty during rehab when she’d been hanging onto a shred of hope. She had just never managed to get back there.


  SOMEHOW GRACE HAD made herself the boss of Liam and his assistants, and Liam didn’t have any desire to dissuade her from that course of action.

  She got the crews in and out, and guarded the door in between. And the shirt she’d selected from his clothing didn’t fit. Hell, it might as well be the only thing she was wearing for the way it distracted him. The collar unbuttoned deeply enough to tease at her cleavage, and the material tied in a knot at her waist, granting glimpses of solid abs and golden skin. No way would she be mistaken for a medical professional in that. She looked like his girlfriend or his lover, bossing everyone around and protectively fetching him water while still nagging him about this and that.

  He liked that idea way too much.

  But only because it was the perfect cover. No other options there.

  If she didn’t watch it, the story the reporters took away would be that Liam had dumped Simone and caused her to turn addict...so that he could shack up with the golden vixen managing his suite and tending to his needs while his assistants stood by and looked at her balefully. Yep, it all but screamed The Other Woman.

  She escorted the fourth crew back and came back to him, alone as she did every time. “How are you? Do you need a break before the next?”

  “I do. I need to use the...facilities.” He gestured. “And I won’t ask you to stick around there, but someone to lean on would be appreciated.”

  “Just a second. I have crutches with me.”

  “You brought them anyway? How?”

  She dug into the big duffel and started pulling out parts. Somehow, in that big bag of supplies, she’d managed to break down and stash a set of crutches. She flipped metal bits this way and that, pressed buttons, and adjusted the height. “Don’t worry, when you’re seated again, I’ll stash them under the sofa so no one can see them. I just want you using them anytime you’re not in front of the public. I’m serious, Liam. You are damaging that further every time you put your weight on it, and there is a window where you can get away with it, but past that it’s going to heal wrong and you’ll sprain it again. You’d be surprised by how little pressure a weakened ankle can withstand before it rolls out of the socket. Pain is a signal. It’s supposed to dissuade you from acting like a he-man.”

  Arguing was futile.

  “Fine. Give them to me. It might shock you to hear this, but I don’t want to do more damage than I have to. I’ve rated it as high as I can beneath the top priorities.”

  She helped him get the crutches positioned right, and walked beside him toward the bathroom.

  “What do you think you’re going to have to give up by bowing out of these premieres and interviews?”

  “It wouldn’t take much to wreck the momentum my career has gained in the past two years. You know how the gossip is. You don’t have to make huge scandalous mistakes for the climate to turn. People are already mad at me about Simone, and that’s all speculation. I could keep making a series of small mistakes or demonstrations of bad judgment and the tide would still turn, just not as sharp a turn as if I went around punching people and biting the heads off live kittens.”

  He felt it before he even looked down and saw the face she pulled while walking beside him. She turned her lips in and bit them, the way she’d liked to do to hide smiles, or keep from saying something she shouldn’t. Simone. She wanted to ask about Simone, how could she not?

  No way. He wasn’t up for talking about his ex with the woman he’d spent years comparing all his former girlfriends to.

  “I know that’s a silly example. What I want you to know is that I need to make the most of it while I’m in the position I’ve managed to reach. Do the most work I can, bank it for the inevitable downturn. And in the meanwhile get the best parts and stretch myself—increase the work that people think I’m capable of.” He swung into the bathroom and turned to try and drill the importance of his words into her. “The next project is a really good one. It’s also the kind of work that will keep me from being stuck in either the rom-com hero or action hero typecasts when I get too old for those kinds of parts.”

  She opened the bathroom door and waited for him to enter. “I’ll wait out here.”

  It closed with a click and Liam shook his head. No comment on what he’d said. She thought he was being unreasonable just out of stubbornness. Or, worse, she thought it was ego. That his pride would sacrifice his leg if it meant the chance to prowl the carpet and be told how awesome he was.

  He caught his reflection in the mirror as he passed it, scowling so deeply that he had to pause. Even speculating that she held him in anything but high esteem made him feel fifty pounds heavier, and it showed on his face.

  Afterward, while avoiding looking into the mirror, he washed his hands and grabbed the crutches again.

  “Door.” He’d let her wait on him if she wanted to take it this far. “You think I’m being ridiculous.”

  “I think that you think you’re invincible. I remember feeling that way myself, but when it goes? It’s a really rude awakening.”

  “Liam?” Miles called from the door. “The media are getting restless.”

  “Right. Let me get settled and then bring in the next person. Wait at least ninety seconds.” The crutches were awkward at first, but he’d played parts where they were needed in the past. His body remembered the way of it soon enough. He picked up speed to his seat, sat, and thrust them at Grace. “I’ll take care of settling my foot with the ice on it.”

  His group were competent and cautious people and he even fully trusted two of the three of them, but having Grace take care of things felt the most secure.

  When this was over, he’d have to make sure she knew how much this meant to him. Maybe she’d stop looking at him that way then. Maybe he’d stop looking at himself that way.

  He should probably also give his group bonuses. He’d seen Miles—his longest-employed assistant—giving Grace the stink-eye at least twice today.

  With a quick bend and tuck, she stashed the crutches beneath the sofa and out of sight. Liam made a point of not watching her bend over.

  Twenty minutes and another trip to the lavatory later, she was helping him back to the chair and paused to have a look at his foot before putting the ice back on it. “It’s working. At least we have that. If the swelling keeps going down, your insane plan might actually work. Providing you can stand the pain. How’s it doing right now, on a scale of one to ten?”

  He could lie—and the professional side of his personality almost demanded it. If he told her that it was a solid four even when he was sitting still, and that it shot up to seven or seventy-f
ive when he walked...

  “It’s pretty sore,” he said, shaking his head. “And it is worse when I walk on it. The crutches are helping, but I’m only using them here.”

  “We’ve been over that,” Grace said, heading toward the couch with the crutches. “But you didn’t say a number.”

  “Three when I’m sitting.” It wasn’t really a lie. All these numbers were subjective. It just felt like a lie.

  “And when you’re on it?”

  “I don’t know. Six.”

  She straightened with a grimace and a shake of her head. “Before you go, if you insist on going, I’ll give you a staggered dose of painkillers to help a little more. But you remember this tomorrow when sitting is a six and walking is a ten.”

  * * *

  With the new rules limiting the number of questions they could ask, and doubling up on crews, they managed to get them all through with only a little extra time shaved off the required rest period Grace had given him.

  And the remainder of it, all one hour and forty-seven minutes he’d spent flat on his back on the floor, his leg propped up on the seat of the chair he’d spent the afternoon in, his foot above the level of his heart, seemed like the easiest way to accomplish that.

  However hard he’d thought it’d been to avoid her, he now fully recognized how much he’d missed just seeing her. Even considering the tension in their first minutes and the frequent flashes he saw in her eyes when she looked his way, things were going much better than he would have hoped.

  She still thought he was being completely foolish, but she was getting him through what he needed to. And what he really needed now was another trip to the damned bathroom. Note to self: great for reducing swelling but lousy if you’re not glued to the en suite.

  “Grace!” he yelled from the floor. “Is my time up?”

  “You have one minute, but I guess we can get you up early. Why? Do you need something?” She asked the question so innocently, he almost missed the teasing light in her eyes—small as it was.


  “Can you wait until I’ve had a second to look at it and tape it if possible?”

  “Do we really need to delay? It’s a quick trip.”

  “Yes, but any time with your foot down it’s going to start swelling again.”

  And she’d made enough of a deal about it earlier that he didn’t want to test her patience with him. Funny, he usually had a harder time letting go of his way than that.

  “All right. If you can do it fast. Like in five minutes.”

  “I’ve taped on the sidelines. I can tape an ankle in under two minutes, but I need a couple more minutes to see your ankle once we’ve got the wrap off.”

  A minute later, she’d moved her supplies over and offered him a hand from the floor. “I thought you didn’t want me to put it down.”

  “I want you to stand up and sit in the chair so I can tape it easier. You know, so I can get the tape under it without you having to strain to keep it off my lap and I don’t have to give myself backache bending and twisting to get in past the seat back.”

  Liam shrugged and bypassed her hand. He could still stand up.

  He sat up and flipped to one hip to push up off the floor without assistance, keeping what was left of his macho intact—or as much as it could be while hopping on one foot.

  Sitting back down, he held his leg up and waited for her to make with the unwrapping, though really it was loose enough that she could probably slide it off like a sock at this point. He could only consider that a win.

  When the skin was exposed, he prompted, “So?”

  “So, this is not an instant decision. I’m going to need to move your foot around. I’m sorry, it’s going to hurt, but I will try to be gentle. I need to make sure that what I diagnosed earlier was correct. Inversion sprains usually involve certain ligaments, and the method of taping is slightly different depending on whether it’s the top one or the bottom one. I won’t bore you with the names.”

  “So it can be taped? When you know the right taping procedure...”

  She didn’t answer yet, just gently moved his foot in the joint—pointed up, pointed down, side to side. It was the side motion that had him hissing loudest.

  “Anterior talofibular ligament. And possibly the calcaneofibular.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to bore me with the names.”

  “I’m just showing off.” The tiny smile she gave came with a wave of relief in its wake. Almost normal. Her twisting his foot around might hurt enough that his jaw ached from clenching it, but physical pain could be borne much easier than what they’d been sidestepping since the second she’d pulled herself out of that pool.

  “There’s so much bruising I’m still not sure that there isn’t actually a tear and not just too much stretching.”

  “Grace.” He said her name a little louder, forcing her to stop what she was doing and look at him. “Can it be taped?”

  “We’re going to find out. I’m going to tape it, you’re going to have people help you shave or whatever here in this chair, and keep it elevated until you absolutely need to stand up to get dressed. It might also be a good idea for you to—at the last minute—gently walk around the suite to try and get the motion down. When you’ve got your ankle locked, it changes the method of locomotion. Hip and knee flexing becomes more important. And it will also probably make your back hurt before too long, so don’t walk any more than you absolutely have to.”

  Once more she went into that bag, this time coming out with an electric razor and some other supplies.

  “I’ll use my own razor when you’re done.”

  “This isn’t for your face. I’m shaving your leg.”

  “You are?”

  “You want me to tape it?”

  “Yes.” He sighed and leaned back, letting her have her way again. “Just don’t shave anything else.”

  “I’m not here for manscaping. I’m here to save your skin from the tape.”

  “Couldn’t you just put something under it?”

  “I am. But I use a light adhesive spray too so it doesn’t slide and cause blisters.”

  “Fine, fine.”

  A moment later she had his foot cradled between her knees and was shaving halfway up his calf, all around.

  Seconds only, and while it wasn’t exactly a close shave, it got the job done. Then she hit it with the spray and grabbed a thin, blue stretchy wrap. It went on next, covering his leg from just below the toes, around the heel, and just over halfway up to his knee.

  * * *

  Grace hadn’t been lying when she’d said she could do one in under two minutes, a wrap that would be tight and functional but maybe a little bulkier than she wanted. She’d take her time and do it in three or four minutes this time. After a couple of strips to anchor it, she flexed his foot up at a good right angle and laid down the stirrup strips. And then heel locks and figure eights of tape around the foot and ankle.

  “How much tape are you going to use?”

  “I’m going to make sure that none of the pre-wrap is showing except where the ends poke out a bit. No holes. It needs to be closed up completely or it might start to come off. So maybe the whole roll of tape. And maybe some other tape on top of it. I want to see you walk on it first. Then if we need the stretchy tape, we’ll slap another layer on, just to add that little bit extra support.”

  He made some noise of affirmation, but stopped asking questions. Which gave her an opening. “I know you don’t want anyone to find me out, but if I just go to the theater and lurk in the crowds by the carpet, that should be all right. I don’t want to be up here sitting, waiting, when you might need me on the ground. I’ll stand out of the way somewhere.”

  “I guess that’s okay. I mean, you’ll try to stand out of the w
ay somewhere, but there’s a lot of jostling that happens along the carpet. Not just from the cameras but also the fans lining up to snap pictures and shake hands. It’s a big deal for them. If that happens, just go back to the limo and sit. I really don’t want to have you helping me in public either. If I fall over, I fall over. Better that it looks like a fresh accident than something that I had to bring health professionals with me to manage.”

  “You really want to fall on camera?” she asked, hand fumbling in the bag beside her for the wide athletic tape.

  Liam made a noise and shook his head. “But we’re not talking about what I’d like, we’re talking about what might provide the best public reaction. If I fall and limp off to the limo, I can just claim the doctor said I need to stay off it a couple days and that it will be fine, but if I am there with a physical therapist...”

  “This is ridiculous. A fall is a fall, everyone will react to it the same way. They might even be happy that you’re bringing someone like me with you in order to try and minimize the damage. Though I dare say that they’d strangle you if they found out that you’re planning on walking on it unassisted in this condition. That might make them think you’re out of your mind and incapable of the part. I know that’s what would push me over the edge.”

  “You’re a medical professional. And this is your job. Regular people, and especially people in the industry, want me to be a superhero.”

  “Is that what the part is for? A superhero?”

  “No.” He denied it too quickly, and for a man used to acting—basically lying for a living—he didn’t pull the denial off at all.

  “Your left eye just twitched.” She stopped what she was doing, though she hadn’t really gotten started wrapping the thing yet. “It’s so-o-o for a superhero. Who?”

  “It’s not what you think. It’s different. He’s a kind of medieval superhero, I suppose.”

  Before she could stop it, Grace felt her eyes roll and she scooted back and went to fish the crutches out. “Just until you get on your feet and have taken a few practice steps. Ease into it. Let your arms carry you until you find the right stride. And don’t be afraid to call it off if you come to your senses.”


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