Taking Karre (Divinity Warriors 4)

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Taking Karre (Divinity Warriors 4) Page 19

by Pillow Michelle M.

  Divinity Warriors I: Lilith Enraptured

  Alternate Reality Romance

  Sorin of Firewall lives in a land forever at war. In fact, the Starian men are so busy fighting, their marriage ceremony has been reduced to a “will of the gods” event where they simply pick a woman out of a lineup and claim her as a wife. With women becoming scarce, it’s necessary to trade the offworld Divinity Corporation for brides. Duty-bound to attend the ceremony, he has no intention of picking a bride, let alone one from another dimension. Duty-bound to attend the ceremony, he has no intention of picking a bride, let alone one from another dimension. That is, until he sees Lilith, the bewitching woman sent by the gods to reward—or punish?—him.

  Lilith, a data analyst for Divinity, is betrayed by the Corporation and wakes up in a primitive, uncharted dimension filled with warriors who only know war and duty. But her initial fears of becoming a sex slave to a big beefy knight become all too real when a warrior of god-like proportions claims she’s his new woman. As Lilith discovers, there are worse fates than being the focus of Sorin’s skillful and earthy seduction.

  For a complete, up-to-date booklist, visit www.MichellePillow.com

  Divinity Warriors II: Fighting Lady Jayne by Michelle M. Pillow

  Alternate Reality Romance

  Jayne Hart has earned her independence by becoming Divinity Corporation's inter-dimensional boxing champion. Life is great, until a dirty fighter knocks her unconscious. Now, abandoned by the corporation in a parallel world, Jayne will use every weapon she has to be free once more. Even if it means running from her sexy new "husband" and spending the rest of her life in a primitive forest.

  Ronen of Firewall longs for a woman to warm his bed and his home, but he had no intention of choosing a bride. In an unprecedented move, one chooses him. Never in the history of the breeding ceremony has a woman dared to lay claim. How can he resist the alluring Lady Jayne? She's confident and sure in her decision to be with him--until their wedding night when she's nowhere to be found. But, Ronen is not one to shy from a battle. He will find Jayne and, when he does, he has one particular "weapon" in mind for taming his seductive, wayward wife.

  For a complete, up-to-date booklist, visit www.MichellePillow.com

  Divinity Warriors III: Keeping Paige by Michelle M. Pillow

  Alternate Reality Romance

  An outcast because of her psychic abilities, Paige doesn’t expect her people to rescue her when a zealous sect of Faerians sacrifices her to their gods. Thrown through a fairy ring to a new dimensional plane, drugged on ambrosia, she is compelled to seduce the first man she meets. Only when the effects wear off and she’s left with an insatiable husband expecting more than she’s willing to give, does Paige discover the true extent of what the fairies have done.

  Ordered by the king to marry, Sir Aidan of Fallenrock is dead set against taking a bartered bride. He believes his people should be patient and wait for the gods to bless them. When the beautiful Lady Paige comes through the sacred rings, kissing and touching him like she knows their joined fate, Aidan’s sure he’s being rewarded—until his new bride tries to back out of their marriage.

  To learn more visit www.TheRavenBooks.com or www.MichellePillow.com

  The Playful Prince (Lords of the Var 2) by Michelle M. Pillow

  Bestselling Futuristic Romance

  To play…

  Prince Quinn, royal Ambassador, isn't looking for a serious relationship. In fact, he's never even considered it. Hopping from lover to lover, he's content to enjoy himself, never taking anything but his work seriously. However, when Dr. Tori Elliot is sent to the palace to test for biological weapons, he can't seem to stay away from her.

  Or not to play…

  Tori Elliot has just finished her last assignment and is on her way to a much needed vacation. But when the Human Intelligence Agency stops her ship and demands she heads up a team on some remote planet, she knows it in her best interest not to refuse. Ever serious, she knows she's there to do a job and no matter what, she's going to act like a professional.

  Meeting Prince Quinn, his body pressed against another woman in the palace halls, she knows he's not the man for her. Too bad he's the Ambassador and too sexy for his own good. Fighting her desire, Tori must try to do her job while not succumbing to the playful Var prince.

  The Playful Prince Excerpt

  His sudden movement caught her attention and she realized he stepped toward her. He lifted his hand, as if to touch her. Tori flinched and took a step back.

  “Sir,” Tori stammered. “I mean, my ... ah?”

  “Quinn,” he supplied with a rakish smile.

  “Yes, my Quinn... wait, no.” She took another step back as he moved aggressively forward. The look on his face made her heart flutter in excitement.

  “Your Quinn?” he mused in a low tone that sent chills over her spine. “You wish for me to be your Quinn?”

  “Stop!” she demanded holding out her hand. He paused in his quest to get to her and grinned, waiting. Tori swallowed, nervous and distracted. “Prince Quinn. I am Dr. Elliot with ESC ... well, actually the HIA, well, not really, technically with HIA or ESC except—”

  Was she babbling? Tori was pretty sure it sounded like she was babbling. Scientists didn’t babble. It wasn’t appropriate. Her scowl deepened. Oh, why was he continuing to look at her like that?

  “Well, Dr. Elliot not technically with the HIA or ESC,” Quinn said, lowering his jaw as he leaned forward. “I’m H O R N Y and you’re extremely pretty.”

  “H O...? Oh! Really!” Tori gasped, dismayed. She shook her head in disapproval.

  “What? You’re really so surprised? Can you really blame me, Dr. Elliot? You were staring quite intently at—” Quinn began to motion down, acting as of their conversation was an everyday topic.

  Tori held up her hand and shook her head frantically to stop him. Taking a deep breath, she centered her thoughts and made a silent promise to never drink the night before a big assignment again. Surely that is why her heart was pounding so hard and why her limbs were shaking. Swallowing, she forced her voice to rigid calmness. “Is there someone I could talk to about gaining permission to search the cave systems that the biological weapons were discovered in? The HIA has requested that I clear the cave and surrounding area of any and all contamination threats.”

  Someone other than you, she thought, not caring if he saw her distaste for his lewdness.

  Quinn’s smile faded and to her surprise, he turned serious. “You think something else is up there?”

  “I’m honestly not sure. The recovered weapon appears to be intact and contains enough chemical to wipe out at least five planets. From that bit of information, I would assume there was only the one, unless the caves were being used as a storage unit of some kind, which, given the political climate of your Kingdom, doesn’t seem to be the assumption. From what I understand, your father was fighting a war with...”

  Tori stopped, realizing that she might be speaking too candidly. That’s why she hated being in political situations. Facts were facts and she was use to stating them, regardless of their popularity. In her job facts were all that mattered. In politics, a person was supposed to say things diplomatically, twisting the words into just the right phrase. It was a skill she lacked. She looked up at the Prince. His face hadn’t changed. She swallowed nervously. He motioned his hand slightly for her to continue, not looking at all offended by her words.

  Weakly, Tori said, “My checking would simply be a wise safety precaution for everyone concerned, especially your people. It won’t cost you a thing, if that’s your concern. HIA is taking care of my and the other scientists’ salary.”

  Quinn nodded, a motion she hoped was agreement.

  “My team has nearly gotten through with the palace inhabitants and so far everyone has tested negative. I believe they’re about finished.” Tori looked at her clipboard and pretended to scan through the data. This man unnerved her. She couldn’t concentrate on w
hat she was saying to him. Was she repeating herself? Was he even listening? Did she tell him yet that they were about done testing the palace inhabitants? She thought it, but did she say it? Damn, he had the most brilliant blue eyes she’d ever seen in her life. Delicately clearing her throat, she said, “But, we’d still like to do a thorough scan of the caves. There is no point in us leaving anything behind.”

  Quinn seemed to contemplate her words. Tori lowered her voice and stepped closer. He didn’t move, except for those blue eyes. They followed her, keeping fixed on her face.

  Getting excited, Tori forgot her nervousness as she admitted in a secretive whisper, “There was also something else. I took the liberty of analyzing the strange dark mud on the biological weapon’s crate. I believe it’s from your marshes, because I found some fresh moss that leads me to believe it wasn’t already on the crate when it was brought here. Anyway, there was an extremely high level of what appears to be DTH12 compound, which I’m sure isn’t indigenous to this particular planet, being as your swamp soil is classified as GR13H and not TDH14. What doesn’t make sense is that DTH12 is primarily found in the slime trail of northeastern yellow slugs on the planet of Fluk in the H ... what? Are you laughing at me?”

  Quinn was indeed chuckling. Shaking his head, he said, “Woman, I have no idea what you just said.”

  Tori frowned. She should have known. Sarcastically, she drawled, “Your mud is neat and I’d like to look at it.”

  Okay, maybe that was a tad too condescending. Quinn grimaced but didn’t appear overly offended. Lucky for her, because he might just be the man she had to impress.

  For a complete, up-to-date booklist, visit www.MichellePillow.com

  Wicked Lucidity by Mandy M. Roth

  When Karri-Lynn O’Higgins is offered a small slice of normalcy, she goes for it unbeknownst to her following her destiny. She wasn’t looking for a relationship and she sure the hell wasn’t looking to fall in love.

  Something about Riston Wallace calls to her on a level Karri can’t deny. He’s everything she wants in a man expect for one thing—he’s a nice guy. What happened to her wish list? Tall, dark and deadly? He got the tall and dark part right.

  She soon learns that there’s more to Riston than meets the eye. Much more. In a world where sanity is as relative as what defines evil, Karri finds herself being forced to come to terms with her past and her future.

  To find out more about these books or to read other books from The Raven Books visit www.TheRavenBooks.com




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