Mail Order Bride: CLEAN Western Historical Romance: Plea of the Desperate Bride (Three Brides of Haines Press Book3)

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Mail Order Bride: CLEAN Western Historical Romance: Plea of the Desperate Bride (Three Brides of Haines Press Book3) Page 4

by Faye Sonja

  Florence spun Clara around, switching places. Her eyes went wide as she saw Joe walk into the room. Florence smiled, spun Clara again, and then handed her friend off into the arms of her husband. Clara gasped and tried to push Joe away, but Joe was having none of that. He held on to his wife’s hand, spun her out, and then back in. Clara laughed and then began to dance; just as happy as anyone had ever seen her. Florence’s face felt like it would split in two as she took a seat on the couch. Eve and Evelyn came to join her. They watched as Joe and Clara danced; laughing as Clara got into the moves; hands on her hips, finger waving in the air, feet shuffling underneath her. Joe snapped his fingers, moved his shoulders with the beat, and shuffled his feet alongside his wife. It was the cutest and funniest thing Florence had ever seen. The pair was much like night and day; literally. Clara wore her hair short and in finger waves. It was black, just like everything else the woman wore. Joe was a blond and wore mainly whites and bright colors, like he was now. But somehow, Florence thought they fit together so well; balancing one another out.

  Florence sighed as she remembered how the two had almost missed their chance. Clara had been afraid of loving her longtime friend; not willing to give herself over to any man. Not willing to let herself be hurt the way she’d been hurt before. But the moment Joe had decided to move on, Clara had come around. It had been a close call, but the two had eventually found their way to one another.

  The record ended and Clara quickly lowered the volume on the recorder before the second song could begin, reducing it to the background. She was breathing hard when she turned back to the room. Joe came over and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m going to go play basketball with the guys. I’ll see you later.”

  Clara waved him off. “That’s fine.”

  Joe kissed her cheek.

  Clara stood still.

  Joe kissed her cheek again.

  Clara sighed, turned, and kissed her husband on the lips.

  Joe smiled and then went towards the back of the house.

  Clara crossed her arms. A large grin on her face.

  Eve laughed. “Oh, Clara. You looked like you’re ready to fall into a million pieces.”

  Clara did a little happy dance. Joe came back with a bag. Clara stopped and put on her straight face; looking as innocent as a lamb. Joe looked at her and narrowed his eyes. He then turned to the rest of the room. “You ladies all have fun now.”

  “We will,” Florence said.

  A wave and then Joe was gone.

  Clara ran over and sat between her friends on the couch. She still had the straight face on, but as the seconds passed, her frown soon turned into an all-out grin.

  Florence sighed. “You’re so happy.”

  Clara leaned back into the cushion. She closed her eyes. “I am.”

  Eve brought her feet up under her, but let Evelyn down to the floor. “Aren’t you glad I intruded on your relationship?”

  Clara narrowed her eyes. “Perhaps.”

  Florence smiled. Eve had been crucial to Clara and Joe finally getting together. Clara had dragged Joe along for so long that Eve had to chime in and say enough was enough. The couple’s friendship had been treading on thin ice, so Eve had arranged the meeting between Clara and Joe that had eventually led to their marriage.

  Eve waved her off. “If it had been left up to you, Joe would be married to another woman right now.”

  Clara crossed her arms. “I would have strangled him.”

  Florence laughed. “And gone to jail.”

  Clara sighed. “Nah. I would have gotten away with it.” Her dark turquoise eyes took on a devious look.

  “This is not one of your crime novels, Mrs. C.C. Reed,” Eve said, calling Clara by her pen name. C.C. Reed was the name Clara used when she published her crime series, in order to make men think that a man was behind her work. It may have been 1924, but women were still being ‘put in their place’. Women were only allowed to write romance, but Clara was defying the masses… even if only in private.

  Clara turned to Eve. “It’s just C.C. Reed, not Mrs. C.C. Reed. You know that only you, Robert, Joe, and Florence know who I am, and that C.C. isn’t a man.”

  “That’s not true,” Florence said. “Benjamin knows C.C. Reed is a woman. He just doesn’t know that that woman is you.” Joe had found out about C.C. Reed’s true identity after months of correspondence between himself and C.C. Reed. Little did he know, he’d been writing his best friend, Clara, the entire time. When the truth came to light, Florence was almost sure Clara would have lost Joe, but that was love. It was unrelenting, almost dangerous to those under its power.

  Eve leaned around Clara. “Speaking of Benjamin,” she said to Florence.

  Florence’s face grew warm, but she didn’t move. “What about Benjamin?”

  Clara looked between both women. “Yes, what about Benjamin? Please, do tell.”

  Florence sighed. “Benjamin got me a major project today.”

  Clara tilted her head. “Oh?”

  Eve nodded. “Yeah, Florence and Benjamin are doing the entire advertising design for Haines’ section of the Kansas State Fair.”

  Clara’s eyes went wide. “Wow. Really? Isn’t Mr. James Howard chair of the local business association?” Clara turned to Florence. “Working with the richest man in town?” She rolled her eyes. “What an honor.” The back of Clara’s hand came to rest on her own forehead; her eyes fluttered. “Mr. James Howard. The most powerful man in town.”

  Florence laughed. “Yeah, that man thinks he runs the world, and he even had the nerve to hit on me.”

  “In front of Benjamin?” Eve asked.

  Florence sighed. “Why must you keep bringing that man up?”

  Eve smiled. “You brought him up first.”

  Florence shut her mouth. She had. “Fine. But, let’s not talk about him.”

  Clara shook her head and placed her hands on Florence’s lap. “No, you must tell me.” She smiled. “Has he proposed again?”

  Florence sighed. “Yes.”

  Eve got up and sat on the other side of Florence. “Why do you keep telling him no?”

  Florence tried to back away from both her friends. “Uh, because he doesn’t love me.”

  “Do you love him?” Clara asked.

  Florence fought to get her words out. “I, uh… Of course, I don’t... love… Ben.”

  Eve lifted a dark brow. “You don’t sound too sure. Come on, admit it. He’s hard to resist, ain’t he?”

  Florence narrowed her eyes. “You’re married to his identical twin. Your opinion doesn’t count.”

  Eve smiled and looked over into nothing. “You’re right. Robert is so dreamy.” She closed her eyes and sighed.

  “And anyway,” Florence began. “I’m pregnant with another man’s baby. I can’t marry Benjamin. It wouldn’t be right.”

  Eve shrugged. “I had a pair of twins myself before Robert married me.”

  Clara nodded. “That’s true, Florence. So, marry Benjamin.”

  Florence turned to Clara. “I know you’re not talking. You hated men before you married Joe.”

  Clara put her hands up. “Hey, I’m a woman. I can change my mind.”

  Eve laughed. “Love does that.”

  Florence crossed her arms. “Well, I was in love and Eddie packed up and left.”

  Eve narrowed her eyes. “Eddie was just as worthless as my first husband. My marriage to Robert is like heaven on Earth.”

  Florence looked at Eve. “But you had almost a decade to find yourself before Robert came into your life.” Florence looked straight ahead; not seeing anything. “And I think that’s what I need to do. I need to find myself. My mother was a woman of… low morals. She always looked to a man to fulfill herself and I ended up doing the same exact thing and like her, I got pregnant. Both of you had years to just be yourselves. I’ve never been able to just be me. I don’t even know who I am.” She looked at Clara. “Do you know what I mean?”

  Clara frowned. �
�Yeah, I know what you mean. It took me ten years to finally say ‘yes’ to Joe, but part of me wishes I’d just said yes in the beginning, instead of wasting so many years that I could have spent with him.”

  Florence frowned. “You say that now, but who knows what would have happened if you and Joe had gotten together early in your relationship. Maybe you needed the ten years.”

  Clara shrugged. “You may be right. Do you think that Benjamin is going to wait ten years for you to agree to his proposal?”

  Florence sighed. “No, but I won’t marry a man who doesn’t love me. I can’t.”

  Eve leaned on the back of the couch, but faced Florence. “Who says that Benjamin doesn’t love you?”

  “Benjamin,” Florence said.

  Eve’s eyes went wide. “Really?” She shrugged. “Well, the way he goes on and on about you, I’d have thought—”

  Florence leaned over. “What? Ben talks about me? What does he say about me?”

  “Well,” Eve began. “He and Robert talk for hours and hours some nights.”

  Clara leaned over further too. “You listen to them talk?”

  Eve smiled. “Well, it’s not like they close the door on themselves.”

  Florence shook her head, but couldn’t resist. “Tell me what he says.”

  Eve stood. “Well, I can’t betray my husband’s trust.” She brushed over her skirt and then grabbed Evelyn.

  Florence stood. “Eve Manning.” She stomped her foot. “You are not leaving me like this.”

  Eve smiled. “Give Benjamin a chance, Florence. That’s all I’m asking.” She closed her eyes for a moment and then reopened them. “In a way, I think Benjamin is trying to find himself as well; including his feelings. So, give him time.” She started for the door. “Good evening, ladies.”

  Florence turned to Clara. “Can you believe that?”

  Clara lifted her arms, but gave no answer. “You do realize that she’s the reason Joe and I are together, right?”

  Florence narrowed her eyes. “What’s that mean?”

  Clara stood. “It means, that I think Eve’s mothering instincts have taken over her brain and she’s trying to make sure we’re both married off.”

  Florence blinked a few times. “That makes so much sense.”

  Clara nodded and then headed to the kitchen. “Staying for dinner?”

  Florence smiled. “Yes.” Had it been a year ago, Florence would have had to say ‘no’. Eddie didn’t like her spending too much time away from their apartment, not even when he wasn’t there. There were parts of Florence that were glad Eddie was gone, but there were also days when Florence missed having someone to hold at night. She missed having someone of her own. Ben was nice, but he didn’t love her, and there was no way that Florence would live with another man that didn’t love her. Thinking of Benjamin made her think of something else. “Clara, you’re not cooking tonight. We’re going out and I know just the place.”

  * * *


  Chapter FIVE








  “I can’t marry you, Benjamin. I don’t

  like being alone, but I want to be

  with someone who will love me.”

  Benjamin walked into the dining room at the Howard Hotel and smiled at the hostess. “Good evening.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Manning. Will you be joining your wife and her friend?”

  Ben narrowed his eyes. “My wife?” He began to scan the crowd. News about Haines’ newest restaurant had certainly gotten around.

  The hostess laughed. “Yes. I sat you two the other day.”

  Ben looked back at the hostess. He didn’t recognize her, but he didn’t have to let her know that. Ben was used to another host, whom he’d tipped well on the days that Howard was in the room. The fact that Ben had missed the new face let him know just how much Florence was clouding his senses. He smiled at the woman with long black hair. Her tag read ‘Beth’. He’d remember Beth. She had said his ‘wife’ was here. Ben knew who the hostess was referring to. Florence. But who was the friend that Florence was with? “Yes, I’ll be joining my wife. Please, take me to her, Beth.”

  The hostess turned. “Follow me.”

  They maneuvered around white cloth covered tables and fine white china. There was everything from families to people dining alone at the tables they had passed. The hostess led him to the back of the room. It took a moment for Ben to realize that they were heading to the table that sat behind a large potted plant.

  They made it to the other side of that plant and Ben smiled. Florence. She was wearing a pale blue day dress. A white cloche sat on her head. Her blond hair was curled tighter than usual; framing her face. She laughed at something her dining guest said. Ben turned his head and then sighed. Clara. So it wasn’t a man. Ben’s whole body relaxed. Had he been that worried?

  The hostess announced his arrival. “Mrs. Manning, your husband is here.”

  Florence frowned and looked up. Her pink lips parted. She blinked.

  A busboy came over and brought Benjamin a chair. Ben sat down. The table was cleared of the used dishes and new silverware was set out along with a glass of water. It was all done in record time. A waitress came by. It was Mary, the girl from Ben and Florence’s first visit. She asked if Ben wanted his usual. Ben said ‘yes’. Mary left. Ben turned to Florence. “Hello.”

  Florence simply stared at him. It was Clara who greeted him. “Hello, Benjamin.”

  Ben turned to Clara. “Clara, you look beautiful this evening. How are you?”

  Clara smiled; her elbows were on the table, her head balanced on her fingers. She batted long black lashes. “I’m well, Mr. Manning. But I must know the story behind the hostess’ reference to Florence as ‘Mrs. Manning’.” Clara turned back to Florence. “Florence, is there something that you’d like to tell me?”

  Florence’s lavender eyes fluttered again. “Uh.” She shook her head. “It’s just a simple misunderstanding I’m sure.”

  “Yes,” Ben agreed. “A misunderstanding on Florence’s part alone.”

  Florence narrowed her eyes. “I beg your pardon?”

  Clara asked Ben, “Whatever do you mean?”

  “Well, Florence and I are getting married.”

  Clara’s eyes went wide. “Oh, are you now?”

  “No,” Florence said.

  “Yes,” Ben continued. He flicked a napkin out over his lap. “A wedding is only a formality.”

  Florence said, “No—”

  “Naturally,” Clara agreed.

  “But, of course.” Ben began. “Florence can arrange the affair however she sees fit.”

  “Well, of course,” Clara said.

  “Hello?” Florence sighed.

  Ben turned to Florence. “I’m sure the day will be just as beautiful as the bride herself.”

  Florence blushed behind her hand.

  Clara laughed.

  “But, I’d rather a young bride than an old one. Seems Florence wants to keep me waiting forever,” Ben stated.

  Florence sighed again.

  Clara sipped her water. “A tragedy.” She put her glass down. “But, you know, it took a while for me to come around to Joe.”

  Ben leaned forward. “Yes, I noticed. How did Joe manage to finally marry you? I’d like to not wait ten years for Florence, if I don’t have to.”

  “You know, folks. I’m right here,” Florence interjected.

  Clara sighed. “Well…”

  Florence thumped the table. “Enough!”

  Mary appeared with Ben’s food. “Anything else, Mr. Manning?”

  “Yes, my wife will have a slice of chocolate cake.”

  Florence grabbed Mary’s arm. She looked up into the woman’s face. “He’s not my husband. Please, tell the other staff.” She tightened her grip. “Please.”

  Mary looked to Ben. Her brown eyes were wide.

sp; Ben sighed. “Pregnancy, Mary. It makes a woman say the strangest things.”

  Mary chuckled. “Of course.” She placed a hand over Florence’s and spoke low. “It’s okay. I’ll get you a slice of cake and everything will be better, okay?”

  Florence’s face fell. Her grip on Mary loosened. Mary walked back to the kitchen.

  Clara laughed. “I love you two.”

  Florence frowned at her friend. “Whose side are you on?”

  Clara stood. “Love’s side.”

  Florence’s eyes went wide. “Where are you going?”

  Clara picked up her box of food. “If Ben is done playing with the guys then that means Joe is home. So, I’m going home to be with my man.” She tried to leave money for her meal, but Ben waved her off; telling her that he was paying. She thanked him and then threw Florence a wink. “You crazy kids have fun.” Clara turned and left.

  Ben watched Florence’s eyes follow Clara’s retreating back out of the restaurant. He knew Clara was gone when Florence’s eyes finally landed on his. She wasn’t smiling. “Could you at least move to Clara’s seat?”

  Ben shook his head. “I like being near you.”

  Florence’s eyes fluttered away as a smile grew on her lips. Mary brought the slice of cake. She saw the smile on Florence’s face and smiled as well. She left without saying anything. Florence picked up her dessert fork and sliced it through the chocolate cake, picked it up and then put it into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered closed.

  Ben sighed. “I love the way you enjoy food.”

  Florence’s eyes opened. “Are you fattening me up on purpose?”

  He chuckled. “No, I simply enjoy watching you eat.”

  Florence shook her head. “I don’t get you, Benjamin.”

  “What don’t you get?”

  “How you could say all these things and not have feelings for me.”

  “I said I wasn’t in love with you. That doesn’t mean that I have no feelings for you.”

  “What feelings do you have for me?”


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