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A Slave From Scratch

Page 3

by Kim Knight

  ‘Come on,’ Kate commanded and turned for the door.

  Alex didn’t move, causing Kate to stop by the open door and stare angrily at her as Alex asked, ‘Can’t I have some clothes?’

  Kate’s laugh held genuine humour, ‘You have two weeks to learn a lot of lessons, let’s begin now shall we?’ Moving back to Alex, she stood a few inches away from her and Alex had to crane her neck to look into her eyes. ‘You are a worthless piece of shit, you do not deserve clothes or covering of any sort. Your only worth is that the sight of your body may, momentarily, please our Master.’ Her long fingers slipped through the collar at her throat and Alex gave a small cry as she tugged on it, forcing her down to the floor. Alex fell to her hands and knees and then onto her side where she was held there by means of the collar. ‘Tell me your name.’

  Alex stared at the floor, her eyes filling with tears. She had been naked in front of these people, had been pleasured twice by the woman and neither of them knew her name. Shame, disgust and so many other emotions coursed through her body. A sharp tug on the collar made her gasp. ‘Alex,’ she said quickly.

  ‘Alex ...’ she rolled the word around her mouth as if tasting a fine wine. Slowly she nodded, ‘You know nothing of this world, I accept that and I intend to be generous. For the first two days of your training I will not use the whip but be warned, my generosity will not last. You will submit to the will of our master and through me you will learn to serve him. When he is ready, he will fuck you and you will feel a cock filling your juicy cunt for the first time. Pleasure him well and he may well decide that he has had his fill of you and you will be allowed to leave.’

  Alex turned her head as best she could, ‘He never said that.’

  Kate shrugged again, ‘My husband requires constant entertainment, new things do not please him for long. A few weeks, a couple of months perhaps and he will tire of you. When that happens, I will assist him to decide your fate.’ She glanced towards the frame that he had threatened her with earlier, ‘I will train you and you will learn ... it can be as hard as you want it to be and the end result is undecided. I will give you two days to think about that and then your training will begin in earnest.’ She let go of the collar and stood up before heading for the door, ‘Your first day of training continues now.’

  She was led to the bathroom and made to stand under the shower. The cool water beat down on her skin, making her shiver as she was washed. Kate used a rough sponge and soap, rubbing her skin harshly and making it glow red. She paid particular attention to her breasts and buttocks, clearly enjoying the task.

  When she was done she helped Alex out of the shower and then towelled her dry before leading her to a small bedroom.

  ‘This will be your room,’ she announced.

  Alex stepped in and studied the single bed and small window. The bed was the only furniture in the room. ‘Don’t you mean cell?’

  Kate sighed and ordered Alex to lie on the bed. She did so, gasping out loud when Kate grabbed her hands and wrenched them above her head, fastening the metal between the cuffs to a link attached to the wall. ‘My husband offered you another cell, have you changed your mind?’

  ‘No,’ Alex sighed.

  ‘Good,’ she agreed and then roughly grabbed each of Alex’s ankles, pulling her legs apart and fixing them into cuffs that were chained to each of the bottom corners of the bed. She climbed onto the bed and sat between Alex’s legs, her fingers running up and down Alex’s thighs. ‘I am going to make you come now,’ she announced, her hands travelling higher as she spoke, ‘Pay attention to what I am doing, it will help you to pleasure me when I command it.’

  Alex licked her lips, the thought of tasting Kate’s pussy was almost too much to bear. But then suddenly Kate’s thumb was running over Alex’s swollen clitoris and she cried out, closing her eyes.

  ‘Look at me,’ Kate said softly.

  Alex opened her eyes and managed to focus on Kate.

  ‘You like that?’

  ‘Yes,’ Alex whispered and then gritted her teeth as Kate’s fingers slid between her labia lips. She ran the tip of one finger around the opening to her vagina, making Alex quiver.

  She dipped her finger lower and pressed gently at the tighter opening. Alex gasped fearfully but Kate just laughed and gently stroked the area. ‘Relax, we’ll take it slowly.’

  Suddenly, Alex was swamped by the sheer weight of what she had agreed to and all the unknown possibilities that were stretched out before her. She tried to sit up but wrenched her shoulders painfully and fell back against the bed. ‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘I can’t do this.’

  Kate’s fingers moved up and slowly circled her vagina again. ‘It’s okay,’ Kate told her and pressed the tip of her finger into her pussy.

  ‘Please ... don’t ...’ Alex gasped.

  Her other fingers traced lines up Alex’s inner thigh, making her quiver. At the same time, she slipped her finger forward. Alex gave a small cry as she felt her pussy opening to welcome the slim digit.

  ‘Oh, god,’ she whispered. Memories of her own moments of personal pleasure rose to the surface. She had masturbated on occasion but it certainly had never felt like this. Even when she had dared to slide three fingers into herself, she hadn’t felt as stretched as she did now. She knew that it was just an illusion, that it was a reaction to the sheer eroticism of what Kate was doing. With her finger buried as deep as it could go, Kate paused and used her other hand to stroke Alex’s inner thigh again. Then slowly she pulled her finger back, making Alex gasp at the sweet friction. She held the very tip of her finger inside and held there for a moment before sliding forward again. The sensation was incredible and Alex tipped her head to the side, groaning over and over as Kate thrust her finger backwards and forwards.

  ‘Look at me,’ Kate ordered, her voice firmer this time.

  Alex did so, her eyes widening when she felt Kate’s finger slide from her pussy a moment before two fingertips pressed at her opening.

  ‘Do you want me to?’

  Alex shook her head but her eyes suggested otherwise.

  Kate studied her as she held her hand still, ‘I won’t move until you ask me.’ And she was as good as her word, the tips of her fingers steady against her pussy lips while her other hand stroked her thigh and hips.

  Alex stared at her, her eyes filling with tears as she realised the futility to trying to deny the pleasure that her body screamed for. She could only imagine how good Kate’s fingers would feel as they slid into her and just the thought was enough for her pussy to moisten.

  ‘You’re strong ...’ Kate smiled, ‘... or is it stubbornness?’ Her fingernails scratched down her thigh, leaving thin red lines in their wake, making Alex hiss as her nails ignited her nerve endings. ‘It’s surprising how often those two are so closely matched,’ Kate added. ‘Just give in,’ she said softly after a few moments, ‘what are you afraid of?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Alex whispered.

  ‘Then just ask for what you want ... what do you want me to do?’

  ‘I want you to ... fuck me.’

  Kate’s response was immediate and Alex cried out as her fingers slid forwards. She struggled to lift her hips to aid their insertion but the bonds at her ankles restricted her movements, at the same time heightening the sensations. Her arms wrenched against the bonds at her wrists and she cried out again, her body convulsing as she was filled. Her breasts quivered, her nipples swelling as they filled with blood. Kate’s movements were slow and deliberate, quickly building Alex’s pleasure while holding her at the brink of climax.

  ‘Oh, god!’ Alex cried, it felt as if her body would tear itself apart if the pleasure continued to build. ‘Please!’ she gasped, ‘Please ... no more!’

  ‘You want me to stop?’

  ‘Yes!’ Alex cried and then, ‘No! Please ... I want to ... t
o ...’

  ‘Tell me what you want and it’s yours.’

  ‘I want to ... need to ...’ she couldn’t force the words out. She had never said such things to anyone and the words stuck in her throat. To voice them would be to succumb completely to this woman and the person that she wanted Alex to become. ‘Please ... don’t make me say it ...’

  Kate’s fingers continued to move inside her and suddenly Alex screamed as she climaxed. ‘Damn it ...’ Kate cursed as she pulled her fingers free and wiped them across Alex’s thigh.

  ‘I’m sorry ...’ Alex sobbed, fighting to keep her senses as the pleasure coursed through her, ‘... I couldn’t stop ... I ... I ...’ she sobbed again.

  ‘I will keep my promise to hold off using the whip today and tomorrow ... be thankful for that because I should flog your arse for what you just did ... and will do if you ever do that again.’

  Alex stared at her. It was so hard to reconcile the pleasurable touch of the woman with the threats that fell so easily from her beautiful lips. ‘I’m sorry ...’ Alex sobbed again as Kate stood up.

  ‘And if you continue to forget to address me with the proper respect, you will regret it.’

  ‘Yes ... Miss.’

  ‘You are new at this,’ she announced as she headed for the door, ‘but do not expect my generosity to last.’

  Alex wanted to laugh, wanted to do anything but turn her eyes away and whisper, ‘Yes, Miss.’

  The door closed and Alex sobbed loudly, tears rolling from her eyes to soak her hair. She continued to cry until exhaustion sapped the last of her strength.


  She awoke to the sound of the door opening. Her eyes cleared and she watched Kate as she moved to the end of the bed and unfastened her ankles. She had slept fitfully the night before, after Kate had brought her food and allowed her to use the bathroom. The position that she had been fixed into had grown uncomfortable after a couple of hours and, by the end of the night, she had been unable to sleep at all. Her exhaustion must have shown on her face but Kate didn’t comment. Instead she unfastened the link that held her wrists to the wall and waved for her to sit up. She did so, groaning as her head swam.

  ‘A Good morning, Miss, is customary,’ Kate told her.

  Alex looked up at her, ‘Good morning, Miss,’

  Kate’s tone was harsh as she said, ‘I may be slave to our Master but I am still your trainer and therefore you will not look me in the eye unless commanded to do so.’

  Alex lowered her gaze, too tired to do anything else but submit to the simple command. She had no doubt that she would need to save what strength she could for whatever Kate and her Master had planned. A movement at the door made Alex look up and she found herself staring at a dark-haired young woman. Shorter than Kate, with dark eyes and a cruel twist to her mouth. The woman’s eyes appraised her nakedness and Alex felt a flush run up her neck as she stared back at her.

  ‘It meets my gaze?’ the newcomer asked, an Irish lilt rolling through her words.

  Alex grunted as Kate cuffed her across the back of the head. She glared back at her and then lowered her gaze.

  ‘Be thankful that Gary didn’t see her do that,’ the woman laughed nastily, ‘or you’d both be in the frame.’

  ‘Her Master knows that she is new to this, he would give her some leeway.’

  Kate’s words were directed at the other woman who snorted in response, ‘Yeah, sure he would.’

  ‘You’ll join me for a coffee before you start?’

  Maria nodded, ‘Sure.’

  Alex followed the two women down to the kitchen. The house was large for a town house, with rooms and hallways stretching off in different directions. It was easier to look around now that it was during the day - but there wasn’t much to see. A typical, modern home. Expensively decorated and furnished. Whoever these people were, they had money. Through the open doors, Alex could see windows with heavy net curtains hanging from them. No one outside would be able to see in - the point of that was obvious since Alex suspected she wasn’t the first woman to walk around the house naked. It made her think about Mia and her gut twisted - had her friend even got out of the house that night she had helped her to break in? Guilt made her stomach clench all the more - was it her fault that Mia had gone missing? After all, without Alex’s expertise, Mia would never have been able to break in and look for ... whatever it was she had needed. There was just so much that Alex didn’t know but she was determined to find out. The feelings of guilt that rolled through her only made her more determined to find her friend ... whatever it took.

  ‘There,’ Kate ordered, pointing to the corner of the room.

  Alex stared dumbly at the floor where she had directed.

  ‘Move!’ Kate half shouted angrily, ignoring the snort of derision from Maria.

  ‘Yes, Miss,’ Alex said quietly as she moved to the corner. When she reached it she turned to see Kate pointing and with a sigh she lowered herself to the floor.

  ‘You’ve got your hands full with that one,’ Maria laughed and shook her head, ‘You should cut your losses and -’

  ‘I do not need any advice,’ Kate cut her off as she moved to the coffee pot and switched it on.

  Maria gave a shrug and glared at Alex, ‘Whatever,’

  The two women remained silent as Kate collected a bowl and fixed some cereal and milk which she handed to Alex.

  ‘Thank you, Miss.’

  Kate nodded with satisfaction and turned away. Sighing when she realised that no spoon would be provided, Alex tipped the bowl to her lips. She half listened to the two women as she ate but after a few minutes she realised that she had no idea what they were talking about and so stopped listening.

  ‘Do not make me get the whip a day early!’

  Alex’s head snapped up and she stared at Kate before quickly lowering her gaze again. ‘I’m sorry, Miss, I didn’t hear you.’

  ‘A slave should be attentive at all times,’ Kate snarled and sighed as she shook her head, ‘Get up!’

  Alex climbed to the feet and handed Kate the empty bowl.

  ‘Go with Maria and do as she tells you!’

  ‘Yes, Miss,’

  Maria turned on her heel and Alex followed after her. She was led upstairs to the bathroom where Maria had placed some items and a chair.

  ‘Sit,’ she commanded.

  She did so, suddenly nervous of what the young woman had planned for her, especially when she retrieved a pair of scissors from her bag. Alex flinched away when she approached, making Maria snarl with anger, ‘Just give me a fucking excuse to call your Master and see if he can get you to co-operate.’

  Gritting her teeth, Alex sat up straight, holding herself rigid as Maria started to hack at her hair. Great tufts of her long, blonde hair fell across her shoulders, lap and onto the floor. She wanted to say something, to stop her, but she had learnt enough in the last day and a half to know better. Choose the right fight, she told herself. It seemed to take an eternity before Maria put the scissors away and turned to the bath and overhead shower.

  An hour later and Alex stood in front of the bathroom mirror, a stranger staring back. Her hair had been cut close to her head but not cropped. Despite her dislike of the woman, Maria clearly had skills as a hairdresser. The style, although incredibly short, did suit Alex and now that it had been dyed a jet black, it enhanced the blue of her eyes.

  ‘Have you finished preening, slut?’ Maria asked sarcastically and motioned for her to leave the bathroom. The door was shut and as Alex moved to open it, she was suddenly shoved from behind and pressed forcibly against the wood. Maria pushed her leg between her thighs, forcing her legs apart.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Alex gasped, her breasts crushed painfully against the door.

  ‘Shut up,’ Maria hissed, her accent all the br
oader when she was angry. Her hand slipped over Alex’s buttocks and then between them as her fingers sought out her pussy. Alex bucked against her but even as small as Maria was, Alex was smaller and the woman had obviously learnt a thing or two about how to restrain someone with her own body. She gasped in pain as Maria’s fingers pinched her clitoris and then her labia lips, pulling at the flaps of flesh. Then she slid the tip of her finger into Alex and held it there as her thumb pressed against her anus. She tried to slide another two fingers in but the position and Alex’s resistance prevented her. Grabbing her upper arms, she spun her around and then lifted her arms over her head. She gripped the leather cuffs around her wrists and hooked the bar over the hook on the back of the door. Alex looked up and tried to lift her hands free but a sharp slap across the breast stopped her. Her ankles were kicked apart and then Maria turned back to her bag. When she turned round, Alex’s eyes widened with fear when she saw the thickness of the dildo that she was carrying.

  ‘You like this?’ Maria laughed, stroking the phallus.

  ‘I ... I ... no ... I ... I ...’ Alex was lost for words.

  ‘Have you ever had anything this big up your cunt?’

  ‘No,’ Alex half cried, hoping that the truth would save her, ‘I ... I’m a virgin.’

  Maria snorted her disbelief but then she saw the truth written in the fear that shone in Alex’s eyes, ‘Oh my god, you’re telling the truth! You’ve really never been fucked?’

  ‘Only by Kate ... I mean, Miss, yesterday.’

  ‘I don’t class being licked out as a fucking,’ Maria laughed as she ran the end of the phallus over Alex’s breasts, making her shudder and pull away as best she could. ‘You mean you have never been fucked by a man?’


  Maria ran the phallus lower, between Alex’s thighs, rubbing it along her pussy lips. Alex grimaced and turned her head to the side. ‘Don’t you like that?’ Alex didn’t respond, but her answer must have been pretty clear because Maria sighed exaggeratedly and returned to put the phallus away in her bag. Alex’s relief was short lived because when Maria returned to her, she didn’t let her down, instead she slipped her hand between her thighs again and tugged painfully at her labia lips. ‘After your Master has fucked you for the first time, I will re-introduce you to my friend ... and then you will fuck me with it.’ She leant forward and took one of Alex’s nipples between her teeth, biting down on it, gently at first but gradually increasing the pleasure.


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