A Slave From Scratch

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A Slave From Scratch Page 16

by Kim Knight

  Kate’s face broke the surface and she used both hands to push her dark hair back, ‘They didn’t agree with a woman being at the head of the business,’ she continued, ‘they made that clear right from the start. Gary didn’t agree to start with, he said that we were partners and that was the end of it ... but lately,’ she sighed sadly, angrily, ‘he’s been shutting me out more and more. I haven’t been to the club in months and he won’t even talk to be about the business anymore,’ she looked over at Alex as if seeing her for the first time. ‘Why didn’t you run?’

  The sudden change of topic made Alex frown with confusion, ‘Miss?’

  ‘You could have run, Gary has gone out, I was in no position to stop you ... why are you still here?’

  Alex could have given any number of excuses but the truth escaped her with a sharp exhale of breath, ‘I don’t know.’

  Kate nodded, appreciating her honesty. She was thoughtful for a moment, her eyes downcast. When she did look back, there was vague suspicion in her eyes, ‘You will regret it ... perhaps not immediately, but at some point. I will have you strapped in the frame or Master will be slamming into your cunt and you will regret not going when you had the chance.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Alex whispered.

  She was thoughtful again for several moments before she slowly stood, the water cascading off her body. Alex stared at her glistening body, her eyes hungry. Slowly, Kate turned and pressed her hands against the wall, spreading her legs slightly and bending forward. Alex needed no further instruction and stood to slip her fingers between her legs. She worked quickly, suddenly eager to make Kate feel better. Within moments Kate was groaning and gasping, ‘Slow down,’ she whispered, ‘... slower.’

  Alex ignored her and continued to drive her on to climax, her fingers slamming into Kate, brutally fucking her bruised pussy. She used her anger to bruise her cunt, knowing that she was hurting the other woman but needing to. She had to find her own strange release and she could no more be gentle with her then she could have just walked away.

  ‘Oh, God!’ Kate suddenly screamed, pain heightening her pleasure. Suddenly her knees weakened and she slowly slid down the wall and back into the bath water. ‘I will whip your fucking arse for that,’ Kate announced breathlessly.

  Alex nodded slowly, ‘But you do feel better.’

  Kate glared at her, ‘Go and lie on my bed and wait for me.’

  ‘Yes, Miss.’

  As she went into the bedroom, Alex felt her decision settle in the pit of her stomach. As she had fucked Kate, the woman’s arms had slipped out to the sides and Alex had been reminded of Mia in the photo. No matter what had happened to her, Kate must know something about her friend and that meant that Alex needed her. To begin with it had been enough to just find out what had happened to Mia, but now that she had found out, she needed to know more.

  ‘I told you to lie on the bed,’ Kate snarled angrily.

  Without looking back, Alex moved onto the bed but Kate’s next order stopped her. ‘No, your continued disobedience requires more punishment, get downstairs.’

  A few minutes later, Alex lifted her hands so that Kate could slip her wrists into the cuffs of the x-shaped frame that, an hour ago, had held her. Once her wrists were secure, her ankles were also bound and then Kate stepped back, studying her. The frame had been specially made for Kate and Alex was stretched tightly within it - the result was not unattractive. Kate crossed the room and returned with a wicked looking crop. She paced back and forth in front of Alex. Each passing moment heightened Alex’s fear and apprehension as she waited for the first blow that was sure to follow.

  ‘Why didn’t you run?’ Kate asked suddenly.

  Alex stared at her, her throat and mouth suddenly dry when she realised that her punishment had, somehow, turned into an interrogation.


  She cried out as the crop sliced her breasts - hard. Harder than she had ever been struck there. Tears filled her eyes and her lips quivered. ‘Miss, please ...’


  Another blow and another cry.

  Snap! Snap!

  The reward for her silence.

  Alex stared at her angrily, suddenly wondering why she had shown this woman any compassion. She should have run when she had the chance and never looked back.

  Snap! Snap!

  ‘I didn’t want to leave you!’ Alex cried. She had meant that she hadn’t been able to leave Kate lying on the dungeon floor but her words suggested more than that. She realised her error and it must have shown in her face because the crop found the front of her thighs, three times in quick succession. She yelped her pain and groaned at the heat that filled her groin.

  ‘Don’t fucking lie to me!’ Kate yelled, pain and anger filling her voice in equal measure.

  ‘I’m not!’ Alex cried and then quickly added, ‘I thought about it ... I thought about running but then ... I ... I ... I thought of you in here and I just couldn’t leave you like that.’

  Kate lowered the crop slowly, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. Slowly she stepped forward and slid her fingers between Alex’s thighs, making her groan as her fingertips slid between her slick labia lips. ‘You have come so far in just a few months,’ Kate told her, the sudden change of direction making Alex frown again. ‘Look at you now ...’ Kate sighed and stepped back to admire Alex’s stretched and striped body, ‘... to think of that little virgin who was lying just over there.’

  Alex swallowed, the truth of her words warming her pussy as much as the crop and fingers had. ‘Do you want me to thank you?’

  Kate’s eyes narrowed again and she lifted the crop, ‘But no matter how far you have come, you still have so far to go!’ The crop cut the air with a whine, striking first her breasts and then her thighs, over and over again.

  Suddenly, when Alex thought she could take no more, Kate cast the crop aside and slapped her hand between Alex’s thighs again. Alex screamed loudly, her body shuddering in a climax that just kept building. ‘Oh, God!’ she screamed, ‘What are you doing to me?’

  Kate laughed harshly and continued to thrust her fingers into her, driving her to the brink where her pleasure and pain collided. Suddenly she fell limp within the frame and Kate stepped backwards, breathing heavily. ‘Gary used to do that to me,’ she announced sadly, ‘he used to beat me and then fuck me into unconsciousness, telling me, the whole time ... over and over again ... that he loved me,’ she bit back a sob and shook her head, ‘but not anymore, now I’m just his fucking slave.’ She stepped forward and lifted Alex’s head, staring into her half closed eyes, ‘When you first came here, you said that you were looking for your friend.’ Alex’s eyes widened and she felt the breath catch in her throat. ‘What did you mean?’

  Alex stared at her, unable to answer.

  ‘Don’t make me get the crop again,’ Kate sighed.

  She cleared her throat as her mind spun. ‘I ... I ... my friend ... she ... she ...’ She sobbed with fear, ‘Please, Miss, give me a minute?’

  Kate’s eyes narrowed for a moment but then she relaxed a little, ‘Yes, sometimes I forget that you haven’t developed much of a tolerance to all this yet. Very well.’ She waved her hand dismissively and then stepped forward to release her from the frame. Alex slumped to the floor and lay there, her chest heaving, while Kate went to get a chair. She returned a few moments later and set the wooden, high-backed chair in front of Alex. She sat down, crossed her legs and stared down at her. ‘Better?’

  ‘Yes, Miss, thank you ...’ she whispered and lifted herself into a half sitting position.

  ‘Good ... now would you like to answer my question?’

  Alex was an accomplished liar - or at least she had been. But one look at Kate and she knew that she would easily spot a lie. Not only that, Alex didn’t think she could lie to her. ‘I came looking for my friend,’
Alex announced quietly, her head bowed.

  ‘Yes, you said that before ... I want to know what you meant.’

  ‘Her name was Mia ... I helped her to break in here.’

  ‘She was in my house the same time as you?’

  ‘No,’ Alex gasped, ‘it was a couple of weeks before. I helped her to get into your house but then I left ... I ... I haven’t seen her since.’

  Kate uncrossed her legs and leant forward, ‘What did she look like?’

  Alex thought of the picture under her bed but decided that she couldn’t suffer the punishment that would surely follow if Kate found out that she had broken into their Master’s study. ‘A little taller than me, a little older ... long brown hair ...’

  Kate sighed, the description meaning nothing to her. ‘Big breasts? Small breasts? Nice looking?’ she prompted but then stopped and was silent for a moment as her eyes flicked upwards, ‘Nice breasts?’ she asked thoughtfully, ‘attractive ... but not beautiful?’ She was thoughtful again and then slowly nodded, ‘A couple of weeks before Master caught you?’

  ‘Yes, Miss,’ Alex replied, her heart thumping against her chest.

  ‘So, she was called Mia, was she?’

  ‘You saw her?’ Alex gasped.

  ‘You could say that,’ Kate smiled wistfully and glanced towards a frame in the corner, ‘Gary brought her home as an anniversary present ... that was the last good time we had, that’s why I remember it.’

  Alex stared at the floor, her mind a jumble of thoughts.

  ‘Didn’t you know that your friend ...’ Kate glanced towards the frame again, ‘... played?’

  ‘I had no idea,’ Alex whispered and again the photo flashed through her mind. Had she stayed here for nothing? Had Mia intended to get involved with these people all along? She thought back to the night that Mia had arrived on her doorstep and practically begged her for help. No - there was more to this than simple, dark desires. Mia had been in trouble and Gary Marshall was involved somehow.

  ‘I can find out what happened to her,’ Kate announced suddenly, almost excitedly, ‘but I will need something from you in return.’

  Alex stared at her with fear, what more could she possibly want from her?

  ‘Your ... talents ... may prove to be useful.’

  ‘I don’t understand,’ Alex responded.

  ‘Then you will just have to trust me,’ Kate smiled, ‘I want to get away from my husband but he will never just let me go, I’ll need protection. You can help me get that.’

  The meaning of her words slowly sunk in and Alex realised what it was that she wanted, ‘You want me to break in somewhere?’

  ‘Yes,’ Kate breathed, ‘I will set everything up, all you will have to do is break in and find something for me ... I’m not sure what yet, but I have a few ideas.’ She nodded to herself as the beginnings of the plan settled in her mind, ‘And while I am setting everything up, I will find out what happened to ... Mia.’

  ‘And then what?’ Alex asked quietly.

  ‘And then we will both be free.’

  Another party

  ‘You need to perform well at tonight’s party,’ Kate announced as she strapped the dildo around her waist, ‘It’s been six weeks since I turned Master Gabriel down ... you are stronger now.’

  ‘Yes, Miss,’ Alex whispered in reply. She was lying on the floor, her feet flat on it by her hips where her wrists were cuffed to her ankles. Her thighs were spread wide, her pussy glistening under the harsh lights. Her breasts shone with sweat, thin purple lines the evidence of where Kate had used a thin, wooden switch on her.

  ‘You must look stronger than you did before, we must hope that another chooses you before Master Gabriel sees you again.’

  ‘I will, Miss, I won’t let you down.’ The memory of what their Master had done to Kate after her last outing was still fresh in both their memories.

  ‘If you do well tonight, I will ask Master if you can go to the club ... then we can start to put our plan into action.’ She froze as the door creaked. Holding her breath for a moment, she rested her hands on Alex’s knees and called out, ‘Master?’

  The door opened and Maria smiled as she entered, ‘Kate, darling, how are you?’ Her greeting was as fake as the smile that Kate returned but neither woman seemed to care. ‘I thought I’d pop in and see if you were going tonight.’

  ‘We are,’ Kate responded as she slowly positioned the dildo at Alex’s swollen entrance, making her gasp.

  Maria studied the welts on Alex’s breasts, waving at them as she said, ‘Was that wise? Surely she will need to be as fit as possible for tonight.’

  ‘On the contrary,’ Kate replied, her tone making it clear that she didn’t appreciate Maria questioning her judgement, ‘I want to prove to everyone that she can handle whatever anyone throws at her.’

  ‘Really?’ Maria laughed.

  Kate turned away, realising that her boast had overstepped the mark. ‘She will be strong,’ she announced quietly, ‘in time.’ Kate slid the dildo forward, making Alex groan.

  ‘Allow me to help you then,’ Maria suggested and started to unfasten her trousers, ‘Let’s see if she can make me come before you finish her off.’

  ‘An unfair contest,’ Kate replied with a sigh, ‘the whore is fit to burst.’

  ‘I can do it, Miss,’ Alex announced.

  ‘You dare to speak out of turn?’ Kate snarled and pulled the dildo free. She leant to the side and lifted a flogger, ‘This will serve two purposes then ... a punishment and a way to even the odds.’

  ‘Stunning,’ Maria smiled, her eyes widening with arousal.

  The flogger spread painfully across her pussy and Alex cried out, lifting her hips from the floor and sobbing as tears rolled into her hair. As soon as her back rested back on the floor, the flogger fell again, with the same response. Soon, her painfully aroused pussy was throbbing and burning and she was begging Kate to stop.

  ‘Yeah, she’s stronger alright,’ Maria laughed harshly as she stepped over Alex’s head and lowered her pussy onto her quivering lips.

  Kate ignored her and slowly slid the dildo into her red pussy, making her cry out. Maria shuddered as Alex’s hot breath warmed her pussy lips. Kate pulled the dildo free and rubbed it over her glowing red labia and clitoris. Alex groaned, lifting her tongue to Maria’s cunt. She feasted hungrily, her own passions driving her onwards. Maria was soon groaning herself, lifting her hands to her breasts and squeezing them tightly. It quickly became clear that she was more interested in enjoying Alex’s attentions than winning the challenge and she succumbed to her passions easily, sighing and groaning.

  ‘Fuck, she’s good,’ she laughed hoarsely, ‘She’ll go down well tonight.’

  Kate ignored her, using her fingers against Alex’s clitoris. Alex’s hips bucked upwards and her juice flooded over Kate’s hand. The sound of the dildo sliding into the soaking pussy was enough for Maria and her thighs quivered as she climaxed. Alex groaned, tensed and then gasped as her own climax eased the burning at her pussy.


  Her husband’s voice made her jump up and she quickly rearranged her clothing before heading for the door. When she was gone, Maria turned to Alex, ‘I will see you tonight,’


  Alex was tipped over the back of the sofa, her hands pressed into the cushions as a Master spread her buttocks. His cock nudged briefly at her arse but then slid lower and straight into her come- filled cunt. She closed her eyes, this was the fifth man to have her tonight and her pussy, still sore from Kate’s earlier attentions, felt raw and agonised. He pumped into her, his fingers holding her buttocks apart and she knew that he was studying the fresh red lines that criss-crossed her flesh.


  The man fucking her nodded his agreement and a new Master lay
on the sofa beneath her, positioning his cock beneath her mouth. She opened her lips and slipped her mouth down his shaft, taking him as deep as she could. But that wasn’t deep enough for him and he snarled angrily, pushing down on the back of her head and thrusting his hips upwards. She struggled but he continued to fuck her mouth, holding her firmly. She quickly became light-headed and barely noticed when the two men came one after the other.

  They left her hanging over the back of the sofa, come dribbling from her pussy.

  Alex gasped as a hand suddenly grabbed her hair and pulled her back, ‘Come with me,’

  She wanted to struggle, to fight against Maria, but she knew how pointless it would be. She was dragged into the kitchen and pushed into a corner, away from everyone else.

  ‘I want answers,’ Maria announced quietly, although she didn’t need to be quiet. The other six people in the room hadn’t even seen them enter, their interest was taken by the slave tied spread-eagled on the kitchen table.

  Alex stared back, her lips tightly shut.

  Maria slapped her face and then grabbed her chin, pushing her head back against the wall. ‘What is Kate planning?’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  ‘Don’t play fucking games with me,’ Maria snarled, ‘I heard you earlier.’

  Alex held her breath for a moment and then slowly shook her head. ‘I swear, I don’t -’

  Maria’s fingers gripped her nipples and twisted them harshly, making Alex grit her teeth. She continued to twist until Alex gave a small cry. The sound made a couple of the other dominants in the room look over. Maria released her nipples and hissed, ‘This conversation isn’t over and when we have it again, you will call me Mistress.’


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