The Vampire King's Cage

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The Vampire King's Cage Page 9

by T. S. Ryder

  Pan grabbed his arm. “Listen to me! The baby is still growing. I can’t stop it. I have to have hands on it. If this continues, no amount of blood will save her.”

  Wide, panicked eyes turned toward him. Pan’s gaze was determined. He grabbed the blade that Carlos used to cut himself and pressed it to Belinda’s stomach. Despite himself, Carlos cried out in protest. He grabbed Pan’s wrist. His manservant gave him a hard look.

  “It’s the only way. Carlos, either we cut her open and risk killing her to save this baby, or they both die. Keep feeding her your blood. With any luck —”

  “Do it.” Carlos’ voice was rough. He tried not to think. Not about what might happen, not about anything but fulfilling Belinda's pleading to save the baby.

  Perhaps her last wish.

  He pushed the thought away. The adrenaline in his system was healing the wound in his wrist and so he bit deep into the other and switched them, still pouring blood down Belinda’s throat. She sucked on his wrist like a baby suckling on its mother’s breast. She didn’t even flinch as Pan pressed the blade into her stomach.

  Carlos had to look away.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he promised Belinda, switching out his wrists again. “I promise you. You’re going to be fine and we’ll raise this baby together. He’s going to be the best little prince ever and you, my beloved Belinda, will be the queen of my kingdom and heart. I will always be with you. You’ll never feel unwanted again. I want you, my love. I want you more than anything in this world.”

  Pan let out a triumphant shout. There was a quick slap and then a baby started to cry. Carlos twisted despite himself. Pan tossed his own shirt over Belinda’s stomach as he did so. The small child in his arms was growing, slowly but surely. It writhed, kicking out its legs as it cried.

  “Save him,” Carlos whispered.

  Pan cuddled the baby close to his chest and began to chant. The sweet apple scent of his magic swept through the room. The baby’s cries softened and the visible growing stopped. Carlos turned back to Belinda; her rosy skin was pale, almost white. A pained cry tore from him. The noise came from behind him and he snarled under his breath but didn’t move except to reopen the wound on his wrist.

  “In here,” Pan shouted. “We need a medkit!”

  Carlos moved so he was holding Belinda as his men poured into the room. Many of them stopped at the scene before them but the doctor pushed through. She dropped to her knees beside them and immediately started to work.

  “She needs a transfusion,” the doctor murmured. “My king? We need to get her back to the palace at once.”

  Carlos pressed a wild, panicked kiss to Belinda’s head before allowing himself to be shuffled to one side. Another vampire took his place, feeding her his blood. He trembled from head to foot as the doctor ordered for Belinda to be put on a stretcher and carried out. Pan ordered the rest of the men to sweep the fortress and kill any demons left over before turning to the king.

  “Your son,” he whispered, pressing the baby into his arms.

  The baby stared at him with amber-brown eyes. Small puckered lips searched for something to eat and little fists waved in the air. Carlos held him close to his chest. His knees buckled as he clung to his son and sobbed.

  Chapter Eleven

  The warmth of the blankets around her slowly lulled her back to wakefulness. Belinda’s hand drifted to her stomach but she had long since healed from her ordeal with Daye. Still, the remnants of her dream made her shiver and move closer to the warm body next to her. Carlos’ arms tightened around her waist and he let out a heavy breath.

  She still couldn’t believe that she had been lucky enough to not only survive those events but had come through stronger than she was before. Now, even though the nightmares were no picnic, she knew she was safe and there was nobody who would hurt her again. Not when Carlos was by her side. And now she had years and years to overcome the pain of her childhood and learn how to be a normal person . . .

  Not that she ever was going to be normal.

  “You were whimpering in your sleep,” Carlos whispered to her. “I couldn’t tell if they were bad whimpers or not. What were you dreaming?”

  She considered lying, but he’d see through it. “I dreamed that you were fighting Daye. I saw that man, the fae that was feeding her sacrifices? I saw him and he had the baby and I couldn’t go after him.”

  Carlos’ arms tightened even more and his eyes grew stormy. Belinda didn’t blame him. The fae that had helped Daye regain her strength and escape from the jail, as well as doing her dirty work by placing the bounty on Carlos’ head, had tried to run. When he was caught, he confessed everything and begged Carlos not to allow Pan at him. He had been one of the generals and had apparently betrayed the kingdom because he wanted free reign to do whatever he wished to humans.

  “I’m so sorry that you’re still having nightmares.” Carlos stroked her hair, his eyes beginning to glaze over. “I want to protect you and I . . . I can’t protect you from your own fears. I’m so sorry. I failed you and me—”


  “I should never have let Daye get you. If I had been smarter, you never would have had to go through that. It’s my fault and I promise that I—”

  “Shut up!” Belinda pressed a hand over his mouth. She gave him an ironic smile, then moved her hand away and kissed him gently. “Be still, my love. Yes, we went through something awful, but it wasn’t just bad things happening to me. We both went through it, and I don’t want to hear you angsting about it anymore. It’s been months since you killed Daye. Yeah, it’s going to take time to get over it, but I know that you’ll never let anybody hurt me again. I trust you and love you.”

  Carlos sighed. Belinda rolled over him so that she straddled him and pressed one of his hands to her stomach.

  “Feel this. Not even a scar. You need to forgive yourself, Carlos. It all happened so fast and there was so much going on. You saved me and that is what is important.”

  After a moment, he nodded. His hand drifted to his hip and he let out another deep sigh. “You’re right. I do need to forgive myself. I guess I just . . . I’ve never had someone mean so much to me the way you do. It’s a little bit frightening.”

  “Then I guess I’d better give you thunderbolts and lightning.” Belinda grinned as she pressed a kiss to his jaw.

  Carlos laughed. “What?”

  “Bohemian Rhapsody. You know that one line? It’s — never mind. Not important.”

  “No, I want to—”

  She interrupted him by jerking her hips forward. The movement elicited a gasp. Both of Carlos’ hands went to her thighs. His own bucked upward, grinding against her in just the right way to make a shiver run down her spine. Giggling with excitement, Belinda started to remove her clothing.

  “Have I told you that I love the way you look when you’re excited?” Carlos smiled at her, helping her to unbutton her top. “You get this beautiful sparkle in your eyes and you start bouncing – yes, just like that – and you start making these little growling noises . . . It’s delightful.”

  Belinda couldn’t help but grin at that. She shucked off her top and rose a few inches so she could pull down her pants. She had considered not wearing any clothing the previous night, but she had been tired then. Now, however, she brimmed with energy. The baby had slept all through the night, and though her breasts felt overly full, she was desperate to take advantage of the moment.

  “Have I told you that I love the way you rub against me?” Belinda lowered her voice huskily. “And I love it when your tongue flicks across my nipples and—”

  Carlos groaned. He seized her, pulling her down flat against him and rolled. The bed squeaked beneath them as he all but tore off her pants. She could feel him pressing against her inner thigh. A thrill went through her as she felt herself expanding, getting ready to take him in. Her skin felt too tight, too hot and she rubbed against him, moving up and down with her toes pressed to the bed.

r king’s head dropped to her breasts. They were so overly sensitive that all he had to do was flick his tongue over one of them for both to tingle. Something pulled between them and her core, making everything all the tighter inside of her.

  As Belinda stroked her fingers through her lover’s hair, she marveled once more that he was hers. That he had given himself to her and was never going to let her go again. That he wanted her. That she belonged to him as much as he belonged to her and she was never, ever going to be alone for the rest of her existence.

  Her head fell back as his hand slipped between her thighs. Thoughts fled. Belinda cried out. A finger slipped inside while his thumb moved in small circles. In a haze, she pushed herself up as he sucked on one nipple. He stroked himself with the same rhythm he used on her. Belinda wet her lips, pushing her thighs out farther.

  “Take me, my love,” she whispered. “I’m ready for you.”

  Carlos groaned. For a moment his eyes closed, then he surged up over her. He caught her mouth and kissed her deeply as his hands grasped her thighs. He pressed them up almost to her chest and entered in one swift motion. A burst of pleasure went through her and she threw her head back, crying out. Carlos waited a moment for her to adjust, but she was far too impatient. Planting her feet into the mattress, she began to thrust upwards.

  With another groan, Carlos tilted his head back. He caged her with his big body but was content to allow her to do the work until she started to slow. Everything was so tight inside of her that she couldn’t breathe. Her fingernails dug into his back.

  As soon as he took over, starting with a hard, fast rhythm, everything exploded in her. Her back arched, a scream tore from her throat and waves of pleasure burst over her. Her whole body shook and she yanked him down hard. Carlos buried his face into her neck, his fangs scraping against her skin. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she let it all carry her away, breathless and full of Carlos.

  After they were finished, the two of them lay tangled in one another’s arms, panting for breath. It was several hours later and another long doze on Belinda’s part before Carlos shifted and slipped from the bed. She moaned in protest, but he disappeared into the nursery and returned with their little son. Michael squirmed and fussed. Given how her breasts felt like they were about to burst, he was likely very hungry.

  Belinda adjusted herself on the bed, propping pillows behind herself before holding her arms out to take the baby. Carlos pressed a chaste kiss to her lips as he passed Michael to her.

  “No passion in front of the baby?” she joked as she got the baby in the right position to start nursing.

  “Certainly not.” Carlos’ eyes twinkled as he climbed back into the bed next to her. “You never know how aware he is. Not with his heritage.”

  Belinda rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. Feeding a baby wasn’t exactly the best time for making out, anyway. She also felt a bit sore from their earlier go around.

  Pushing thoughts of passion from her mind, she gazed down at her son. He had her rosy complexion and her amber-brown eyes, but otherwise, he was all Carlos. Though the baby fat gave him a softer appearance than his father, he had the same shape of the head. His nose and ears were all Carlos, too. In short, he was the most perfect child Belinda had ever seen.

  Anxiety beat at her chest for a moment. Sucking in a deep breath, she examined it, trying to figure out what exactly it was this time.

  She wasn’t worried about Daye; the demon was dead and the other demons didn’t care much about her one way or the other. None of them were going to come after her and Carlos for revenge. That chapter of their lives was over. There would be no more demons. So what else? The Guild? No. With no promise of payment for a completed bounty, they had more than happily accepted Carlos’ negotiations. He had paid off everything so that she was completely free from them. So, it wasn’t that.

  As Michael’s eye met hers, she understood. He was so small, so perfect and precious. And she had no idea how to be a mother.

  “I love you,” she murmured to him as she stroked his cheek. “I might not know how to be a mom or anything else, but I know that I love you. I want you. And I will never let you go.”

  Carlos kissed her temple. “Ditto.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I give this incredible moving speech and that’s all you have to say?”

  “No, it’s just it seemed like the best thing to say.”

  The scent of apples drifted into the room just before a knock came on the door. Belinda grabbed a baby blanket and covered herself up with it without disturbing Michael, then nodded at Carlos. She’d been getting hits of magic ever since Daye had nearly killed her. The amount of blood she had drunk from Carlos, combined with the transfusions of fae blood she had received, had sparked some ancient fae DNA in her. It hadn’t given her any special abilities, but tests had confirmed that she was now more fae than human. Meaning that she was going to live, unaging and invulnerable to disease, as long as she consumed a bit of vampire blood every month or so.

  “Come in,” Carlos called.

  The door opened and Pan slipped in. He smiled at both of them, bowing once to Belinda. “Finley has arrived with gifts for the baby.”

  “Tell her that he’s eating right now but we’ll be there shortly.” Carlos snuggled closer to Belinda. “Although perhaps I ought to go talk to her, make sure she knows that certain invitations aren’t appropriate for the circumstances.”

  Pan chuckled. “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Carlos. She is very happy that Belinda is no longer mortal, though. She’s planning a grand party to celebrate you joining the ranks of the fae.”

  “I’m not technically immortal. I have to keep drinking vampire blood to sustain my ‘fae’ status.”

  Pan shrugged. “You’re immortal enough. Finley wants to party. I assure you that I’ll try to keep it tame. Although I do believe she’s started planning your wedding as well.”

  Belinda had to laugh. Carlos groaned and shook his head, then waved Pan out. With a sigh, he rested his forehead against Belinda’s shoulder.

  “Planning the wedding? And we haven’t even told her that we’re going to be married. Ah, well. Finley’s happy for us and she wants to show us that she’s happy.” He gave her a wry smile. “Do you think you’re up to having visitors?”

  “Yeah.” Belinda adjusted the baby and grinned. “I should get to know your friends better, anyway. After all . . . I’m going to be your queen. Forever.”

  Carlos nodded in agreement. “Forever. My beautiful Belinda.”



  Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading “The Vampire King's Cage” as much as I liked writing it. Please consider leaving an honest review here; it means a lot to me to hear from you.

  T.S. Ryder

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