
Home > Paranormal > Waterlocked > Page 7
Waterlocked Page 7

by C. D. Gorri

  He chuckled at her headlong response. Blue-eyes flashed at him as he ran his fingers along the firm round globes of her ass before digging in and grinding her against his hard length trough her panties. Once furious, those baby blues were now glazed over with lust. A look he wholeheartedly approved of.

  Nathan promised to keep that sultry expression on her face for the unforeseeable future. Pleasuring her was surely to be a lengthy process, as he desired to see her release again and again.

  He captured her mouth, flicking his tongue against hers in slow, sensuous strokes that allowed him to taste her more completely. Mandarins and vanilla, like the sweetest creamsicle he’d ever had.

  His little Witch was a fresh, bright burst of sweetness on his tongue. More, his SeaDragon growled inside his mind’s eye, and he was quick to follow at his beast’s behest.

  He’d been alone for what now, centuries? Disconnected from society, without his calling, without any other Dragons left, Nathan had been close to despairing for some time now. And yet, all of it fell away. For the first time ever, he felt truly complete with her in his arms.

  A Dragon with no purpose was a dangerous thing. He’d taken his rage and anger, his sadness and isolation, and had hidden himself away from the rest of the world.

  And to his utter disgust, the world had continued without him, having no real use for a Warden unemployed. So, in turn, he’d shunned them all.

  Except, he didn’t need to be alone anymore. Not now that he’d found her. His mate. Es Meus. He recalled the lessons told by his father, a mighty SeaDragon who’d been the proud leader of their clan.

  A SeaDragon’s mate is a most treasured possession, my son. A jewel like no other found on land or sea. When you find yours, you must keep her safe, keep her protected, but most of all, keep her contented. For only then will you find happiness.

  He moved his hands along her plush form, loving the feel of her warm and wet within his pool. He skimmed his teeth over the soft part of her flesh just over her throat and ran his tongue over her rapid pulse.

  Yes, she was affected by him. Good. Her mewls of excitement were like fuel to his already mile high flame. Everything about her intrigued him, kept him mystified. He wanted more and more of her. His appetite enormous, and he intended to sate himself wholly on her.

  He moved down her neck and shoulders, to her full breasts. After freeing them from their rather sexy little confines, he lavished attention on each. Sucking one ripe berry into his mouth before switching to the other.

  He massaged her mounds, kneading and pinching the hard pebbles that tipped her lovely breasts. He suckled and nipped, licked and soothed both of them until she was moaning mindlessly, writhing her body in a bid for more. And he would give it to her. He’d give her everything she could ever ask for.

  “Yes, that’s it, flava. Moan for me,” he growled, unable to keep the Dragon from his voice as he used his powers of Cancer to manipulate the pool.

  Lifting her higher, like a tasty morsel on a platter set out for his consummation. Nathan growled, looking his fill at her luscious body held by the crystal-clear liquid, not pinned, simply lifted before him. The distinction was important to him. She was there because she wanted this. Wanted him too.

  “This feels so decadent,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

  “As long as it feels good, flava,” he returned.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she said, and only then did he settle himself between her soft thighs.

  Nathan inhaled her sweet arousal as he pulled her legs up on his shoulders. Calling upon the waters again, he commanded they form a solid step under his feet. He couldn’t trust himself to swim once he tasted her sweet nectar. Besides, he intended to be focused on her and her alone for the duration.

  Phoebe mewled and moved her hips, a temptation he could not withstand. Nathan dipped his head, latching onto her clit and sucking, hard. His sweet Witch bucked and cried out, the unexpected attack on her sensitive nub brought on the first of what he hoped would be many orgasms for his beautiful mate.

  She tasted incredible on his tongue. He continued to lap and suck, delving between her hot folds, determined to leave no inch unattended. Yes, he thought as he drank down her sweet nectar.

  He felt her fingers in his hair, pulling the short strands while she thrust upwards, riding the wave of pleasure against his tongue and lips. Fuck. She was so earthy and sensual. The perfect mate for a SeaDragon!

  He groaned against her clit, the tiny nub so damn lickable. He swirled over her sensitized flesh, then took long slow swipes with his tongue. She moaned his name, body growing taught as her pleasure built. Explosive. Yes, he felt as if he would explode just from tasting her! She was everything he’d ever wanted in a mate. Magnificent as she gave and sought pleasure with him. Unafraid to bask in her sexuality. No shy maid. And thank the gods again for that.

  He’d never been one for simpering virgins. Though he loved being able to make his mate blush. Especially when that blush went all the way down to her pretty, plump breasts. Grrr.

  The women of his youth had nothing on this gorgeous creature. And she was all his, in his care. All the women of his past were forgotten save for this one. She was it for him. His one and only, and he intended to hold on to her. Forever. Es Meus.

  She struggled slightly, her movements getting jerky under his attentions. He could feel her sheath quivering around him. She was close. The Dragon inside of him sat up, demanding he do it now, pleasure her, then bite her. Mark her. Es Meus. And he would. After, he promised the beast.

  “Now, flava, I want you to come with me inside of you,” he growled, allowing the water to carry her lush sumptuous form down through the heated liquid to his awaiting hardness.

  He wrapped her legs around his waist and waited for her approval. Phoebe did not disappoint. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled up before impaling herself on the rock-hard flesh of his cock.

  Nathan roared at the feel of her. Hot and wet, she squeezed his cock. Stroking his erection with her velvet walls. The ferocity of emotions that thundered through his blood threatened to drown him.

  Never before had Nathan felt so humbled, so blessed. Then again, he’d never been gifted a mate by the universe before. Never would again. She was his one and only.

  His Phoebe wiggled her lush hips, enveloping him in her warm, tight flesh. Nathan loved having her wrapped around him, but he needed more. Something solid to lean on. He commanded the water to return them to the edge of the pool where he’d long ago carved a ledge some feet under the surface.

  Perfect for this very thing. Firmly seated on the volcanic rock, yet still submerged in the heated pool, Nathan gripped her hips. Astride him, she was even more beautiful. A pale blonde goddess against his tanned self.

  Already, he sank deeper into her slit. His senses heightened with the increased leverage. Yessss. She felt insanely good and he didn’t know if he could hold on to his Dragon, but he had to try.

  “You have me now, flava, what shall you do with me?” He teased, nipping her bottom lip and soothing the abused flesh with his tongue.

  Wicked blue eyes sparkled at him as she rose high enough so that just an inch of his rather impressive length hovered inside of her warmth.

  “I’m going to ride you,” her sultry voice made him tremble in anticipation.

  Her lips curved into a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck, knees spread wide on either side of his trim hips. She used the ledge for balance as he wanted her to.

  His Phoebe pulled on his hair, forcing his head back, so his gaze met hers. As if he needed reminding who he was with at the moment. Then, she slammed herself down, and Nathan couldn’t think anymore.

  She repeated the same sharp movement. Phoebe lifted her luscious body up until he almost slipped out of her slick heat before slamming back down on his thick cock. Swivel, lift, slam, swivel, lift, slam. Again, and again she moved.

  Harder and deeper he went. Fuck, she was good. So very good. He kissed he
r neck, her shoulder, her breasts, anything he could reach. Forcing himself to allow her the freedom to take her pleasure as she would.

  “Yes. Use me, flava, come on me, explode for me, gorgeous,” he encouraged.

  His hands sought out her secret places, whispering across her nub, tracing the globes of her ass to the sweet crack between that he couldn’t wait to explore. He wanted her in every way. Could imagine taking her ass, her tits, her sweet pussy over and over again.

  It would never be enough. Using telepathy, one of his many Dragon powers, Nathan shared the images with her. He noted her shocked gasp, and the residual lust that glazed over her face. Yes. She wanted that too.

  “Nathan,” she moaned his name as her movements began to grow unsteady.

  Eyes wide, chest heaving, Nathan knew she was close. He gripped her rounded hips, loving the feel of her womanly shape under his large hands. He grunted as he lifted and dropped her down onto his cock. Fuck. It was good. So good.

  Her pussy sucked and squeezed his length. Her velvety walls gripping him tightly, he continued to penetrate her, hard and fast. She was on top, but he was staking his claim. Their scents mingled, oranges and saltwater, musk and smoke. Fucking delicious.

  “Nathan, so close,” she groaned, fingernails pricking the skin at his nape.

  The added bite of pain only increased his pleasure. He had to fight to keep from coming before she did. No. She will come first. Must pleasure my mate.

  He felt her climax before she vocalized it, screaming his name and clinging to him in such a way that made his dick pulse and sped his release on. With one arm wrapped around her back and the other still gripping her hip he held her as she spasmed and shuddered over him. Each ripple of her cunt sent his cock into another spasm of ecstasy.

  “Oh, Nathan,” she murmured, slumping against him. He’d never tire of hearing his name on her lips.

  Speaking of lips. Nathan brought his hands to her face, cupping her cheeks and forcing her to look directly at him.

  “Flava,” he moaned and dipped his head, capturing her lips in a possessive kiss the likes of which he’d never shared with anyone else.

  He drank from her, sipping the heady wine that was her natural flavor. Need more, the Dragon inside of him growled. Nathan wholeheartedly agreed. Without warning he stood up, keeping her wrapped firmly inside of his embrace, legs tight around his waist.

  “Nathan,” she gasped.

  “Hold on,” he growled.

  Using his supernatural speed and strength he brought them back through his secret treasure hoard, to his master bedroom.

  “Now, flava, I shall take my time with you,” he breathed the last word into her mouth.

  Nathan growled as he lay down with her on the soft cover of his enormous bed. He settled on top, keeping his body from crushing her, but still firmly seated within her cleft.

  “Es meus,” he growled, nuzzling her neck and kissing her again, thoroughly and completely.

  His mate’s body opened for him, teasing him with her ready submission. It was teasing only because his strong-willed Witch was anything but submissive.

  Still, he couldn’t help but be turned on by her seductive mewls and moans. By the way she sucked on his tongue and ran her fingernails down his back. Those naughty fingers grazed his buttocks, squeezing his cheeks and tracing his crack. Every touch, every lick, every sigh caused his shaft to harden and grow even more inside of her.

  “Nathan,” she moaned.

  “What is it, flava?”

  “Move. Please,” she squeezed him with her thighs, and he hissed.

  He’d been biding his time. Kissing his mate, tasting her in the comfort of his bed. The tension between them was tight, bodies glistening with sweat, Nathan reared back. Lifting himself to his knees, he brought her legs to his shoulders.

  Yessss. His Dragon hissed the word in his mind’s eye, beast more than prepared to mark her neck, claim her as his own. Soon, he calmed the Dragon.

  It was easy enough to convince himself to wait. It might take some persuading, after all. And in the meantime, he got to pleasure his sweet flava. Hearing her moans and feeling her body tighten and clench with each glorious release was more than he could have ever hoped for.

  She was his. Designed by the gods just for him, fated by the Parcae to come to his island and find him. Yes. He knew it to be true with every fiber of his being.

  Thrusting his hips, he growled that one word against her mouth before he claimed her sweet lips with his tongue and moved in time with his cock.



  “Nathan?” Phoebe traced the glyph that marked his skin at his waist, the sideways “69” was a symbol of Cancer meant to represent the crab and claw of his Zodiac affiliation. It was not a tattoo but resembled one on his smooth tanned skin.

  Makes sense that he was chosen by the water sign, him being a SeaDragon and all. She supposed his ability to control certain aspects of the sea was because of that connection. His SeaDragon’s nautical nature was only enhanced by him being a Zodiac Shifter. A Zodiac Shifter who was also her charge.

  Tiny feelings of doubt and guilt pushed and wiggled, attempting to force their way into her head, but she urged them back. She refused to second guess what they’d just done. The entire experience had been so beautiful. Too right to be wrong.

  “Yes, flava meus?”

  “Hey, you said that before,” she started.

  “What’s that?” He caressed her soft skin as he answered her questions, she could hardly focus. Her mind was already racing to the next time she could have him inside of her. His skills as a lover were beyond compare. Nothing had ever felt so right. So perfect, she sighed.

  “‘Flava meus’, what does it mean?”

  “Just a nickname in Dracan.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Dragon language.”

  “Ah. I’ve never heard it before-”

  “And you won’t from anyone else as I am the last Dragon this world will ever see,” his silver eyes flashed with a deep sadness that shook her to her core. Then she realized what he’d said. Last Dragon?

  “But you’re not the last Dragon,” Phoebe tilted her head, eager to meet his eyes. Surely, he knew others still roamed the Earth, though Dragons were still incredibly rare. He turned his face towards her, and she was surprised to find mostly anger mixed with a smidge of hope.

  “Of course I am, I was there, at the last battle,” he returned.

  Phoebe went still, her Witch’s senses fully aware of his rising anger. Though not directed at her, his rage was a mighty force to be reckoned with. But she needed to confront him on this. She’d face his anger, but she’d rather he not believed himself alone in the world.

  “You mean the Battle of Blood? The Wardens last Battle with the Sea Demon and the Dark Witch Arianna?”

  Phoebe could not believe what she was hearing. Could Nathan really have been at that battle? Most supernaturals, but especially those affiliated with the Wardens of Terra, knew of the final showdown between the Wardens and an especially cruel elemental Witch named Arianna. The Battle of Blood was legendary and, as Junior Station Master, she’d studied it thoroughly in preparation for her position.

  “Is that what they call it now? Much blood was spilled, I will give them that, half our force if not more,” he snorted in distaste.

  “Oh my Goddess! You’re him! You are the Silver Dragon from the battle, aren’t you?” Phoebe gasped covering her mouth with both hands as the implications hit her.

  She’d been in the presence of the Silver! Lusted after him, bespelled him, and, for fuck’s sake, she slept with him! Oh shit. Shit. SHIT. The man was a fucking legend.

  “You’re a hero, Nathan. I’ve read about the battle in depth. Where should I start? Can I ask you some questions?” Fangirling was probably not her best look, but it couldn’t be helped. She knew all about his heroic exploits.

  The way he’d sacrificed everything to right a wrong he’d co
mmitted by trusting the evil elemental. If only the Witch were still alive. Phoebe would gut the immoral slattern!

  Jealousy coursed through her blood as she recalled how the Silver had been seduced by the Dark Witch. In love, some had said. He’d been blinded by her evil by his insatiable lust for the evil beauty. Phoebe had seen the paintings of Arianna and, yes, she had been beautiful. With hair dark as a raven’s wing, eyes like emeralds, and a tall, lithe body.

  The complete opposite of Phoebe. She cringed. Hating that her insecurities would flare up at a time like this. She had no time to deal with any of that. Arianna is his past, she told herself firmly. Pushing her jealousy aside, she focused on him, on the present. He was hurting and she couldn’t just stand there.

  “Nathan, please, I want to talk to you-”

  “No. I won’t talk about it. Not even for you, flava meus,” he stood up from the bed they’d shared, running his hands over his head angrily.

  Phoebe felt small and cold as Nathan stomped around and looked for his clothes. Eyes narrowed she tried again. This was too important to ignore. She wasn’t about to let him dismiss what they’d shared with a temper tantrum of all things.

  “Why? Why won’t you talk to me?” Hurt at his refusal to look at her, she stood up.

  Phoebe stepped towards him, but he raised a hand as if to ward her off and backed away. The action was more potent than a slap to the face would have been. She froze in her tracks, completely uncaring of her nudity, she met his eyes, silently pleading with him to stay and talk.

  “Nathan. Please. Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what, Phoebe? Huh? What do you want to know? How I failed that day!”

  “No, I-”

  “I FAILED! I trusted the wrong person! I gave her the opening she needed and then poof, all of my kind, gone! More than half our force destroyed in one swoop of her evil powers. It was the greatest loss the Wardens had ever faced. It gave the Hounds the opening they needed to step in and shut us down forever.”


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