Future Furies (Endless Fire Book 1)

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Future Furies (Endless Fire Book 1) Page 19

by R E Kearney

  Without saying a word, she declares to the Kokos their border. Flying six WASPs in a linear, blocking pattern at the edge of the village, she clearly marks their boundary. Beneath the WASPs, she stations three DOGs and recalls her remaining WASPs and DOGs. She will not allow the Kokos any closer to the plantation. But, she will not attack them either. From her control room, she scrutinizes them intently.

  As the Kokos realize they are no longer being chased, they turn to face their assailants. A young Koko raises his AK-47 and aims at a DOG. He does not fire. A sharp rebuke from their apparent leader immediately ends his bravado. He returns his AK-47 to his side.

  Warily, apprehensively, and slowly, the lead Koko edges toward the DOGs. When Pion does not move them, he stops and lays his AK-47 on the ground. He creeps closer. Five feet from the DOGs, he holds out his hands and drops to his knees. Pion summons Komfort-bot and establishes a communication link. Holding his palms up, he begins speaking.

  Komfort-bot translates, “We seek your mercy, beasts of metal. We mean you no harm. We have come in search of our missing brothers. We have come to drive evil from this land. My people must come here. The Army says we must leave our valley. We have no water. We have no food. Our cattle are dead. Our goats are dead. My people are hungry. My people are sick.”

  The Koko leader hesitates. He searches for a sign that these machines he faces, hear him.

  Pion does not trust him. Is he being duplicitous? He could be deceiving her with his sad stories. After all, his missing brothers killed Tena’s people and now their bodies lay rotting in the ground beneath him. He and his men attacked Tena and her HAWK. Wishing she could confer with Magus, she waits, watches and does nothing. She decides that she will not attack them, if they do not attack the plantation.

  Cautiously, without looking away from Pion’s DOGs and WASPs, the Koko leader rises and backs away. He grabs his AK-47 and rejoins his waiting and watching men. Pion does not blink. She programs her DOGs and WASPs for perpetual watch.

  Two armed camps face each other. Who will blink first?

  Chapter 19.

  Declaring Independence

  Living on Earth is an honor.

  Do you deserve to continue living on Earth?

  What will you do to better your Earth today?

  As he prepares to depart the Venus Visitors Center, standing beneath the plaque containing this message, Robert wonders to himself, just what he will be doing to better Earth today. Hard to know what you will be doing when you do not know where you are going. Just seem to be following Mugavus. Following her directions. Following her orders.

  He is beginning to remember why he likes and dislikes Mugavus simultaneously. While, he admires her single-minded drive and determination, those same qualities also aggravate him. Her extreme intelligence mixed with her intense opinions frequently repulses him as much as convinces him. Yet, his respect for her is almost reverential.

  When he looks at her, he does not see a particularly alluring woman and definitely not a sensual woman. Physically, Komfort is not remarkable in his opinion. At five foot four inches in height, she is shorter than he likes. Her almond shaped face, framed by her shoulder length brown hair, is comfortingly pleasant. Yet, he also sees a woman that he will fight for and stand with against any and all challenges. But then, on the other hand, he has seen her fight and he cannot imagine a situation where she will need his help or where he would be much help in battle. In reality, he will probably need her help before she will ever require his, he admits.

  “Well, that’s another load of Liberal crap,” Evoil barks as he pushes past Robert and marches out to the waiting SPEA aircraft.

  “Nobody is as blind as somebody blinded by their prejudices.” Komfort joins Robert beneath the plaque. “The future doesn’t just happen, Robert. It has to be planned, plotted and produced. And you and I have some planning and plotting to do.”

  “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable, at least that is what Dwight D. Eisenhower said once,” Robert mutters to himself as Komfort passes.

  “You can be so annoying. Just follow me.” Komfort orders, “Silently.”

  “Ah, now you know you adore me and missed my insights, Mugavus.”

  When Komfort identifies their aircraft, Robert is surprised. They will not be flying aboard Ehren’s aircraft this trip. Instead, he is directed to a larger, sleeker, far more aerodynamic aircraft. This craft sits waiting in the water. To Robert the craft resembles a winged Orca killer whale - beautiful.

  “Good evening, Mister Goodfellow,” A young Korean greets Robert at the dock end of the gangway to the aircraft. “Hello, my name is Bihaeng-gi Dijaineo. Please call me Dijaineo. You will be flying on the aircraft that I designed and built. It will be my pleasure to accompanying you and the others. Do you have any questions?”

  “Oh yes. Many questions. But first, please tell me about your fascinating flying machine.”

  A wide smile crosses Dijaineo’s face. “Cheonman-eyo. My pleasure. What’s so unique about my aircraft is the lightweight nanocomposite material which allows the use of multi-layer laminated transparent material as its strong structural component. My aircraft is made of composite material that’s easily formed and durable. This helps save solar energy and also controls the transparency of my electro-chromic windows, with which I replaced the traditional windows. The windows help reduce the air resistance and drag. Its highly efficient, eco-friendly hybrid engines are duct hybrid turboprop fans that run on biofuel. My engines are further supported by an electric motor that gets vital juice from solar panels that harvest solar energy during the daytime and infrared at night.”

  “And why does it look like an Orca? I mean, I like it. But, it’s certainly different.”

  “Ah, good question. That’s why I call her Haneul Golae – sky whale. I wanted my aircraft to be able to alight on and take off from water as well as land, so I installed underwater wings. They work like fins during landings and takeoffs from water. This not only reduces my dependence on runways but also doubles or triples the number of destinations all over the world where I can take her. Freedom. I couldn’t come here, if I couldn’t land on water. And if I couldn’t come here, then I couldn’t have earned my SPEA full aircraft Type Certificate. SPEA made my dream come true.”

  “Your plane does fly, doesn’t it?” Robert asks apprehensively, since he has no knowledge of SPEA’s aircraft certification process.

  “Oh yes. Very well. I also have International Civil Aviation Organization approval.” Dijaineo chuckles, “Had you worried, didn’t I? Don’t be. Haneul Golae flies far and fast.”

  Inside Dijaineo’s sky whale, Robert discovers the aircraft to be luxuriously sparse. Everything needed for a comfortable flying business office exists without any extras. Additionally, he notices two 3D printers capable of producing items that are not already present. Only the front one-third of the aircraft accommodates passengers. A bulkhead with a door labeled ‘Cargo’ controls the aft two-thirds of the aircraft. He wonders what cargo it contains.

  As he enters the cabin, Komfort motions for Robert to join her at a conference table seat. He notices Evoil seated at a separate table behind her. As usual, Evoil is unhappy and vociferously complaining to a Service-bot. Also, as usual, his complaints concern food and drink. He does not want what they have and he demands what they never will have.

  Robert sighs and shakes his head in disgust as he settles into his seat across from Komfort. She hands him a pair of sound dampening conference headphones. He pulls them on to immediately silence Evoil’s bombast.

  “Keep your eyes open, Robert. We have two additional passengers coming, who should rattle that gorilla’s cage,” Komfort alerts Robert through their headphones and then grins mischievously. “We’re hauling two Chinese engineers home… Jianshe Zhe and Ke Xuejia. They’re building our university and are going on holiday.”

  “So Pion is in China?�

  “Oh no, not even close. Our great circle route takes us near where they need to go. So there we will go. Also, we have a delivery for there.”

  Not much later, a very pregnant Chinese woman, Jianshe Zhe, and a Chinese man, Ke Xuejia, enter the aircraft. They promptly grab seats and strap themselves in. Moments later, an enraged Evoil faces Komfort, expressing his displeasure. As he arrives, she closes her eyes and pretends to be sleeping. She ignores him until he finally capitulates and returns to his seat. As soon as he departs, she opens her eyes and winks at Robert. She considers it another victory in their continuing conflict of wills.

  With the last two passengers seated, Dijaineo closes and locks the exterior door. Shortly after he disappears forward toward the cockpit, Robert senses the aircraft gently slipping away from its dock. He hears the engines revving. Gentle vibrations rock him. Slowly, they slip forward across the water, then faster and faster. A giant, winged speedboat, it skips atop the water until it flings itself into the sky.

  Dijaineo circles around Venus to gain altitude before climbing into the clouds above the US and Russian navies. Below, Robert spots teams from the US Navy ships boarding two passenger ships entering SPEA territorial waters. He alerts Komfort to look below. After a quick glance at the ocean action, she keys her wrist computer.

  Reading her wrist, Komfort angrily whispers through their headphones, “The US Navy is blockading Venus. They’re intercepting and boarding all our ships claiming they’re searching for terrorists and Strategic Industries Retention act violators. They allege that terrorists are being harbored in Venus, and you already saw how serious they are about SIR violators. They’re not allowing any ships to enter or exit.”

  “Sounds like provocation to me. One step short of war. An opportunity to intimidate some scientists. Show them that the US is still the biggest bully on the block,” Robert carps.

  “According to this report, they’re seizing the ships and arresting some of the passengers, too.”

  “Do you see my ships?” Evoil shouts joyously from his seat. “I warned you, but you refused to listen. Nobody attacks the US without suffering consequences. Nobody! More ships are coming. We’re going to surround and squeeze SPEA until these attacks end. You may think you’re beyond our reach, but you’re not. We own you!”

  Infuriated, Komfort spews angrily to Robert, “Political prisoners. That’s what we are. Political prisoners. Recognized by the UN. We are independent and free. Yet, the US still treats us like a vassal state.”

  Robert nods toward the window. “Looks like we have visitors, too.”

  Two drones launched by the US Navy ships climb toward the aircraft. Then, as if they do not want to be forgotten, one of the Russian ships also launches a drone.

  “Coercive diplomacy, another US and Abaddon specialty,” Komfort declares. “Their drones usually follow us for a while and then return to their ships. Another of their constant attempts to intimidate us. It’s rather insulting that they think their toys and immature games scare us. Abaddon must think that we are as stupid as he is.”

  As Komfort finishes speaking, one of the US drones arrives outside Robert’s window and cruises parallel to their airplane. From the cockpit, Dijaineo extinguishes the cabin’s interior lights hiding them in the dark. A camera eye in the side of its fuselage peers into Robert’s window. He closes his window cover. Komfort closes her cover, as well. On the other side of the cabin, the Chinese couple are watching the other US drone watch them until Komfort orders them to block its view.

  Sitting in the dark, Robert hears Dijaineo arguing with Evoil as he attempts to force him to close his cover. Evoil continues resisting Dijaineo’s demands. Obviously, he wants to be seen and identified by the drone. Robert does not know Evoil’s plan, but apparently it is to be as difficult as possible, and sabotage the mission.

  More than thirty minutes later, Dijaineo illuminates the cabin and announces they can uncover their windows. Stretching and straining, Robert catches sight of the tails of the US drones flying beneath their plane’s wings. The extreme closeness of the drones to the wings is distressing. A simple slip and they could cause a deadly collision. He twists and turns, but he cannot find the Russian drone. It must be farther back or beneath the fuselage.

  Robert raises his eyes to find Komfort staring at him in excited anticipation.

  “Robert, I am forwarding today’s Gutefrau statement of resistance to you. You will be able to watch it on your cyber wristband. Even with the US Navy threatening us, she is not afraid to standup to Abaddon, when so many others were cowering before him and his SS.”

  Energizing his cyber wristband, Robert receives Gutefrau speaking from her office. The anger she displayed earlier is evident again. Robert instantly realizes that her short statement is designed to both warn the US and reassure Venus’ citizens and visitors.

  “Today in waters bordering our sovereign state, multiple violations of international law occurred by the United States Navy clearly violating the right of SPEA’s people to be secure in their persons and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. SPEA will not allow these indefensible violations of our sovereignty and of international law to continue. Surrounding and guarding SPEA’s capital of Venus is a protective sphere with a twelve-mile radius – our internationally recognized territorial area. SPEA will not allow any foreign state to intrude within our territorial sea, our territorial airspace or our territorial seabed below. It is an unseen border which shall not be crossed. A fence of law as inviolable as concrete and steel.

  “Force shall be met with force. There exist rights and respect for those rights among states, which will be withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that we are at all times ready for war. Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression, because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromising action.”

  “Well? What do you think?” Komfort asks Robert enthusiastically. “Isn’t she inspirational?”

  “She’s inspiring me to be scared. Advocating entirely too much violence for this peace loving Canadian.” Then Robert jokes, “But, I do wish we would construct our own inviolable concrete fence to keep those filthy Americans south of our border and out of my country.”

  “You’re quite the humorist. Ha. Ha.” Komfort fake laughs before returning to her relentless assault, “SPEA and Venus must defend themselves, because we are the last, best hope for humanity. US leaders are blinded to the inevitable and to the need to adapt to change. And change is what SPEA is all about. After all, we citizens of SPEA are attempting to create a new way of thinking and a new way of life, so the human race can continue living. Their old ways are entrapping the world into extinction. The old ways and the old leaders must be eliminated.”

  Robert wonders when Mugavus grew so vehemently radical. She has changed. During the Nordic War, he remembers her as being intense and passionate when defending her beliefs. But back then she debated, she did not demand death for those who opposed her. She is militant now. Radical.

  He wonders if she is replacing her slaughtered family and destroyed homeland with SPEA or is SPEA her revenge? SPEA is her life and reason for living. Anybody who attacks SPEA is attacking her. She is a little frightening.

  With Mugavus fervently advocating violent retaliation against anyone endangering Gutefrau and SPEA, and Evoil pugnaciously argumentative and threatening, Robert fears fierce fighting may break out between them at any moment. He begins a preparatory search for an exit. Peering out the window, he wonders if they are too high for him to parachute.

  Chapter 20.


  Blue water. Miles and miles of blue water. In good weather, flying west across the Pacific Ocean is mind numbing. Between Venus - Kiritimati and Manila
Bay, only a few islands speckle the deep blue sea, and you may miss them if you blink.

  But, then the sun disappears and the night sky explodes. Stars. Billions of twinkling and sparkling and flickering white fires dancing in the deepest blackest night. Yellow, blue, and crimson flares busting above a carpet of white blasts. Blinding enormity. Stars glittering in a calm, sea-mirror shroud you. Envelope you. Swallow you. Mesmerizing magnificence.

  Reluctantly, Robert wrests himself from his gambol amid the stars. He returns his attention to reality. Across from him, Komfort absent-mindedly nibbles on her finger nails. Something is gnawing at her.

  Conversing through their privacy headphones, Robert shares his random thoughts. “My study of these stars reminds me of what Michio Kaku once said. He said that one in two-hundred stars has habitable Earth-like planets surrounding it - in the galaxy, half a billion stars have Earth-like planets going around them - that's huge, half a billion. So when we look at the night sky, it makes sense that someone is looking back at us. What do you think Mugavus? Do you think someone is looking back at us?”

  “Hunh? What?” Startled, Komfort momentarily shifts her attention from her thoughts to Robert. “Certainly. Whatever you say.”

  Komfort leans forward and presses her nose close to the window. “I have never known drones to track us this long. They are becoming a problem. I desperately need to contact Pion. I haven’t talked with her since the other members of our group were killed. Didn’t want to give away her location. But, now she needs to know we’re coming. It won’t be good for us to just appear there.”

  Rubbing her forehead, Komfort frowns. “No. That will not be good. Pion will be very upset, I fear. And then there’s Tena. I have no idea what’s happening with her.”


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