Future Furies (Endless Fire Book 1)

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Future Furies (Endless Fire Book 1) Page 21

by R E Kearney

  “Could work. It’s all we have. Nothing ventured. Nothing gained.”

  “Ke, tell them our plan.” Dijaineo points at Komfort. “Tell Jianshe to strap herself in and be ready. This could get rough. I hope this baby holds together. I’ve never pushed her like this before.”

  As soon as Ke explains his plan to the Chinese and receives agreement, Dijaineo shoves his airplane into a steep dive. Crash! A glass slides off a table and shatters against the floor. Groans from Jianshe grow louder and louder.

  Robert counts out the seconds, as Dijaineo concentrates on his airplane’s instruments. “Twenty, Nineteen, Eighteen…”

  The airplane shudders and shakes. Holding onto parts of the bulkheads, Komfort works her way back into the cabin. She braces herself against the starboard window.

  “…Three, Two, One.”

  Dijaineo immediately reverses his controls, forcing his airplane into a shaking, rattling, steep climb.”

  “Augh!” Robert throws his hands in front of his eyes, temporarily blinded by a flash of light from an explosion below the portside wing.

  A burning drone spirals toward the ocean. Seconds later, Komfort cries out in pain as the drone on her side explodes and falls from the sky. Hopping from foot to foot, Dijaineo cheers loudly. The others quickly join in his jubilation, cheering and hugging. He levels off and then returns to his landing glide slope.

  Angry, Evoil charges into the cockpit. “That is an act of war! China just shot down two US military aircraft without provocation.”

  As Dijaineo guides the aircraft toward the seaplane lane next to Nansha Qundao, he snaps at Robert, “Get that idiot out of here! In fact all of you need to take your seats and prepare for landing. Tell Jianshe to grit her teeth and hold on. We should be on the water in less than twenty-five minutes. I’ll alert them about Jianshe’s condition and tell them to have medical assistance ready.”

  Robert motions for Evoil to return to the cabin. As he follows him out of the cockpit, he clutches his shoulder, “How did you know about those drones flying out there? We couldn’t see them.”

  “I knew they were there, because they knew I was here. They were protecting me. Attempting to keep me from being captured. This is China and I am an important American official. Do the math. I’m a prize.”

  “What?” Komfort demands from behind Robert, How did they know you were here? You had to have a bio-tracker blocker inserted before you got on our airplane to prevent this exact thing from happening.”

  “Oh, I dumped that in Venus. I’m broadcasting loud and clear.”

  “So, you endangered all of us, even yourself? You idiot! I’m surprised the Chinese didn’t shoot us down thinking we were American invaders. Don’t you understand? Absolutely nobody trusts the US since Abaddon’s coup. You’re an enemy everywhere you go.” Robert glares at Evoil.

  Inside the cabin, Robert nods toward Komfort, “I say we turn him over to the Chinese authorities as an American spy, Mugavus. What do you think?”

  “I agree with you Robert. Let him rot in a Chinese prison.”

  Komfort turns and orders Ke, “Please return to the cockpit and alert the Chinese military authorities to his presence and involvement with the US drones’ aggressive invasion of their airspace. Also warn them that he should be considered dangerous and violent. He will struggle, so they should be prepared to physically restrain him.”

  Chapter 21.

  On to Africa

  Three hours of Chinese questioning, ending with a forcible insertion of a significantly larger bio-tracker blocker, returns a cowed Evoil to SPEA’s airplane. Sullenly, he waddles slowly and uncomfortably to his seat. Robert watches him with amusement as he eases himself onto his seat’s cushion.

  Komfort and Dijaineo arrive together chatting in serious, hushed tones. Dijaineo closes and locks the airplane’s hatch and proceeds to the cockpit. Komfort ventures around her seat to examine Evoil.

  With a smirk, she inquires about his health, “How are you feeling, fellow? All comfortable there? Did our Chinese hosts treat you well?”

  Evoil glares at her with hatred. He says nothing. Then he looks away and stares out his window.

  “He seems rather upset,” She sneers, as she climbs into her seat. She pulls on her headphone communicator and motions for Robert to don his.

  “How is Jianshe? Is she still in labor?” asks Robert. He had helped Ke walk her off the airplane and to the medical drone, which conveyed her to the clinic.

  “She was ok when I left. But, she had not progressed very far. I predict she’ll be in labor a while.”

  “How rough did the Chinese treat Evoil? He’s moving and acting like they severely beat him.”

  “Oh Robert, he is such an unbelievable wimp. Just another cowardly bully. They never touched him. They threatened him and yelled at him in a hot room, but that is all. Oh and they did shove an oversized bio-tracker blocker inside his rectum.” Komfort chortles, “I understand they had to pull his head out first, however.”

  “So it was a bluff?”

  “No, it was no bluff, but it wasn’t intense interrogation. These Chinese aren’t foolish and they don’t do reckless things. Especially, here in the Spratly Islands with the US-friendly, Vietnamese and Philippine Navies surrounding them and looking for any reason to create embarrassing, diplomatic difficulties. Besides, I convinced the Chinese Lieutenant General in charge that Evoil didn’t know anything. They were under orders to terrorize him as much as possible without physical harm.”

  “Do you think he will change his attitude now? Or at least shut up?”

  Komfort snorts derisively. “Evoil is embarrassed. That’s all. He’ll be over it soon. No, I’m not expecting him to change into a rational, decent human. Hah! I think it would be a better bet to expect him to accept evolution. He can’t change. He can’t evolve. He just can’t do it.”

  Dijaineo softly taps Robert on his shoulder to attract his attention. “If the cargo is unloaded, I’m ready to fly this bird back into the sky.”

  “Everything she told me to unload is gone. So you have the conn Mister Dijaineo.”

  “Have you notified the Chinese?” Komfort queries with some concern in her voice.

  “We are cleared. They know we are leaving and where we are going. As soon as I’m at altitude, I’ll notify the Vietnamese and Philippine Navies.”

  “Good. We don’t need any more close calls.”

  Robert questioningly frowns at Komfort. He realizes that he is obviously unaware of some event.

  Komfort holds up her hand, signaling him to wait. She peers around her seat to ensure Evoil still sits in his. She watches him for several seconds as he stares out his window.

  Reassured that their conversation will be only between them, she leans forward. “We were only seconds from being blown out of the sky, thanks to Evoil’s stupid little act. The Chinese Lieutenant General told me that if Ke had not identified us when he did that he would have laser fried us. Having any connection with the US is very dangerous and very deadly, now. Since the slaughter in Virginia Highlands Park in Pentagon City and the very public murder of Zhestokiy Chelovek outside Russia’s Embassy, being associated with the US has become a most profane curse.”

  She peeks at Evoil again to ensure he has not moved. “During our eighteen hour flight here, the US Ambassador to Russia, Sam Asmodeus, and his military attaché were killed when their car exploded. It is a strange execution, because it doesn’t appear to have been a bomb. The car didn’t blow up. It imploded. Killed itself. Nobody is claiming responsibility, either. The rest of the Embassy staff is hunkered down inside the compound. They are surrounded and under siege by hundreds of Muscovites demanding revenge for Chelovek. They are begging for a military escort to Moscow’s airport, but the Russians are ignoring them.”

  Once again, she checks Evoil. “In Belarus, the US Embassy is abandoned and burning. Local authorities are just standing by and watching. In Serbia, the US Em
bassy staff is actually hiding in the Chinese Embassy. From the Lieutenant General’s intelligence, at least the portion he shared with me, American tourists, business travelers and workers are being told to get out and go home by almost every nation. Nobody is willing to fight their own citizens to protect them. Americans are running scared everywhere.”

  Anxiously rubbing her hands together, she continues, “But, it isn’t stopping with attacks on Americans overseas. All types of cyberattacks have hit the US. The New York Stock Market didn’t just crash today, it collapsed, and it’s dragging down the rest of the world’s Economies with it. The Lieutenant General told me that he had heard that every major US financial institution suffered hacking attacks and had to shut down.”

  “Also, all the major US airports are closed again, so the cities are cut off and isolated from each other. People inside the cities are ok, but one Chinese Intel brief indicated that it’s anarchy in the countryside with rampant looting of any available food and fuel. On the highways outside of the cities, delivery trucks are being hijacked and emptied. Abaddon’s Christian militias and Posse Comitatus groups are going wild again. People are being shot and killed and left lying in the roads.”

  Robert raises both his hands to stop her. “Wait a minute. How could all of this happen since we left Venus?”

  “The world is wired. The murder of Chelovek was seen live by billions of people around the world and is being replayed by billions more. Don’t you remember the immediate reaction in Venus? Instant anger. Then when the Ambassador’s car exploded in Moscow, it was like throwing a hand grenade into a box of dynamite. Kaboom! Everybody everywhere saw their chance to attack America and they are taking it. Lots of pent-up hate being released.”

  “So what is Abaddon doing?”

  “Knowing what he is like, I imagine he is praying for protection. Chinese Intel reports that the SS slaughter of homeless veterans in the park has completely turned the US military against him. Of course, he is in hiding. Or bunkered in at the White House. But, he did issue a release recanting his earlier statements praising SS actions in the park and with Chelovek. In fact, he is now claiming that the SS did not kill Chelovek.”

  “The world watched that SS drone smash into his face, so how can he claim that the SS didn’t do it. Who does he say did do it then? Divine intervention?”

  “Well, now that it’s too late, he’s claiming that the drone’s controls were hacked.”

  In disbelief, Robert shakes his head, “Right. I’m certain. Now, he usually blames the Russians. But, I don’t think that’s going to fly this time, since a Russian died. So, who is he going to blame? SPEA? He’s running out of scapegoats.”

  “He’s promised a thorough and comprehensive investigation. But, at this time, he is actually pointing his finger at his own US military.”

  Doubtful, Robert scratches his chin thoughtfully, “How would that be possible? Granted, they do hate each other. And I witnessed his SS beating homeless veterans even before the park slaughter. But, it doesn’t make sense for the US military to kill some minor Russian functionary. Especially in such a public manner. That’s almost certain to restart the Nordic fighting.”

  “Chelovek was suspected of spying on the Pentagon. Remember? I know that’s a weak reason, but it’s all I have. If you have a better reason, please share it.”

  Robert searches his mind, but he discovers nothing new or insightful. “

  Leaning close to Robert, Komfort whispers into his ear. “It’s heating up at Venus, too. Shortly after we left, two US Navy underwater spy drones were intercepted by the Israelis just outside Venus. A team of SPEA engineers pulled them out of the water, reversed their controls and then launched them. Both drones returned and smashed into the ships that sent them. Caused far more anger and questions than damage. But, the best part is that our engineers retained control of the drone’s sensors and cameras. We are sharing some excellent visuals of the US Navy in action on world-wide, social media. US authorities are issuing all kinds of threats including invasion because they are claiming that they were attacked.

  “By their own drones?” Robert chuckles in disbelief.

  “Gutefrau is ignoring them. Officially, we don’t know how it happened. But, that is not making them happy. They are ordering more ships to join the ships already harassing Venus.”

  Robert starts softly rocking as Dijaineo slowly surfs the aircraft across the sea, increasing speed and preparing for his leap into the sky. Circling around the island, the airplane gradually gains altitude, allowing Robert to appreciate the scenic South China Sea.

  Small, colorful Vietnamese fishing boats float just outside the island’s territorial limit. A Vietnamese naval vessel patrols among them, attempting to protect them from Chinese interference. Farther away from the island, at the edge of the Vietnamese boats, Robert glimpses a large commercial Chinese fishing trawler sweeping the waves. With the efficiency of a huge vacuum cleaner, the Chinese suck the seas clean.

  As Robert watches, the Chinese trawler sails between two smaller Vietnamese boats. From each side of the Chinese trawler, powerful streams of water crash into the smaller boats, knocking fishermen onto the deck and into the ocean. The much larger trawler’s wake violently rocks and swamps the two Vietnamese crafts. As the fishing rights fight fades behind him, Robert strains, but fails to see its conclusion. Clouds blot out his ocean view.

  Komfort leans forward and points past Robert at the fast fading fishing fleet fight. “Fighting for fish in the ocean is becoming more common than water wars on land. When you can’t grow enough food on your land, you pull all of the fish out of the ocean. Then soon, all of the fish are gone and you have nothing to eat at all. But, we’re working on both problems.”

  With pride in her voice, she recounts yet another SPEA accomplishment. “Did you see the Kiritimati lagoon where SPEA and marine biologists from twenty nations are developing scientifically-based ocean restocking technologies? Restocking the ocean certainly isn’t as simple as restocking a lake, but we’re making progress. Fish farming is much easier and faster, and profitable, but it’s simply not enough. So we’re developing heat-resistant phytoplankton.”

  “Only God can create a fish! Not you pagans!” Evoil shouts out loudly, surprising Robert and Komfort, who do not realize he is listening. “God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds.”

  “So only God hatches Scrod?” Robert teases.

  Evoil ignores Robert’s question to continue his agitation, “If some Chinese die, who cares? Who needs them? World will be better without them.”

  Simultaneously, Robert and Komfort shush each other with silence hand signs. Neither of them wants to give Evoil a podium so he can continue preaching his intolerance and hate.

  As the airplane reaches its cruising altitude, Komfort shifts from the cabin to the cockpit. After confirming that they are flying alone, no spying drones, she establishes contact with Pion through Komfort-bot using the airplanes communications gear. For both of them, it is a long awaited and welcome conversation.

  More than two hours later, a concerned Komfort rejoins Robert in the main cabin. First she ensures that Evoil is still seated and involved watching a video before slipping on her headphone communicator. She signals Robert to switch from the movie he is watching to discussion mode.

  “Some unforeseen complications and difficulties have arisen concerning Pion and Tena,” she quietly shares with him through their headphones. Then she sits silently.

  “Meaning?” Robert prods after waiting for several seconds for her to continue explaining.

  Komfort searches for a way to explain the current situation at the plantation without providing too much information. She does not want Robert to know about the killing and burying of the Kokos. She is also averse to telling him about the Koko’s eradication of Tena’s village. The more he knows, the more questions he will ask that she does no
t want to answer.

  Her devotion to SPEA and Pion, and her inclination to protect them at all costs, conflicts with her necessity to educate Robert as to their true situation. She fears that she cannot be honest with him without imperiling the things most important to her. Yet, simultaneously, she worries that not revealing enough will endanger them and their mission. She knows there will come a time when she must rely upon him. She has in the past. She will in the future.

  “Pion informed me that a tribe of climate refugees established a camp just outside the plantation in a destroyed shanty town. Currently, plantation security equipment, like those WASPs and DOGs you played with in Venus, are keeping them away. But, they have very little food and water, so they are growing increasingly desperate and hostile and aggressive. Pion is very concerned.”

  “Do you think they will attack Pion and the plantation?”

  “I would not be surprised. They are members of the Koko tribe, which has terrorized that valley. I know they’ve already slaughtered and burned entire villages, just so they can have their food and water. If they decide Pion has what they want, then I doubt that the plantation’s security will stop them.”

  Robert holds out his hands, questioningly. “So why don’t you feed them. Isn’t that what SPEA does best? Feed people?”

  “Yes, that’s what SPEA does, but that plantation only grows coffee.”

  “Oh you can do better than that Mugavus. You’re not trying. Remember Henry Kissinger said control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”

  “Of course, you’d remember something like that.” She groans, “But, you do make an excellent point!”

  “No, I’m making a suggestion. Do for these Kokos, what you did for the Chinese, Vietnamese and Laotians.”

  Komfort taps her lips thoughtfully with her fingers, “All we have aboard are supplies for us. A transport from Venus requires three days. Three days, we do not have.”


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