Threads of Blood and Silk: The stone Wielder's Legacy Trilogy Book 2

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Threads of Blood and Silk: The stone Wielder's Legacy Trilogy Book 2 Page 7

by Karelynn Spacek

  “The colors are so vivid, yet I can’t place this composition.”

  “This mineral can only be found in Azulyria. It’s called Tauruliem and lucky for me I was able to get my hands on a sizeable piece from a gemologist I met in California. He found it on a beach in Hawaii and spent years trying to identify it without any results. I made him an offer, and in need of the cash, he reluctantly agreed to sell it to me.”

  “It tingles every time I squeeze it, almost like a hand massager.”

  “That is the spell weaving its way through your body and mind, looking for signs of distress.”

  “I think I’m fine now. Here, you can have it back,” I offered.

  “You can keep it, and whenever the burden of stress takes over, use it to feel better.” He wrapped his hand around mine, closing my fingers around the rock. I felt at peace.

  I know after the whole flat tire incident, I was convinced that air travel was the way to go. This experience from hell gave me doubts, and an irrational fear of plummeting to my death. Both could be chalked up to stress, or a case of first-time-flyer anxiety. I had option one in spades.

  “Attention passengers, we will be landing shortly at Brest Bretagne Airport. Please make sure that your belts are fastened and that your tray is in the upward position.” A flight attendant announced the normal spiel, a light French accent making her sound like she was advertising some premium bottled water brand that was all natural, and highly recommended.

  ֍ ֍ ֍

  It was sickening to watch Jared pamper that filthy human woman with his affections. As soon as they found Lapisera’s Dagger, her days were numbered. I don’t compliment other species often. They aren’t worthy of my praises, but had to give her credit, she was quite astute. The Haikus our kind generated were meant to be obscure and not easily comprehended. To be poetically savvy was a revered trait to possess, and only a select few were appointed with the task of creating the lines of script used for the concealing spell that hid the dagger from me.

  The masking spell I wore was doing its job, as neither one of them suspected that their enemy was sitting a mere four rows away. It was money well spent, even though I wanted to choke the sorceress to death. With enough digging, I found her through a mutual acquaintance, and her client list included a very elite circle of customers.

  We had butted heads immediately because of her dismissive attitude towards my ability to meet her outrageous fees. Tossing a bag filled with a wad of cash changed her turn. She was still a pretentious narcissist with a group of “fans” kowtowing to her every whim and social status. When I thought about it, she was just like me in many ways. You don’t put two alpha bitches in one room and expect them to play nice.

  This whole fiasco was one step closer to being resolved. Once I had my hand on that dagger, it could be destroyed, along with any chance of bringing Azulyria back from its watery grave. The human woman had to go too˗˗˗primarily to get rid of Ivyssa’s magic, and to free Jared from another unhealthy attachment. I wasn’t even going to try to extract her powers, it would just be better for everyone if I got rid of her, and not chance another re-emergence.

  Emily was a mistake I had warned him about, yet he claimed to be in love with the wretch, so I let it go. A miscalculation on my part, but soon enough her true colors bled through. Her plot to kill him only proved how selfish and greedy humans could be, that’s why I had to cut ties with him.

  That would change. We would reunite and Jared’s current infatuation would be a thing of the past. No more letting history repeat itself, the human had to go.

  ֍ ֍ ֍

  I didn’t want to jinx our good luck, but I couldn’t help myself this time.

  “Look, I can see the Lighthouse coming up on the right. We made it without a hitch.” The taxi driver smiled at my exuberance, yet it waned.

  Uneasiness filled my gut with worry. Had I spoken too soon? It was the same sensation I felt when my instincts were telling me to flee the hot spring by my cabin. Ignoring it then ended on a positive note, so maybe I was due for a repeat. That’s what I would tell myself until I was proven wrong.

  The taxi sped off after Jared handed the driver a decent tip for his services.

  “Hay Jared, could you do another sweep of the area to confirm that we haven’t been tracked down yet?”

  “I’m on it.” We stood at the bottom of the cliff faces where the visitor’s entrance was. His face pivoted in a circular pattern, icy blue eyes glowing with Stone Walker magic. I didn’t see a need for me attempting to learn the skill when it would be quicker for Jared to check for nearby threats.


  The glow of his eyes wavered in intensity, blinking like the swinging beam of a laser.

  “It would seem that for now, we don’t have anything to fret over, especially our enemy.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Alex, there was something familiar about the signature belonging to the Stone Walker pursuing us.” He was hesitant.

  “Okay, familiar how?”

  “It felt like someone I had crossed paths with over a decade ago, but my memory is still foggy on their identity.”

  “You don’t think it’s your ex Emily coming after us?”

  “Why would she? Hunting after a means to resurface Azulyria is not her style. She’s too lazy, and to be honest, not stealthy enough to pull off a global chase.” I struck a nerve.

  “I’m sorry. Since you said it felt familiar, I was covering all possibilities, even far-fetched ones.”

  His reasoning was sound, but I still had my doubts. Personal bias could cloud anyone’s perception, even in regards to someone who broke your heart, and was planning to murder you. Jared may not want to face the bitter truth. I on the other hand would happily send her to the other side to meet her maker. A little part of me would probably enjoy it too.

  Looking out and taking in the view of the English Channel was picture perfect. Waves crashed against large rose-colored boulders, and the lighthouse itself, soared like a castle tower. There was a narrow bridge-way that angled towards the foundation that held the pink beauty.

  Boisterous children ran along the rocky plateau, their parents keeping close watch. We passed by a family posing for a group shot, pure exhilaration lighting the smiles on their faces. Low sitting boulders formed an outcropping of benches for weary hikers after climbing the terraced slope.

  Casually sitting with one leg tossed over the other, a woman I considered to be more than a boss waved. It was Katherine Willowby, my former superior and best drinking buddy. Her auburn waves bounced as she stood and approached us, hands tucked in her pockets. Not that I wasn’t glad to see her after all this time, but a nagging tug in the pit of my stomach warned me to be cautious.

  She looked the same as the last time I saw her, so why my stomach was in fits was beyond me. Dressed in a pair of jeans, emerald sweater, and brown leather jacket˗˗˗everything was normal there, nothing out of the ordinary.

  “Alex. It’s so great to see you.” Her practiced southern drawl was still spot on. It was part of her blending in persona. She figured an accent couldn’t hurt, might even make her new identity more believable.

  “Katherine. It’s great to see you as well,” I said as we shared a quick embrace. A lump near her hip jutted out enough that it had poked me in my side. My stomach was protesting more vigorously.

  “And who might this be Alex. It’s not every day that I get to meet a new Stone Walker.” Her light brown eyes roamed Jared in assessment. I would be jealous of her blatant perusal, except for the way they lingered near his waist. She was searching for something.

  That something was a weapon. Her motives became clear as she yanked out a handgun and pointed it at us. No emotions. She was on a mission and like she always told me, emotions could get you killed.

  “Katherine, what the hell are you doing?” Distant screaming and hurried footsteps became fainter.

  “I’m only following orders. Alex, you should have stay
ed out of this, and forgotten all about Azulyria. Both of your sister’s meddling was bad enough, but you just couldn’t let it go.”

  “Erika and Serena were murdered. Did you really think I would just step aside and ignore that fact?”

  “Knowing you, a pack of rabid wolves wouldn’t have been able to stop you. Either way, the two of you are coming with me. I’ll be joining your hunting party, but only to make sure the dagger is destroyed.”

  “How can you stand there and say that? Azulyria was your home. Don’t you want to see it again?”

  “Maybe I did once upon a time, but those silly daydreams are a thing of the past. Dangle enough money under my nose, and I’ll do just about anything, including kidnapping one of my closest friends.”

  “You bitch.” I spat. “Is that how you were able to swing that swanky downtown apartment?” I assumed she had saved or made some profitable investments in the stock market, never this.

  “Enough talk! Let’s go. Walk towards that red van.” As we turned she snatched my backpack, and by default, the Visulumina.

  It was either do as she said or be shot in the back. We chose the option that would most likely get us out of this alive, and back in possession of the lantern.


  Plans of immediate escape faded with the clink of zip ties locking into place around our wrists. Seated in the back of the van with Katherine, a man with bulging muscles had his own gun trained on us like a hawk. Poised in the front compartment sat another man, unremarkably plain, and way more talkative. He blabbered on about how much money he was going to get, and how he planned on spending it. The pair’s dynamic suggested that they were just hired hands, and didn’t understand the full extent of our sudden capture. They didn’t need to. We were just another paycheck in the making.

  My eyes landed on Jared, and his expression was murderous. He felt betrayed that another Stone Walker could be so callous about the fate that had befallen Azulyria.

  “How do you sleep at night knowing how you have turned your back on your own kind?” He was livid.

  “Easy, I don’t let the past drag me down. I have grown since then, and profited quite nicely. Perhaps you should forget about Azulyria and concentrate on surviving your detainment.”

  “I hope Octricia strikes you down where you stand. You don’t deserve to live.”

  “My, my, you shouldn’t speak so rudely to your elders. I should spank you like I did when you were a child, or do you not remember your favorite babysitter Kat.” Further insults died on his tongue. His eyes widened to an impossible size, the revelation knocking the wind out of him. Their lives had been intertwined.

  “You used to sneak me an extra dessert on occasion. Now look at you, not a kind bone in your body.” Jared’s anger morphed into utter disgust.

  I was still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that my former boss was his childhood caretaker. Odds were that there was a connection between Katherine’s sudden appearance, and her blasé attempt to use the past as a means of controlling us. The pieces weren’t clicking into place just yet.

  I cut in, “Who do you work for?”

  “That is of no consequence to you. She took me in when I was a starving teen on the streets, so I owe my life to her. Whatever she wants, she gets. And that is Lapisera’s Dagger, which you’ll be helping me find.”

  “And if we refuse, then what?”

  “You will have outlasted your usefulness,” she said, pressing her gun to the side of my head. I kept my mouth shut.

  The jostling drive ended at an abandoned vineyard. Rows of wooden stakes that once held the sinewy vines of grape plants, stood vacant. Splintered and decaying, they reminded me of tombstones.

  Katherine pulled up the rear, keeping her finger on the trigger of her gun if we decided to make a break for it. Jared had a better chance with his heightened reflexes, but even with that edge, I doubt he could outrun a bullet.

  We were forced down rickety steps that led to a basement cellar. I could catch a whiff of a floral aroma that grew stronger once we stepped through the doorway.

  “Welcome to your home away from home. Pleasant dreams my dears.” She pulled the door shut, the sound of a heavy beam being dropped into place shaking the whole room.

  The damp earthiness of mildew joined with the floral notes of wine long since dried up. If I decided to search, I’m sure I would find spots of mold tucked in the corners near the stacked barrels.

  Shafts of light, no wider than a pencil, managed to seep through cracks in the stone wall. Years of neglect led to the foundation settling to the point that repair would have been useless.

  My knees felt stiff from keeping them crossed for so long. The comfort of sitting was only temporary. Jared took to pacing, finding peace in keeping busy, however mundane the method was. The back and forth motion sent my mind back to a place in time that I never thought I would ever think about again. It was the day that my career took a horrific turn and sent me on a downward spiral.

  I, along with four other agents surrounded an industrial building on Waverly Avenue. It sat across the street from a residential area in Brooklyn. A cloudy sky gave us cover for a routine breach, this location looking formidable without the light of day shining down. I was positioned on the fire escape with instructions to enter through a second level window when given the signal.

  According to the reports we had, Jeremy Golden should be somewhere on the premises. He was wanted on at least ten charges of first degree murder. Over the span of two years, he captured, tortured, and strangled woman in their thirties with brunette hair.

  Sifting through his back ground, I uncovered that he was being cared for by his aunt after a plane crash killed his parents. Unlucky for him, this aunt liked to “rent” out her nephew to her druggie friends as a sexual plaything.

  At first, that instinctual desire to feel sympathy for his cruel past got to me, but then I would look at all of the brutal crime scene photos, and that desire would vanish into thin air. Lots of children were abused, yet many of them go on to live productive lives, choosing to rise above the trauma.

  “Alright team, we have the go ahead. Breach the building.”Katherine’s voice was stern.

  “Are we sure of his location on the property?” I had never questioned orders before, but the words came flying out before I could stop them.

  “Alex, go!” I took that as confirmation.

  The window had been unlocked, and whined in protest at my sudden prodding. For a crappy exterior, the room I stepped into was well decorated and surprisingly clean. Not much else caught my notice, until a humanoid-shaped shadow entered my peripheral, seconds too late for me to react.

  I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head, the force sending me to my knees. The room began to spin as my balance finally gave out. Cool concrete pulled at my jacket. Through half lidded eyes, I could see my legs hovering above the ground, being held by a figure in dark clothing. Blackness pulled me under, my body losing the battle to stay conscious.

  A splash of cold water was incentive enough to pull me back to the land of the living. I shook my head like a wet dog, back and forth to alleviate the seeping dampness, and shed the extra moisture.

  “Come on, I want to play with her for awhile. Stall your people as long as you can.” A man spoke, cradling a phone to his ear. I’m guessing that I was the “her” that he wanted to play with. And that nonsense of keeping your people at bay, who the hell was this guy working with?

  Jeremy Golden stepped from the shadows, a proud smirk skewing his features into that of a monster. “Alexandra Nealy, how lovely to meet such a lovely specimen. Tell me darling˗˗˗are you comfortable in that chair?”This bastard knew my name.

  “You know perfectly well that I’m not.” I spat with distaste.

  “No need to be ungrateful. I was trying to be a gentleman.”

  “That’s a load of bullshit.”His smirk shifted into a scowl.

  “I was going to go easy on you, but you’ve pissed me off. Yo
u are going to receive my special treatment with all the bells and whistles. Please do try to enjoy yourself. I know I will.” Jeremy came closer, wielding a hunting knife and an appetite for blood.

  Another strangled scream was retched from my throat, a gag muffling the worst of it. Shallow cuts ran up and down my arms and the side of my neck. He only went as deep as he had to, breaking the skin with quick strokes, and watching as lines of crimson beaded to the surface. Between each series of cuts, he placed a bag over my head and drenched me with more cold water, all the while hooking me up to a car battery for a more thrilling performance. The bastard even shoved his hand down my pants to see if I was as turned on as he was. The disappointing result earned me a slap to both cheeks and his tongue licking at the open wounds near my wrist.

  “I don’t know about you, but that enthralling foreplay has really gotten me all excited. I’m going to fuck you real good. Hope you find autoerotic asphyxia as mind blowing as my last lovers.” He removed my pants and shoes. In the dimness, I could see that he stood fully erect, ready to move onto the final act. Would he make my death swift, or would he draw it out until he came. The reports mentioned rape, but they didn’t go into detail in regards to the act.

  I felt helpless as I begged and pleaded like so many women before me. It never did any good. He groaned at the first penetration, satisfied that he could finally partake in his twisted desires. I screamed even louder, the physical intrusion forever burned in my mind. I lost consciousness again, choosing the nothing over having to watch this monster steal a part of my soul.

  A door crashing to the floor woke me from my misery as a barrage of agents came pouring into the room. Imminent rescue brought tears to my eyes. I wasn’t going to die. Jeremy backed away from me, thinking that he had a chance of escaping, but succumbing to a storm of bullets instead.

  The ride in the ambulance barely fazed me. My mind was still reeling from what that piece of trash did to me. My entire body ached all over. Red stains seeped through the bandages that wrapped my arms, all of them reminders of Jeremy’s handiwork and my failure.


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