Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara)

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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara) Page 14

by Katie Dowe

  As she had told Cara, she was not committed or anything she was taking it one step at a time. But he was one magnificent human being. She thought as she watched him take off the light sports jacket and hung it on the peg. He had on a simple green polo shirt and denims that molded his lower body like a glove. He was well muscled and his dark skin gleamed in the dim light.

  “I like the sound of that,” his tone was husky. “What are you wearing underneath this?” his hand flicked the simple sarong dress she was wearing.

  In response she reached around her neck and untied the knot at the base of her neck letting the dress fall to her feet.

  His dark brown eyes flared and he came closer using his pals to cup her small breasts. “Curiosity satisfied.” He murmured dipping his head to take a nipple inside his mouth. Marissa sighed gratefully and reached between them to cup his already erect penis. He lifted his head and stared down at her. He had told her he had given up an appointment with a client to be with her but he had left out the part where he was also screwing the client. But he really liked her and it was not about her money alone, he liked being with her.

  “Tell me how you want me to screw you,” he used one hand to open her legs, touching her lightly before dipping a finger inside her.

  “I want it right here,” she breathed as his thrust heightened her passion.

  He took his fingers out and hurriedly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his zipper, releasing his huge pulsing penis. She put her hands around his neck and jumped into his arms while he put his rigid member inside her. She sank down and hung onto him tightly, making a deep purring sound in the back of her throat. He held her narrow hips and drove himself inside her bending his head to take her lips with his, his tongue touching hers and exploring her mouth.

  He backed her up against the wall without missing a beat and lifting her legs up and out he plundered her over and over again. Marissa dug her fingers into his shirt, the fire screaming inside her body as he swelled even more inside her. She wanted to tear him apart due to the feelings he had introduced inside her. With a sudden movement she pulled the shirt over his head and bit down on the bunched up muscles of his chest causing him to cry out hoarsely. With a growl he grabbed her, and grounded inside her, his orgasm almost tearing them apart.

  The End.

  If you enjoyed this trilogy, be sure to leave a good review and read the previous parts:

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 1

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3 (this one)

  Vasili, Her Russian Ex Mafia Man

  He has a dark past, one which won't let him go...

  A complete story, brought to you by best selling BWWM romance author J A Fielding.

  Self-made billionaire Malia is a world traveler, and currently managing her business in South Africa.

  But when she runs into trouble over there with one of the locals, she finds herself rescued by a handsome Russian man named Vasili.

  Bonded by the experience, the two go on a date where they get to know each other better, and Malia finds out a shocking secret about Vasili: he’s ex-Mafia, and his presence in South Africa is due to his being in hiding.

  Malia can’t deny her attraction to him though, and the two soon begin a whirlwind romance.

  But when ghosts from Vasili’s past return to haunt him, will their relationship survive the problems they bring?

  Find out in this emotional and thrilling romance by J A Fielding of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll desire your own handsome Mafia man to curl up with.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 1

  Malia Jones took one last bite of her ribeye steak and dabbed her mouth with a napkin.

  “New recipe,” she noted as she looked at the chef, Francois who had just finished his shift. Francois smiled at her.

  “You have a very keen tongue,” he said, smiling.

  “I do,” Malia said nodding.

  “But sometimes I wonder how that fine tongue would choose to pair that ribeye with a strawberry daiquiri rather than a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. I have a twenty year old bottle out back…I’ve been saving it to share with a friend.”

  Malia smiled.

  “I guess I have a very complicated…taste.”

  “That you do, young lady.”

  She took a sip of her daiquiri and looked at him.

  “And are you going to tell me what the secret to your new steak is or are you just going to let me wallow?” she asked and Francois wagged a finger in front of her face.

  “A good magician never tells his tricks. Besides, if I tell you now, what guarantee do I have that I will see you again?”

  Malia smiled and gently smoothed her hair down.

  “You know the ribeye steak is not the only reason I come here, right?” she asked.

  “I would love to think that it is my dashing personality among other things,” Francois said, smiling.

  “Well you are the only person from home out here. So there’s that.”

  “But you are settling in Jozi really well,” he pointed out.

  “Hey. I had settled. I only have another week before I go back home,” Malia said as she sipped on her daiquiri.

  “Are you that tired of South Africa?” Francois asked, smiling at her.

  “No, I love it here. It’s just that…” Malia took a long deep breath. She knew that the next words out of her mouth were going to be the complete opposite of every emotion she had kept hidden. “I love it here, Francois. But my company wouldn’t let me stay long enough to be comfortable. I mean, the whole African market is still new and Omar only trusts me to handle everything…some long story about another failed partnership.” She took a long deep breath. “The best I can do is just come out here for a few long months at a time.”

  “You’ve been here for four months,” Francois said.

  “My point exactly. And I was here for another five before that…I just really want to be at one place for at least ten months. A place that I don’t have to move out of for a while,” she said. “Maybe after I tie up the loose ends in the States I can come back here for longer.”

  “Well, that’s too bad. I had kind of gotten used to having you around here.”

  “I will only be gone for a couple of weeks, tops.” She shrugged. “It’s not like I plan on staying away for long. I mean, this place has kind of grown on me.”

  “On all of us really. Plus, having someone from home is always a good idea,” he said and Malia laughed.

  “You are French,” she said, still laughing.

  “I am a French American,” he corrected her. “There is a big difference.”

  Malia laughed again and took another sip of her drink.

  “Well, there’s that.” She raised her glass. “To French America!” she said in a somewhat dramatic voice and Francois smiled.

  “You know, I don’t think that would have been such a great thing to say in some time in history.”

  “Boy…don’t I know it. And to think I am a black woman saying it too,” Malia said laughing.

  “Hey, times are not that different. I mean, out here you are not even black.”

  “Actually, I am one hundred per cent black but because I am a little light people around here seem to think I am biracial.”

  “Yeah, I heard someone refer to you as colored the other day.” Francois took a sip of the water he had kept under the counter. “It took everything in me not to punch him in the face.”

  “Yeah, it took me a while to get used to that too,” Malia said smiling. “You know, my sister doesn’t get how I am so okay with people calling me that but it’s not like I can do anything about it, right?”

/>   Francois nodded.

  “Yeah, it is actually a legitimized race out here.”

  “Different strokes.”

  He nodded again.

  “Different strokes,” he echoed just as a man who had been sitting at the far end of the bar began walking towards them. “Uh oh, brace yourself. Three o’clock.”

  Malia could see a white man in a navy blue slim tailored suit and a white shirt walking towards them. She had noticed him earlier and she had been wondering what a man of his caliber was doing seated at the bar. He seemed classy. Hell, she could smell his class from miles away. And she knew for a fact that he was the kind of person who would rather take a table on his own rather than sit alone at the bar. She barely had enough time to say anything by the time he got to where she was.

  “I have been sitting there trying to figure out how I should come over…the words I should use but I don’t have anything original,” he said in a soft voice.

  “Pity,” she said.

  “Shouldn’t I get pointers just for coming over?” he asked and a smile played on her lips.

  “Oh trust me, you have them but I…” her voice trailed off. She didn’t know how to shoot him down without sounding like a complete bitch. “I’m sorry. You caught me at a really bad time.”

  “Long day at the office?” he asked and she nodded.

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Maybe if you change your mind, I could give you a positive ending to your day,” he said smiling. She could not help but look into his intoxicating gray eyes. Stare into them intently as a sly smile played on her lips.

  “Did you just make a pass at me? A perfect stranger?” she asked and the man shrugged.

  “Would it be so wrong if I did?” he asked but she never answered him. He straightened one side of his suit jacket before he reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a business card. “In case you change your mind,” he said as he handed the card to her and then walked away.

  Malia didn’t know why but as soon as he had left, she felt a certain warmth in her that she could not explain. She could almost describe it as a thrill.

  “Who the fuck was that?” she whispered loudly as she turned her attention back to Francois.

  “Vasili Zakharov. Big shot businessman from Europe,” he said before taking another sip of his water.

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Malia said as she looked at the silk embossed business card in her hand.

  “I see him around here every so often. At least twice a week.”

  “And you are just telling me about this now? I mean, he is hot.”

  “Well, you are always going on and on about Mark back in the States. You never really gave me a reason to maybe nudge you in his direction.”

  Malia let out an exhausted sigh. Every time she heard Mark’s name she felt exasperated. She had given their relationship every chance she thought she could but she was not about to do it anymore. She had spent the last two years of her life…no wasted the last two years waiting for him to decide what he wanted to do as far as their relationship was concerned. But it was like the distance was putting a strain on their relationship and she just was not looking to put in the hours needed to make it work between them. It took a really long time before Malia finally realized that she was the only one really interested in making their relationship work. It was almost like the whole relationship had become a one way street, something she was not interested in anymore.

  “What?” Francois asked and she sighed heavily.

  “I think when you find yourself working harder on something than the person you are supposed to be in partnership with then maybe it is not worth fighting for. And honestly…the Mark train left the station a long time ago.”

  “So, why then did you push off your only chance at getting laid?” Francois asked. “Because I know you know that he has been checking you out. Don’t try to act all high and mighty like you didn’t see him because I saw you.”

  “I am in and out of South Africa like…” she shook her head. “I am never quite settled in one place and I know for a fact that will be a deal breaker.”

  “So a booty call is out of the question?”

  She laughed.

  “Absolutely,” she said, nodding. “I mean, I could very well do with a good fix…”

  “Now you sound like you are trying to get high or something.”

  She looked at him and forced out a laugh.

  “I just don’t want to start anything right now. I mean, I start something and I am out of Jo’burg in a couple of weeks and God knows how long I am going to take before I come back out here. Those plans are usually not set in stone.”

  “Speaking of plans set in stone…I’m opening my new restaurant in Pretoria pretty soon.”

  “Everything went through?” she asked, excitedly. Francois had been going on about a new restaurant in the South African suburbs for a long time. And being an expatriate, he had really had a hard time figuring everything out.

  “It took a lot of work and definitely the authorities made me sweat a little but hey, everything worked out in the end, right?” he said and she raised her glass.

  “To the new spot,” she said and then frowned when Francois raised his water glass. “Oh no. We toast using a real drink here.”

  “As long as it is not a daiquiri.”

  “Well, I’m good so long as it is not water. Any kind of water,” she said smiling. She looked at him as he poured himself a shot of bourbon. He smiled and raised his own shot glass before downing the contents. “So, are you also going to be this hands on with your new place as well?”

  “What are you talking about?” Francois asked, feigning seriousness.

  “Really? You want to play that card?” Malia asked.

  He shrugged.

  “What card?”

  “You own this place, a four star restaurant and you are a freaking five star chef yet for some reason, you are standing behind the bar serving drinks.”

  “After rush hour, I like to pick my brain. See if I can come up with new recipes, new cocktails…being a mixologist is not something I saw myself doing in the long run but then again, that is how I come up with my signature meals.”

  Malia rolled her eyes.

  “Of course.”

  “By the way, your ‘fan’ is back.”

  She turned around and sighed loudly when she saw a well-known bar drunk walking towards them. This was the last thing she needed, especially on that particular day. She’d had an extremely long day and she didn't have enough energy to spend on trying to push him off.

  “This guy never gives up,” she said under her breath. “One thing is for sure. He is relentless.”

  “Yeah, he’s been after you ever since you started coming over. Need me to handle it?” he asked and she shook her head.

  “I got this,” she said exhaling loudly. “I hope.”

  “Malia,” the man said as he looked at her.

  “Kurt, I told you I don’t want you to buy me a drink or take me home. I’m fine.”

  “Maybe today is different. Maybe today is the day that you actually give in to me.” He moved closer to her. He was suddenly standing a little too close for comfort. “Just have a drink with me. Just one.”

  Malia rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t want to have a drink with you, Kurt.” She looked at him and then at Francois. “You know what? Maybe I should just leave now,” she said as she grabbed her purse.

  “Should you be driving? I’ve served up a few too many daiquiris.”

  Malia handed her keys to Francois.

  “So, I’ll take a cab. Besides, driving in this country while sober is hard enough…I’m used to being on the other side of the road if you know what I mean.”

  “No way. Let me take you home,” Kurt said. “I’m that kind of gentleman.”

  Malia got off her chair and forced a smile.

  “I can walk you out. There are cabs on standby in the parking lot,” Francois said in
a soft voice.

  “Well, I can walk you out,” Kurt persisted and Malia rolled her eyes.

  “Kurt, you are a really nice person. A great guy actually, but we both know that you want to bed me and that is something I am definitely not interested in.” She tucked her purse under her arm and forced a smile at Francois.

  “So, what are you trying to tell me right now?” Kurt asked suddenly grabbing Malia’s wrist. She gaped in surprise and pulled her hand away feeling a little angry.

  “Whoa…Kurt. Just go home. I really don’t want to be in the middle of all this…whatever it is.”

  “Yeah, buddy.” This time it was Francois trying to get Kurt to listen to the voice of reason. “You really should quit while you’re ahead.”

  Malia began making her way towards the exit but it was like Kurt was hell bent on stopping her. She did not even realize when he rushed to her side and grabbed her wrist again. He was holding her so tightly she could feel him cutting off the circulation to her fingers.

  “Kurt…Let go!” She was trying as hard as she could to pull her arm out but he just wouldn’t let her.

  “Whoa…buddy!” Francois cried out when he saw Kurt suddenly pin Malia against the wall.

  “You think just because you are American that you are better than the rest of us?” Kurt asked as he roughly fondled her, with his full weight still pinned on her.

  She was panicking and it was almost as if he was liking it. She did not know why or how but she managed to shake herself free but even then, Kurt wouldn’t let it go. He followed her out and for a long minute, Malia didn’t think she could break away. Kurt was still following her out so fast and the fact that the cabs were not right up front, Malia had to admit that she was in a bit of a pickle. She had just made it out and she was trying to get to the parking lot but Kurt, as drunk as he was proved to be faster than she could run.

  She gasped when he caught up with her but this time, he didn’t last for long. Someone else pulled him away from her and she leaned against the restaurant wall watching Vasili subdue Kurt with what she could only assume was military prowess or at least martial artistic skill. He had Kurt pinned down to the floor with his knee on his chest giving him one punch after the other. Vasili was saying something in a language she could not understand as he punched him. She had spent a whole lot of time around the world to know that he was speaking some Eastern European language but she could not quite decide if it was Hungarian, Russian or perhaps maybe Romanian.


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