The Heart of Andros

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The Heart of Andros Page 9

by Jade Oliver

  Except for the first initial perusal of my body, I have not seen him look at me. Instead, he is scanning the area around us. When he unexpectedly steals a glance at me and our eyes connect, I freeze despite my shorts being only halfway up my legs. I am captivated by the most stunning, light jade eyes I have ever seen. Eyes that have a shy kindness lurking in their depths.

  I count to three as I inhale and again as I exhale to center myself. Like it or not we are going to have to cooperate or fight, and we don’t have the tools nor the strength to do either. Our only tool for survival at this point is our brains. My gut tells me the kind-eyed man won’t let the brute hurt us, even though his actions so far have been more following silent orders versus giving them. The air hangs thick with tension. Now that we’re dressed and Toby has gathered our stuff, we all just stand there staring at each other as everyone calculates their next actions.

  We hear a rustle and a deep voice from a distance coming from outside the cave but close enough to be a concern. The men move so fast I am taken completely off guard when I realize the big man is suddenly behind me. He puts his hand over my mouth and pulls me further into the cave and into one of the crevices. The other man has done the same with Toby and they stand beside us.

  The larger man speaks with authority and an edge to voice we can hear through his whisper. “Do not move. Stay until we return. Jasper and I will take care of this, and then we will move you both somewhere safe. Just remember, if you can hear us, we can hear you. I assure you those are not the people you want to discover you. Especially here and with your strange clothing and odd contraptions.” I start to ask him a question but before I can he cuts me off with such a commanding look I nod my head yes instead.


  This is the last damn thing we need. These strange interlopers are going to complicate our lives even more than it already is. I just know it. I motion for Jasper to follow me as I am satisfied the fiery little bird of a woman and her protective companion will stay where we told them. They will be most regretful if they do not.

  “We need to get rid of them quickly and get the newcomers to the farm so we can figure out what to do with them. From their looks and clothing they are not from here. Curse this cave and its antics. Today has already been enough of a headache,” I whisper to Jasper as we make our way back to the front of the cave to ward off the lurking danger. He simply nods while he gives me a look of understanding.

  We arrive at the entrance of the cave, and as I suspected, we come face to face with one of Vanessa’s men. “Good day. Is your evil queen about?” I ask as one of the many in her army clenches his jaw in obvious frustration that he is not allowed to put his hands on me, not yet anyway. I don’t have time for games today so I call out loudly, “Vanessa, come out and speak to me. I know you want to, and I need to get back to my farm as we are preparing for guests.”

  That should draw the rat from its hole.

  I hear rustling several feet down the path and see Vanessa and her constant companion Priscilla emerge from the trees. They walk toward us, and as always, I appreciate what a beautiful woman Vanessa would be if she was not so vile. Her beauty stands out against the unfortunate looking Priscilla, which is most likely how she retains her place next to her.

  Vanessa has raven black hair with porcelain skin, high cheekbones, and her womanly curves are perfectly voluptuous without being too much. But it is her eyes that give her away. Their purple hue shines bright in a combination of desire, annoyed spite, and a touch of menace.

  “How lovely to see you this fine day. What brings you on a walk through the wood?” I ask, my voice hinting at my impatience despite the pleasantries. Jasper takes a half step closer to me, and I refrain from making the unkind comment I want to make to her. I want her gone quickly and aggravating her will not accomplish it.

  Vanessa walks to me and places her finger on my chest, slowly tracing it across and over my arms then along my back as she circles me. “Looking good, Thaddeus. You always do.” Her voice drips with seduction as she continues, “It has been far too long since I have made a social call. It seems we only get to interact when we bump into each other or at social events.”

  She stops to make an exaggerated pouting face. “That does not make me happy, and as we all know, when I am not happy — nobody's happy. I do not know why you fight this. You know I get what I want. I am becoming tired of your games, and soon I will find other means of getting it.”

  My jaw clenches so tight I think I might break a tooth. I bite out, “Vanessa stop. You have asked and I have answered. I am not interested. And no amount of money, power, or meddling will change that.”

  Her face immediately turns from seduction to anger. “You are making a big mistake, Thaddeus. You and your friend over there are going to pay. Just remember I rule this village and it will be official soon. No one is stupid enough to cross me except you, apparently. I can do whatever I want and no one will go against me in any way. Think hard because next time I ask and you say no there will be consequences. Consequences you will not like.”

  She gives me an evil smirk. “Tisk. Tisk. Tisk. This time I shall not punish you for being so close to my cave. You know better. In an hour there shall be no signs of you and nothing better be touched.” With a huff, she turns and walks away with her mindless companions in tow. Thankfully, she is so upset she forgot my brief mention of guests. I wave Jasper toward the cave and I watch until they have walked completely out of sight. I wait for many minutes until I know they are gone, then stride into the cave with the others.

  Back in the cave, I study the interlopers once again. My mind flits back to what we interrupted and the vision of this woman naked in the throes of passion which causes my cock to uncomfortably twitch in my breeches, but I force myself to focus. I look up and meet the dark pools of fiery sapphire that cause me to frown.

  I’m being punished and I deserve every second of it. “I suppose it is too late to walk away now,” I whisper to Jasper. I know my growing annoyance is apparent when he glances at me with surprised confusion.

  “I am Thaddeus and this is Jasper. You may call me Thad. Who are you?”

  The male tells us he’s Tobias, but to call him Toby, and the spitfire is Adair. He says they must have somehow come from the future because last they knew they were on Andros Island in the year 2018. I inform them they are still on Andros Island but the year is 1785.

  I am tempted to leave them behind, but Jasper grips my arm. “Thad. You know we must not. If Vanessa and her henchmen do not get them, they will perish in other ways.” His calm, soothing voice placates me some but the aggravation remains and my head is starting to pound.

  “Come, we will house and feed you until we sort out this mess.” I see her face start to constrict in defiance, but before she can say anything I cut her off. “You are in danger of being found by another. I give my word we will not harm you, either of you.” I hold my breath and hope they make this easy.

  Adair looks as if she is going to argue anyway so I explain more. “Adair, correct? Well, you just heard that conversation outside. Vanessa was being kind because it was me and Jasper. I assure you if she or any of her dozen or more men on constant patrol of these woods find you, you will both suffer greatly before eventually losing your life. You can cooperate or not. I have a headache and personally wish I could save myself some trouble and leave you here. Unfortunately, I have a vow to myself to do what is right. There will be another patrol soon, and I will not be here. Collect your things and follow, or not. It is up to you.”

  Her eyes dart to Jasper and he offers a sheepish shrug. I notice he keeps his eyes on her a little longer than he would otherwise. I realize he is as intrigued by her as I am, which is interesting since Jasper dismisses most people quickly, particularly women. I have to admit that if I were open to people other than Jasper the little bird with her facade of fierceness would completely captivate me as well. But things are not different, so I grunt and start to walk out of the cave and Ja
sper follows. I hear Adair and Toby’s tense exchange behind me. Their whispering skills are laughable. Ultimately, they see reason and recognize we are their only choice and begin to catch up.

  We walk in relative silence until we are deep into the woods and on the well worn path to our farm. I am so lost in my thoughts I do not notice Adair tripping and falling until I hear it. I quickly turn and catch her, wrapping my strong arms around her back and waist. The feel of her in my arms distracts me and a sudden need grips me to be protective of them, for her.

  Any man would feel protective of his woman, but she is not mine. She will never be, and I would do well to remember that. Although I am a little reluctant to release her, I know I must, as much for me as for her. Instead of replying or forcing the issue, I slowly remove my arms and address them.

  “Let’s go.” I turn without waiting because I am angry with myself for being so affected by her.

  What is it about her when most cause no reaction? Is it because I saw her being pleasured? Is it because she is not scared of me when most are? Is it her utter fascination with everything as we travel through the forest? Forget that shite, she is obviously a voodoo witch. You have enough to deal with, Thad. Do not let yourself become distracted. That is just the ammunition Vanessa needs. She is on the verge of exploding as it is.

  When I get them safely to the farm I will leave them with Jasper. I know she will be safe with him so I can take time to myself. I need some peace to think and ponder these strangers, who, like it or not, have just become part of my life.


  June 4th, 1785



  If I’m being honest with myself, I’m more than a little worried about Toby and me. We are obviously in a different place, and they said it was Andros Island in 1785, but something is wrong.

  Of course it’s wrong, Adair! It’s fucking how many years in the past? They are certainly dressed differently and a have different British-Islander accent. And I don’t know what to do or think about Thad’s “you are in danger from another” proclamation despite hearing that disgusting woman threaten him. I guess Toby and I have no choice but to accept their help since we don’t know much about anything. For now, all I can do is study them and figure out how Toby and I will fit into this dynamic we seem to unwillingly find ourselves in.

  Since leaving the cave, we have traveled for probably thirty minutes or so. The forest is thicker, noisier, and somehow less civilized than the last time Toby and I explored. Whereas before there was once a trail leading to the village road, it’s now nowhere to be seen. No matter, Thad leads us away from where the village road once was and down a barely seen trail that heads deeper into the forest. A forest that seems more scary than before because it’s darker with its density, and makes it harder to tell time.

  Shit! I can use my phone for the date and time. Maybe that could resolve this question.

  I stop abruptly to pull my cell phone out of my bag. My sudden stop makes Toby run into my back. He grabs my shoulders to keep me upright, and I hear Jasper mumble something that sounds like a curse. Both men’s actions have Thad turning around to eyeball us in his I am the the grumpy boss look I’ve already come to recognize in such a short amount of time. His intense, crystal blue eyes zero in on me like it’s my fault that we made a commotion.


  “What?” I keep my voice soft and try for innocence.

  I hear Toby chuckle and murmur, “Better get used to it.” Jasper sucks in a breath and Thad’s eyes flash with a deep blue fire as his face subtly tightens. His face is so guarded but his eyes tell me the truth. One, my innocent act does not fool him. And two, the possibility of my defiance draws him to me as much as it annoys him, something I had already noticed in the cave. Thad continues to look at me like — well, like I am acting like a disobedient child.

  Finally, Toby speaks up. “Adair, my love, what are you doing?”

  “I wanted to check my phone for the time. To see if it turns on. Something. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I thought it would… I don’t know, Toby. It popped into my head and it seemed like a good idea. Even seeing and experiencing everything, you have to admit this is fucking hard to comprehend.” I woosh the words out in one breath before letting out a heavy sigh.

  Thad gives me a sympathetic look but he’s quickly back to being Mr. Stern Stoney Face. “Woman,” Thad grinds out, and I gasp loudly at that remark. “Do you have no sense of self preservation? I told you we must make it home before someone comes back.” Thad’s voice is hard, commanding, and he makes no attempt to mask his exasperation.

  “Look, Thaddeus, I do have concern for our safety. You came and found us in the middle of having sex, hid us away while a strange woman made veiled threats because you won't be with her, then insist we come with you to be safe. But have a little patience. This is a lot to take in, and I can have a freak out or two without your commentary, thank you very much.”

  I know my voice sounds incredulous and pissed off, but I can’t seem to control it even as I remind myself they are trying to help us. My mind is all over the place and I have no patience myself. What the fuck does he expect from me? Today has been a long ass day both emotionally and physically.

  “Shite, woman! Do what you must however many times you must when we get to where we need to go!” Thad’s voice never rises, but he does put emphasis on part of his statement. His jaw begins to tighten the more he speaks. “Now, whatever the hell you were doing - refrain from what you are doing so we can move ahead. They are not far enough back from us that we cannot be heard but we are on track to be home soon.”

  Toby, still behind me, begins to lightly rub my shoulders. He bends down to whisper in my ear. “Adair, let’s go with them. Neither have shown us any threat.” pulling me in closer he presses his chest against my back. With his mouth directly against my ear so the others can’t hear he whispers, “I think if they wanted to hurt you, or either of us, they would have by now.” He kisses my ear, an action that makes me squirm, then he retreats slightly. “Adair, for now, let’s follow, okay?”

  Toby is letting me know privately he supports whatever my decision is but also his standpoint. Damn, how did I get so lucky? When we get out of this mess, I will have to let him know it.

  I open my eyes and look directly into Thad’s. “All right, no more stopping, but only because we have no other options not knowing where we are or who or what is out there. However, when we get to where you are leading, you will help us understand where we are. I refuse to rely on someone I do not know to keep me — us — safe.” My voice breaks, but it is more from frustration of not knowing than feeling weak. Thad tightens his mouth as if to hold back a comment and he just nods and turns around, indicating with his hands to follow.

  Both Toby and Jasper let out a breath as we begin moving again. I have a feeling that Thad and I are going to be butting heads, a lot, and the other two will try to be the peacemakers.

  Good luck with that. This man is absolutely infuriating.

  We finally break free of the depth of the forest and a light shines over the clearing. My breath leaves my body as we round the corner through the last of the woods. The image before me is stunning. It’s a painting to be admired on the wall of a gallery. I hope, if nothing else, I will hold the snapshot of this image in my head for as long as I can.

  A strange but marvelous aroma wafts in the air, comprised of a mix of the salty ocean, fresh stream of the creek, the pine of the forest, and musky scent of the men surrounding me. The sun is setting in red, orange, violet, and pink simmering over the cresting waves of the vast ocean. I turn toward the men, mouth agape.

  “I know we walked far, but I did not realize we were still so close to the ocean. How much further until we…” I am cut off as the big man-handling ogre physically turns my body to the right. We’re atop a small bluff so I can see the ocean’s beauty to my left and his farmland to my right. “Oh,” is all I can manage. I forg
et my apprehension and annoyance and let down my guard so I can just appreciate the beauty before me.

  “It is a small farm, however, it suits our needs. It is just Jasper and me, so it must stay a size we can manage,” the attractive oaf tells me.

  “Small. Really, it doesn’t look small to me. Though I suppose this is a much different time,” I tell him with wonder lacing my tone.

  As we walk down the sandy trail from the top of the rocky dune, a gentle one with a more friendly stable path, Jasper encourages Thaddeus to tell us more about the farm with just a look and a nod. It is clear they know each other well, but I have yet to work out what exactly they are to one another.

  Thad also allows himself to soften with apparent love in his eyes for the land before him as he explains, “We grow many vegetables and fruit and are fortunate to have arrived on a private passage ship that allowed for many things most do not. There are many luxuries here not found elsewhere on the island — such as the chickens. So, there is profit to sell the eggs and occasionally the chickens themselves if we are raising more. It is such a treat here on the island that a good amount of trade or coin can be fetched. In addition to our planted fields, there is a small orchard of sea grape trees, which are used to make wine and jelly that also bring good coin and trade.

  “It is important for you to know the basics in case anyone comes asking questions. You being here will cause suspicions to rise as we have never had nonlocal guests and those are very few and far between. If anyone asks, you are from a small, unknown country in Europe. Toby, you are an inventor, which should explain some of the glaring differences, especially if anyone happens a glance of something they shouldn’t. Adair, you are his sister. Never mind, I don’t suppose you can hide your affection. I suppose you will be his wife,” he finishes hollowly.


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