The Heart of Andros

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The Heart of Andros Page 24

by Jade Oliver

  I hear his voice and we all freeze. He is warning us that Vanessa, Priscilla, and two of her men are with him. They must have captured him before he could return to us. Oh, my poor Jasper. I will make it up to you. To all of them. I swear I’ll find a way.

  “Wait.” Thad shushes me and places his hand over my mouth. The look in his eyes tells me what I already know — we are too close to talk and too weak with Brax also hurt. It kills me but we move farther away from Jasper and back into the forest. Yet again another man is being hurt, this time maybe even killed, for the crime of loving me. For the first time in what feels like forever but has really only been a few days, I start to question if I am enough for these men and if I am worth all of this trouble.

  Toby grabs my face and thoroughly kisses me; his passion and love seep into me. His kiss reignites my resolve and makes me remember what it is we’re fighting for. He pulls away and presses his forehead into mine. “Love, don’t question everything now. We would die for you, just as you would for us. Erase whatever is causing that beautiful face to wrinkle in doubt and confusion.”

  I stare at Toby as I seriously wonder how he can read me that well. He presses his hand flat against my heart and places mine flat against his before he finishes. “Here, in your heart, we are always there just as you are in ours. There is no life worth living if you are not in it. Now, let's find a way to get Jasper back so we can get the bloody hell out of here and get Brax healed. The wanker has just started to grow on me.”

  I press a light kiss to Toby’s lips as I gently pull away to whisper my thank you. “Let’s kick Ursula and her kiss-ass sidekick’s asses,” I say.

  Quietly, Thad, Toby, and I form a plan. As we begin to move forward toward Jasper again, I’m not sure our plan will work, but we really don’t have a lot of options. The longer we leave Jasper with them the higher the chances they hurt him worse than they already have. We leave this place together or we don’t leave at all. With three deep breaths and a little prayer, I step out of the woods and straight into the fray.

  “Are you waiting for me?” I try to keep my voice steady but a small croak escapes that betrays my false bravado. Vanessa and her three partners in crime turn toward us and expose Jasper. I cannot contain my dismay or gasp as I see him lying on his back, beaten and unconscious. One eye is swollen shut, blood drips from his nose and the corner of his lip, his shirt is ripped showing inflamed skin and large welts on his chest, and his breathing is shallow and weak. I do my best to school my features and block out the sight of him and the absolute horror, pain, and anger I feel to see him this way. If I wasn’t ready for battle before, I am now and with more resolve than ever. Ursula never wins, right?


  Gently, I lay Brax down and as close to the cave opening as I can without risking being discovered. Ever so carefully, I slink into position behind the bushes to cover my actions from the two male guards and a limp Jasper merely a few feet away. The group is distracted, as we’d planned, by Adair’s confrontation and brazen verbal bashing of Vanessa. I can’t help but take a moment to stare at the woman I love in such wonder, as we see yet another side of her strong, captivating soul. But I don’t allow myself to be distracted for long. Everyone is depending on Thad and me, so I must act quickly.

  I nod to Thad, who has hidden himself behind the tree that Jasper lies near. At my signal, he moves stealthily behind the first guard, places his hand over the man’s mouth, and knocks him out from behind at the same time. I also lunge forward and I am able to subdue and knockout the second guard and duck back to the safety of cover; however, I am loud enough and slow enough that my movements alert our arrival to the others.

  Vanessa bellows, “Get her,” and Priscilla charges Adair at Vanessa’s command. Thad runs toward them both in an attempt to get there in time to protect Adair. Before he can get to her, Adair runs at Priscilla, holding out her arm, and clotheslines the woman right in the neck. Her windpipe is hit so hard she goes down quickly.

  I laugh when I hear Adair tell her, “That's what you get for being such a kiss ass that doesn’t think for herself.”

  Vanessa moves toward Jasper while pulling a knife from her skirt. She comes in behind him, kneels down, and pulls his head up and back with the sharp blade seconds away from slicing into his skin. Adair and Thad freeze with their arms in the air.

  Thad harshly asks, ”What do you want?”

  Vanessa sneers, “For you all to suffer!”

  She tightens her hand as if to slice and I send up a prayer as I act on instinct and grab a large rock from my hiding place before I charge at her. My body hits her with a loud thunk as the rock collides with her head. The forward momentum causes the knife to fall with only a superficial cut to Jasper, and her unconscious body slides down to the ground. I grab the rope lying nearby and start cutting pieces to tie up the unconscious four before they can wake. As I do, I take all weapons and throw them in a pile. When I get to Vanessa, I find another small knife and a hefty velvet pouch that I put into my pocket without much thought.

  Thad carries Jasper and the packs to the cave. We had grabbed the packs from the farm when we realized that something bad must have happened to Jasper for them to be left behind. We knew the first aid kit and other supplies would come in handy to help Brax. I’m glad we did because we can also treat Jasper, but I’m angry that we took extra time to get them when we could have saved him before he sustained so many injuries. Sighing, I load the remaining pile of weapons and random trinkets we find into my backpack. Adair joins Thad after filling her own bag.

  I look around one last time before I make my way back and see cloth sticking out of the bush. I decide to grab it, believing it might be one of Thad and Jasper’s get away satchels, and shove it inside of mine before I hoist it on my back and tighten the straps around my stomach.

  I’m almost to the others when the sky darkens and a rumbling vibration from the ground begins under my feet. Bloody hell, I need to get to Adair, is all I can think.

  Thad screams at me, “Hurry, grab Brax and get to the cave now.” Urgency laces his voice, and I take off at a run. Brax is a heavy sot, but I’m able to pick him up and carry him. I cross the threshold of the cave as the whole thing starts to shake. Thad holds Jasper in his arms yet also clinches Adair’s hand as they search for the spot we fell through all those weeks ago.

  Making my way up to them, I then grasp Adair’s other hand and lead them further back and to the right. I tighten my grip on Adair, holding her tighter than I’ve ever held anything in my life, just in case the spot decides to work. Brax has hinted that he knows something about how this works and that’s why we’ve decided to risk coming back to the cave. Without warning, the world around us starts to violently shake and rocks fly around my head. Suddenly I feel the whirlwind force from before and everything begins to spin.

  I shout, “Don’t let go,” as I lose consciousness.




  My body hurts everywhere and it feels like I have a five hundred pound weight on my chest. I crack open my eyes to darkness, the air feels balmy around me. Brax lies across me with his chest on mine, his feet and head lay on either side of me. I gently cradle him as I sit up and pull myself from under him. Thankful my pack stayed secure around me, I detach it and find my flashlight. I flick the button and bathe the area in light. Thank goodness for solar charging. It appears we are in the cave but that’s all I can tell.

  For fucks sake. What happened?

  As the jumbled memory of the earth shaking and rocks flying start to flood my mind, I panic and scan the immediate area for Adair. She sleeps peacefully in Thad’s arms with Jasper beside them only a few feet away. Adair grips tightly onto Jasper’s hand even in her sleep. I walk over and pepper her face with gentle kisses.

  “Time to wake sleepyhead,” I purr in her ear. She stirs, her movements waking Thad.

  Gradually, they sit up and they take in our surroundings. Adair grabs the wate
r canteen and food from her pack. We sit on the cave floor, eat, and figure out our next steps. Plan formulated, we decide Adair will stay with Jasper and Brax, while Thad and I venture out to confirm where we are because we have no idea if we are still on Andros or even what century this is.

  I pull Adair into my lap, and snuggle her close. “My love, please stay here. Neither Thad nor I can focus if we think you might put yourself in danger.”

  “Tobias Kent—”

  She is cut off with my lips on hers. I kiss her until her body relaxes into mine and she releases a moan into my mouth. Then I pull away and stare down at her with pleading eyes. “Promise me.”

  Thad moves to Adair, cups her face in his hands, and kisses her thoroughly. She groans when he pulls away but says, “I promise you both, but you have to promise me you’ll return to me. We didn’t make it this far just to lose everything now.”

  With those words she stands and locates her bag, rummaging through it to retrieve the first aid kit and a rag. “Before you go can you look for my sleeping bag? It was attached to the pack but it’s not there now. I want to lay Brax on one and Jasper on another.” She grabs her flashlight and hands it to Thad.

  Thad and I stand and begin to explore the cave around us. “Toby, come here. I might’ve found something,” Thad calls to me. Making my way over to him, I see what appears to be a sliver of paper yellowed and deteriorated with age. I pull on the paper and an envelope is revealed. Adair’s name is written across the front.

  Bringing the envelope to Adair, I ask, “What do you think it is?”

  She lifts her shoulders in a half shrug, distracted as she tends to Jasper's wounds, "I'm not sure." She raises her concerned gaze to mine. "Sorry, Toby, I'm worried about them. If you think you should open it, then do it."

  I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Love, we’ll deal with this. You take care of these guys.”

  My feet carry me back to Thad who found the missing sleeping bag when I was talking with Adair, and I whisper to him, “I’m going to walk right outside the cave to open this. If it’s something bad I don’t want Adair to see my reaction. Stay with her and help settle everyone so we can explore without worry.”

  I head to the opening of the cave that is much more narrow than any other time I have been in it. Turning sideways is the only way I’m able to escape through the narrow hole. It’s dim outside, either early sunrise or late sunset. With the limited light I can tell we are still in Andros, but the changes are significant.

  I peer down at the envelope, my stomach churning with unease, take a deep breath, and pull open the seal. A folded paper and small vial are inside. The note reads:

  This will cure the poison of the past. If you are reading this you have succeeded the first part of your journey. Pour into the mouth of the afflicted and they shall wake in the next 72 hours.

  Good Luck, Consuelo

  Bloody Impossible. I have no idea how this got here, but I know if we don’t use this Brax’s chances are dim. The poison shouldn’t have caused such severe effects to a man his size yet here we are.

  I make a decision that I hope will not later come back to haunt me. Maneuvering my way through the opening, I then stride back into the cave straight to Brax. Uncorking the vial, I pour the contents into his mouth. He swallows reflexively.

  “What have you done?” Adair’s face is lined with worry and she wrings her hands in an anxious movement.

  “What I had to. This is going to sound crazy, but this is a note from Consuelo. She put the antidote with it.” I thrust the note at her. “I didn’t want you to have to decide. If it doesn’t work or makes things worse it’s on me, only me.” Adair’s eyes fill with concern. “We’re going to search now. Just remember I love you. We all do. Together we’re stronger. I don’t want to lose him either.” I look to Thad who stares at us as if the world rests on his shoulders, and I motion for him to follow me outside and into the strange new world we’ve found ourselves in.


  My stomach has been in knots since Toby gave Brax the vial and he and Thad left to explore. I know if I allow myself to stress it will make everything worse. So I’m blocking out everything except for Jasper’s care.

  I’m careful to keep my attention on Jasper as I wipe a cool cloth across his forehead. It hasn’t even been a day since we escaped Vanessa and went through the portal but neither Jasper nor Brax have woken up. But they are alive. I sit next to Jasper who is lying on a sleeping bag. Brax is across the cave still sleeping off the side effects of the poison after being given the antidote.

  Jasper groans and it’s the sweetest sound ever. My gaze turns to focus on his eyes. I wait and will them to open. I can see him struggle to lift the heavy lids. Soon I’m rewarded when I see his beautiful jade green eyes peering up at me. Some of the anxiety loosens in my heart, and I feel lighter that one of my guys is okay. Jasper whispers my name and reaches up to rub his thumb across my cheeks to wipe away the tears I didn’t know had fallen. His simple gesture causes the feeling of lightness to triple. But I have no words as I silently weep my relief.

  Clearing his throat, Jasper croaks, “Water.”

  “Oh my goodness, Jasper! I’m so sorry. Hold on. I’ll be right back.” I quickly grab Jasper one of the last remaining bottles of water we have since the guys took all the canteens. Handing Jasper the bottle, I hurry and sit back down next to him. I twirl my hair around my finger, suddenly anxious again, while he takes slow sips of the cold water.

  Jasper scans my body like he needs to reassure himself that I’m okay. When he sees my nervous hands, he lays his over mine, and shoots me a worried look. “Adair, is everything okay? Thad? Brax? Toby? Are they alright?”

  “Yes! Everyone is okay. Well, we’re still not sure about Brax.” My voice breaks when I say Brax’s name. “Dammit, I’m making a mess of things. I know you just woke up, but you still need to rest and heal. I’m just so happy to see you awake.” Jasper tries to sit up off the makeshift bed on the floor of the cave but he’s still too weak and falls back groaning. “Jasper! Don’t you dare try to get up. You’re hurt.”

  His green eyes fill with fire and he glares at me, something he rarely does. “Adair, my sweet, you are upset. Do you expect me not to try and soothe you? Hold you? Help fix whatever problem there is?”

  His words render me speechless. Wouldn’t I feel the same way?

  “My sweet, come here. Lie beside me and let me hold you.” I don’t argue, just climb onto the sleeping bag and let him hold me. I am so grateful he’s okay. Very carefully, I snuggle into his side and lay my head on his chest. Jasper wraps one arm around me, pulls me closer to him, and brings the opposite arm up to rub his thumb up and down my side. He smells like Jasper. Oranges and the outdoors.

  “Talk to me, Adair. The last thing I remember is trying to warn you. What happened?”

  I explain how Brax drank the poison meant for me and if he hadn’t I’d be dead by now. Our frantic search for him and how afraid I was when we couldn’t find him. I explain the fight and the harrowing escape that ensued and everything that’s happened since. Throughout my retelling Jasper is silent, and I have no idea how he feels about anything I’ve said.

  Jasper lets out a deep breath and tightens his arm around me. “Adair, I have no idea what’s in our future, but I’m glad to have met you all. Thad may have physically saved me but you captured and saved my soul. I’m glad we were able to escape. I’m sure Brax will wake up soon and will be fine.”

  I wince when he mentions Brax. Jasper lets out a yawn and I realize how tired he must still feel. I start to get up but he stops me. “Adair, lay with me. I need some more rest, and I think you do too, sweet.” He rolls us over to spoon with my back fitted against his front and snuggles into me. My heart swells with love for this man, and as I drift to sleep I vow to tell him when I wake up.

  I awaken slowly to the feel of feather light kisses across my face and the smell of fresh water and oranges. I gradually open my eyes to see the
light fading in the background, which lets me know we did not nap very long, an hour at most. Jasper’s face hovers above mine. His smile is huge, a beautiful sight to wake up to. “Why the big smile?”

  His eyes crinkle at the corners. “Because, my beautiful Adair, you said you loved me.”

  I can feel my face heat. I’m not embarrassed that I said it but that I don’t remember saying it. “When?”

  Jasper chuckles. “Right before you fell asleep.”

  “How are you feeling? You were hurt so badly. You should rest more.” The words rush from me all at once.

  Jasper leans over and kisses me. His lips sensually caress mine, tongue lightly licking and teeth nibbling my bottom lip to tease me. I moan against his mouth and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders. Jasper places light kisses down my neck then nips at it.

  “I feel fine. Nothing I haven’t quickly recovered from before. I’m tired of rest. I have a better idea,” he mumbles into my neck. “Adair, can I make love to you?”

  I tilt my head back so he has better access to my neck. “Yes.” I vowed not to miss any more opportunities no matter the circumstances, and I mean it.




  Yes. It’s the most wonderful word. I want to make this good for her. My mouth skims across her neck and I suckle at her skin. The taste of her skin is becoming my obsession, one lick and I’m lost to her. Her lavender and vanilla scent invades my senses snapping the little control I have remaining. I must have more of her.

  Lightly grasping her waist, I slide my fingers under the hem of her shirt and lift it so I can explore every crevice of her smooth, silky skin with my hands. I want her to want me as much as I do her. My past has trained me to overcome physical pain, so despite my injuries, my need for her takes over now that I can finally touch her the way I’ve craved for so long.


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