Midnight Fae Academy: Book One: A Dark Paranormal Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Midnight Fae Academy: Book One: A Dark Paranormal Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 8

by Lexi C. Foss

  I shivered at the warning, then gasped as a phoenix landed not three feet away from us. Its massive wings billowed in the flames, the eyes predatory.

  “Case in point,” Zephyrus muttered. “Fuck off.” His words seemed to be for the bird, not for me.

  The beautiful creature tilted its head, his red irises focused and intelligent. A curious little caw left its throat, causing my lips to curl. Oh, I had no doubt this being was dangerous, but I could respect its gorgeous existence. Not that I had any intention of feeding the bird or stroking it. I knew better than that.

  Just as I knew not to disturb the fire gnats.

  Admiring nature didn’t require any sort of interference.

  “You’re stunning,” I praised.

  The phoenix preened as if it understood, his wings expanding to show off the variety of colorful flames.

  Zephyrus stepped in between us, cutting off my view, and flapped his cloak in warning at the handsome being. “I won’t tell you again. Fuck. Off.”

  A hiss of sound preceded the phoenix’s departure, leaving me in awe of the way it swooped across the grounds to a nearby burning thwomp.

  “Let’s get something straight,” Zephyrus said, facing me once more. “As your assigned Guardian, my duty is to keep you alive. To do that, I need you to obey my every word. Let’s start with this: do not provoke the wildlife.”

  I bristled at his tone. “I wasn’t provoking him.”

  “Don’t engage with the wildlife,” he amended.

  “That’s like telling me not to breathe.”

  “Then hold your fucking breath,” he snapped, causing me to flinch. He cursed and turned away. “Let’s go. This list is burning a literal hole in my pocket, and I want this over and done with.”

  “Yes, sir,” I muttered.

  “Better,” he replied as he continued down the path past a gazebo overlaid with more of that violet ivy. I wasn’t given much time to admire the architecture, his long legs leading us into a clearing filled with lava rock instead of grass. My eyebrows lifted at the bizarre textures. Then my lips parted as the ground shifted.

  Not rocks.


  Zephyrus cleared his throat, his hands on his hips, as he glowered at the writhing swarm of birdlike creatures.

  Oh my…

  They all activated at once, their wings flickering to life and blooming with thin, sharp edges. The air around them pulsated with magic, their chattering beaks and crackling feathers grinding against the wind.

  Zephyrus pressed his palm to my lower back, pushing me into the center of the flocking mass. I lifted my arms to shield my face, terrified of being cut by their jagged points. However, they resembled feathers against my skin.

  I peeked through my forearms to find us being swarmed by crow-like birds. Black eyes, black beaks, black feathers. Not rocks.

  “What in the…?” I trailed off as a keypad appeared.

  This is a portal.

  Zephyrus acted before I could catch the movements, his fingers flying over the destination code too fast for me to catch. Not that escape was much of an option for me right now, but having a backup plan couldn’t hurt.

  The obsidian flurry swam around us, forming a ribbon of solid ink that had me stepping closer to Zephyrus. His palm against my lower back slid to my hip in response—a protective move that didn’t go unnoticed for either of us because his gaze seized mine as soon as it happened.

  Intensity built between us.

  Or maybe it was the aura of the transfer shifting us through space.

  I couldn’t say, but it escalated my heartbeat. His masculine scent invaded my pores, the minty aftershave he wore an intoxicating blanket that swathed me in his Midnight Fae essence.

  All to disappear in a blink as we landed in a closet filled with cloaks.

  Zephyrus released me immediately, his long fingers flying upward to unfasten the knot at his neck. He added his cape to the others, drawing my attention to the orderly fashion of the interior. Everything was color-coded by the ink etched into the trim of each formal robe.

  Dark purple.


  Forest green—Zephyrus’s location.


  And solid black.

  “What do they represent?” I asked softly, reaching out to stroke the soft textures.

  Zephyrus caught my wrist, yanking me back. “Don’t. They’re charmed to only recognize their master.” He seemed to consider. “Actually, no, it’s a good teaching moment. Try to grab mine.” He gestured to it as if I wasn’t aware of where he’d just hung it up.

  I narrowed my gaze. “I think I’m good, thanks.”

  “It won’t hurt,” he promised. Not that I believed him. “Just zaps a little.”

  “And that’s all I need to know,” I replied, heading for what I thought might be the door.

  His arm snaked around my waist, yanking me backward. “What part of ‘follow my lead’ don’t you get?”

  “You never told me to follow you,” I pointed out, glancing up at him. “And stop manhandling me.”

  “Stop acting impulsively,” he returned, yanking me around in the other direction to face a mirror. “We’re going this way. The door just leads to other portals.” His grip tightened. “And don’t even think about exploring them. I will hunt you down, and you will not like the consequences.”

  “Wow, your faith in me is charming.”

  He met my gaze in the mirror, one arm still wrapped like a vise around my waist. “I don’t have faith in anyone but myself, Aflora. You would be wise to adopt a similar armor.” With that, he shoved me through the glass—which gave way just like the entrance to Kolstov’s suite at the Academy—and stepped through behind me.

  Zephyrus ran his fingers through his thick mane of dark brown hair, the edges taunting his round ears. “Right. This way.” He linked his fingers through mine, pulling me alongside him down a sidewalk littered with Midnight Fae.

  Wow, I thought, in awe of the shops and busy atmosphere. It reminded me of strolling through the Human Realm, particularly New York City, except the buildings weren’t nearly tall enough. Only four or five stories at most, but their glass exteriors were very modern.

  Everyone wore business attire, allowing Zephyrus to fit in with his suit. My skirt and blouse from my date-gone-wrong barely passed the fashion test, but it beat wearing Kolstov’s clothes.

  “Here,” Zephyrus said, pulling me toward a random building with the name AcaWard scrawled over the windows.

  Clearly, the Midnight Fae didn’t believe in doors. They just had enchanted thresholds. Because one moment the chaotic sounds of the outside world bustled around my ears, then in the next moment, we were surrounded by the warm tunes of the interior.

  An endless array of outfits stretched out on racks before us. Most lined the walls in rows that climbed all the way up to the ceiling. I frowned up at them, wondering how one retrieved clothing from way up there.

  Probably with a wand.

  At least it proved to be an efficient use of space.

  “Hello, hello,” a female voice chimed. “Welcome to AcaWard. How can we help you?”

  I glanced around, frowning when no one appeared. Was someone watching us on a camera and talking over a speaker system?

  “Aflora needs at least seven Academy-sanctioned outfits, undergarments, and some casual wear. You are to charge the items to the Nacht account.” Zephyrus slipped an envelope from his pocket with his free hand, holding it in the air. “All the details required are in here.”

  The note vanished, causing my eyes to widen.

  “I’ll return in an hour to retrieve her.” He looked down at me. “We’ve already discussed what will happen should you try to flee. I don’t recommend it.”

  With that, he released me and stepped backward through the glass to disappear in the throng outside.

  “Wait—” I tried to follow him out, but the glass didn’t give and instead smacked me in the forehead. “Ow!” I rubbed
my head, irritated by my inability to leave the shop and offended by it sealing the door on me.

  An array of voices erupted around me, all chattering at once.

  “Hmm, yes, new clothes are needed. Indeed, indeed.”

  “A cloak, too.”

  “Don’t forget a wand.”

  “Oh! Have you seen the new Academy skirts? I’m thinking black and red, to match the Nacht line.”

  “Royal, yes. Let’s look at these notes. Hmm, hmm, more than seven, clearly. Too many courses.”

  “Shall we mix it with a touch of light blue? To match her pretty eyes?”

  “Oh, is she cerulean? Haven’t seen one of those in centuries.”

  “With hints of red, I see.”

  “How fascinating.”

  I spun around, searching for the source of the feminine tones, but found myself utterly alone in the shop.

  “This way, this way,” one of them said.

  I felt the nudge against my backside. Then gaped as an invisible something grabbed my shirt to tow me forward. “Why can’t I see you?” I demanded.

  Tinkling laughs served as their reply.

  Then they began to comment on my appearance, noting the quality of my dark hair, my clear skin, and my tiny waist.

  When one of them touched my breasts, I scowled. “Show yourselves.”

  More tinkling.

  And then they closed me in a ten-by-ten room with a mirror and three walls. No exit.

  I tried walking through each barrier but found myself trapped.

  Then clothes began to appear on a magical rack behind me.

  “Try, try, try!” they all sang in unison.

  When they started to unbutton my blouse, I whirled around and batted their figment hands away. “I will undress and dress myself, thank you.”

  “Oh, feisty fun,” one of them murmured.

  “Yes, yes. She demands privacy. We’ll go.”

  “Try them all, love! And pick all your favorites. The note says all expenses are covered.”


  They blew invisible kisses through the air, the sound caressing my cheeks in an unwelcome wave. I wiped them off with a gag, then froze as silence fell around me.

  I counted to twenty before I let my shoulders fall in relief.


  At least thirty outfits waited on the rack, as well as a dozen or so shoes.

  I ran my fingers along each shirt and skirt, noting the fine quality. As an Earth Fae, I always enjoyed making my own clothes from nature. But that wasn’t an option here. I needed outfits that helped me assimilate to this realm. The more I blended in, the less people would notice me. And that would become important for my eventual departure.

  Assuming I found a way to escape. In addition to a place to run to.

  Sighing, I resigned myself to my current fate once more. Might as well pick some outfits that suited my tastes. Besides, all the expenses were covered, right?

  Nacht account, Zephyrus had said. I recognized the family name as the one Kolstov belonged to. Which meant he, or maybe his father, was paying for all of this.

  My lips curled.

  While I’d prefer Shade foot the bill for getting me into this mess, I couldn’t deny feeling a little bit of glee knowing my wardrobe spending spree would be billed directly to my primary captor.

  Seven outfits?

  No, surely he meant seventeen.

  And a dozen or so casual ones as well.

  “Ladies,” I called out, glancing around and waiting.

  “Yes, Miss Aflora?” one of the figments cooed.

  “I’m going to need at least three times this selection,” I said. “And don’t forget undergarments, socks, and more shoes. Oh, and wands.”

  A chittering sound followed, the gleeful noise echoing in the chamber. “Oh, yes, as the madam requires!”

  The room expanded around me, an entire row of clothing appearing as if waiting for my very command. A glass case followed, wands gleaming inside.

  Yes, this would do.

  I rubbed my hands together.

  You all want me to stay here for the indefinite future? Fine. But I’ll be staying in style.

  I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. “Thanks for the new wardrobe, Midnight Prince,” I whispered, hoping somehow that message reached his pompous ears.

  Zephyrus said I had an hour?

  Well, I’d take three.

  “Ladies, let’s get started,” I mused to the magical beings. This is going to be fun.

  Chapter Nine


  All right. The Midnight Fae Academy uniforms weren’t bad. A lot of black, but my shirts were white.

  I finished tying cloak number nine around my neck, testing the weight. All the others were too heavy, the fabric choking me worse than the leather collar around my throat. But this one was made of a light silk and fringed in dark red tones.

  Smoothing my hands around it, I twirled, liking the way it feathered around my exposed legs. The Academy skirts were a bit short, hitting me midthigh. Hence, I’d requested some knee-high boots to—

  “Not bad,” a deep voice murmured behind me. “But I personally think you would look better in my family color, which is purple.”

  I spun around to find Shade lounging in a chair that didn’t exist a moment ago.

  “How did you…? Where did you…? What…?” I shook my head, biting my lip to keep from issuing another unfinished question at the willow stump sitting a few feet away from me.

  “The collar is a nice touch. Does that make you my pet?” he asked, pushing to his feet to draw closer. “Or is Kolstov trying to claim what’s mine?” His fingertips brushed the leather around my throat, sending a hum of energy across my skin and eliciting a hiss from his mouth. “Bastard.”

  Shade grasped the back of my neck before I could even think to react, pulling my body up against his in a move that stole my breath.

  Electricity zipped down my spine from his hold and the rioting device around my throat. It didn’t hurt so much as send an unpleasant sensation across my skin. “Shade…”

  “How are you, love?” he asked, walking me backward into a wall. “Are they treating you all right? Apart from the collar, of course.”

  Some of my senses started to return as he pressed his body into mine.

  He was the reason I had to wear a collar.

  Because he had bitten me against my will.

  And now he had the audacity to show up and ask me how I was doing? Like he gave a damn about my feelings?

  “Oh, you!” I planted my palms against his chest and tried to shove him away. “You’re the reason I’m in this mess!”

  “You seem to be enjoying said mess,” he returned, glancing down at my blouse and black skirt. “Playing fashionista on the royal dime. How fun.”

  “Because I need an outfit for the Academy I have to attend because of you.” I attempted to push him again, but he didn’t budge an inch.

  Instead, he leaned into me more, his hips aligning with mine as he anchored me against the wall. “Still upset, I see.” He drew his nose across my cheek, his breath fanning my face. “Allow me to make it up to you, little darling.”

  “Make it up to me?” I repeated, my nails digging into his blazer. “You’ve destroyed my life. Possibly even earned us both a death sentence. There is no living way you could make it up to me, Shadow.” I was panting by the end of my statement, not because of his close proximity or the way his thigh had slid between mine, but because of the anger heating my blood. “I hate you.”

  He chuckled and kissed the space below my ear, his palm leaving my neck to grip my hip. “Wrap your arms around me.”


  “Mmm.” He hoisted me into the air with both hands on my waist. I grabbed his shoulders in response, gasping as he pressed his groin into the apex between my thighs. “Grip me with your legs, baby, or you’ll fall.”

  “Put me down.”

  “Not a chance.” He captur
ed my mouth instead and took full advantage of my shock by slipping his tongue between my lips.

  What is happening?

  Why is he doing this?

  And oh, no, this… can’t… be… happening.

  Dizziness shot through my mind.

  Adrenaline fueled my limbs.

  I wanted to hurt him.

  Needed to fight.

  Because this couldn’t be allowed to continue!

  I clamped down on his tongue, only to be rewarded with the most beautiful taste in response. I froze. Then moaned. Oh my… Exquisite decadence filled our mouths, distracting me from my goal and throwing me into a whirl of oblivion that I couldn’t escape from. Instead, I fell headfirst into it, allowing my instincts to take over.

  My legs were around his waist in a second.

  My arms encircling his neck.

  And his essence coated my lips, my mouth, my throat.

  I groaned, craving another swallow more than anything else in the world. He gave it to me with his tongue, sliding along mine, feeding me that delicious liquid I desired.

  One hand remained against my hip while his opposite rose to my hair, his fingers entangling in my strands as he tilted my head to better receive his kiss.

  Some part of me was screaming at us to stop.

  But I couldn’t hear her over the roar of need in my thoughts.

  Heat unlike anything I ever remembered feeling seared my insides, pulsing through my veins with one driving thought—more.

  His arousal grew between my thighs, his slacks rubbing the thin barrier of my lace panties. My skirt was up around my hips, my blouse unbuttoned to reveal my bra, and I couldn’t remember how it happened. Except it was my hand running down my shirt, my fingers unfastening the final button.

  I shivered. “What are you doing to me?” I felt possessed. Owned. Hypnotized by this male. Yet completely lucid and aware. “How are you doing this?”

  “This is all you,” he whispered, his lips brushing mine. “You bit me, Aflora.”

  “To make you stop,” I remembered, though I couldn’t recall why. “I don’t like you.”


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