The Possessive Kiss: Victoria's Story: Book Two of The Kiss Series

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The Possessive Kiss: Victoria's Story: Book Two of The Kiss Series Page 18

by Michelle Hillstrom

  Élisabet’s intellects were lost about her as she tried to form a proper greeting. Once she managed to whisper a few words to the young king, her father brushed her aside and introduced her younger sisters, but Élisabet could still feel the young king’s eyes upon her. Warmth lingered wherever his eyes rested causing her heart to perform a funny Branie dance inside of her chest.

  King Charles offered King Juan the chair beside him, positioning the fellow King between himself and Queen Isabeau. This placement puzzled Élisabet. He always sits the man beside me. How am I supposed to talk to and seduce the King if I am not even sitting beside him?

  Throughout the feast, Élisabet noted that her parents appeared engrossed in an earnest conversation with King Juan. She tried to listen in, but was having difficulty doing so thanks to the raucous of music and chatter that surrounded her including the smitten giggling of her younger sisters. They apparently were just as enamored with their guest as she. The uneasiness she felt now was not from fear of her father’s temper or fear of defilement by a disgusting man, but rather fear that he would reject her -- that he would not find her enticing nor entertaining company to hold. A man such as he must have hundreds of women at his beck and call any hour of the day. What could he possibly find enticing about a ruined princess who was no better than the tavern wenches or courtesans?

  The feast ran on for a few hours as servants placed course after course on the tables in front of them. Élisabet only ate a few bites of each knowing that in order to perform to the best of her ability this evening she could not be weighted down with an overfilled gullet. She hoped that King Juan was helping himself to a few of the aphrodisiac offerings that lay on the table in front of him but not filling or drinking himself into a state of somnolence.

  The food was finally abandoned as the wine, spirits, and music steered the festivities toward dancing, and Élisabet had yet to be granted the opportunity to speak with King Juan. Several of her father’s knights argued over the honor of escorting her about the dance floor but none held her attention as they usually did. Her eyes were no longer capable of seeing any man other than Juan the Fearless. Princess Élisabet was pleased to see that the king’s eyes often appeared to roam towards her direction and linger upon her as her knightly partners led her about the room in The Branie, The Pavan, and several Canaries. She began to wonder what it would feel like to have his hands roam her body with the same enthusiasm that his eyes presented. Élisabet was breathless from her dancing excursions before her parents ended their conversation with the young king. King Juan finally stood from the table, bowed to her father, and took his leave of the banquet hall. The dancing stopped and all bowed politely to him as he passed.

  Élisabet felt her heart call out to him as he walked through the crowd which was strange since she never considered herself to have any romantic notions, but the king did not look in her direction when he walked by. Élisabet’s spirits sunk low into her belly as pessimism took her over, leaving her with no hope of anything happening between her and the handsome Fearless One. She had missed her chance. The dancing began again, but she was no longer in the mood for merriments. Élisabet saw her father signal for her to join him back at the table requiring that she excuse herself from the knight who was currently requesting she join him in the dance.

  Her mother, Queen Isabeau appeared quite pleased with herself, as did her King-father. They appeared to be in cahoots for once, which in and of itself was strange as her parents were rarely cordial to one another anymore. King Charles seemed to be laughing to himself about some private joke as he poured himself another goblet of wine and motioned for Élisabet to take the seat that King Juan had just vacated. Queen Isabeau took Élisabet’s hand into both of her own as the King began to speak to her.

  “My dear, I have found the perfect way to resolve the issues between your uncle, Louis, Duke of Orléans and King Juan sin Miedo of Castile. You know that I have been worried that if we were unable to squash this quarrel that it would only be the start of a series of major feuds amongst the princes of royal blood. If we are unable to quell this, it could lead to chaos and conflict that will last far beyond my reign. King Juan has agreed to cede his claims to the Orléans lands and holdings under one condition.”

  “And what condition is that Majesté?” Élisabet asked as she felt the panic slowly return. She was very wary as to where this was leading. Her parents were acting very odd in regards to all of this, and when it came to her father, odd behavior, while not unusual, was never a good thing.

  “He wants your hand in marriage, and I have agreed to give you to him.”


  A Kiss of Betrayal: Élisabet’s Story

  (Book Three of The Kiss Series)

  By: Michelle C. Hillstrom

  Available on Amazon

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