Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series Page 16

by Fiona Davenport

  Hearing how much he wanted me was even better than his dirty talk, and it threw me over the edge again. My fingers dug into his shoulders as I flung my head back and cried, “Yes! Griffith, yes!”

  “That’s it, baby. Milk my come from my cock with every pulse.” He slammed into me a few more times before planting himself deep. I felt the streams of his come jet from his dick, filling me up so much that it dripped down my legs. It was only then that I realized in the heat of the moment neither of us had thought about using a condom.

  “Crap,” I groaned as Griffith fell onto his back.

  “What’s wrong, baby? Did I hurt you?” he asked, rolling over and dragging me onto his chest.

  My cheeks heated as I answered, “No, but we forgot to use a condom.”

  With a long finger under my chin, he tilted my head back to look into my eyes. “You don’t need to worry about catching anything from me, Belle. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said that it’s been a long time for me, and I’ve been tested about a half dozen times since then.”

  I sagged in relief a little, but all of our potential problems weren’t solved by his admission. “That’s good to know, but I could still get pregnant since I’m not on birth control.”

  His purpley-blue eyes held nothing but sincerity when he replied, “If it happens, you won’t be alone. I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m in this one-hundred percent with you.”

  Chapter 5


  I must have died and gone to heaven. I wasn’t sure how a fucker like me earned a spot there, but I couldn’t imagine anything on earth feeling as amazing as waking up with Belle’s warm, soft body in my arms.

  A grin stole across my face when I heard barely audible snores coming from her kiss-swollen mouth. Yeah, she was fucking perfect.

  The insistent buzzing of my cell on the nightstand wiped the smile from my face. I was annoyed at the interruption but even more pissed when it caused Belle to stir and she tried to roll out of my arms.

  “Don’t move, baby,” I murmured, tightening my arms around her and nipping her ear. “I’ll shut whoever this is up, and then you can go back to your cute snoring.”

  She gasped, and I buried my head in her neck while I laughed. “I DO NOT snore!” she exclaimed indignantly.

  “I think it’s sexy,” I whispered and laughed again when she huffed with disbelief. Reluctantly, I rolled onto my back and stretched out an arm to grab my phone.

  My agent’s name was flashing on the screen. “The world better be burning to the fucking ground, Ty,” I snapped in lieu of a greeting.

  “You want to tell me why you bumped your flight this morning?” His tone was completely deadpan, giving me no clue as to his mood. Which made me suspicious.

  “I don’t have to be in the studio for two more days, why the hell do you care?”

  “Because we have a bet!” Tyson’s wife, Colette, suddenly spoke into the phone.

  I rolled my eyes even though they couldn’t see me. “Figures,” I grumbled.

  “Aw, come on, Griff. Be a sport and tell Ty you went home with Knox’s sister. I’ll totally owe you.”

  “Over my dead body will you owe him,” Tyson growled, obviously having nabbed the phone from Colette. These two were often hilarious, but I wasn’t in the mood. “Also, if you went home with Knox’s sister, it’s your dead body we’ll be faced with.” His amusement bled through the phone, and it made me grit my teeth.

  I didn’t want to talk about Belle with anyone yet. At the moment, we were in our own little bubble. Everything was just between us. And, it had nothing to do with fearing her brother, I was simply selfish and didn’t want to share her.

  However, if I didn’t give them something, they would continue to harass me, and I didn’t want them to embarrass Belle if we ran into them. “Colette, you win. Now leave me alone, or she’ll definitely owe me.” I hung up on Tyson as he started to growl something and tossed my phone back onto the end table.

  When I turned back onto my side, Belle was watching me warily. “Who will owe you?” she asked with her pert little nose in the air, clearly miffed. “And how exactly will she be paying you?”

  I fought a grin at her jealous reaction. It was nice to know she was feeling as territorial over me as I was over her. “My agent’s wife, Colette. And, she doesn’t really owe me, baby”—I smirked—"I just said that to fuck with Tyson.” Shaking my head, I tugged on her arm and she tumbled back into my waiting arms. “Although now that I have you, I understand what he feels for her, so I guess I should stop poking him over it.” Belle melted into me, and I looked down at her face, captivated by her warm brown eyes.

  “You’re sweet,” she whispered before she feathered some kisses across my chest.

  In a second, she was flat on her back with me looking over her, caging her between my elbows and legs.

  “Sweet? I think you mean handsome, sexy as fuck, and/or something equally manly.”

  Belle giggled, and my morning wood went from stiff to steel. She sucked in a breath when she felt it pressing between her thighs, seeking entrance.

  “Besides, I’m pretty sure we established that you’re the sweet one. Or do I need to eat your pussy again and let you taste for yourself?” Belle moaned in response, squirming as I slid just the tip of my cock into her channel. The tight, wet, heat was irresistible, and I pushed forward. I worked my way in gently since she was probably sore from the night before. “We’ll get back to that later,” I groaned. “We’ve got more than enough time in our future.”

  “Crap on a cracker.” Belle stood in the middle of the bedroom with her wet hair piled on top of her head, wearing nothing but a towel. She was looking all around, but I was focused on her and debating whether or not to drag her back into the shower for more water aerobics.

  I sauntered over to her and pulled her back against my chest, unknotting the towel and cupping her full tits. “What’s wrong?” I asked, my voice muffled as I placed a string of kisses up her bare shoulder to the slender curve of her neck.

  “I don’t have any other clothes,” she sighed. Her tone indicated frustration, but her body relaxed, and she tilted her head to give me better access.

  “No problem”—I turned her around and circled my arms loosely around her as my eyes wandered hungrily—“I prefer you naked anyway.”

  Belle lifted my head with a finger under my chin and cocked an eyebrow. “How about you have a conversation with me and not my breasts?”

  I grinned and shrugged unapologetically. “I can’t help it if you are drop-dead fucking gorgeous, baby.”

  “So, you’re okay with everyone else seeing this ‘drop-dead gorgeous’ body?”

  My smile disappeared in an instant, replaced by a dark scowl. “You’re mine. No one sees you like this but me.” My hands slid down to her ass, and I yanked her forward so that we were plastered together. “Is that clear?”

  Belle’s expression turned an adorable mixture of pleased and bashful. “Does that go both ways?” she asked softly.

  I didn’t hesitate with my answer. “Damn fucking straight.” Her whole face lit up, and she beamed at me as though I’d handed her the keys to a kingdom. An image of a little girl with long brown hair and sweet brown eyes looking up at me like that formed in my mind. I’d seen flashes of her ever since we realized we forgot a condom that first time.

  While it made me anxious to start a family with Belle, I hadn’t made a nefarious, conscious decision to knock her up. However, I hadn’t exactly fought it when we got carried away and didn’t use protection the three other times that we’d made love.

  It was a conversation we needed to have, but first, I needed to explain to her about my commitment in LA. I was contractually obligated to be at my label’s studio to record Rising Phoenix’s new album. But, if we busted our asses, we could get it done in a matter of weeks. I could probably take off as soon as I laid down the track with Levi and Brooklynn, who would be there to record in three weeks. As long as our prod
ucer didn’t come at us with a request for any new songs. That was always what hung us up with our other albums.

  I hated the idea of being away from her for even a few days, but after this, I wouldn’t leave again without taking her with me. Which brought up another situation I would need to handle. The band.

  We’d been offered a long-term, joint contract with The Lennox and its neighboring hotel and casino, The Artemis. We hadn’t made a decision about whether we wanted to take it, although the idea of accepting a gig that would mean very little travel was definitely appealing. I hoped my bandmates would agree, but if they didn’t, we would have to go our separate ways. It hurt my heart to think of it, but being without Belle would rip out my soul.

  Belle took a deep breath, and it rubbed her body against mine in all the right ways. Everything else but her faded away like it did every time I held her in my arms. “So, back to staying naked…”

  She giggled and shook her head. “I have a wedding today. I need to go home and change, then get to the shop and make sure everything is ready. After that, I’ll head to the chapel and oversee the delivery and placement of the flowers.”

  “Well, shit,” I grumbled with a teasing smile. “I was hoping to keep you tied to my bed all day.”

  Her head cocked to the side, and she winked saucily as she patted my chest. “I’ll be done around nine; we can discuss your idea then.”

  I felt my lips tip up in a wicked expression. “I’m going to hold you to that, baby.”

  Bell laughed and wiggled out of my arms. I stood and watched her delectable ass sway as she went around picking up her discarded pieces of clothing.

  Once she’d gathered everything and disappeared into the bathroom, I was able to shake myself out of my lustful stupor and quickly dressed in ripped jeans and a fitted, grey T-shirt. Then I slipped on a pair of flip-flops and walked to the dresser to grab my keys and wallet. Belle walked out just as I shoved them in my pocket. She had an uncertain expression on her face and was walking a little funny.

  She glanced up and her face was flushed, making me very curious. “Um, you ripped my underwear, and they weren’t salvageable.”

  I cocked my head to the side in silent question, suppressing my instinct to preen like a fucking peacock.

  “I’ve never gone without…um…panties, and it’s a strange sensation.” Her blush deepened, and now that I knew that the flush would spread throughout her body, my mouth itched to kiss every pink inch. “I guess I could get used to it.”

  Her comment was like being doused with cold water. “Absolutely not, Belle,” I growled. I prowled over to her and placed a hand on her lower back, while the other cupped her through her jeans. “Unless I tell you otherwise, I expect you to keep this pussy covered. The thought of you walking around, near other men, and the possibility of them smelling your sweetness drives me out of my fucking mind”—I smacked her round ass—“So, let’s get you home and you can put my mind at ease.”

  Belle yelped but didn’t protest as she stepped away and grabbed her purse. In fact, she had a twinkle in her brown eyes and a satisfied tilt to her plump lips. We were almost to the elevator door when she stopped and spun around. “Wait, you’re coming with me?”

  I nodded and drew a finger down her cheek. “Yeah, I’d love to see your shop and watch you work. Then we can go to dinner after you’re done.”

  “Okay,” she said, beaming at me. Then her expression fell a little. “But maybe we should meet at the shop.”

  It was my turn to frown. “Why?” I didn’t want to be away from her.

  Her tone turned exasperated. “Because if you come home with me, I’ll end up very late to work.”

  My head fell back as I laughed heartily, then pulled her close for a quick kiss. “You’re probably right.” She quirked a brow. “Okay,” I conceded, “most definitely right.” I released her and steered her towards the door. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Once we were onboard, I took her hand and simply stood next to her, enjoying the peace I felt from just being in her presence. When we reached the lobby, the doors slid open. We stepped out, only to come face-to-face with a shell-shocked Knox. Shit.

  Chapter 6


  “What the fuck?” Knox bit out, his brown eyes filling with fury as he scanned me from head to toe before turning his attention to Griffith. “I warned you to stay away from my sisters, asshole.”

  “C’mon, man. I’m not a complete asshole; I stayed away from two of them, didn’t I?” Griffith tried to push me back into the elevator before the doors closed behind us, but I wasn’t going to let him face my brother alone. Not when it looked like Knox was ready to tear him from limb to limb, and my sexy rock god seemed to have a death wish since he was pushing Knox’s buttons instead of trying to calm him down.

  I figured it was up to me to diffuse the situation, so I took a couple of steps forward and spread my arms out. With a hand on each of their chests, I leveled an irritated look Griffith’s way before swiveling my head to glare at my brother. “I know you think you’re the boss of me, but you’re not. I’m a grown woman who can make her own decisions.”

  “Except you can’t,” Knox hissed with a jerk of his chin in Griffith’s direction. “Or else you wouldn’t be doing the walk of shame after spending the night with him.”

  “Now who’s being the asshole, dickhead?” I felt Griffith press against my back as he growled, “Don’t talk to her like that.”

  “Stop it, both of you,” I hissed. “You’re grown men, but you’re tossing insults around like you’re a couple of teenage boys.”

  Knox rolled his eyes. "Don't try to take the moral high ground, baby sis. Not when you’re still dressed in the same clothes from yesterday because you had a one-night stand with a fucking rock star of all people.”

  “It wasn’t a one-night stand,” Griffith insisted.

  “Not a one-night stand?” Knox’s eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Really? That’s the story you’re going with here?”

  The suspicion in his voice was super irritating, so I mirrored his stance and backed Griffith up. “Yes, really. Since one-night stands by their very definition don’t include a date the next day, we couldn’t have possibly had one because we have plans for today.”

  “You’re going out on a date? With him? Today?” Knox scoffed.

  I didn’t get why it was so hard for him to wrap his thick skull around the idea. “Not that I owe you any details, but yes. Griffith is meeting me at the shop to help out with the flowers for a wedding today, and then we’re going out to eat tonight.”

  Knox tilted his head in Griffith’s direction and quirked an eyebrow. “Have you been hanging out with Julian Storm?”

  “What?” I shook my head, not understanding what the magician who starred in The Lennox’s show had to do with our conversation. “Why are you asking him about Julian?”

  Knox shrugged his shoulders. “I just figured that if he’s going out on a date with you today, someone must’ve taught him how to be in two places at once.”

  “Shit,” Griffith groaned, his hand gliding up my back in a soothing gesture. My brother must’ve landed a verbal blow of some kind, but apparently, I was the only one who didn’t know exactly what it was.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, asshole.” Knox reached out to grab my bicep, but Griffith stepped in front of me.

  “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  I tugged on Griffith’s arm until he turned back towards me. “He’s got what all wrong?”

  “Yesterday was his last day in Vegas,” Knox answered from behind him. “He’s supposed to be on a plane to LA in a few hours.”

  I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. “You’re leaving?”

  Griffith glared at Knox over his shoulder. “Nice job hurting your sister, jackass.”

  “Don’t blame the messenger for delivering news that you should’ve told me yourself,” I hissed. “Like maybe before I handed you my virgi
nity, or when you were talking about how you’re not going anywhere, and we’ve got more than enough time to talk about stuff in the future and a possible preg—” I broke off suddenly, glancing over at my brother uncomfortably. His eyes flared, but I couldn’t tell if he’d caught on to my slip of the tongue.

  Griffith picked up on the awkward tension and led me over to an alcove. Knox followed us until Griffith pointed a finger at the opposite wall and grunted, “You’ve already fucked this up enough. Go stand over there and give us some privacy so I can fix things. Once I’m done talking to your sister, you’re more than welcome to try to kick my ass. But be prepared because I’m not going to just stand there and take your punches, not after you’ve hurt Belle by sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  The promise of a fight must’ve temporarily appeased my brother because he crossed over to the wall and leaned against it. When it was just Griffith and me, he tried to pull me close, but I jerked away from him. Pacing back and forth in the small space, I tried to understand how things could’ve gone wrong so quickly. After I got the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks under control, I turned to Griffith. “Are you really leaving today?”

  “No.” His purple-blue eyes burned with a sincerity that was impossible to miss.

  “Then why does Knox think you’re getting on a plane in a few hours? My brother doesn’t make mistakes when it comes to stuff like this.”

  I let Griffith come near without jerking away again. “He was half right. I was supposed to fly out today, but I bumped my flight because I’m not ready to leave you. I want as much time with you as I can get before I have to be in the studio with the rest of the band to start recording our next album the day after tomorrow.”

  “The day after tomorrow?” I echoed softly as the tears started to fill my eyes again.


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