Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series Page 31

by Fiona Davenport

  “I bet I can improve your outlook on mornings without making a single cup of coffee.” He flashed me a smug grin.

  “Oh yeah, how?”

  His answer was to lower his head and claim my lips in a deep, passionate kiss. I didn't give any thought to the fact that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet this morning while his tongue swept inside my mouth to tangle with mine. His kisses were just too good for my brain to do anything but enjoy them.

  My arms twined around his neck, and he had just lowered his body over mine when I heard the chime of a text message coming from my phone.

  “There it goes again,” he grumbled, lifting up to glare in the direction of my phone.

  “You wouldn't have even woken me up yet if it hadn’t been for that sound,” I reminded him, no longer irritated about my early morning. I had a feeling his kisses were going to be more addicting than coffee, which was saying a lot, considering I didn’t go a single day without drinking at least a cup or two.

  “I didn't like it then, and I’m even less of a fan when it interrupts me while I’m in the middle of kissing you.” The hint of a pout on his sexy lips was adorable.

  He rolled off the mattress and padded across the room to grab my cell phone off his dresser. Then he came back over to the bed and handed it to me. Glancing down at the screen, I saw that I had about eleventy billion missed messages from my sisters…and a few from my brother, too.

  “Well, it looks like my sisters couldn't keep their fat mouths shut,” I grumbled.

  “What do you mean?” Will asked.

  I opened the text app and scrolled through the conversation thread with Knox. After reading through the messages my brother had sent last night, I turned the screen so Will could see it. “Knox has already heard about our dinner date last night.”

  Will barely looked at the messages from my brother before he flashed me a wide grin. “You can't go blaming your sisters when you don't know if they're the ones who told him about our date last night.” His eyes twinkled as he put major emphasis on the word date.

  “Who else could it have been other than my nosy sisters?” I asked.

  “Maybe it was one of their husbands, or even Becket since we had dinner in his restaurant,” Will suggested.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Stop being logical first thing in the morning.”

  “How about I make you a cup of coffee while you read through the rest of your messages to make sure nothing is on fire. Then we'll figure out what time we're heading back to the Strip.”

  “Multiple orgasms at night and kisses and coffee in the morning?” I grinned at him. “You better be careful, or else you're going to spoil me.”

  “Get used to it,” he warned. “Because it's no less than what you deserve from your man.”

  “My man,” I echoed, my smile growing so wide my cheeks hurt a little. “Is that what you are?”

  He glided his palm down my arm, tugging the sheet down my hip to trace over the faint bruises he’d left behind last night. “Damn straight it is,” he confirmed. “If you're my woman—and that's exactly what you are after letting me pop your cherry last night—then that makes me your man.”

  It was like I had flipped a switch and brought out his inner alpha caveman. Not that I was about to complain because Will aiming all that macho-ness my way was sexy as all get-out. It made me want to poke the beast a little.

  “If you say so.” I twirled a lock of my hair around a finger and let the sheet fall completely to my hips. “But my memory is a little hazy. I think maybe I need a reminder of what it means to be your woman.”

  “Never let it be said that I don’t give my woman exactly what she needs.” He tugged my phone from my hand and set it down on the bedside table. Then he tugged the sheet all the way off my body. His green eyes darkened a shade as his gaze zeroed in on the proof of my need glistening on my pussy lips. “I’m going to need you to part those pretty legs for me so I can get a much-needed taste of your pussy.”

  I hurriedly complied, shivering when his warm palms glided up along the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. “Oh, yes,” I gasped when his fingers stroked the edges of my bare pussy.

  “That’s right, baby. I want to hear what I do to you,” he urged me as he leaned forward and blew hot air right against my clit.

  My hips jerked off the mattress, and I cried out, “Please, Will. Give me more.”

  His head dipped lower, and his tongue circled my clit. “This kind of more?” I was about to murmur my agreement when he sank a finger inside my wet heat. “Or this?”

  “Both,” I gasped, my pussy clenching around his finger.

  “Tell me that you’re mine, and I’ll give it to you.” His mouth was so close to my clit that I felt his breath puff out as he spoke.

  “I’m yours,” I cried out as he slowly dragged his finger from my pussy and pumped it back in.

  “Mine and only mine,” he growled before he devoured my pussy, licking and sucking as he quickly drove me close to the edge. My head flew back against the pillow when he added another finger and increased the thrusts of his hand.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he growled against my inner thigh, nipping with his teeth just hard enough to leave a mark. “Even more so when you fly apart for me, knowing I’m the only man who’ll ever see you like this.”

  He wrapped his lips around my clit and twisted his wrist to reach my G-spot, and my orgasm roared through me. “Oh—my—Will!”

  “That’s right, baby. Yours.”

  “Uh-huh,” I sighed, melting against his mattress with a satisfied smile.

  “I guess I’d better go make you that coffee so you get your morning jolt of caffeine to help you get over being grumpy,” Will teased.

  I tugged him onto the mattress as I uttered a sentence I never thought would come out of my mouth, “The coffee can wait.”

  Will didn’t make coffee for another hour, but I was a happy camper as he dropped me off at work after a quick stop at my place so I could change into a different outfit. It probably had something to do with my new favorite way to start the morning…multiple orgasms.



  I watched Aurora’s sexy ass sway as she walked into the casino until the valet knocked on my door and asked if I could move. Reluctantly, I pulled away from the hotel entrance and drove to the parking garage.

  It had been hard as hell to let Aurora out of my bed this morning. She looked so damn perfect twisted up in my sheets, but she looked even better without them. I groaned and tried to think about anything boring to stem my growing erection. I didn’t need to spend the day trying to work with a hard-on.

  When I felt at least partially in control, I exited my car and headed for my office. Chad had opened and was already behind the front desk, working at his computer. He mumbled, “Hello,” and handed me a mug of coffee as I walked by. “First appointment will be here in twenty.”

  I shook my head in amusement before I took a sip of the steaming brew. Chad was a funny kid. He was the best assistant I’d ever had, but he was from a small town in Arizona and was on the shyer side. He buried himself in work and didn’t say much, which had made me hesitate when I first hired him, but I’d followed my gut instinct. He proved his worth the first time he was confronted with a high-pressure situation, i.e. an extremely angry couple who’d come in for our services. He’d managed to defuse the situation and get everyone acting civilized before they even stepped into my office. The kid had a knack for calming those around him, which was what made his reaction to Aurora all the funnier. If I hadn’t been so distracted by her, I might have recognized the humor in it before now.

  After getting settled at my desk, I woke up my computer and returned to a website I’d been perusing the day before. I’d found what I was looking for; I just needed to make the purchase and have the order put on rush. If I hadn’t been so determined to have it be perfect for my woman, I could have had it that much sooner. But it needed it to be as special and unique as

  A few minutes later, shouting in the front office caught my attention. Chad rushed through my door with a harried expression and snapped, “There’s a shouting guy in your waiting room, Mr. Scott. I tried to talk—”

  He’d barely gotten the words out when a man stormed into my office. Chad grumbled and glared at him, then threw up his hands and marched out, muttering under his breath about manners.

  I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest, staring down the behemoth of a man fuming in front of me. “Knox Dawson, I presume?”

  Surprise flickered in his blue eyes for a moment before they shuttered, and he went back to a deadly expression.

  “Aurora showed me a picture of the two of you on her phone,” I explained despite the fact that he hadn’t asked. What had actually happened was that I noticed the picture of her wrapped up in another man’s arms on her lock screen last night and demanded to know who the asshole holding my woman was so that I could kill him. In my defense, the siblings looked nothing like each other except for the blue eyes he shared with my girl. Luckily, it had only taken another orgasm to get her to forgive me.

  “I’m going to need you to give me an explanation as to why you’d be dropping my sister off at work the morning after her car was left in the parking garage all night.” Knox seethed after another few moments of silence. He stepped forward and bent over my desk, leaning on clenched fists. It was a tactic that probably scared the living shit out of most people. I could see where Aurora learned it from, and it almost made me smile. “And if it’s anything other than you saw her walking to work and gave her a ride,” he continued, “I’m going to rearrange that face of yours in the unlikely event that someone ever digs up your body from where I’ve buried it.”

  I slowly stood from my chair before bending over to mirror his position. He had a couple of inches and probably twenty pounds on me, so my show of confidence caused another flicker of surprise and begrudging respect.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Knox. So you need to ask yourself if you really want me to answer that question.”

  Knox’s eyes narrowed, and his gaze bored into mine until he finally blew out a breath and stood. “Fuck,” he grunted. He put his hands behind his head and walked in circle as he exhaled a calming breath. “What is it with my sisters finding the only fuckers on the planet who aren’t afraid of me?”

  He sounded genuinely forlorn, and I had to suppress a laugh. When he faced me again, I shook my head and gave him a pointed look. “You and I both know that’s not what you want for them. Or you wouldn’t make the effort to try to scare us off.”

  Knox grunted something unintelligible and scowled up at the ceiling. Then he locked eyes with me and pointed at my chest. “Drew vouched for you. That’s the only reason I’m giving you the opportunity to tell me what your intentions are with my sister instead of going straight to kicking your ass.”

  This time, I couldn’t hold in my snort of laughter, but I sobered quickly when Knox surprised me by saying, “You think he didn’t tell me about your training?” I raised a brow, and he nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You may have the skills to go head to head with me, but trust me when I say that none of your training will keep you from the wrath of a protective older brother.”

  “I can’t imagine it’s any stronger than the instinct to protect the woman you love,” I replied solemnly.

  His eyebrows shot up, and he scoffed, “The woman you love?”

  I answered by turning around my laptop so that Knox could see the screen. It displayed the confirmation of the purchase for the ring I’d ordered for Aurora.

  He stared hard at it for a moment, then sighed and relaxed his stance. “I’m so over this love at first sight bullshit.”

  I couldn’t help the bark of laughter that escaped, nor the wide smile that broke out on my face. “Don’t knock it until you try it,” I quipped.

  Knox grimaced and shook his head. “Over my dead body.” Then he headed for the door.

  Before he stepped out, he turned back and pointed at me. “I know, I know,” I said before he could speak. “If I hurt her, you’ll kill me.” My tone held no sarcasm because if it were my sister we were talking about, I’d be making the same threat. “You’d have every right.”

  He nodded but as he did another about-face, he threw one last thing at me over his shoulder. “Honestly, I’d be more afraid of what my sisters would do to you. They’re a hell of a lot more creative and a whole lot more vindictive than I am.”

  “Ride my face, baby,” I growled before I sucked hard on Aurora’s clit. “That’s right, fuck my tongue.” Her hips undulated faster, and she moaned as her head dropped back. I clutched her ass and held her against my mouth as I plunged my stiffened tongue into her pussy over and over.

  “Yes! Yes!” she shouted as her body began to tense.

  “Play with your nipples, Aurora,” I commanded. “Pretend it’s my mouth on you, baby.”

  She did as she was told, using her thumb and forefinger to pluck and twist her rosy peaks. I thrust two fingers inside her and latched onto her clit. “Yes! Will! Oh, yes!” she screamed as her pussy clamped down hard, and she fell apart.

  I was already leaking steadily, and the taste of her sweet cream filling my mouth had me ready to blow. Sliding out from under her, I quickly got to my knees and came up behind her. Taking her hands, I kissed her damp neck as I placed them on the headboard. “Hold on, baby,” I growled. “I’m gonna fuck you hard and fast.” Then I grasped her hips and held her steady as I slammed balls deep into her.

  It set off another orgasm for her, and she screamed so loud it bounced off the walls of our bedroom. My body took on a mind of its own, and every time I felt the tip of my cock bump against her cervix, it fueled the fire burning inside me. I was determined to get as deep as humanly possible before I let go and filled her with my seed. “You feel so fucking amazing, baby,” I grunted. “Your pussy is so tight. It was made for me. Only me.”

  I slid my hands up to cup her tits, putting pressure on her torso so she straightened up and leaned back into my chest. “I’m going to make these swell. They’re going to drip with milk, and after our babies get their fill, it’ll be my turn.” After giving each globe a firm squeeze, I glided one hand down over her belly. “I can’t wait to see you big and round, showing every motherfucker who sees you that you’re taken.” Aurora whimpered, and her pussy clamped down around me, holding me in so tight I could barely pull back out. “Oh, fuck yeah, baby.”

  Finally, I slid my hand all the way down until my fingers were spreading her drenched lips so I could pinch the hard, swollen bud between them as I pumped my hips one last time. Aurora cried out as she broke apart in my arms. Burying my face in her neck, I shouted as I came so hard, I almost blacked out.

  Eventually, we slid back down to the mattress in a panting, sweaty mess. We were practically as limp as wet noodles, but I dragged up enough energy to gather her in my arms.

  “Weren’t we supposed to have dinner?” she giggled in a breathy voice.

  “Best part about being a grown-up, baby.” I captured her mouth in a long, deep kiss before continuing. “We can have dessert first.”



  I leaned back in my chair, more than a little worried when my sisters marched into my office with determined expressions on their faces. Whenever two of us teamed up against the other, it usually meant nothing good for the odd woman out. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing much,” Ariel assured me as she dropped down onto one of the chairs in front of my desk.

  “Why are you looking at us so suspiciously?” Belle asked, claiming the other seat and turning to look at Ariel with wide, innocent eyes. “I feel like she doesn’t trust us or something.”

  “Yeah, and I can’t imagine why,” Ariel agreed with a nod and similar expression.

  I opened my calendar on my computer and turned the screen toward them. Then I pointed at the curr
ent time for today before scrolling down to a spot later in the afternoon. “Probably because there’s no reason for you both to be here right now when we have our regular weekly roundup meeting scheduled for four o’clock.”

  “It’s just that we’re curious about something a not-so-little birdie told us this morning and couldn’t wait any longer to talk to you about it,” Belle explained.

  “More like an ostrich,” Ariel snorted.

  Belle’s brows shot up. “An ostrich?”

  “What?” Ariel shrugged. “It makes sense to me since ostriches are the biggest birds at like nine feet tall and three hundred plus pounds.”

  Belle snorted. “I wouldn’t let him hear you call him that. It’s not exactly manly.”

  If I didn’t put a stop to their verbal ping pong, they’d go back and forth like this for the next hour without ever getting to the point. “Is it safe to assume the ostrich in this scenario is Knox?” I sighed, my fingers tapping an impatient rhythm on the desktop.

  Belle nodded, and Ariel said, “Of course it is. How many other big lugs do you know who’d be telling us stuff we’d want to talk to you about?”

  “It could’ve been one of your husbands,” I gritted out.

  “Hey!” Belle cried. “Griffith isn’t even that big,”

  “And this wouldn’t have been half as interesting if it’d been Maddox who’d threatened Will with bodily harm since they already know each other,” Ariel added.

  My hand ceased the tapping as I froze for a second. “Whoa! Wait! Back up.” I glared at my sisters until I had their full attention. “Are you trying to tell me that Knox threatened Will?”

  Belle rolled her eyes and sighed, “Um, yeah.”

  “When? Where? Is Will okay?” I picked up my cell phone to make sure I hadn’t missed any calls or texts from him and frowned when I didn’t find anything there.

  “He’s fine,” Ariel reassured me. “Knox surprised him in his office like two days ago.”


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