Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series Page 39

by Fiona Davenport

  Careful not to jostle me too much, he opened the champagne and poured us each a glass, then removed the domes over the plates to reveal an assortment of chocolate-covered fruit. My stomach chose that moment to growl, reminding me that I’d skipped lunch because I was so nervous about meeting with the attorney. Real sexy, Addilyn.

  Knox laughed, and I buried my face in his neck to hide my blush. I felt him press a kiss over the top of my head before he lifted my chin, encouraging me to pull back and look up at his face. His expression was serious as he said, “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, baby.” Then he grinned, lighting up the room and everything inside me. “You’re also cute as hell.” I rolled my eyes at being described as “cute,” which only made his smile grow.

  Reaching around me, he snagged a strawberry and brought it to my lips. I took a bite and felt a wicked smirk form on my lips when he groaned. He fed me a few more pieces and let me do the same for him. Then he picked up a napkin and wiped both our mouths before handing me a glass of champagne. “One glass. That’s all you get,” he informed me as I took my first sip. Then he took the flute from my hand and placed his mouth exactly over the spot where mine had been before taking a drink. My lips tingled—along with other, more private places. “I’m going to make sure you remember every single detail from tonight.” His words held a promise in them that caused a flood of arousal to gush into my panties.



  My plan to seduce my wife had turned into pure torture for me, but I was loving every minute of it because I finally had her right back where I wanted her—with me. Her lips brushed against my fingers as she nibbled at the chocolate-covered fruit I fed her. Heat flared in her eyes when I placed my lips over the spot where hers had been on the glass of champagne we were sharing. And her curvy ass wiggled in my lap the entire time.

  When I finally carried her over to the bed, I was close to bursting through the zipper of my pants. My cock was so hard it felt like a fucking baseball bat, but I wasn’t going to rush. I wanted to enjoy every moment of our first time together.

  Dropping her on the mattress, I stopped to look down at her before gliding my palms up her legs as I crawled over her. “I love seeing you like this.”

  My woman was sprawled in my bed. Fucking finally. Right where she belonged and where she was going to stay.

  Placing my hand on her hip bone, I pinned her against the mattress as I lowered my head to nibble a path up her neck. She squirmed, and the scent of her wet pussy filled my nostrils. It was the sweetest thing I’d ever smelled, and the triumph I felt knowing she wanted me only added to it.

  “I want to taste you before I feel your pussy wrapped around me.” Her eyes widened as she let out a tiny whimper of need, her hands fisting in the sheets on either side of her lush body. “I want to feel your come flood my mouth. Have the taste of you on my lips as I sink inside you the first time.”

  I tugged her dress up to her waist, revealing her white lace panties, and a groan rumbled up my chest.

  “Knox,” she whimpered.

  There was a damp spot on the material between her legs, and I licked my lips in anticipation. “Do you want to have my mouth on your tight pussy, Addilyn? To feel my tongue lick you, my mouth suck, and my teeth nibble?”

  Her legs trembled as she answered, “Uh-huh. I think so.”

  “Are you not sure, baby?”

  “I mean, yeah. Of course, I want that.” The sweetest blush swept up her neck and filled her cheeks. “It’s just...I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Holy fuck. It hadn’t just been the alcohol talking when my sweet bride told me she was a virgin. “Am I the first man who’s going to taste your pussy?”

  “Yeah.” She looked up at me through her lashes. “This is all new to me.”

  “Thank you.” I cradled her cheeks with my palms and brushed my lips over hers. “I don’t have the right words to explain how much you giving me your innocence means to me, but I sure as fuck will do my best to show you.”

  I felt her lips curve up at the corners beneath mine and claimed her mouth in a deep kiss before making my way down her body. “Turn onto your side for me, baby.” When she rolled to the left, I attacked the buttons on the back of her dress until it was hanging off her shoulders. Then I pulled the skirt higher, lifting the whole thing over her head so she was lying beneath me in only her lacy white panty and bra set. Seeing her like this, it was impossible for me to believe she thought for even a second that I didn’t want her. “You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  “Really?” Her brown eyes were full of desire and happiness. Not a hint of the earlier pain remained, but I still wanted to worship her body until she fully understood how irresistible I found her.

  “Even more beautiful and sexy than I dreamed the past two nights.”

  Ditching my plans to spank her ass a few times to punish her for walking out on me was well worth the knowledge that I was going to be the first and only man to ever be inside her. I undid the clasp on her bra and swept my thumbs over her pebbled nipples after they were bared to my hungry gaze. Lowering my head, I sucked a pink peak into my mouth and bit down around it just hard enough to leave a small mark behind. After I gave the other side the same treatment, I made my way down to circle her belly button with my tongue.

  Kneeling between her legs, I eased the gusset of her panties aside with my thumb and gave her pussy one long lick. With her gasp ringing in my ears and her taste exploding on my tongue, a deep growl rumbled up my chest. I needed more. So much more.

  Anchoring my arms behind her knees, I buried my mouth in her sweet-as-sin pussy. I dragged my tongue up and down and dipped it inside, going deeper and harder with each thrust. My hunger continued to grow as her hips started rocking up toward me.

  Her fingers gripped my hair as she started breathing faster and harder. Writhing beneath me, she tried to snap her legs shut, but I pried them open wider and feasted on her pussy until I felt her start to come and lost all control. After I ripped her panties from her body, I rose on my knees and shoved my pants down to my knees so I could line my cock up with her drenched entrance. Then I ripped my shirt over my head and tossed it onto the floor.

  I did everything one-handed as I rolled her clit in circles beneath the pad of my thumb, drawing out her climax as long as I could as I eased two fingers inside her pussy. She was tight as fuck, but her body was loose and languid from her orgasm. Not giving her time to get nervous and tense up, I pulled my hips back and slammed my cock deep inside, tearing through the proof of her innocence.

  “Knox,” she cried out, her plump lips parting in shock as two fat tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, baby.” I kissed the tears off her cheeks and murmured sweet nothings in her ear until I felt her body begin to relax.

  “I wasn’t expecting that,” she panted, wiggling a little beneath me.

  Being inside her felt too damn good. My balls were already drawing up, getting ready to fill my bride with my come. “I was hoping if I didn’t give you time to get nervous about what I was going to do, then it wouldn’t hurt as badly.”

  She did a little circle with her hips, and her walls fluttered around me. “I think you might’ve been right.”

  “You ready for me to move?” I prayed for the answer she gave me. As soon as she nodded her head, I drew my hips back until only the tip of my cock remained inside her pussy. Addilyn’s hands gripped my shoulders as I slowly started moving in and out of her body. It took every ounce of my self-control to keep going, my body drawn tight with my impending orgasm. But no way in hell was I going to come until I’d wrung a second one out of her. Gritting my teeth, I kept my pace steady until her pussy started clutching at me and her nails bit into my skin.

  “You’re close to coming for me, aren’t you, baby?” I punctuated my question with a hard thrust. “Let me feel that pussy squeeze the fuck out of my cock while you scream my nam

  Her head flew back against the pillow, and I watched as she blew apart. “Yes! Oh…fuck…yes! Knox!”

  My mouth went to her neck as I hammered in and out of her, my teeth biting into the soft skin where her neck and shoulder met hard enough to leave a mark that wasn’t going to disappear for days. And when it did, I was just going to have to replace it with another because I liked having that extra stamp of possession on her body. A few strokes later, I came hard with a loud shout of my own. “Fuck yes! So damn perfect.”

  Rolling onto my back, I gathered her close and buried my face in the crook of her neck as I tried to catch my breath. After a few minutes, Addilyn snuggled into my side and smiled up at me. “I can’t believe you kept the suite just so you could recreate how you wished our wedding night actually went.”

  I wished I could claim the credit since she seemed so impressed, but I wasn’t going to start my marriage out by lying. “The suite is mine. Drew gave it to me about a month after I took my position because of the crazy hours I was working, and I eventually decided it was a waste to keep another place.”


  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not planning on us staying here for long.” I pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “We can go looking for a house tomorrow if you want.” I stroked the soft skin of her lower stomach and thought about how I’d filled her pussy to overflowing with my come. “One with plenty of room for a growing family.”



  This time, when my eyes opened in Knox’s hotel suite, a giant smile was plastered on my face. And my naked body was wrapped in his strong embrace. I felt a little sore, though. He’d woken me up once to take me again last night, and then I’d basically attacked him early in the morning. I wiggled to get a sense of how tender I was but couldn’t help the giggle that escaped when it caused Knox to groan and tighten his arms around me.

  “Don’t tease the dragon, baby,” he mumbled with his face buried in my neck. “You’ll get burned.”

  “Maybe I like that kind of fire,” I teased with another little wiggle. A growl rumbled in Knox’s chest, and one of his hands slid down from where it had been resting on my stomach. I gasped as he ran a finger down my slit, but then he moved his hand to my thigh and pulled my leg up and back to hang over his. “How are you feeling?” he asked quietly. His fingers softly strummed my clit while the arm beneath me shifted so he was cupping my breast.

  I opened my mouth to answer but ended up moaning when he inserted one finger into my slick channel. Pleasure zinged straight to my core, and any pain I might have felt disappeared. My heart started to race, and my breathing became choppy. “More,” I panted.

  Knox chuckled and slipped in another finger. “Are you sure, baby?”

  Unable to speak, I nodded, and my head bumped against his, making him laugh again. “Fuck. You’re so damn wet. I love that this is all for me. Mine. Only mine,” he growled. After a few shallow thrusts, he withdrew the digits, and I moaned in protest. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll always take care of your needs.” He pulled my leg up even higher, and the tip of his cock poked my drenched pussy.

  Using two fingers, he parted my folds before sliding his thick shaft in until he was fully seated inside me. My walls clenched, and I moaned at the feeling of being so full. Knox grunted and retreated before driving back in a little harder. “I fucking love the feeling of being bare inside your pussy, baby. I don’t ever want anything between us.”

  His comment penetrated the fog just enough to remind me of his words from the night before. I’d been too sated and drowsy to really take them in before falling asleep. “Knox,” I breathed. “I’m not on anything.”

  He grunted again, and the next thrust was even harder. “Good.” I opened my mouth to ask what he meant but cried out instead when he began to pump in and out, fast and hard. He used the middle finger of the hand holding me open to circle my clit.

  “Oh, yes!” I moaned when he pressed on it and rubbed in rapid circles. “Knox!”

  “Come, baby,” he rasped. “I want to feel your pussy squeezing the shit out of my cock when I spill inside you.” The hand cupping my breast was suddenly plucking and twisting my peaked nipple, and I was overwhelmed.

  “It’s too much,” I whined as the sensations bombarded me.

  “Then come,” he demanded.

  A scream ripped from my throat as my head flew back against his chest, and my orgasm barreled through me. “Yes! Oh, Knox! Yes!”

  He continued to work me with his fingers while his cock worked my pussy with deep, hard thrusts. I felt his heartbeat thumping against my back and knowing how affected he was only heightened my pleasure.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so damn tight,” he groaned. “Your sexy little pussy is going to milk every drop of come from my dick.” He bit my shoulder and pinched my nipple, causing me to scream again as another orgasm hit before the last had even begun to ebb. “Fuck, yes. Addilyn! Fuck!” Knox shouted, and the next thing I knew, I was on my stomach with my ass high in the air. He pummeled my pussy hot and hard for a minute before I heard the ring of a hand slapping against skin and felt a sharp sting on one butt cheek.

  “Don’t ever run off on me again, Addilyn Dawson,” he growled before striking each cheek three times then rubbing them soothingly. I cried out with a mix of pleasure and pain, surprised at how insanely hot it was to have him spank me.

  “Now open that pussy and suck my cock all the way so I’m filling you so fucking full of my come, baby. We’re going to get started on that family right now, baby.”

  I was completely shocked when his words tumbled me over the edge into a third orgasm as he planted himself as deep as possible. He roared my name, and I felt his hot seed jetting from his dick and filling me with warmth.

  “Good girl,” he grunted. “Your pussy is sucking me dry.”

  He worked me down with lazy thrusts until I collapsed into a boneless heap. “Fuck,” I mumbled.

  Knox chuckled and leaned down to pepper my back with tiny kisses. “I think that’s going to have to wait a little while, baby. Your little body needs some rest.”

  He rolled to his side and dragged me over until I was sprawled on top of him. We laid in silence for a while. I sighed in contentment as he dragged his fingers lightly up and down my back. His other hand cupped my ass, and even though he’d just come inside me, his cock was still hard against my hip. Eventually, my mind began to clear, and I considered the choice I’d made, allowing him to take me without protection, especially when he’d made his intentions pretty clear.

  In a short time, Knox had proven that he wanted and cared for me. For some reason, I had no doubt in my mind that if I’d protested, he would have pulled out. But I hadn’t because the truth was, I wanted a family, and the thought of having Knox’s babies filled me with joy. The only question was, did I want to get knocked up before I was certain that Knox was in love with me? What if he never fell for me? I was already certain that I loved him, but I didn’t know if that was enough for us to last. If we had a baby—

  “I can hear you thinking, baby. What’s on your mind?”

  I must have hesitated too long for his liking because he gave me a firm pinch on my ass cheek, making me yelp. I lifted my head and frowned at him, but he wiped it away by giving me a soft, sweet kiss. “Talk to me.” His request was softer this time, and it melted my insides.

  “Do you really want me to get pregnant right now?” I asked curiously with my head cocked to the side.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he answered with an arrogant nod.

  “What happens if this doesn’t work out?” I immediately wanted to recall the question when his countenance darkened, and his blue eyes took on a dangerous glint.

  He shoved a hand in my hair and clutched it at the back of my head, holding it so I had no choice but to stare into his face. “There is no if, Addilyn. You are mine. Do you understand? I’m never letting you go.”

  The certainty in his tone made me
feel better, and the small amount of slack in his grip allowed me to nod in compliance. He grunted and kissed me long and deep, stirring my hunger for him. But just when I was about to mount him, he pulled back and shifted my body off his. When he saw my put-out expression, he chuckled and shook his head. “Patience, wife. We have a lifetime to feast on each other. But you need a break, or you won’t be able to walk.”

  I contemplated his words, trying to decide if it was worth it, and he laughed as he climbed out of bed. “Let’s take a shower and I promise to take the edge off for you.” He scooped me up into his arms and padded to the bathroom. “I want to make sure that every fucker at your show tonight sees that you’re being satisfied by your man.”

  Well, shit. I’d completely forgotten since I had last night off and Knox had pretty much filled my mind to capacity And, though I knew it shouldn’t, his caveman attitude was turning me on. “Um, okay,” I mumbled, trying desperately to calm the raging lust inside me.

  Knox smirked knowingly as he set me down next to the shower. I glared at the overconfident ass, but he just winked at me as he opened the glass door and twisted the knob to start the water running.

  I planted my hands on my hips and eyed him with a raised eyebrow. “How do you plan to make it obvious that I’m ‘satisfied,’ as you put it?”

  He gave me a devilish grin as he pulled me into the shower with him. “You’ll see.”

  After he gave me a mind-blowing orgasm with his fingers, and two earth-shattering ones with his mouth, he stood me in front of the mirror. “Do you see?” he asked smugly. All I could do was nod. Yeah, that was definitely a satisfied woman staring back at me.



  “I’m still not sure how I feel about living in a hotel, but there are definitely some major perks in the plus column.” Addilyn leaned back in her chair and patted her stomach. “I don’t know that I can ever go back to living without room service at my beck and call.”


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