Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series Page 45

by Fiona Davenport

  I ate her with determination, tasting her from bottom to top, inside her gushing hole, and all around her clit. “Julian, please,” she begged after a while. “Please.”

  She was ready for me to push her over the edge, and since I couldn’t stop dry humping the bed, I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer either. “Anything you want, sweetheart,” I cooed. “It’s yours.” Then I inserted a finger inside her while I wrapped my lips around her sensitive nub. She was incredibly tight and if I didn’t stretch her some, I wouldn’t be able to get my fat cock in her. With a few nibbles and hard sucks on her clit, as well as my finger working her inner spot, she was flying off the handle with my name ripping from her lips.

  It took every ounce of my strength to keep from coming at that moment. Instead, I focused on getting her ready for me. Her muscles were a little more relaxed from coming, so I added a second finger, scissoring them to stretch her and prolong her orgasm. Eventually, I was able to work in a third finger, and I grunted in satisfaction. She was as ready as I could make her.

  I crawled up her body, leaving another trail of kisses along the way until I was blanketing her from head to toe. She stared up into my face with wonder, and I had to kiss her. She responded immediately, eagerly, and the threads holding onto my control began snapping. I lowered down until my groin was resting on hers, my cock pillowed between her folds. I rocked, and she gasped, her hands flying to my biceps. I did it a few more times, and her eyebrows shot up as she met my eyes with passion and surprise swirling in her green depths.

  “Again?” she queried in a breathless voice.

  I wasn’t able to stifle my chuckle, but she didn’t seem perturbed by my amusement, especially after I gave her a quick, hard kiss. “And again and again,” I answered her. She clearly didn’t know much about sex, and I loved that she was so innocent.

  She beamed at me and tried to buck her hips, but they couldn’t move much with me pressing her into the mattress. My cock was desperately trying to find its way inside her, no matter how many times I told him to be patient. A pout formed on her face when she realized I wasn’t budging, and I dropped my forehead to rest in the valley between her tits. My shoulders shook as I laughed, and if I hadn’t already known that I loved Anna, it would have been abundantly clear at that moment. She was adorable, and knowing I could laugh with her, even during sex, just confirmed to me that we were perfect for each other.

  “Julian,” Anna huffed, smacking one of my arms. “Stop laughing at me.”

  I raised my head and gave her a tender smile. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing because you are so fucking cute.” Her nose wrinkled at the term “cute,” and I suppressed another snicker. “And the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.” I kissed her nose and winked. “It’s a lethal combination.”

  “Really?” she asked with a crooked smile.

  I rocked into her a little harder and let her see the magnitude of my hunger for her in my eyes and expression. “What do you think, sweetheart? Does this feel like I don’t want you?”

  She shook her head, and a smug smile stretched across her face when it clicked. Finally, she seemed to realize the power she held over me. Hopefully soon, she would be ready to hear me tell her how much I loved her. But I had more pressing matters to handle first.

  I knew she would have an easier time taking me if she was mid-orgasm, so I went back to work on her body. With my lips and hands, I touched and kissed everywhere I could reach without moving my cock away from her pussy. She went wild, and her legs locked around my waist, practically gluing our centers together. I rubbed my dick against her drenched pussy until she was once again falling into the abyss. Then I loosened her legs enough that I could shift so that the tip of my cock slipped inside her heat.

  I groaned and punched my fists into the bed on either side of her head, desperately trying to stop myself from exploding right then. I took several deep breaths and when I felt like I had a modicum of control, I began to push in deeper. She was coating my cock in her juices, making it a little easier for me to work my way into her tight, virgin pussy. “Damn, Anna. You’re killing me. I don’t know how I’m going to last long enough to bury myself in you completely.” She whimpered, and I gave her more until I hit the thin barrier between me and heaven. Her orgasmic high was beginning to fade, so I glided a hand over her collarbone, down to pinch each nipple, before traveling all the way to her sex. I used my middle finger to stimulate her bud, driving her up again. Then I kissed her with every ounce of my need and punched my hips forward, tearing through her virginity.

  Anna gasped and tensed for just a second before all the sensations overwhelmed her and she came again. The grip of her thighs on my waist suddenly tightened like a vise, taking my breath away. It happened with such speed and force that I lost my head for a moment, and the momentum caused me to drive in until I was buried to the hilt. “Fuck!” I shouted.

  I froze and looked down at Anna, afraid that I’d hurt her. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Are you alright?” If she said no, I was determined to pull out and stop...I wasn’t sure how, but I would do it.

  “Yes,” she breathed, making me blow out a relieved breath. “I feel full. It…” she trailed off and glanced at my chest, before lifting her eyes and giving me a shy curve of her lips. “It feels amazing.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Amazing doesn’t begin to describe it.”

  Her tits quivered as her breathing picked up, and her green eyes darkened with desire. “I think I want you to move. Will you move?”

  “Fuck, yes,” I grunted. Experimentally, I pulled back just an inch, then thrust back in. Anna dropped her head back and moaned, giving me what I was looking for.

  I began to thrust in and out in a steady rhythm, retreating until only the tip remained before driving back in until you couldn’t see where she ended and I began. Anna’s whimpers turned to cries, and each one sent shocks of pleasure straight to my cock.

  “Anna,” I grunted as sweat dripped from my forehead. “I’m never going to get enough of you. I could live inside your snug pussy. Fuck, yeah. Squeeze me, sweetheart. Yes!”

  Anna’s hands delved into my hair, and she yanked at the strands as she met me thrust for thrust. “Oh, Julian! Yes! Oh, oh, oh, more!”

  “I’ll give you more, sweetheart,” I rasped through a clenched jaw. “Anything you want.” I rose onto my knees, pushed her legs to her chest, and leaned over them. The change in angle had me so deep I bumped her cervix. Giving myself over to instinct, I lost all rhythm and wildly slammed into her, clenching my ass and bucking my hips hard with each thrust. Anna’s muscles clamped around me, and I nearly passed out from the utter ecstasy barreling through me. “I need you to come, sweetheart.” I gripped her ass to raise her pussy up so I would hit her clit with every thrust. I spread her cheeks and used a finger to play around her puckered ring before slipping just the tip inside.

  Anna screamed so loud I hoped the suites next to us were empty so no one heard my woman as she came. Her orgasm ripped through her, causing her to convulse. With each shudder, her pussy gripped me like a vise, milking my orgasm until I was following her into bliss.

  “Fuck! Anna! Fuck, yes!”

  Come poured from my cock, filling her until it was dripping down her thighs and ass. I pounded into her until the racing of my heart began to slow and her shakes started to subside. Finally, my dick seemed to be empty, and I collapsed on top of her. To keep from crushing her with my weight, I rolled to my back, taking her with me so we remained connected. She relaxed on top of me, her head on my chest, and her legs lying limp on either side of me. Her heart was still racing, and I used my fingertips to draw patterns on her back until she calmed down and her breathing turned even.

  I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her. “Perfect,” I mumbled before I succumbed to sleep.



  Waking up with Julian’s arms wrapped around me was better than I imagined—and I’d done plenty of
imagining during the month I’d tried my best to avoid him. One of his hands was splayed across my stomach, and the other cupped one of my breasts. The center of his palm rested directly over my nipple, and the pebbled tip pressed into his faintly callused skin, basically begging to be caressed even in my sleep.


  What time was it?

  I jerked out of his hold to twist and stare at the clock on the nightstand. When I saw that it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon already, I was in shock. “No, no, no!”

  Julian curled up to look at me, his elbow pressed into the mattress, as I frantically crawled off the bed. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “What’s wrong?” I echoed on a gasp, twirling around to glare at him. He looked hotter than usual with his dark hair mussed, his green eyes at half mast, and the sheet hanging low on his hips. I forced my gaze away from his sculpted chest and hissed, “The workday is almost over! My boss has no idea where I am”—I waved my hand around the room—“and it’s not as though I can tell her you carried me out of the office before anyone else got there so you could take my virginity, and then I passed out due to an orgasm-induced stupor!”

  Julian glanced at the clock and sighed, raking his hand through his hair. “Well, shit. I missed a rehearsal for a new trick I’m planning to use in the show next month.”

  Finding my panties and pants on the floor, I tugged them on in a hurry. After I grabbed my bra, slid it on, and hooked the clasp, I turned back to him. “You missed a practice. Whoop-de-doo. You’re the freaking star of the show, Julian. Nobody is going to yell at you, and they’re not going to replace you. But I’m brand new here, and my job very well could be at risk because of this.”

  “I get why you’re freaking out, Anna. But you don’t need to worry because I’m not going to let anything happen to your job.” He rolled off the mattress, snagged his pants off the floor, and pulled out his cell phone. I huffed in frustration when I tried to put my blouse back on and remembered it was ruined. Then I growled when I spotted the smug grin on Julian’s face. Before I could call him out on being an alpha caveman jerk, he turned his phone so the screen was facing me. “As it turns out, I won’t need to throw my weight around because you’re already covered.”

  I stomped across the room and grabbed his phone out of his hand. My irritation was the only reason I managed to avoid staring at his dick since he was walking around completely naked. Peering down at the screen, I was surprised to see the text Knox had sent him. “Why would the head of the Lennox’s security let you know he called my boss to tell her I was working on a special assignment today? And what does he mean about wiping the tapes?”

  “When I stopped into his office yesterday, he gave me some...relationship advice,” Julian admitted softly as he tugged his phone out of my hold and tossed it onto the mattress.

  My eyes widened in surprise. “He what?”

  He pulled me close, his hardening dick pressing into the bare skin of my stomach since my blouse was hanging open. “I wasn’t about to let you keep getting away from me, and I figured who better to go to for help than the guy who always knows what’s going on around here.”

  Jerking my chin toward where his phone lay on the bed, I said, “I guess his text proves he really does know everything.”

  “He’s damn good at his job.” Julian’s eyes gleamed with humor I didn’t understand, but I wasn’t going to get ask him about it right now. Not when I needed to get my butt in gear to make sure my boss truly was okay with me being out of the office unexpectedly today.

  Pointing at the front of my blouse, I said, “You need to put your clothes back on and go hunt down a new shirt for me.”

  One of his hands slid around to rest just above the swell of my butt and the other tangled in my hair at the back of my head. “Are you sure that’s what you want me to do?”

  I gulped as the heat of his hardened length practically burned into my belly. I’d have loved to be able to drag him back into bed with me to experience his exceptional lovemaking skills again, but I was a little sore from earlier and needed to make sure I still had a job before I indulged with him some more. “Right now, yes.”

  “I’ll agree on one condition.” He claimed my lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue slipping inside to tangle with mine and his teeth nipping at my bottom lip before he finally lifted his head. “That you come home with me tonight.”

  I rose on my toes to softly brush my lips over his. “Sure, I’ll grab some stuff and meet you here after your show.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. That plan doesn’t work for me.”

  I tilted my head to the side and shivered at how his hand tugged my hair. My voice was raspy when I asked, “Why not?”

  “Two reasons.” He gave me another hot, wet kiss before continuing, “I don’t live here. I booked the suite so I’d have somewhere to take you just in case you didn’t want to come with me willingly this morning.”

  “Oh.” My lips formed a perfect O as I felt my cheeks fill with heat. “I guess that’s not a concern for tonight since I’m definitely willing.”

  “Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned, grinding his hips against me. “You can’t say shit like that if you want to leave this room anytime soon.”

  “Sorry.” I grinned up at him, not feeling the least bit apologetic since his reaction was sexy as heck.

  “Uh-huh. Sure you are.” He shook his head and released me to grab his pants and tug them on.

  “What was the second reason?” I asked as I stared at his butt, disappointed when it was covered by his pants.

  “You’re going to meet me before my show so I can escort you to my private box.” He flashed me a sly grin. “That way I won’t have to worry about kidnapping you again later.”

  “Yeah, I’d prefer to avoid being locked in your disappearing act box again.” I laughed softly and shook my head.

  Julian sat on the edge of the mattress and slid his shoes on his feet after putting his shirt on. “I’m sorry about that, sweetheart. Desperate times called for desperate measures.”

  Considering all the pleasure I would’ve missed out on if he hadn’t pulled that stunt, I was now willing to forgive him for it. “If you can get a replacement blouse up here that I like in the next fifteen minutes, I promise to never throw that incident up in your face in the future.”

  “Consider it done,” he promised before smacking one final, brief kiss against my lips, then heading toward the door.

  While he was gone, I used the bathroom and cleaned up a bit. Then I called my boss. “Hey, Anna. How’s the special project going?”

  I glanced at the rumpled sheets on the bed and blushed. “Great, but I’m done earlier than anticipated so I thought I’d check in with you to see if you needed me for anything today.”

  “You have fantastic timing. I just got a tip that we’ll have an A-list celebrity in the audience during Julian’s show tonight. I’d really appreciate it if you’d pop in and see if his team is okay with us taking some photos for social media.”

  Her request was awfully convenient for me since I was already going to be at his show. “Sure! Who’s the celebrity?”

  “I don’t know. He registered under a pseudonym, and his team didn’t reach out to us. I wouldn’t have even known about his visit except we got a tip from someone over at McCarran airport. Unfortunately, they weren’t willing to give us his name off the manifest from the private jet. Sorry, you’ll have to figure it out on your own.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  Five hours later, I was headed toward Julian’s dressing room with an overnight bag. I was still wearing the gorgeous emerald green blouse he’d bought for me—the one he’d said he picked out because it was a perfect match for my eyes—but I’d paired it with a form-fitting black skirt and a pair of strappy, three-inch heels. I felt super sexy in the silky shirt, knowing Julian had selected it specifically for me.

  There was an extra spring in my step as I neared the door with Julian’s name on it, bu
t I paused when I heard the murmur of his deep voice. “Fuck no! It doesn’t matter what kind of publicity I’d get. I’m not interested in fame, and I belong in Vegas at the Lennox.”

  “I don’t understand how you can turn down an offer like this, but I guess I have to take no for an answer.”

  Oh, crap! I recognized that voice, too.



  I glared at the pretty boy movie star giving me his megawatt smile as though that would convince me he wasn’t a total slimeball. Dirk Carlson had been going through my agent for months, trying to convince me to take a role in his next movie. Apparently, the main character and his best friend were world renowned magicians. Dirk wanted me to teach him my tricks and to play the supporting role. One of his tactics was to promise that the part would catapult my career, leading to bigger roles and more spectacular stages. I’d informed my agent to politely decline. Repeatedly. It wasn’t as though I needed the money, my contract at the Lennox made me a very wealthy man. And, even before I met Anna, I knew that life wasn’t what I wanted. I was already where I belonged.

  The offers had continued to come, getting more elaborate and promising ultimate fame and fortune. It was obvious that this guy wasn’t used to being told no. My agent eventually stopped being nice and got firm with them. We thought that was the end of it, but clearly, we were wrong. The tool had come here personally to make another offer. Why he thought that would make a difference was a mystery to me.

  “You may think you belong here, but you’re the best in the business, Storm. You could have the world at your feet.”


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