Hot Spell

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Hot Spell Page 16

by Shiloh Walker

  “You stand still, then,” she ordered, one hand pressed to her chest, trying to ease her pounding heart.

  “I love you, Morven, but you haven’t got a clue of what’s at stake between us!”

  “So show me, Wylder. Let me understand. Stop hiding behind this macho bullshit.”

  Suddenly, the magickal storm ceased. A silence so thick she could cut it, wrapped about them as they stared at each other, words abandoned as they communicated on a high level. Acting in a way she never would have guessed his towering pride would allow, Wylder completely opened his mind to her…

  She felt his pain, the raw agony her refusal had caused him burned within her own chest. Through his eyes, she shared his dying hope as the days bled by in the bleak yearlong search for the missing part of his soul.

  Tears fell—hers? His?—She saw his heart breaking more each day as he struggled to reject the growing fear she might lie dead or hurt somewhere, far from his support.

  The blistering self-castigation he heaped upon himself, his knowledge that his treachery might have driven her to her death, drained his sense of worth.

  She saw the black, yawning pit of self-damnation he teetered over.

  Through him, she witnessed the world ablaze, nature in convulsion as Magisti and Vampiri, Elven and Werefolk all perished in the attempt to halt his reign of destruction. She trembled at the weary resignation he felt contemplating his own death.

  “No!” her instinctive cry shattered the silence.


  He came to himself to find his head cradled against her soft breasts, unsure how he had come to be there. He didn’t give a fuck, and didn’t plan to question his good luck, just tightened his arms about her waist and held on for dear life.

  Nothing had ever felt better. Not even being buried deep in her welcoming pussy because its welcome hadn’t been for him. That embrace had belonged to Ethan…this one was his, alone.


  Her quiet voice flowed over him, soothing his ragged edges, echoing the gentle brush of her hand at his brow. He shifted closer to her, refusing to answer, fearful anything he said would disrupt the peace between them.

  “Elias, you must release these people. Shh—!” she hushed him as he started to protest, not wanting to share her, yet.

  “We can go to my apartment. I can prove I have been with no other Mage.”

  He reared up at that, twisting to stare into her beautiful silver eyes. “I need no proof.” His lips drew down in self-disgust. “My jealousy and fear spoke, not my heart. I knew while I spoke, that I hurt you with my distrust. You were right to reject me. I am no good for you.”

  Her hand never faltered in its soothing motions.

  “I think you might be perfect for me. I am the one who has proven not to be worthy of your love.”

  “Never say that.” Leaning over and covering her lips in a quick salute, he settled back into her embrace, satisfied not to carry their accord any further for the moment. His unusual contentment wouldn’t last, he knew. Soon his need would overrun his love and he would be driven to assert his claim in the most primal, earthy way, by a joining of flesh and souls in the deepest, ancient ritual known to man.

  “You have to do it, Morven.”

  “Do what…?”

  “You sound so cute when you are confused. I love that owl look you get when you can’t figure out a spell or conjuration right from the start.”

  Her hand landed with considerable force on his cheek. “You slug. Stop teasing me and tell me what you meant.”

  “That stung!” He rubbed his face, pretending she had hurt him. Her giggle told him he hadn’t fooled her.

  “You will have to release these people and spirit us away to your apartment. I have given you back your power.”

  In the silence, he could sense her probing her body, cataloging the changes within her.

  “You—” she shook her head, tears dropping like rain—”Thank you. I have never felt the lack so much as now, when I am restored.” Voice choked with emotion, she pressed a kiss against his lips. “Why did you—? How did you—?”

  “I had to. To hold onto your power just because mine is missing would be wrong. As you do not hold my power, the exchange ritual is not needed.” His shoulders slumped. “That you were able to rid yourself of my power is overwhelming proof there was no meaningful connection between us.”

  She placed a finger over his lips. “Or a more meaningful one than you could know. Come with me. I have something to show you…”

  He would gladly follow her to hell. Following her through a newly noisy restaurant was easy.


  Leaning against the doorjamb of her daughter’s bedroom, Morven decided watching her startled mate cuddling a wriggling, squirming bundle of overjoyed puppy intent on licking the skin off his face did wonders for her flagging spirits.

  Looking up from their joyful interplay, Wylder met her eyes, his gleaming wetly. “I admit I’ve acted like dog, Morven. But was that any reason to turn our daughter into a puppy?”

  “I didn’t. I turned me into a dog. Unfortunately, I had no inkling of my pregnancy. Imagine my chagrin when I couldn’t turn myself back until after I had given birth! That is when I found out Nyla had retained your powers, and I had been left with hers. Of course, with her no longer needing my body, I returned to my natural state. However, she didn’t have the control or knowledge to change herself back. Stuck with only her babyish magick, I didn’t have the level of power needed to change her from puppy to human…” Morven laughed, feeling happier and more carefree than she had in a long, stressful year.

  Instead of laughing with her, Wylder sobered, hugging his daughter close to his chest. “It must have been a nightmare. I am so sorry, Morven. All this is my fault.”

  “Well, I guess you could say that,” she teased, needing to lighten his melancholy, “if by that you mean Nyla takes after her daddy in willfulness.”

  He cocked his head, examining his offspring, hands absently petting the tiny black spaniel curled trustingly in his arms. “Are you a willful little miss, huh?” A gentle smile curved his sexy lips as he brushed them across the top of her silky head. “Well, you come by it honestly, sweet thing.”

  “She does, at that,” Morven agreed, walking over to join the two loves of her life. “Lately, she has been behaving so naughtily, I have been tempted to take the newspaper to her bottom.”

  Wylder bristled. “You lay a newspaper on my daughter’s bottom, and your own will be a pretty shade of hot pink!”

  Hot bursts of anticipation erupted along her bloodstream. Her breasts swelled, nipples tightened, thighs clenched at the thought of being splayed over his hard lap, helpless to resist his discipline. She shivered, licking her lips. “Hmmmm, sounds kinky. You making promises or teasing?”

  “Take a look at my crotch and judge for yourself, darling,” he invited, indicating the swelling at his groin.

  His sexy words, growled in a voice grown impatient for her, started her pussy creaming. Her stomach cramped with nerves of the most erotic sort, a carnal ache throbbing to life in the pit of her belly.

  Arousal grew as she looked him. The cloth of his pants did nothing to hide the aggressive rise of his cock. It rode his zipper, huge and thick, outlined in bold relief.

  “Put your daughter to bed, Elias…and then come bed your mate…”

  Her sultry invitation caused his face to harden and his cock to leap. She licked her lips, remembering his flavor, suddenly hungry for the spicy taste of his sperm.

  She almost keened her need for this man as he turned and bent over the makeshift baby bed, his tight buttocks and corded thighs flexing as he settled his sleepy offspring.

  Oh, she loved that godlike body. And for some insanely wonderful reason, the Lord and Lady had decreed this god belonged to her.

  Wylder turned, eyes gone slumberous with lust, mouth widened in a smile of pure seduction. He held out his hand and she took it, leading him down the ha
ll to her bedroom and tugging him over to the bed.

  Pulling back, he began slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “Ward the room, Morven. We don’t want to wake the baby, and the sweet memories I have remind me you’re a screamer.”

  She swallowed, damped dry lips with a flick of her tongue. Heat lightning flashed throughout her body as their gazes tangled.

  “Am I going to scream tonight, Elias Wylder?”

  “Scream, howl…and beg,” he promised in a voice gone gravelly and rough. He flashed his killer smile, the one that made her nipples stand up and her clit pulse. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to alleviate the ache blossoming in her pussy.

  “And what are you going to be doing while I’m screaming, howling and begging?” She reached out with a minute sliver of power, warding the room, soundproofing it. Her power, once more within her grasp, responded seamlessly, instantly. Reveling in her returning control, she whisked her clothes away with a thought. Sending tendrils of magick toward her mate, she mentally eased his zipper down, brushed the swelling flesh of his penis—


  Eyes losing the vagueness of concentration, she cocked an eyebrow in question. “Am I doing something wrong?”

  Shirt hanging open, showcasing the wide sweep of his shoulders and powerfully muscled chest, jeans gaping open, revealing he wore no undergarment, he glided over to her. Catching her hands in both of his, he brought them to his lips, gazing down on her with eyes glowing with an emotion she dared to believe really could be love.

  “I need two things tonight,” his rough voice stroked her skin. Leaning in so close his warm breath wafted over her parted lips, “Will you give them to me?”

  His thumbs pressed against the pulse at her wrists, stroking the thin skin with firm, circular motions. The pulse increased, as did the one throbbing between her legs. He could have anything he wanted, so long as he quit teasing her. She desperately needed his thick length sliding up her empty sheath, filling her body and her soul; both parts of her that had been empty and lonely since her headlong flight from him a year ago.

  Suddenly, he was capturing her mouth in a swooping kiss, driving his tongue in and out in a devastatingly sexual dance that had their mouths shifting, tongues tangling and bodies intertwining. He drove all thought from her, turning her brain to mush. His hands slid up her arms to curve about her shoulders, drawing her closer to his lightly furred chest as he devoured her mouth.

  “Morven…you in there…?” The note of laughter in his voice invited her back to the present.

  Gasping, sucking in great gulps of air, she nodded, heart pounding hard and fast. “Anything…whatever you want…”

  He drew back from her enough to meet her eyes, the expression in his hot and turbulent. “Anything, my own? That’s a reckless promise.”

  “Anything…everything…whatever you want,” she vowed rashly.

  His face hardened, hands tightened on her shoulder bones, fingers dug into the soft flesh of her nape as her words impacted on him. “I’ll make you prove those words before tonight is over,” he swore.

  “I’m not afraid of you!” A smile widened her lips and she wriggled her hips against his, trying to align their bodies, to bring his stabbing erection against her aching mound. “The last time we were together, you may have worn a different face, but even in disguise, you guided me gently through the most intense experience of my life. I can’t, I won’t believe you would ever hurt me.”

  “Never!” he vowed, affronted she would harbor such a thought. His hands gentled on her, moving in sweeps across her shoulders, down over her flesh, to where her hips swelled at the small of her back. “But last time was all for you. Tonight, you have the magick…I want the control.”

  Brushing her lips with soft sweeps of his mouth, the tip of his tongue prodded at her opening. Thumbs rasping the sides of her jaw, he tilted her head for better access at her mouth, his teeth nipping and tugging on her bottom lip.

  With a sharp inhalation of breath, the muscles in her neck gave way, her head lolled in the cradle of his broad palms, mouth opening beneath his, surrendering and enticing at the same time. “What are you doing to me…?” she moaned, arms coming up to grasp his forearms, seeking balance as her world tilted.

  “Claiming you…at last!” A heavy groan rumbled at her ear seconds before the hot flick of his tongue swiped her ear lobe. Searing heat burned through her as he fucked her aural channel, tongue surging in and out in a rhythm echoing the age-old cadence of sex.

  Oh, goddess! Slick heat pooled in her pussy, gushing out to coat her mound and thighs. His tongue buried in her ear and his hands warm and heavy on the rise of her ass, she teetered on the brink of explosion.

  Tilting his head and latching onto a pouting nipple, he wrung the first keening cry from her. His mouth closed over the hard tip, biting down and tugging on her swollen flesh. His hands swept up, arching her back, and forcing more of her into the hot cauldron of his mouth. She grabbed his head, fingers sliding through inky black curls, pressing him closer.

  Delicious shivers raced up and down her arms as she watched his tongue lave her nipple, watched a hand come up to cup her other breast. When his hard fingers closed over the tight point, squeezing down, she mewled and tried to climb up his torso, desperate to get closer, wanting and needing more.

  “Wylder!” she begged frantically, “Wylder…please!”

  “Oh, I promise to please,” he grated, teeth worrying her nipple. “And I plan to get much wilder with you—to drive you wild before the night is over!” His words vibrated against her tingling crest, the intoxicating movements of his mouth never ceasing as he walked her backward toward the bed.

  The back of her knees hit the side of the mattress. Vertigo assailed. Free-falling, she floated and he was there, catching her, crowding between her legs, forcing them up and apart before her back hit the mattress. Hands clenching and twisting in the tousled covers, she waited breathlessly for his assault.


  Steely fingers shackled her ankles, broad shoulders held wide her thighs, Wylder settled between the outstretched legs of his mate, his woman. Easing down on his elbows, he gazed his full at her smooth, shaven mound. Using his thumbs, he parted her, revealing her to his intimate gaze.

  “Look at this beautiful little pussy,” he crooned, erotically tracing patterns of lust on her quivering flesh. Eyes riveted on her graceful slit, bracketed by plump, full labia, he inhaled deeply. “Hmmmm! Heavenly,” he breathed, closing his eyes and drawing in her unique scent. Never had he smelled a more intoxicating aroma—fresh woman slightly accented with a dash of passion. “But I wonder…do you taste as good as you smell?”

  “Damn it, Elias, I’m burning up and you’re spouting rhetoric. Eat me, already!”

  He chuckled when she tried to raise her hips, entreating him to taste and see. Pinching her inner thigh as an admonition to remain still, he tightened his hold, forcing her to lie still. “My rules, my night! Don’t make me remind you, again,” he warned huskily, dipping his head to feast.

  “Yesss…!” she screamed, bucking wildly underneath him. “Eat me…Mother of Magick…eat my pussy, Wylder! Don’t stop…never stop…”

  Her voice sounding ragged and desperate in her own ears, she begged him to fuck her.

  “You taste like magick…like lightning flavored rain…like home…” He lifted his head, his lips and cheeks shining with the residue of her juices. “Dear goddess, but you are sweet!”

  Rearing up on his knees, he yanked his half-opened zipper down, releasing his aching erection. Free of the tight material, his cock sprang up, the deeply flushed head already leaking pre-cum. “I wanted to string this out, baby. Wanted to make you come at least three times before I fucked you—”

  Cupping her heat with one broad palm, he probed her entry, sliding two fingers deep into her core and began pistoning them in and out of her. “But if I don’t get in this tight cunt right now, I’m gonna come all over you instead of inside you

  “Oh, thank the Lord and Lady,” Eyes glassy and unfocused, Morven breathed the thankful phrase. Her body trembled under his hands as he forced her to accept more of his fingers, delighting in her uninhibited responses to his lovemaking.

  “Turn over. Draw your knees up tight and place your hands palm down above your head.”

  She quickly complied with his orders. Once in place, he brought his hand down on her rounded cheek with light but stinging force, causing her body to jerk in surprise. “That was for disobeying me earlier,” he informed her, soothing the light irritation. “I told you to lie still. Instead, you wriggled this cute ass all over the covers.”

  Her smothered giggle reached his ears as he leaned over her bent form, sliding his hands under her torso to palm her breasts. Pressing the tight, straining nipples between thumb and forefinger, he rhythmically twisted and tugged them, eliciting more cries and pleas for mercy.

  “You want my cock, baby?”

  She nodded her head vigorously, fingers and teeth clenched on the bedspread.

  “Hard and fast, or deep and slow…?”

  “Magickal mischief…both…I want both…!” Her voice arose from the depths of the covers.

  Wylder gave her nipples one last tweak and then took her hands and folded them about the iron bars that made up the headboard “Grab the rails…and don’t let go.”

  Taking his cock in hand, Wylder slid it through the glistening juices adorning her cunt, rubbing the fat head against her little button. Her body bucked under him and he loved it, loved the freely given evidence of her helpless response.

  “No punishment for that, love,” he rasped, her heat already bathing the sensitive head of his cock, making him impatient to get inside. “Move all you want.”

  Rotating his hips, he eased the head past her elastic entry, stretching the portal wide as it forged through. The heft of his shaft scraped against the slick, clasping walls, parting her feminine muscles as a mighty ship parted the waves in its path.


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