The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 6

by K R Martin

  "You are quite right, we did," Will said, his smile not exactly friendly, but not harsh either. He was still testing this new friendship. Good. "Forgive me for dashing off so fast, but I wanted to make sure you were settled all right."

  "Your majesty is too kind," Renee said as she dipped into a curtsy.

  "I look forward to your performance this evening!" Will's voice called out as he retreated down the hall, taking her moment with him.

  She berated herself. She should have told him! But, she realized that Conrad had been there, and she still didn't know how long he had stood there. If she told Will; he would have heard. Any hope she had to save them would've been gone in one moment. Though she wanted Will, so badly, she knew if she ever let her emotions sway her judgment again, it would be to everyone's detriment. Snapping from her thoughts, she caught Ama Lei's figure sitting just outside the door, half hidden in shadow.

  "He is a slippery one," Ama Lei said. "I barely noticed when he arrived." She stepped into the room.

  "How much did he hear?" Renee asked.

  "Nothing," Ama Lei replied. Soon, two other figures entered the room.

  "So, that's the monster we're up against," Luca's voice was low as he stepped towards the girls, Deshi following behind him.

  "His aura is dark," Deshi began. "There is no good in him."

  "You're right about that," Renee agreed. "And he's at the worst possible place." Her eyes hardened as she looked at each of her comrades in turn. "We must stop him." They all nodded, the determination shining from their eyes. The weight of their task settled on her shoulders, even as it bolstered her resolve. She trusted these three. Each had their own share of trials, and each was loyal to the end. And each had a special role to play. She wouldn't be able to save her family without all of them.

  "Alright," Renee said. "Ama Lei, you are my eyes and ears of the shadows. Master Deshi, you are my connection to Espan's warriors. And Luca, you are the distraction. Only together can we be victorious. I need you, all of you, to save my family. The ones I love most are in your hands."

  "We will not fail you," Master Deshi spoke first.

  "You can always count on me," Luca added.

  "I am by your side, always," Ama Lei said last. Renee felt tears spring into her eyes, but she refused to allow them reign.

  Renee was no stranger to danger. Her life had been threatened many times before; she nearly lost it to a noose once, not to mention her close calls against swords. But this, this was danger worse than anything she faced. It wasn't her life on the line; it was Will's, and their children. And it wasn't against one power-hungry usurper, or even his personal pirate captain. This was against a man with the backing of an empire. She doubted he was rogue; no, he had the backing of the emperor of Retanny. In fact, she felt sure of it. Thankfully, she had three friends close enough to help her in her quest.

  It would not be easy. This was not a battle that could be won with brawn; no, this battle involved skill, and outsmarting their opponent. Renee wasn't fooling herself; she already knew how cunning their adversary was. Cunning and ruthless. It would take everything she knew, and then some, to defeat him. But she couldn't fail; she wouldn't fail. Her head lifting higher, her eyes meeting those before her. They shone with strength, determination, and trust. All of them had faith in her, and they wouldn't let her down. She refused to let them down either. As their resolve strengthened, she knew. The battle had begun.


  Will tried not to show his frustration at those who rode with him. True enough, he had promised Conrad and his daughter a ride through the countryside, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it.

  "I have been considering your request," Conrad began from Will's left. "I hope you understand, it will be difficult to free all who have been unfortunate to find themselves sold into our slave trade."

  "I know your records will be able to find all who are in the trade," Will replied. "While I understand it may take some time, I cannot in good conscious become allies with anyone who I can't trust with the safety of my people."

  "Of course, but I also hope you understand that Retanny is a large empire." The words were said apologetically, but Will could detect the warning within them. Oh, he was fully aware how large Retanny was. This wasn't a kingdom he wanted to be at war with. Many had fallen prey to making an enemy of it, and Will didn't want to be one of them. That didn't mean he was going to just accept a hand in friendship either. He didn't trust Conrad, and some of the stories he heard about Retanny's emperor gave him pause. It was dangerous, but necessary for his people.

  "Your kingdom is lovely!" The high pitched voice forced Will's eyes to his other companion. Desiree. The minute her face entered his vision, his body reacted violently. Arrows pierced his heart, and every muscle in his body clenched in agony. He forced his fists to relax around the reins, not wishing to disturb his poor horse. Why did she have to look like his beloved? The carefree smile that graced her face was so similar to Renee's when they started courting. The sparkle in her eyes the same that Renee once held. Even if her eyes were deep blue instead of the chocolate of Renee's, he could still see her in them. It didn't help that she wore a rose pendant necklace, bejeweled with pink gems instead of the rubies of the necklace that graced Renee's. That necklace, he gave his wife on her sixteenth birthday, and now this woman wore one so similar. He couldn't look at her and not see his wife.

  "Thank you." How he managed to keep his voice even he had no idea. His heart was threatening to leave his chest. True, Espan was lovely, but it wasn't his homeland. No, this was his wife's kingdom. After her death, he chose to remain here. Though he loved Cartiana, being in Renee's world, amongst the people who knew her well, the places she grew up, helped to dull the pain that filled his heart. It made him feel close to her, as if she was still with him. "I may not have grown up here, but this kingdom and its people have welcomed me as their own."

  "I am pleased to hear it," Desiree's smile was too similar to Renee's, and Will couldn't take the pain on his heart anymore. His eyes once more roved over the land that stretched out before him. It wasn't so different from Cartiana, but somehow it just felt like her.

  A hard breeze swirled around his face carrying the hint of the salty sea. He closed his eyes, and felt his body relax even more. The sea calmed him, as if Renee was whispering to him from her final resting place. If he focused, he could almost feel her kiss on his cheek.

  His companions continued to talk, but he wasn't included in the conversation. That was alright by him. He had been so busy since they arrived, he hadn't had a chance to stop and think. If he was honest, he wasn't even sure what he thought about their arrival. Sure, he wanted, no needed, peace, but the fact that his daughter was almost a replica of Renee made him uneasy. And that necklace she wore, it was as if they wanted him to think of his wife when he saw her. Sadly, she was so much like Renee, well at least her sweetness and kindness. Desiree was far different on one count. Renee could fight.

  Thoughts turned on their own to the other new guest in his home. Varda. Now she could fight with the best of them! Her skill was impressive, rivaling his own. So few had a skill that matched his; the last he remembered was Andre, the man who looked like his identical and stole his throne. It took Renee's help for Will to end that monster's reign and reclaim his throne. Renee, whose skill rivaled his. She was the first to equal him in battle. Looking back, they never had a battle that didn't end in a draw. Just like Varda. Somehow, that didn't unsettle him as much as Desiree did. Perhaps it was that she hid her face? No, there was something else. It was as if Desiree was trying to remind Will of Renee; Varda was just being herself. And, if he was honest with himself, he was drawn to the fact that she fought. It was rare.

  He wanted so much to discuss with her plans to train his soldiers, especially as the oriental style would boost their abilities, give them an advantage that numbers did not. Hating that he still hadn't spoken with Varda about it, not since the initial invitation, he realized he needed to get
control of his life again, to take a few activities out of his schedule. Barely did he have time to see his children the last several days, and that truly hurt. They were his life, and no matter what demands his job may make of him, they needed to be put first.

  Somehow, he felt Varda believed the same. Watching her with her own daughter, he just knew she loved her child. He felt the smile form on his face as he remembered the look in her eyes when he visited her earlier. Granted, he really didn't have time, but he wanted to see how they were getting settled. It was worth it, seeing the appreciation in them. Though, he still couldn't understand why she meant so much; maybe it came back to her skills as a warrior. That and she had done so much for his people, fighting slavers and pirates. Many had been freed by the Crimson Thorne. It was time that he gave back to her.

  "Shall we return? I do not wish to be late for tonight's festivities." Will agreed with Desiree and turned his horse towards home. Granted, while she prattled on about the acrobatics and dancing, Will was excited for another reason. He couldn't wait to see who would attempt to engage his talented guest.

  Renee felt the weight leave her shoulders as she slipped from her combat jacket. Tonight was the first where she was challenged by a soldier. She had to give the man credit; he had tremendous courage to face her. And she could tell he knew he was going to fail, but he still gave it his all. His face wasn't familiar to her, but she felt great respect for him, and told him so as they shook hands. Hearing Will's praise for him also helped buoy the man's spirits, not to mention cause her heart to flutter in her chest.

  The moment was short-lived as Desiree almost immediately began flirting with Will. Whatever joy she felt quickly became smothered, and she fought the urge to flee yet again. How could she hope to compare with her image? Never having a use for flirting, she wasn't skilled at it. And Will was obviously smitten; he couldn't remove his eyes from her. Renee refused to cower, though. She spoke with the girl, even managed to be polite. But Renee would be lying if she didn’t feel relief when she finally left the room, and Desiree, behind.

  Moving to where her daughter now slept, she couldn't help but feel even more tension leave her body. She gently rocked the cradle as she gazed at the baby's peaceful face. Life was so simple for her; Renee couldn't help but envy her daughter for it. What would life be like with no worries, not having to look over her shoulder every time she turned around, or even hide her identity? Her entire life she had hidden who she was, whether it be her hair when she was younger, always wearing a blonde wig, or her sword skills. And now, she hid her very identity. Sighing, she stepped away from the cradle, finishing her change from her combat suit into a simple gown. During the day, her dress might be outlandish, giving a specific image, but at night she thrived in dressing in night gowns from her home of Espan.

  But tonight, it didn't soothe her nerves as much as it usually did. Too much had happened. She needed open air, no walls, just the moon and stars above her. If she was lucky, she might catch the scent of the sea. Slipping her arms into the wide arms of her silk robe, she wrapped the edges across each other before tying her wide sash around her waist. She placed one last kiss on her toddler's face before tying her simple black mask over her face.

  Silence echoed through the halls. Everyone must have been tired after their dinner, and Renee breathed a sigh of relief. As her feet traveled the familiar path, she wondered back on when last she was there. Four years? Five? Even in its familiarity, it felt foreign. So much had happened since she last walked the halls. She was definitely not the same girl that left all those years ago.

  The gray stone ended, and Renee felt the smile hit all the way down to her heart. She breathed in the night air deeply as she stepped into the garden. It might not be a grand garden, but it was stunning in its simplicity. There were a few different flowers mixed throughout, but the garden was focused on one flower, Espan's symbol: the rose. Her nose filled with the sweet aroma surrounding her, hinted with the sting of the sea's salt. It had always been one of her favorite places.

  She stepped further in, her feet slow as she wandered through the paths. Fingers gently brushed the silk petals as she past. What last traces of tension stubbornly clinging to her shoulders finally released their grip, and Renee felt fully relaxed for the first time in so long. Her eyes closed as she lifted her face towards the moon's beckoning light.

  "Forgive me; I didn't realize anyone was here." Every ounce of relaxation fled at his voice, and Renee's tense body turned to see Will gazing at her. She couldn't help but flash back to when they first met in a garden much like this one. Even then, she had wandered, and he had found her. If she remembered correctly, he had apologized for stumbling on her then as well.

  "Your Majesty," Renee dipped into a deep curtsy, hoping it would help stop her trembling limbs.

  "I thought I would find some solace this evening, but I see I was not the only one with that thought. I won't intrude on you anymore," he said as he began to turn to leave.

  "This is your garden, Sire. If anyone's intruding, it is me. I'll leave you be."

  "Please, you don't have to run off. Actually, if you wouldn’t mind the company, I was hoping to speak with you." Renee couldn't stop the shock that jolted her heart, forcing her eyes to finally lift to meet his. They were so full of warmth. "Please?" His hand reached down to her. Somehow she managed to stop the trembling in her limbs as she placed hers in his. His touch sent waves through her, once more calming her nerves. Not releasing her hand, his other motioned to the stone bench. Renee nodded, barely trusting her feet as it carried her to the bench. Will helped her sit down, before he released her hand and took his place beside her.

  The minute his hand left hers, cold seeped into her body. She forced herself to breathe, to ignore the humming that filled her body having him so hear.

  "You said that you wished to speak with me?" Renee began, trying hard to keep her voice even.

  "Yes, I feel like I have been a horrible host to you. I invited you here as my honored guest, and have proceeded to ignore you."

  "You have been busy."

  "True. But it doesn't excuse my behavior." His smile helped ease her nerves as she smiled back. "How is your crew settling in?"

  "Very well. Most haven't been in a place as grand as this."

  "But you have?" He asked, curiosity lacing his words.

  "I've seen my fair share of wondrous places."

  "I know that should surprise me, but somehow it doesn't." His smile warmed her heart even as a blush crept into her cheek. "I know I will busy for a long time with the visiting delegation, but I still want to get to know you."

  "Why do you want to know me?" Renee asked, her heart aching for the answer even as she feared it. "I couldn't help but notice that your guest is lovely."

  "Yes, she is," regret laced his tone. "Princess Desiree is a lovely young woman, that is true. I have met many like her in my life. Granted, she seems kinder than most. But you," his eyes caught hers, stealing her breath with their depths. "I've only met one other woman similar to you."

  "Your wife," Renee breathed.

  "Yes. I hope you can understand why I am interested in you."

  "I can." Renee looked away, unsure how else to respond. How could she tell him that the woman who reminded him of his wife was, in fact, his wife? How could she not? Movement caught the corner of her eye, a shadow that seemed to move. Ama Lei. They were speaking so softly, Renee doubted anyone hiding in the shadows of the castle would hear, but if she revealed herself to Will, he would react. No spy would miss it. Resignation weighed her heart down as she realized that it still wasn't time. But, perhaps that was for the best. Perhaps she could tell him her story, explain why things happened the way they did. Perhaps then he could forgive her. "Alright," she responded, the resolve strengthening her heart. "What would you like to know?"

  "Well, I would say everything," A giggle escaped her lips before she could stop it. "Something about you intrigues me, not just the fact that you remind me
of Renee. For instance, you are widely known. You dress outlandishly, as if you want to stand out, to be recognized as this symbol, and yet you hide your face. It seems a bit of a contradiction."

  "As you say, I am a symbol; I have to be to fight the evil that exists in this world. And in a way, I did it to hide my face. If people see this flamboyant image, they're less likely to focus on the details of my face."

  "I should've known there was intelligence behind those eyes," Will teased. "I know you mentioned that you were hiding from certain people, but you never explained why."

  "Well..." she didn't know what to say. She couldn't tell him the truth, at least not all of it. But she wanted to, oh how desperate she was to tell him. Her heart settled on as much of the truth as possible. "There are some who believe me dead, and would see to it I was should they learn of my living," she said softly. Sure enough, Will's face was as she expected, shocked yet curious.

  "Is that why you also try to hide your Espan origins?"

  "What... how did you...?" Will softly chuckled at Renee's shock.

  "Your accent. While you have done a remarkable job at hiding it under a more exotic pronunciation, I can still catch specific intonations that prove you're a native."

  "I should have known you'd see through me," she chuckled, the idea seeming to take part of the weight from her shoulders. He waited, his eyes both patient and inquisitive. Though he wanted to learn about her, he wouldn't push her. Renee took a deep breath, the air helping to calm her nerves. "You are right; I am from Espan. I was born here, raised here. I love this place," she couldn't contain the joy that seemed into her voice. "It wasn't perfect, but it was pleasant. All that changed many years ago." Just as she couldn't contain the joy at the good memories, the sorrow from the painful ones seeped in. "My home was attacked by pirates. I lost... I lost everything that day." Tears escaped the confines of her mask, soaking into her cloth veil. "They killed so many, but me, they captured. I spent two long months as their prisoner, forced to work on their ship, before I was eventually sold into slavery."


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