The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 15

by K R Martin

  "Nap time is important," she told them. "But, good children who take naps get to wake up and play with their friends. So, after your nap, and after Spera wakes up from her nap, you can play again. Okay?"

  "Okay," Willy sighed.

  "Okay," Rosa added.

  "And, Louisa would love to play with you after her nap as well. Do you want to play with Willy and Rosa?" The little girl just nodded her head, still unsure of the strangers near her. "That's what I thought."

  "Alright, come along," the nurse said as she gently led the twins down the hall. Renee watched them go with a pang in her heart, hoping one day soon she'd be able to tuck them in herself.

  "Well, you two are going to be busy, and I should probably look for his majesty to at least appear to try to win him over," Desiree said wryly.

  "Just remember, he can be a good friend," Katie said.

  "Thank you. Until tonight?"

  "See you tonight," Renee watched the girl go before carrying her daughter back to their quarters. Somewhere along the walk, Spera passed out in Renee's arms. Instead of laying her directly in her cradle, Renee sat in the rocking chair, humming a lullaby as she cuddled her daughter. With Desiree's heart safely secure, Renee wondered how long she should wait to finish her story for Will. She wanted to tell him, to reveal her identity. Perhaps she could soon. Oh how she longed to be held in his arms, and to hold her twins as well. She wanted her family to be complete, much like Katie's; she and Jonathan loved each other, and they absolutely adored their daughter. All she could do is hope that the secrecy and fight would be over soon, and she could hopefully gain her family again.


  That night, the performance was as spectacular as always, and Will was disappointed when Varda begged a headache and left early.

  "Varda is skilled," Desiree commented as they returned to their seats. "To dance so gracefully, and fight so well, even while fighting a headache."

  "She is remarkable," Will agreed, astonished that the girl first mentioned another woman.

  "She's really kind to take the time to teach Katie and me to dance, and it's been enjoyable."

  "Because of course she has nothing better to do than teach girls yet another way to dance," Fedor spoke up, his cynicism surprising Will.

  "Because dances, especially cultural ones, aren't a good way to show potential allies that you understand and respect their culture," Desiree spoke back. Will was shocked that the girl had that much fire in her, but it was nice seeing her attention focused elsewhere. "Isn't that right, your majesty?" she turned to Will, attempting to rope him in. So much for not having her attention on him.

  "I think a certain degree of cultural respect is necessary for friendly alliances," Will concurred. Even Fedor seemed to accept his comment, and ended the argument.

  "Nobody move!" The shout rang through the hall. Will turned; time seemed to slow, as men poured through the doors, filling the great hall. Swords were drawn as the men circled around, easily putting the few soldiers inside out of commission. Before Will could reach for his sword, a blade was kissing his neck.

  "I wouldn't do that, your majesty," the man sneered. Will felt his hand lower of its own volition. His gaze roved over the entire the room, thankful that no one had been hurt, at least not yet. How did these men infiltrate his castle? With the thoughts humming through his head, his gaze turned back to the figure before him. He wore a mask to obscure his face, just as all the others holding his court hostage. A quick glance showed Desiree hidden behind Fedor, the prince's hand resting near his own weapon. For now, they were trapped. But he knew that with the right moment they could be ready. His gaze bore into his assailant's, hoping he could convey the strength and authority to make the attackers think twice before making their next move.

  "Who are you, and what do you want?" Will asked. His assailant sneered, and Will fought to suppress the shiver that threatened to run down his back.

  "Are you alright?" Ama Lei asked once they were out of ear shot from everyone else. Mei had dashed ahead to check on Spera, giving her sister and Renee a chance to talk.

  "I don't know, not really," Renee replied. "It's starting to be really difficult to be here and not tell anyone. I don't know how much longer I can keep the facade."

  "Unfortunately, I have not heard much. He is planning something, of that I am certain, but his voice is so quiet, it is hard to hear."

  "You're doing your best, and I appreciate everything," Renee took her friend's hand, squeezing it tightly. "I will just be happy when this is over. I'm tired, Ama Lei," Renee continued to walk through the halls. "My mind and my body just feel so worn wearing this mask every day. It's become so heavy."

  "If I could carry your burden, I would," Ama Lei offered.

  "I know. This is a burden I wish I could share." Renee turned the corner, stopping before she ran into a man.

  "Forgive me, Captain Varda," the soldier said as he gave her a nod.

  "It's alright, but I thought you were stationed at this time?" Renee asked, certain she knew the rotation schedules of the castle guards.

  "I was, but a captain from Cartiana's guard informed me that the guard rotation had changed, and he and another guard were to take our places at the main entrance."

  "But, that shouldn't be right, even if guards came from Cartiana, I don't think his majesty would..." Renee’s heart fell to the floor. No, Will wouldn't change the way the castle was run, not without alerting several people. "Something is wrong," she turned to Ama Lei. "Get my sword; meet me near the throne room." Ama Lei nodded and dashed off. "Come with me," she ordered the guard before running in the other direction, hoping the man would follow her.

  "What is happening?" his voice called out to her.

  "The children are in trouble. I can't explain, just trust me." Renee called back to him. Please be alright. Her heart cried with each pounding of her foot. She fought back the tears, and her chin quivered from the effort. Terror propelled her forward. Please no... she cried against the dark thoughts that kept creeping into her mind.

  She whipped around the corner, the door just in sight. Her hand reached of its own accord, wrapping around the handle a mere second before she twisted it, darting into the room. Silence greeted her, sending her heart pounding even harder. Her feet were slow as she stepped further into the room, moving towards the first bed. She gazed down at the face of her daughter, eyes closed, so peaceful. Her hand trembled as she reached down, gently placing it on Rosa's chest. The cry of relief flew from her mouth as she felt the gentle rise and fall of her daughter's breath. Turning to Willy, she was happy to see he slept soundly as well.

  "Captain?" The man asked quietly from the doorway. Renee stepped out, closing the door but leaving it slightly ajar behind her, and felt even more relief seeing another familiar guard standing outside as well.

  "I need you to guard them with your life," Renee told them. "Don't move until I return, and please keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

  "Yes, Captain," both saluted before taking post on either side of the door. Renee felt her chest lighten knowing her children were safe. But she still had a husband to rescue. Her feet once more propelled her forward, and she ran back to throne room.

  Ama Lei stood just outside the closed door, Renee's sword in hand.

  "Thank you," Renee said as she quickly tightened the belt around her waist. Sword firmly secured, she faced the door. "Ready?"

  Ama Lei nodded.

  "One." Renee twisted her body, Ama Lei mirroring her. "Two." She felt her leg tense, preparing to recoil. The three didn't leave her mouth; she and Ama Lei kicked in unison.

  The doors violently flew open, crashing against the walls. All eyes turned to the entrance, and Will saw the two figures standing there. With only a moment to think, Will reacted, whipping his sword from its sheath to shove his attacker's away. He stepped back beside Fedor, his sword also out, but his gaze once more was drawn to the figures framed by the doorway.

  Varda stood there, her eyes b
urning with a raging fire, the fury practically flooding from her body. Almost a double, Ama Lei stood beside her. In unison, they drew their swords.

  No one moved; no one dared to.


  Time seemed to slow. As if in unison, the attackers turned their attention to the girls. Two men reached them at the same time, each swinging her sword to dispatch with ease. Will couldn't move, couldn't blink. Their swords swung in perfect unison, their movements graceful as they mirrored each other. They seemed to dance together. Their arms linked as they swung around, trading partners, and easily dispatching them. Their swords glistened red with their enemies' blood, each cut not enough to kill, but enough to cause howls of pain to echo through the room. Each swing brought them a step closer to Will, as if they just walked through the room, the swords cutting down all enemies in their path.

  "Retreat!" The panicked voice shouted. As if in unison, the masked men ran from the room, dragging their wounded with them. It was as if the magic was broken, and the guards dashed out behind the attackers. Those left seemed to release their breath, and friends clung to each other.

  "Is everyone alright?" Will called.

  "I don't think anyone was hurt," Jonathan called back, Katie still clinging on his arm.

  "Everyone in this room seems to be alright," Conrad spoke. Something about the words, the thought of this room not being the only one, struck deep into Will’s soul, clenching his heart in its icy grip.


  Renee wanted to chase the men out, but she knew it would be best to wait, to keep an eye on Conrad. Though she hadn't seen him, she knew he had given the order to retreat. And the way he said 'this room', like he was baiting Will to come to the same conclusions she had. She focused on her husband, saw the moment he reached that conclusion. All color drained from his face and sheer terror filled his eyes.

  "No...." the cry escaped his lips, and he rushed from the room. Renee raced after him, hoping they would find the children just as she left them. The guards still stood before the door, and Will gave them a cursory glance before darting into the room. She paused at the threshold, feeling her own breath release as her husband's form crumpled from relief. He leaned over, kissing Willy's face.

  "No one came," one of the guards told her softly. "But I could swear the shadows moved."

  "Or someone moved in them," the other added. Renee nodded, her eyes not leaving Will’s form as he gave Rosa a kiss before stepping towards her.

  "What happened?" he asked, his voice breaking with tension. Renee explained as simply as she could how she ran into the first guard, realizing something was wrong. She trusted enough people with weapons would guard the throne room, but few would be guarding the royal children. Granted, she left out the part of her knowing Conrad was after her children as well as her husband. Will seemed to relax after her explanations. "I want a guard stationed here at all times. From now on, rotations will be assigned by immediate commanding officer, and no one else, aside from myself, Jonathan, and Varda." Renee felt herself jolt at the trust he placed in her. But she also felt comfort knowing her children would be kept safe.

  "Mama!" the cry pierced the room. Will hurried back inside, sitting at the edge of Rosa's bed, and pulling the crying girl into his arms.

  "Shh, it's alright darling," he said softly as he began to rock her back and forth.

  "Mama gone," the little girl whimpered, burying her head in Will's chest as she continued to cry.

  "Did you have a bad dream about Mama?" he asked. The girl simply nodded her head, clinging even tighter to him. "I'm sorry. But you know, Mama is always watching over you. I promise; she's here with you, protecting you." Will began to sing a lullaby, his voice warm and gentle, easing away Rosa's cries. Renee felt the pang as she watched him, his words cutting deep into her soul. She couldn't pry her gaze from her husband's form, cradling their daughter in his arms, his own eyes gazing down at the little girl with deep love and affection.

  She remembered that look well. He looked at their children with so much pride and love when they were first born, and it sent the same pangs of love jolting through her own heart then as now. She didn't even realize she was crying until she felt her cheeks damp with the tears. The cries turned into sniffles, and soon the girl was fast asleep in her father's arms. Will bent down, gently laying her back in bed before softly kissing her forehead, and tucking the blanket around her. When his head lifted, his eyes met hers, capturing them with their intensity, and his smile melted her heart.

  "Well, were you successful?" Conrad asked. Ama Lei slunk closer in the shadows, attempting to hear the man he was conversing with.

  "No," the man replied. "Unfortunately, by the time we arrived, there were already two guards stationed outside the door."

  Conrad looked absolutely furious. "How did they know?"

  The man shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but they did, and we were unsuccessful."

  Conrad glared, and Ama Lei almost felt sorry for the other man. "Fine," he continued. "Keep a low profile, don't start anything; I’ll see if I can fix this mess." The man just nodded and left. Ama Lei remained, hoping he would indulge more secrets. "Varda." The name spewed forth as Conrad seethed. "How? How could she have known? There's no way she didn't; it had to be her, bursting in like that." His eyes took a dark look. "I'm going to have to find a way to get rid of her." That declaration was said with such cold fury that Ama Lei shook in its wake. She had to warn Renee, and keep an even closer eye on him.


  The atmosphere after the attack was subdued. The soldiers fought harder, anger filling their movements. Renee didn't blame them; she was angry as well. Conrad had invaded her home. Her home! He targeted her children. Her limbs still shook from the shock and fury. She hadn't fought so hard to control her emotions before. And hearing Ama Lei tell of Conrad's reaction only helped to add to Renee's list of reasons to want that man dead. It was rare that she actually wanted to kill someone. In fact, she had only killed one man in her life, more monster than man. But after the previous night, she was close to running her blade through Conrad's chest. She lost count of how many times she closed her eyes, and filled her lungs deeply, attempting to push the feelings down.

  The evening's performance was a bit more energetic as well. Renee had to perform a faster dance, not trusting herself to keep her movements slow. As she finished, she felt sorry for whatever poor man would face her this night. She gave her curtsy to applause, and began to remove her outer gown for the final fight.

  "I know I've been gone for several months, but I didn't expect such a large amount of men welcoming me home." A deep voice boomed in the vaulted ceilings. Renee turned, her eyes catching the large figure filling the doorway.

  "Caleb! You've returned!" Will's voice was filled with joy as he strode to her former first mate.

  "We just returned. The delegation is with us, but they wanted to wait until tomorrow to meet you," Caleb said as the two men hugged.

  "But we just couldn't wait another day," the woman said from Caleb's side, a smile on her face.

  "Sonia!" Jonathan said as he wrapped his sister in an embrace. "I missed you," the words were quiet, just barely drifting over to Renee. She knew how close they were, remembered the years they were separated, and how hard that had been on Jonathan.

  "I missed you too," Sonia replied as she stepped back.

  "Little Woof!" the little boy at her side called before running to the object of his call.

  "Hey, little brother," Little Wolf said with a smile as he hugged the boy. Renee couldn't help but be surprised at how much the boy had grown. Ferdinand was still a baby when she left, but now he had to be four, and looked so much like his brother.

  "Welcome back," Jonathan said to Caleb before pulling him into a hug.

  "It's good to be back," Caleb returned as the men stepped aside. "But seriously, what is with the heavy security?"

  "It's a long story," Will said. "I'll explain later." The look in Caleb's eyes
told her that he didn't want to accept it, but he would.

  "Caleb," Little Wolf said as he stepped closer. "You should meet our new friend," he said as he motioned Renee over, now clad in her fighter's suit. "Captain Caleb, this is Captain Varda."

  "A pleasure to meet you," Renee gave him a half bow. "I have heard so much about you."

  "I wish I could say the same, although I do remember hearing rumors about a Captain Varda before I left," Caleb responded.

  "She's amazing! She does what you do," Little Wolf added in a loud whisper.

  "She's an independent captain from the far east," Will added. "And she's been quite successful against pirates and other mercenaries."

  "That is impressive," Caleb stated. "Though that doesn't explain why a captain from the far east is here in Espan."

  "We travel where the pirates are, helping those who need it," Renee responded simply.

  "She has also been gracious in demonstrating some of her foreign fighting techniques for us," Jonathan continued, his eyes taking on a mischievous gleam. "Actually, she has yet to entertain us tonight, and I do think we've found a challenger to show her our abilities. After all, you are one of the greatest swordsmen Espan has to offer. If anyone can teach her a few skills, it is you."

  Renee couldn't stop the raise of her eyebrow. Jonathan's face shone with innocent sincerity, but she could see the slight shaking of his shoulders. Will's mouth seemed to tighten in its smile, the mirth filling his own eyes.

  "I suppose I could show her a thing or two," Caleb said, his body straightening and a humoring smile graced his face. Little Wolf picked up his brother, and Jonathan took his sister's arm as the group walked back to the seats.

  "What are you up to?" Sonia's voice barely reached Renee as they passed her.

  "You'll see," Jonathan practically sang. Renee tried not to shake her head. She remembered Caleb being a skilled swordsman, but she also remembered being even more skilled than he. Perhaps he grew since their last encounter, and she looked forward to testing him.


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