The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 17

by K R Martin

  "Thank you." Renee hugged her friend, feeling the last bit of tension leaving her limbs.

  "I cannot believe your husband kissed another woman," Ama Lei said in a mocking shock.

  "Hey!" Renee gently slapped her friend's arm before bursting into giggles. They had both been through so much, but it felt good to laugh and joke, as if all the weight of the world didn't matter. They were two girls, two friends, and happiness was theirs to take.


  Will couldn't stop the tune that hummed in his throat. The night before turned out better than he could ever have imagined. And who knew she was such an accomplished musician? She played like she danced, beautifully, gracefully, and pouring her heart into it. He'd never heard a sound like it before, and he looked forward to hearing it again. At least, he hoped she'd be willing to play for him again. Part of him loved that he was the only one to hear it, well, aside from a few crew members. But he was the one she trusted enough to share so much with.

  He felt his fists curl yet again. Knowing she needed understanding and acceptance, he forced the rage down the night before, yet even now it threatened to return with full force. How dare that monster hurt her; how dare he even lay a hand on her. One of these days he would chase that man down and truly find a recipient for his fist. Or his sword. His eyes closed as a breath filled his lungs, tempering down the dark thoughts. The last thing he needed was to greet the new ambassadors with such animosity, even if it wasn't directed at them.

  His mind turned to more pleasant thoughts, namely those of a pair of brown eyes sparkling in starlight.

  "Someone looks happy," Jonathan's teasing brought Will back to the present.

  "I may have had a nice evening," Will responded.

  "Oh, really." Jonathan's grin turned slightly smug. "You know, I've only seen you this happy once before."

  "With Renee," Will agreed. It was hard not to think of his time with his wife when he was with Varda. She felt so much like Renee, just the relaxed enjoyment of each others' company. Maybe that's why he had fallen for her. Desiree may look like his wife, but Varda felt like her, could be her, but last night’s performance had put more questions into that thought. It had only been two years, and he was certain Renee had never played that instrument before her death. Either Renee learned to master an instrument in two years, which he supposed she could, or Varda was truly a different woman.

  "I really am happy for you. I think you deserve happiness."

  "Thank you." Those were the only words Will could speak. It still felt odd to fall in love again, but at this point it was useless trying to deny those feelings. Especially not with how she looked at him the night before. Unless he was very, very, very mistaken, Varda felt something for him as well.

  "There you are!" Caleb said as he joined them. "I have been looking for you two."

  "Oh?" Jonathan asked. "Are you ready for another let down?"

  Caleb's voice roared with laughter. "Perhaps when you dream."

  Will smiled. Sure, he had known Jonathan longer; they had practically grown up as brothers, but Caleb had certainly joined their group after Renee's death. It had been nice finding someone who was like a brother to her during a time when he was absent.

  "I assume the delegates are here?" Will asked.

  "Yes, they are, and they are waiting for you. I still can't believe we're doing this. Did you honestly think when your parents passed that you would be welcoming dignitaries from the new world?"

  Will shrugged. "There are many things that I never thought would happen back then." Jonathan patted his back. They had been through a lot in the past several years. "Well, I suppose we should not keep our guests waiting." With the men flanking either side, Will walked out into the courtyard, smiling brightly at the group of men, and a few women, standing before him. Like Little Wolf, their skin was darker, though theirs was a shade even darker than his. They had coal black hair, clothing made directly from animal skins, bright beads woven into them in intricate designs, and all of their brown eyes were widened with awe as they looked around them. Will felt bad. He had been to their settlements before, had met them there. Their houses were simple and small, large one room dwellings more than anything else. And his castle, well, it dwarfed all of that, easily.

  "Welcome!" Will greeted them in their native tongue, thankful for all the lessons Little Wolf had given him. As they noticed him, they smiled, giving him a polite bow. "I am so pleased you are here," Will continued. That was about the extent of his knowledge, but he wanted to attempt to make them feel welcome.

  "Thank you," one man spoke haltingly in Will's own language. "We happy here. And see you." Will smiled. He was definitely looking forward to this relationship.

  "I hope the journey from your world was pleasant enough," Will spoke back in his own familiar tongue, listening as Little Wolf translated. They nodded and smiled, one of them spoke in their language. Will could pick out a few worlds, but Little Wolf translated easily enough.

  "They said the journey was interesting; they had never been on such a big sea before. And it was an adventure for them," Little Wolf translated.

  "I am glad you enjoyed it. And I hope you will enjoy all the time you are spending here. I know things have been rough in the past between my people and yours, but I want to change that. I want us to be friends."

  The people before him smiled at Little Wolf's translation. "We friends." the man replied.

  "Little Wolf will show you to your room." Will motioned to the boy. "And as soon as you are settled, I wish to show you my world and my people, if you would like."

  Little Wolf translated, and they all eagerly nodded. "Yes, they would like that," Little Wolf responded. Will left it to the boy to finish gathering them, and showing them where he had made arrangements. They had taken one of their largest rooms and transformed it into a place similar to theirs. Will hoped it would be enough to make them feel at home, or at least, at ease.

  "Are those the delegates from the new world?" Desiree's voice was filled with awe as she and her father joined them. Conrad, however, seemed less enthusiastic about the idea, probably due to his wanting to be the sole focus of Will's attention. He'd been a little irritated ever since Fedor arrived and Will hoped he wouldn't start a war while there. "Their beadwork is lovely!" Desire spoke.

  "Of course you would notice the frivolity of decorations," Fedor spoke as he, too, joined the group.

  "And you, of course, are too focused on political advantages to notice intricate work that a culture obviously prides itself on." Desiree stated. Almost immediately, she shied away under Conrad's reproachful glare.

  "I don't think there's ever been a time when so many cultures have been represented in a meeting of peace and friendship," Jonathan noted.

  "We should plan something special to honor the occasion." Caleb said.

  "Caleb, that is a genius idea!" Will's voice brimmed with excitement. "We should have a festival celebrating peace and friendship."

  "We could have each delegation plan their own event, something that would showcase their culture," Jonathan added.

  "Perhaps Captain Varda would be willing to grace us with a special demonstration," Fedor added. The thought of Varda giving a special performance filled Will with giddiness. Granted, he would have to ask her if she would be willing to do such a performance. Perhaps her showmanship would be helpful in creating such an event.

  "And we can end the event with a masquerade ball!" Desiree squealed with delight. Will's body turned to her on its own accord. Sure, she had the girlish enthusiasm at attending a ball, but there was also a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, along with a thoughtful intelligence. The moment he figured out why, he almost stumbled back. A masquerade meant Varda could attend without standing out. He could dance with her without notice. The corners of Desiree's mouth twitched, confirming the thought that she planned on Varda joining.

  "I do believe that is a wonderful idea. Perhaps I could secure your hand for one dance?" Will asked hoping to r
epay her for her kindness.

  "Perhaps. We shall see if you recognize me with a mask," she teased. Would he recognize her, or if the mask would obscure enough? Thoughts drifted once again to Varda; how would she look without the mask? Would it truly be a face he knew so well, or that of a stranger he was beginning to understand? His heart raced at the thought of one day earning her trust enough to see it.

  "Well, I suppose we have a plan. If you would excuse me, I must begin the preparations for such a grand endeavor," he gave her a slight nod before stepping away.

  "I think Katie mentioned the girls were going to enjoy the empty training fields with the children this morning," Jonathan mentioned.

  "Something tells me the lady you want will be there too," Caleb nudged with a wink. There was a sparkle in his eye that made Will wonder just what the others had told him.

  The sound of laughter filled the air as the men rounded the corner of the castle. The muscles pulled at Will's lips at the scene before him. His twins, along with Ferdinand, Louisa, and Spera were running and squealing as Varda chased after them. Even Katie had joined the fun, though Sonia stayed on the sidelines, watching with a pleasant smile.

  His feet seemed to freeze, and his heart didn't stop its pounding against its ribs, begging to be set free. What was it about her? She spun just out of the children's reach, her gracefulness capturing his attention. But it was the gaze she bestowed on the little ones, so full of warmth and kindness. How had he not seen it? Grace, poise, he would even go so far as to admit an almost regal bearing filled her every movement, and her kindness made her so easy to love. His people would love her, they had to. Apparently, his children already did.

  Why couldn't he move? He willed his feet to move closer, to join in the festivities, but they refused to listen. Stupid body. His heart yearned to be near her, so why couldn't his body cooperate? She tripped, falling onto the grass, her squeals of laughter sending pure joy shooting strait into his chest, and seeming to break whatever trance had frozen his body. His feet finally stepped towards them as his children began to pile on her, only adding to the shrills of joy filling the air.

  "Alright, little ones, be nice to Lady Varda."

  The smile froze on Renee's face. The deep voice resonated in her chest and tugged at her eyes. She forced her expression to be pleasant as she gently placed her children on the grass beside her. She couldn't even put into words the deep happiness that still resonated through her body after playing with her own children. How could she feel anything but? Her chest rose rapidly as her breaths were short, not just from the exertion of chasing after multiple children with boundless energy. Her twins raced across the lawn, being enveloped in her husband's arms as he bent to their level.

  Slowly standing, she smoothed out her skirt, attempting to brush off the few leaves and blades of grass that clung. The other children seemed to scatter as well, though Spera sat down near her, fascinated by the grass, and she could hear Katie and Sonia greeting their husbands. She tried not to notice the loving embraces, tried not to clench her hands, or accept the simmering frustration that threatened to boil over. These were some of her dearest friends, and she was happy for them. They deserved their own happiness.

  "I hope you two were kind to Lady Varda." Will's voice sounded closer this time. She could see his warm gaze down at their children, each twin having taken one of his hands. Why did that sight have to cause so much pain?

  "Yes, sur!" Willy's voice brimmed with exuberance.

  "We pway! Fun!" Rosa added. Renee fought the trembling of her lips at her children's declarations.

  "Good. Why don't you play together for a bit?"

  "Okay, Papa," they said together before running off. Renee couldn't quite bring herself to look at Will's eyes; she wasn't sure she was ready to see what might be there. The silence seemed to stretch. Surely it wasn't as awkward as she felt? Her gaze drifted around, following the children, the only subject she thought would seem less like avoidance. They chased near Jonathan and Katie; he whispered something in his wife's ear earning a surprised look and giggle in return before both their gazes turned her way. What in the world had Will told them?

  "Since everyone is here," Caleb's voice cut into the silence.

  Thank you. Renee fought the sigh, and her body's desire to collapse. As her focus turned to him, she just fought the blush as her gaze caught Will's for a moment. His eyes were so bright and intense; she almost forgot how he could make her legs go weak under that gaze. Caleb stepped closer, Sonia wrapped within his arm. Her face seemed to glow, a shy but serene smile gracing it.

  "Sonia and I have something we've been longing to tell you, and we wanted to make sure our family knew first." Was it Renee's imagination, or did Caleb's eyes glance her way? "Well, you see, there's going to be a significant change in our lives soon." His gaze focused on Sonia's, so deep with love. It was rather adorable to see the giant turn so soft and gentle around his wife.

  "Okay, you, stop making eyes at my sister and just tell us," Jonathan jested. "Ow!" Katie elbowed him in the chest.

  "He is her husband, be nice." she quipped with a smile. "Forgive my husband."

  Sonia smiled. "After growing up with him, I'm used to his antics."

  "Now, stop leaving us in suspense!" Katie continued. "Tell us the news."

  "Well, before too long, Ferdinand will no longer be an only child." Caleb's voice nearly cracked, and his eyes seemed to glimmer.

  "Congratulations!" Katie squealed as she hugged Sonia tight.

  "We're so happy for you," Jonathan said as he shook Caleb's hand before pulling him in for an embrace. "Sonia." His voice brimmed with pride and joy as he pulled his sister into a deep embrace.

  "Congratulations," Will said as he stepped up to hug Caleb once Jonathan had stepped back.

  "Thank you," Caleb said as he once more pulled his wife into his arms.

  "We are excited for another child, though it does mean we will probably stay on land for some time," Sonia said.

  "We will be thrilled to have you," Will spoke.

  "Congratulations, both of you," Renee finally found her voice, even as it shook a little. How could she not be happy for the man who was like a brother to her?

  "Thank you, Lady Varda," Sonia replied with the sweetest smile Renee had ever seen.

  "Yes, thank you... Captain." Caleb kept his voice even, but Renee knew better. His eyes took on a watery sheen even as they sparkled with pride.

  "We must throw in a congratulatory celebration," Will spoke again. "I assume it will be after the festivities, if that would be alright with you?"

  "We would be honored," Sonia gave him a gentle nod of her head.

  "Festivities?" Renee asked. No one mentioned any festivities to her; perhaps she had missed something? Or was she expected to be gone by then? Oh, please not the latter. She couldn't bear to be apart from Will, not when she was so close.

  "Actually, I needed to speak to you," Will mentioned, his eyes once more turning to her. Why did he have to look so charming? "Would you mind walking with me?"

  "Oh, um..." Renee looked down at Spera, trying to still her racing heart.

  "We can keep an eye on Spera for you," Katie reached down and lifted the toddler into her arms. "She's still very much a manageable little thing, yes she is." Katie tickled Spera's chin, earning a giggle from the little girl.

  "Thank you," Renee didn't need to force the warmth into her voice. She could at least trust her dearest friends with her daughter, if not her secret.

  "Shall we?" Will's arm gestured before them. Not trusting her voice, Renee merely nodded, allowing her husband to lead her away from the others. Her arms seemed to tremble being so near him, and she fought the desire to clench her hands together. She forced her breaths to be even, but even she could hear the hitches with every intake of air. As her gaze darted to him, she found his eyes focused on her, his face relaxed. Her eyes turned back to the grass in front of her. Focus on something simple, that's what she needed. Why would
n't he say anything?

  "You needed to speak to me?" She had to break the silence.

  "Yes, as I mentioned earlier, we are planning several festivities." She could feel the moment Will broke his gaze. "With so many delegates from so many cultures, including your own crew, we decided to host several days of festivities. What I would like is for each delegation to decide on their own event to help showcase their unique culture. However, I have never hosted such a grand affair before, and am rather clueless as to organizing such a group of performances. I was rather hoping I could ask you for your assistance in the matter? You, after all, have quite a bit of experience in the subject. My dear Lady Varda," his hand gently touched her arm, and she couldn't help but turn her gaze to his. "Would you please assist me? I would be greatly appreciative if you would manage the details." With his eyes so intense, so filled with adoration and just a hint of pleading, how could she say no? Besides, never in her life had her own nation hosted such a prestigious event. The idea of being part of it thrilled her.

  "It would be my honor, Sire," she responded as she dipped deep into a curtsy.

  "Excellent!" A childish grin filled his face. "I was so hoping you would assist. I was also hoping you and your traveling troupe would be willing to create something extra extravagant as well."

  "I believe we could come up with something." Renee's mind was already considering some unique ideas that she'd long wished to do.

  "I have faith that it will be spectacular. And I have one other request of you. For the final evening, Espan and Cartiana will be hosting a masquerade ball. It would give me no greater pleasure than to request the honor of your presence as my honored guest. Please, my lady. Join me at the Masquerade; allow me the pleasure of at least one dance."


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