The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 27

by K R Martin

"You can come out now; they've gone."

  Renee tensed. There was no way he knew she was there. She refused to step out into a trap.

  "Look, you might have the others fooled, but I know better, and soon they will too. If I hide you now, no one will know, and I promise to help you escape first chance. Please."

  Unable to see his face well, she could still hear the fear and pleading in his voice. All she wanted was to ignore him, keep hiding, but deep inside she knew her time was running out. She'd barely eaten anything since she boarded, rationing what little supplies she had brought with her. Perhaps it would be best to take his offer. He might have sold her as a slave, but he hadn't killed her like he was ordered to.

  She sighed. Pulling herself onto her feet, she stepped from her hiding spot toward him.

  Turning to face her, his eyes widened. "You must be Varda." His voice was quiet as he motioned to the mask she wore.

  "You can call me that," she replied. "Now that you know I'm here, what next?"

  "I know you have no reason to, but I'm asking you to trust me. I'll hide you in my quarters until the next port."


  "I have seen too much death, too many abused. I couldn't handle another." There was too much sorrow and pain behind his eyes for him to have been lying.

  "Fine. Lead the way," Renee told him. His body sagged with relief before he led the way to the ladder.

  "Most of the crew sleep, but we still should proceed with caution." She nodded, and followed him above. Sure enough, the majority of the crew slept in hammocks. Keeping her footsteps light, she managed to walk through without awakening any. Following Pallav down a hallway, he stopped at a door, opening it and ushering her inside.

  The cramped room was certainly tiny, with only a bed, desk, and trunk inside it, but it was secluded. "As long as you stay in here, you'll be safe," Pallav said after he closed the door. "I will sleep in a hammock of course."

  "Why are you doing this?" Distrust laced her words.

  "As I said, I've seen too many suffer aboard this ship."

  "That didn't stop you last time." The words slipped from Renee's lips before she could stop them.

  "Last time?"

  Renee sighed. There was no way to avoid the topic now. Quickly, she removed her mask, watching his eyes open even further.

  "Your majesty," he whispered.

  "So I ask you again, why are you helping me now rather than selling me again?" he winced at her bitter tone, but she refused to go easy on him.

  "Last time, you were taken by Conrad, in full view of everyone, with orders to kill you. I should have. But I couldn't. I also couldn't have the crew turning on me and doing it themselves. So, once Conrad was gone, I gave the crew incentive to go along with my plan: you'd do a lot of work, allowing them more breaks, and then they'd be paid handsomely once we sold you. Money is the only thing greater to them than loyalty to Conrad. I'm sorry, but it was the only way I could think to save your life."

  What could she say to that? She hated what he'd done, but he sounded almost... trapped. "Why do you not leave?"

  He huffed. "You don't think I want to? I am as much a slave as you once were. Once the younger prince of Sanskia, I was requested to live with the emperor in Retanny's capital as assurance for our alliance. In truth, I became a political prisoner to ensure my brother behaves."

  "I'm sorry. I met your brother in my journey returning; he spoke fondly of you, though I never understood where you'd gone."

  "He did?" Pallav's face seemed to lift.

  She nodded. "I'm sure he can't wait to see you again."

  "Perhaps one day," he said softly. "Until then, my cooperation is ensuring my people's safety. So please, help me not make yet another mistake, and stay here until I can see you safely home."

  "Alright," she agreed.

  "Thank you." his voice was filled with such relief, as if a burden had finally been lifted. "Now then, when was the last time you slept?"

  Renee eyed the bed. "Not much since we left." She didn't trust sleeping alone. Renee put her mask back on, it gave her some extra comfort; she curled up on the bed and fell into a deep slumber.

  The crash pounded in her head, waking Renee from her sleep.

  "Grab her!" the words barely reached her ears when rough hands grabbed her arms, yanking her to her feet.

  "Let go!" she cried once her mind had awoken from its haze.

  "Not another word!" Renee yanked against their holds, but only brought pain in her arms as they tightened their grasps. Her feet dug into the floors trying to find any catch, any leverage she could use to fight, but they only pulled her along, dragging her through the halls. An open door loomed before her, and terror filled her limbs, giving her renewed vigor to fight. She thrashed against her captors, her head landing a blow against one of their noses. His rage-filled shout gave her a little satisfaction, before his fist pounded against her head. Pain rang in her head, blurring her vision, as she was dragged into the room.

  The door banged closed behind her, and she was shoved forward.

  "Well, what do we have here?" the voice filled her with dread, and Renee lifted her eyes to see Conrad staring at her, frustration and rage filling his eyes.

  "Like you said, sir. They were no accidents." the man to her left said.

  "Captain Varda." Conrad stalked toward her, and she fought the urge to cower from his gaze. "You have caused me nothing but trouble."

  Renee couldn't say anything. Her words would only come out as squeaks.

  "Now, I wonder who's behind the mask?" Renee struggled, pulling against the captors, but Conrad was quicker. He tore the cloth from her face, stepping back with a shocked look on his face. "Queen Renee."

  Commotion echoed behind her, and she turned to see Pallav pulled into the room. The moment his eyes landed on her, his face fell.

  "Pallav. Care to explain why this woman is not dead?" Conrad seethed.

  "I thought the men would benefit from the profits made by selling her. Jenha was far enough away; she shouldn't have been able to return." Pallav spoke with simple confidence, as if she was a mere pawn, a prize to line his pockets. She wanted to snap at him, ask if this was his plan, but there was enough fear in his eyes to convince her otherwise.

  "And that is why you hid her in your quarters?" Conrad wasn't about to accept that excuse.

  "I knew you wouldn't be happy with her return." Pallav shrugged. "I thought I'd hide her until I could sell her again."

  Conrad's eyes narrowed. "At least you think with profits in mind. Until I decide what to do with you, you're confined to quarters. Take him." Pallav sent her one last look filled with apology, before he was taken out. "As for you," Renee's gaze swung back to him as he approached. "I will just have to finish you off by my own hand." Renee kicked his knee, sending him stumbling back. She yanked her arms from her captors, dashing to the door. Her hand clenched the doorknob. Pain filled her head as it was yanked back.

  "Ah!" she cried as Conrad pulled her back into the room by her hair. Thrown to the ground, she flipped over, kicking him back with both legs. He stepped back, and she jumped back to her feet. He lunged for her, grasping her arms. She threw her weight, freeing one arm, and swung with all her might. Pain filled her knuckles, as satisfaction filled her chest at seeing the blood trickling from his nose.

  His eyes turned dark with fury. Pain laced her face as his own fist swung at her. Before she could react, pain radiated as he slammed another fist into her face. His fist clenched her hair, pulling her face towards his.

  "I believe you need to be taught a lesson," he spat through clenched teeth. "Tie her up." He threw her to his men.

  Before she could react, several hands grabbed her, tying ropes around her wrists.

  "Ah!" She cried as the ropes bit her wrists. She felt them yanked above her head, her feet barely touching the floor to hold her weight.

  Fingers pinched her jaw, and her gaze locked with Conrad's. "It is time you learn to stop getting in my way."


  Soft knocking filled the room. "Father? I thought I heard some screaming." Renee turned enough to see Desiree staring at her with jaw agape. "Father, what is going on? Lady Varda?" Desiree dashed towards her. "What are you doing here?" Once before her, Desiree's face widened even further with shock. "You're... you're Queen Renee. How? Why?"

  "She's an obstacle in your way." Conrad's voice was cold in contrast to his daughter's warmth.

  "But she's King William's wife. If she lives, then I have no place by his side. Father, we must escort her to Espan." Conrad's eyes narrowed at his daughter. The look sent chills through Renee's spine.

  "Take my daughter to her room, and confine her there."

  "What? But father." Desiree's face looked panicked as a man grabbed her arm.

  "I'll deal with you later. You have a role to play to make Retanny even grander, and it’s time you accept that." He nodded, and Desiree was taken from the room, leaving Renee alone with the monster. Her body began to tremble, either from cold or fear. The eyes that bore into hers were so dark, so devoid of any light. She wouldn't escape this.

  "Now to make sure you don't ever get in my way again." He moved to a chest, opening it to reveal a myriad of weapons. Renee's breath caught as she was her own familiar sword hanging on the wall above it. A gift from Will, the saber had been almost a companion until Conrad had taken it from her. Even now, the rose pommel seemed to nod at her, telling her they'd get through it. Renee always wondered what happened to it, and finding it as Conrad's trophy filled her with a new fire.

  "You won't win." Renee spat at him. "You can do what you want to me, but you've been unmasked. My friends, my family, won't stop until they defeat you."

  He slammed the trunk's lid, making her jump. Unable to truly move, she still felt her body pull away from him as he approached her. Lowering her gaze, she finally saw what he held in his hand. "If my intelligence was correct, you've tasted the sting of a whip before." He said as he slapped the item into his other hand. Each snap made her body flinch. A smug grin covered his face, one that bespoke of finding pleasure in another's pain.

  "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." He circled behind her.

  No. Renee pulled at her bindings, only earning more stinging in her wrists. "Ah!" she screamed as the lash bit her back. Pain, agonizing pain, cut into her skin. "No!" She cried out. No soon had the pain begin to rescind when another lash hit her. Torture, pure torture, filled her back. Each sting was worst that the other and she could feel the lash sticking to her back, pulling blood and energy away from her body.

  Her feet gave out, pain biting her wrists as her body hung. "Please... stop..." The words were barely whispered as they left her lips.

  "Captain!" The shout was accompanied by the banging of the door.

  "What?" Irritation laced Conrad's words.

  "Ships approaching, sir."

  Conrad growled, but tossed the weapon aside. "I'll be back." His words promised more pain upon his return.

  Silence followed them out. Renee didn't know if she should be relieved or scared. Ships usually meant battle, and with this ship, death. The room swayed, and pain laced her wrists at the movement. She tried pulling her feet beneath her, but they wouldn't cooperate. Her vision turned hazy at the edges, and she fought the pull. She couldn't pass out, not now.

  Haze was followed by blackness. Was her head always that heavy? Maybe she could close her eyes, just for a moment. Ah, sweet darkness; she surrendered to its comforting embrace.


  Will stood on the deck of the Dawn Chaser, watching as they chased their prey. Renee was on that ship, and so was Conrad. That monster had a death wish, and Will's fingers ached to deal out the punishment. Only once had he taken a life, when he killed the man who murdered his parents and usurped his throne. This man he now chased? He had far too much blood on his hands to be allowed to live.

  Turning his head, his gaze caught the Crimson Thorne sailing just to the side and behind them. Ama Lei stood at its bow, ready for action. They were all ready, and it frustrated him that their prey merely inched closer. Will stood on the deck of the fastest ship, glad that Ama Lei's could keep up, still wishing they could move faster. He needed to catch Conrad.

  "There he is!" Caleb called out, pointing to the ship that just appeared on the horizon.

  Good. Will nodded to Ama Lei, and the ships broke apart.

  Conrad's vessel turned right, trying to escape the new enemy. Will chased him, the ships quickly closing the gap. They were so close now; Will could see the men scurrying about.

  "Grapples ready!" Caleb called. "And archers prepare to fire! Keep them from the cannons!"

  Bartholomew's ship drew close, turning to draw to the other side. Will could see the archers on that ship, already sending arrows to their enemy's vessel. His hand gripped his sword, ready to pull it from its sheath.

  The decks banged together, threatening to throw Will off his balance. He braced his legs as the Qilin lashed to the other side.

  "Rah!" the cry sounded and men from both ships bounded on their prey. Clashing metal rang through the air as blade met blade. Will leapt over the railing forcing his legs not to rush into the fight. Right now, he had more important matters than releasing his pent up anger. His gaze roved over the melee, focusing on the face he longed to see. Nothing. Ama Lei's face appeared over the ship's stern; soon, she'd be followed by others of her crew, the acrobats able to shimmy up the one rope anchoring the Crimson Thorne to the back. Three crews now raged against one, and Will felt satisfaction knowing Conrad would not escape this one.

  Convinced Renee was not above deck, Will snuck below. The ship was similar to the ones he knew, but with one crucial difference; the captain's cabin wasn't located on the main deck beneath the ship's wheel, but right below deck. Standing before the door, Will wondered if he should continue below to the hold. Part of him hoped she was still in hiding, but fear rang in his head.

  The warnings, the fear that something was wrong, had begun earlier that day, not too long before they first caught sight of the vessel. Gnawing bit his chest, and he knew he had to try the room before him. His hand grasped the knob, twisted, and entered.

  "No." His heart fell at the sight before him. Her back was covered in gashes and blood, her head fallen forward as her body hung limp from the ropes clinging to her wrists. He rushed to her side, gently brushing the hair from her face, sorrow clenching his heart at his beloved's face.

  "I'm so sorry, my love," he said softly as he pulled his dagger from his boot. It was a balancing act, trying to reach to cut the ropes while holding her weight to keep her from falling. The weight of her chest collapsed onto his shoulder as the rope snapped. He managed to sheathe his dagger, and wrapped his arms around her legs, lifting her into his arms. All he wanted was to carry her to safety, to bring her aboard her own ship and keep her there, but with her back so torn, and the battle raging, he couldn't guarantee her safety.

  His eyes caught the full pitcher of water. Perfect. As gentle as he could, he laid her on the bed, placing her on her side so he could have access to her back. He turned to the pitcher, pouring liquid into the basin. Taking a cloth, he soaked it in the water, and returned to his wife's side. "I'm so sorry," he whispered before gently wiping the blood away.

  "Oh..." the moan resounded from her lips.

  "I know, my love, just hang in there." He continued to whisper comforting words as he continued to clean the blood from her back. It took several times of ringing the water out before it was cleaned to his satisfaction. Noticing her wrists, he gently began to pull the rope away, glad that they at least weren't bleeding though they were raw.

  "Oh." the moan was louder, and her face scrunched in pain.

  "I'm sorry," he said as he pulled her into his arms, cradling her close to his chest.

  "No... no, please..." the words escaped her lips as her fists attempted to push him away.

  "My love, it's me." he said, cupping her face to look at him. Her
eyes widened as they seemed to focus on his face.

  "Will?" Uncertainty filled her voice.

  "I'm here, Renee. And I'm never leaving you again." He bent and claimed her lips, careful not to pull her too tight. Her own lips molded to his, kissing him with all the love she possessed. Pulling away, he tucked her back into his chest. "You're safe now."

  "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

  Renee tensed in his arms, and cold fury flooded his body. Setting his wife aside, Will stood and faced the man responsible for harming the woman he loved. But never again. "When I make a promise, I keep it." Will told Conrad.

  "See, now that you have chosen to make me your enemy, I can't let you leave." Conrad stated as he stepped into the room.

  "You honestly think you can stop me? As we speak, your crew is being subdued by three ships full of hardened warriors, all loyal to the one woman you chose to harm. You are the one who will not leave."

  "Oh, you naive fool." Conrad unsheathed his sword. "You will not be leaving this room alive, and neither will she. And my men are more than comfortable taking on three vessels. By the time I return to Espan, news of your demise will spread, along with the tragic death of your children. But I, of course, will return with hope and the news that you married my daughter before your untimely end."

  "You will never touch my children." Will seethed as he drew his sword. "And you will never touch my wife again."

  "Oh, she told you, did she?" Conrad's smirk sent rage coursing through his limbs. "You know, she would never have been if you'd have just died with your parents."


  "See, you were supposed to die, and Andre would have married Renee, and all would have worked out. But you had to hide, and fight and kill Andre, so now the only thing we could do is marry you to Retanny's princess."

  "How do you know about Andre?" Renee finally spoke.

  "Where do you think his father fled to? How did he know he was identical to Cartiana's prince?"

  "Andre was planted by Retanny's emperor." Renee's voice echoed Will's thoughts.


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