Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 8

by Karen Carnahan

  I made sure there was plenty of fresh fruit,

  dried meat, as well as some bread and plenty

  of water to drink. I also had plenty of books

  brought up from the library. It would help

  Ivoka to pass the time. I explained to Ivoka

  she had to stay in her room no matter

  what, it was for her safety, and I told her a

  royal family members had to live at all costs.

  It was the only thing I could think of to ensure

  she wouldn’t leave.

  My fear had been right; the sickness

  struck within a couple of days after I had

  locked Ivoka in her room. Mother, half the

  staff and a good portion of the army had taken

  ill. I had to reduce the number of servants to

  only a handful I fully trusted. There was

  chaos everywhere the Captain of the Guard,

  my husband’s best friend had his troops rally

  around the encampment, so the order could be

  maintained he even barred the entrance to

  ensure no one got inside.

  Glad the illness was over, seeing her

  daughter walk around outside in the garden

  under the sun. Ivoka spent most of her days

  outdoors. I couldn’t blame her. I allowed her

  to stay out until darkness fell.

  Time has flown by I am an old woman

  my daughter has become a fine lady. She will

  take my place as Queen. I got injured and

  unable to rule as I once had. It was time to pass

  on the crown. Ivoka coronation was to take place

  tomorrow. It would now be Ivoka’s duty to rule

  these lands. I will be Ivoka’s advisor for as long

  as I can. Otherwise, the faith of the Elves rests on

  my daughter’s shoulders along with her child,

  which has yet to come to pass. I knew by the

  time it was to come to pass, I would no longer

  be here but watching from the stars.

  El sat back against the wall. She closed the book held it within her hands. At least she knew more about the family’s history, she wondered, was that the reason Ivoka gave her this book. Death wasn’t something she was used to, nor did she want to get used to it just yet. She wanted Ivoka and Oberson to have a long full life. It would give her time to get to know them for who they are as an individual, not as the Queen and King. Yeah, that was important as well she knew for one day, she will be ruling she wants to know how to handle things.

  Would Ivoka and Oberson arrange a marriage for her? She sure hoped not she didn’t want to get married unless she was in love. Of course, it wouldn’t be any time soon. First, she would have to find someone who sparked an interest in her.

  Chapter Five

  GURK WAS IN THE TRAINING area ready to snag that El girl; however, she was able to sense the fact he was there, not sure how she knew. Definitely, going to have to alter the invisibility potion to hide the magic trait as much as possible. He didn’t think he could erase all traces, but he was going to try. He saw the wizard set up the alarms. He would have to find a way around them.

  Back at camp, he’d set up in the dense part of the forest along the ridgeline out of site so as not to be seen. He pulled out several different herbs plus the magic book he had acquired long ago. It had been his fathers, for he too was a seeker. He was grateful that he had found this book after his mother had died. It has helped him tremendously over the years. It is part of the reason he’s been so successful at his job. He always kept it hidden well; he never wanted her Grace to find it she would take if for sure. He flipped through the pages hoping he could find a spell he could add to the invisibility spell. Three quarters the way through the book, he hit the jackpot there it was, he read the spell. He realized he was going to need a couple of things he didn’t have with him. He would have to go Kalinera, seeing he couldn’t return to the keeper without his prize. It would put him behind his schedule; however, he couldn’t help it.

  Bag pack in hand, he swung it onto his back as he walked out of his hiding spot. He headed eastward; it would be a good week before he would arrive at Kalinera. He was glad in a way he hoped as time went by the Elves would relax some before, he returned. He walked amongst the trees he watched as a large cat on the ridgeline watched her cubs play. He walked gingerly passed the watchful mother, not wanting to give her a reason to feel he was a threat. Once he passed the large cat, he let out a sigh of relief.

  It was another half an hour before he exited the woods. It was a stretch of flat land; the path wasn’t as rugged, which allowed him to walk at a faster pace. Though now fully exposed to the sun that was beating down upon him. A little past high noon, he decided to take a break. He found a spot in the grass under a tree next to a spring. He drank greedily from the spring; the water was crisp from its coolness. He washed his face and neck to relieve himself from the heat. Wishing he could take a swim. But considering he didn’t know who was about it wasn’t a wise idea. Bandits had been getting worse these days, with times being so harsh. He couldn’t afford to let his guard down.

  Back on the path he walked, why did it have to be such a hot day he didn’t know. He didn’t know this path very well, not like the others. He decided to drink his water sparingly, for he had no clue where and when he’d be able to refill his canteen. The sun was working on its downward descend when he came upon a lake; he would make camp here tonight. He didn’t like being out in the open exposed, but he knew he needed the water. He decided he wouldn’t have a fire this night, for it would attract attention he didn’t want. He wrapped up in his cloak to keep him warm for the sun had gone down, and the cold night air had set in.

  Awaking to a bright light shining in his face, he got off the ground. He refilled his canteens for the heat was already building, and it was still early within the day. Taking off down the road, he had been walking. He knew there wasn’t much on this side of Valorin. Once across the border, he might be able to find the things he needs in one of the small towns on the outskirts of Kalinera. He hoped it would save him from having to go all the way into the bigger city.

  APPROACHING THE DOOR to the training area, El walked through first. She stood there for a moment, scanning the entire arena, not feeling anything, she walked over to the weapons rack. She grabbed her sword as Vigdis grabbed another sword and head for the center of the field.

  Vigdis spun around and swung her sword. El raised her sword just in time to block Vigdis’s from hitting her. Vigdis swung harder and faster than yesterday. She had to wonder if this was because of the intruder. She was doing her best to counter Vigdis’s attacks though her blocks were poorly executed. Vigdis sparred with a vengeance for hours, making her work for every blow, plus every block she was able to pull off. Now covered in bruises from the ones she missed. It was a great workout, plus she felt more confident using the sword. Grateful when Vigdis decided to take a break, she walked over, sat on the rock in the shade, and drank some much-needed water.

  “You’re getting good at this might have you try another weapon after the break.”

  Not sure she was as good as Vigdis was making her out to be, “Thank you.”

  “Which weapon would you like to try next?”

  “Hmmm, maybe the Chakram,” she had always been intrigued by this weapon.

  Smiling, Vigdis stood and walked over, grabbed a couple of rings. “El, come over here.”

  El stood walked over to were Vigdis was standing. Vigdis handed her the weapons. Holding the rings in her hands, El inspected the weapons turned them over to see how sharp both sides of the blades were. It seemed to her these weapons were modified. She had learned about this weapon in her history class. The earliest reference to the Chakran comes from the Indian epic Mahabharata and Ramayana, where the Sudarshana Charka is the weapon of the god Vishnu. The weapon she held has a handle. She knew the origi
nal design of this weapon didn’t. When thrown, it would cut down the enemy. However, if you hit something, it could ricochet back to the thrower, making it tough to catch without cutting off one’s hand. She knew right away; these wouldn’t be beneficial against a sword.

  Vigdis saw the realization on El’s face this weapon wasn’t a useful one against a sword, “Want to try another weapon?”

  “Yes, this one good for throwing but not good for close combat.”

  “Good glad you recognized the weapons potential. Ok, which one would you like to try now?”

  “Double Headed Axe!”

  Laughing Vigdis walked over, picked up two Double Headed Axes, brought them over to El handing them to her. These are like the sword made of wood for training purposes; they were heavy. Vigdis explained they added extra weight to all the practice weapons so a person who would yield them can build up their stamina. When they go to use the weapon, they can do so with ease since the actual weapon is lighter.

  Standing there, El checked out the weight of each ax in her hands. Feeling suitable, they weren’t too heavy as she swung one after the other. Liking the way they feel much better than the sword. She now understood why they called woman Battle Axes. It was an excellent weapon for them to use. It would be her weapon of choice. Seeing out of the corner of her eye, Vigdis had swung she barely had time to bring her axes up to block the attack. They sparred for the rest of the morning.

  Lazeen exited and stood next to the door as he watched the two-woman spar with each other. He was intrigued by El, who had only been training for a short time, was doing well holding her own. He cleared his throat, for he knew they had seen him come out the door. He didn’t want to wait any longer; the heat was building with each passing day. He didn’t want to be out in any longer than he had to.

  Watching Vigdis put up their weapons before going over, taking a seat on the rock under the tree. El remembered Vigdis had told her she wasn’t leaving her side, especially while in the training area. She didn’t mind at all as she listened to Lazeen, “Magic is neither good nor evil; it’s, however, the caster chooses to use it. We know you have several abilities already. The first one is you can sense others' magic, second your energy blast, and the third is you can transfer energy into other things like the crystal on top of my staff,” he smiled.

  Looking at Lazeen, she was surprised he had confirmed she had been the one to make the crystal glow bright. She had no idea how she had done it even though her mother had questioned her about doing so. She hadn’t believed it was her until now.

  “You will eventually be able to do some if not all of the fairy magic.” They can shapeshift, teleport, and energy blast, which you already possess. As for any other magical abilities, time will tell. “As you grow, so will your magic. Emotions impact magic, so remember to keep your feelings in check; if not, your magic will reflect it when you use it. It could be critical in a battle. You will need to stay focused not to allow yourself to get over-emotional. Now let’s see where your magic level resides?” He sent a fireball at her.

  Seeing the fireball fly toward her, she raised her hands, feeling the tingling of magic come down her arms, releasing it out of from her hands. It blew through Lazeen’s fireball like it was a cotton ball before it hit him in the chest, which sent him flying through the air backward, fifty-feet from where he had stood. “Holy smokes!” She ran toward Lazeen Vigdis got to him first since she was closer. “Lazeen, are you ok? I am so sorry. I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

  Lazeen looked up at El, “I am fine, just a bit sore. Tell me, did you use all of your magic?”

  “No, I barely used any.”

  “Oh dear, we are going to have to find a different way to test your magic, not to mention how to teach you to control your magic. It seems your magic is way more powerful than anyone had anticipated.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll be able to help her, right?” Vigdis asked with concern in her voice.

  El didn’t like this, “Why are my powers so strong?”

  Lazeen worked his way into a sitting position, “I’m not sure, but I have a theory you are part dragon, so you have dragon magic.”

  “What? Dragon and dragon magic—how is this possible?” As if there weren’t enough crazy things going on in El’s life, now dragon magic. “Oh, man!”

  “Don’t fear, we will figure this out,” Lazeen assured El.

  “How without killing you?” El expressed with fear in her voice.

  “Don’t worry. Uncle Lazeen has his ways.”

  “Yeah, ok, what, you going to find a dragon to teach me?”

  “El, that is a great idea.”.

  “What you know, a dragon?” Why should she be so surprised by everything else that has happened?

  “I will send word to him tonight to see if he’d be willing to come help with your training. We should have word back by tomorrow.”

  “Oh, my word.” El felt light-headed, dropping to the ground.

  Vigdis looked over to El. “You ok, child?” As she helped Lazeen off the ground.

  “Yeah, sure!” Was all El could get out. She couldn’t believe all of this was real. She had to be dreaming any minute now she’d wake up from this nightmare, to return to her normal, dull life, where her biggest fear was doing a project. She couldn’t believe the thought of having dragon as well as Elven, and Fairy magic.

  Moving slowly, Lazeen headed back inside.

  “Come, El, let me take you back to your room. You’ve been through enough for one day, plus it's clear this training session is over with.”

  She stood and walked like a zombie as she followed Vigdis back inside to her room. Once her suite was cleared, Vigdis left her inside. As soon as she locked the door, Vigdis double-checked to ensure the door was fully secured. She walked over and laid down on her bed. All her energy now zapped from her body. Lying there, the events in the training area this afternoon replayed in her mind. How Lazeen believed she is part of a dragon. Oh my, could she transform into a dragon? All of this was way too much for her to handle.

  Vigdis walked down the hall concerned for El. She wondered how in the world that child could be part dragon; it didn’t make any sense. She walked into the room where the Queen was with Lazeen in the small sitting room. Lazeen was relaying the events that took place out in the training area.

  “Your majesty’s it’s only a theory, but I believe El to be part dragon.”

  “How is that possible?” Oberson stated with curiosity.

  “I don’t know; the problem is El is too strong for me to train her. However, I have a friend with your permission. I would like to invite here his magic is stronger than mine. If he agrees, maybe I can convince him to train El. The only thing is he’s a dragon.”

  “Well, I’m not sure about having a dragon within these walls. That said, El needs to learn how to control her magic, please invite your friend.”

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go write him.” He was glad the Queen agreed, for he had already sent off the letter to his friend.

  “You’re excused,” the Queen sighed as she waved her hand.

  “Thank you,” he stood walked off. He headed into the kitchen, getting the cook to put a bottle of wine plus a loaf of bread on a tray. He carried it to his room, where he placed the tray before he grabbed a goblet and poured himself some wine. Taking a seat in one of the high back chairs took a sip of the wine along with a bite of bread he had sliced. He had finished the wine when he heard his owl Flick fly back in through the opened window. Standing, he walked over to Flick, grabbed his leg to retrieve the parchment from the small locket. He returned to his chair, poured some more wine, and took a drink before he read the response. As he read a smile crept upon his face, he had been right to assume Zamian would come once he heard the girl might be part dragon. He would arrive within a day, which would be good for the Queen wouldn’t have time to change her mind. He continued to drink his wine.

  On the balcony eating her morn
ing meal when Lazeen came out, he took a chair next to the King. When she heard him say, “Your Highness, my friend will be arriving within a day.” El didn’t need to look at Ivoka to know she was choking. On her food. El had to fight hard to stifle a laugh from escaping her mouth; instead, she looked at Vigdis, who was doing the same as herself.

  It was only a moment before Ivoka had regained her composure. “Well, that was fast.”

  “This should prove to be interesting,” Oberson laughed.

  Ivoka just gave him a look that could kill. To which everyone at the table sat quietly after that as they ate their morning meal in anticipation of the dragon’s arrival. As far as El knew, this would be the first time a dragon ever visited the Elven Kingdom. She was nervous, not sure what it would be like the kid’s version friendly or the adult version fire breathing destroying everything in its path? That thought made her shiver.

  As she arrived at the training area with Vigdis. She walked over and picked up her weapons. Vigdis swung harder than she ever had like a vengeance. El had to do everything possible to keep up with Vigdis, for she was hot on her target. Feeling many new bruises. She was not getting through Vigdis’s sword. The axes were more comfortable to maneuver than the sword. Though she had to do more swings to get the job done, especially since she was using two weapons instead of one. Plus, the fact they were going in different directions at once. She swung from the left to the right as she sidestepped at the same time. Vigdis would turn, twirl around while swinging and then spinning again as she followed through with another swing coming out of the twirl. Vigdis stood in front of El. Before she knew what happened, Vigdis was behind her, then back in front of her again. She now vastly understood why Ivoka had made her Captain of the Guard.

  “Well, I think that’s enough for today. You did quite well,” as Vigdis walked over to return the practice sword.

  “Thank you.” El surely wasn’t feeling the confidence she was pretty sure her bruises had bruises. What lit a fire within Vigdis to make her be in supreme warrior mode today? Vigdis hadn’t missed one block, which meant she hadn’t been able to land one hit. Vigdis didn’t let up either until she called it quits, she liked the fact Vigdis had been robust in her sparring. She could only assume it was due to the dragon coming to the encampment. She was ready to soak in a hot tub.


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