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Dragon Fusion

Page 17

by Karen Carnahan

  The Queen was furious; she demanded answers. She wanted to know, “How he had gotten in undetected? How he ended up in El’s room? Why was he after El?”

  The man didn’t answer a single question Ivoka had asked, which just fueled her anger. Vigdis, you are to do whatever means necessary to extract this information out of this man.

  Hearing that sent a shiver down El’s spine as she remembered the torture chamber she and Zamian had found. She could imagine some of what the man would endure. She looked over at Zamian; she could see he was thinking the same thing. She was glad she wouldn’t be around for any of what would take place. It was bad enough she had his screams embedded into her head; she feared she was going to have nightmares already. It was another hour or so before all the formalities had finished, everyone started to depart. She stayed in her chair; she didn’t want to go back to her room. She noticed Zamian was still in his chair. He was looking at her with great concern written all over his face; she hadn’t a clue he cared so much.

  “Would you like to stay in my room tonight? I'll sleep on the floor. I am sure you don’t want to go back to your room. Unless I am mistaken, then please forgive me.”

  El swallowed, she was tired, plus she would feel much safer if someone else was nearby, while she slept. Did she trust, Zamian enough to sleep in the same room as him? Thinking, what other choice did she have, to go back to her room, that was something she wasn’t even going to fathom right now. “Yes, please.” She stood and followed Zamian down the hall. Entering his room, it was a bit different than hers, but not by much; it was more agreeable than the one she had lived in with Lesa.

  Zamian looked to El, “Please, make yourself at home.”

  “If you don’t mind, I am a bit tired from all that has gone on today!”

  “As I said, you can have the bed. I will sleep on the floor.”

  “Thank you!” El crawled-on top of the bed. She lay there for about five minutes; her eyes drifted closed.

  Zamian laid on the floor as he listened to El’s breathing as she slept; it soothed him. He was tired as well, sparring with magic had taken a lot out of him, he understood why she was so tired. He woke up to screams, echoing in his ears, he realized it was El, he jumped up, ran over to the side of the bed. Was she having a nightmare, she was freaking out in her sleep, he didn’t know what type of dream she was having, but he didn't like it; he could see the pain on her face? He shook her to wake her up, nothing, he shook her harder while calling her name. Still nothing, he ran out of his bedroom down the hall, he pounded with all his might on Lazeen’s bedroom door.

  “Alright, alright, I am coming!”

  Zamian wanted the old man to walk faster, every tick of time felt like an eternity; finally, the door opened, Lazeen stood before him in his nightwear, looking very sleepy.

  Shocked to see Zamian at his door at this hour, “What is it, my son?”

  “It’s El, she is screaming in her sleep, I have tried everything to wake her, but nothing is working, “Please, you need to see her?” Not waiting for Lazeen to reply, Zamian took off down the hall.

  Shaking his head, Lazeen walked out the door, slowly following Zamian down the hall, wondering how he knew El was screaming in her sleep when he saw Zamian turn into his bedroom. He was shocked, entering the room to see El laid on the bed, passing a pallet on the floor, he assumed that was where Zamian had been sleeping. El screamed again; he walked over to the side of the bed. He could see the pain on her face. He shook her. She didn’t respond. He shook her harder, still nothing.

  “Hmmm,” he told, Zamian to fetch him a cup of water. Once he had returned, Lazeen took the water through it in El’s face, still nothing. He stood there watched El for a bit more, thinking to himself, it is as if someone had attacked her in her dream state. As he turned to leave, stay with her Zamian, he would be right back, with that he was out the door.

  Zamian literally, felt helpless. He had offered her protection so she could sleep, which he failed to be able to provide her. Something he hadn’t experienced before, nor did he want to get used to it either.

  Lazeen returned, he had something in his hand, he handed Zamian the cup that was in his hand, “drink this.” As Zamian started to drink the contents, he explained it would allow him to enter El’s dream state. He had to help her with whatever was going on in her dream. You will begin to feel drowsy, think of her, and stay focused on her as you fall asleep. It should allow you to enter her dream. If you need to hold her hand to remain focused on her, then do so.

  “Ok,” he walked over and laid down on the bed next to her. Reaching over, he grabbed her hand as he closed his eyes while he was thinking about her. Her smile, the way her hair fell around her face, plus how it shined in the sunlight, like feathers of a raven. How she always smelled of lavender. He grew sleepy; as he drifted off to sleep, it grew dark. Looking around it was utter darkness, was this her dream or was he somewhere else, he heard her scream, he was in her dream. He followed the sound of her screams, trying to find her in the darkness. He searched, but it seemed to him that her cries were coming from everywhere. He was having a hard time pinpointing exactly where she was. He kept walking as the scene changed; there was now smoke rising from the floor; he had to be getting closer. At least he hoped; the screams seemed to be getting louder.

  He had found her. He could see the look of agony on her face. It was as if something was holding her down while something or someone else was torturing her, though he couldn’t see anyone. As he got closer to her, he could see marks on her skin. Someone was causing her pain. He tried to talk to her, but she couldn’t hear him, he looked at her body again, her arms were over her head, and her feet stretched out as if being pulled apart. Then she screamed again, as another spot showed up on her arm. Wait, had the man that was in her room tonight, somehow gotten into her dream state? Was she feeling everything that was happening to him? Oh god, he had to wake her up, but nothing was working. He tried hard to wake himself up, but that didn’t work. Maybe he could talk to Lazeen in his sleep. At least then, Lazeen could stop the torturing of the prisoner until she woke up. He focused on talking in his sleep, on relaying the message. He kept saying it repeatedly, praying it would work, though he had no clue if it had.

  Laying down next to her, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight; he whispered into her ear, “Everything will be alright, it’s the man that was in your room he’s the one going through the torture, not you.” He had no idea if she could even hear him. He hoped so; that way, she could have some type of peace knowing it wasn’t her. As he held her tight, her body shook with the pain which wracked her body. Tears welled up in her eyes. Drops streamed down her face. He wished there was some way to connect with her, to take away some of the pain she was feeling. He did as before, focusing on her like he’d done to enter her dream state, it seemed to be working, for now, he could feel the pain, so much pain, there was intense heat as a hot poker was burning the flesh of his arm. He screamed in pain; at the same time, she was screaming in his ear. Once the poker got removed, he looked over at her; he saw that she could see him. “You need to wake up! The man that was in your room has somehow linked you to him in your dream state. Lazeen and I tried to wake you, but it didn’t work. Lazeen gave me a potion to drink to help me get to you in your dream state, So I could help you get out of this torture.”

  She blinked, the hot poker was back on her arm, screaming! She wanted the pain to stop, not knowing how to go about waking herself up out of this nightmare. She had tried everything to do so already. She was glad to hear it wasn’t supposed to be her going through the torture. Not sure how it came about that she felt the pain from the intruder. As soon as the pain had subsided, “How, I have been trying to wake up.”

  Holding on tight, he did his best to wake them both up, no use. He had to figure out how to unlink them. There had to be away, since, he had linked to El. He realized the man was a Dreamwalker, “El, you need to take charge of your dream. You have the power t
o unlink from this intruder. You have to shove him out of your head while changing your dream to anything you want.”

  The hot poker had returned; she had to endure another round of pain. She couldn’t think of anything else, but the intense pain she was feeling at that moment. Lucky this time it didn’t last long, she quickly pushed the man out of her mind as she thought of the beach, the sand, the waves rolling over onto the shore, Seagulls flying above in the sky. It was beautiful. Oh, how she missed the beach, Lesa was lying on the sand on her favorite beach towel soaking up the sun. Zamian was holding her close as they were lying on the sand, looking out at the water. She focused on the vision if she could just hold on to the image, to her surprise, no more pain came; she felt a huge relief wash over her.

  “Ok, now that I have changed the dream, how do we wake up?”

  “I am not sure. Where is this? I have never seen a place like this before.”

  She smiled, “It’s another world, the lady is Lesa she raised me from a baby until I was fifteen when I came into my powers. Then she summoned the Queen of the Elves. That was when I came to stay with the Queen of the Elves.”

  “Wow, you’ve been through quite a bit, haven’t you! How is it you can speak the Elvish language?”

  “My first couple of days was nothing, but Elven language lessons all day long. Lucky for me, I picked it up quickly.”

  “Well that is why you didn’t know how to use your powers, you never used them until something set it off. So, what was it that set you off?”

  “I was walking in the park when a boy named John threw a rock hitting me in the back of my head. I went to shake my hand at him to give him a piece of my mind when blue sparks with electric bolts flew out of my fingertips. I ended up hitting the tree next to him. Later I found out it was an energy blast.” They don’t have magic in that world as they do here. That was why it was no longer safe. “I couldn’t remain there anymore. It gave me a chance to grow up without my life being in a constant threat.”

  Zamian listened to El. He realized it was like, the first time she had told it. However, she had left out several details. He couldn’t imagine growing up in a place where magic wasn’t apart of one’s daily life. It must have been hard having to leave Lesa to come here. Then to do a crash course of everything to fit into this world. He had a new respect for her. She was much stronger than any of them gave her credit for, “I take it, not many people know about your secret?”

  “No!” They feel I will be in more danger than I already am. They said, when the time is right, it will reveal to all, that is part of the reason she is having me train so vigorously.”

  “Well, your secret is safe with me.”

  “Thank you.” she smiled at him. She was glad he was able to get her away from all the pain she had been feeling, this was much better, yeah, she had to reveal her secret, but it was worth it. She laid in his arms, listening to the sound of the waves as they broke against the shore, she had forgotten how soothing it was, unintentionally she snuggled more into his arms.

  He felt her snuggle against him, it felt like she was meant strickly for him; she fit perfectly within his arms. Just then, the image started to fade, she was trying hard to hold on to that image, opening her eyes to see Lazeen staring down at her, “You ok, missy?”

  El smiled, “Yes, much better now, thank you.” She felt someone holding her, she looked over and saw Zamian lying next to her, he too was waking up. A shame, she was so enjoying their time together.

  “What happened?” Lazeen asked.

  “The intruder is a Dreamwalker. He somehow linked himself to El’s dream; she was experiencing every bit of the torture he is going through. Once, I figured that out I had her change the dream which broke the link with the Dreamwalker.”

  Shaking his head, “Very good.”

  El looked at Zamian; he smiled at her. She didn’t want to go back to sleep. She really could use some hot chocolate. “Do they have hot chocolate here?”

  “Well, we have something similar; I will see about getting us all some!” Lazeen left the room.

  The minute Lazeen had walked out of the room, Zamian pulled El into his arms. He hadn’t wanted to let go when the dream had ended but didn’t have much of a choice since Lazeen had woken her up. He was glad she snuggled closer to him. He felt this is where she belonged, here in his arms, from this day forward. He had to admit somewhere down the line he had fallen in love with this young lady. They stayed like that until they heard shuffling of feet, then they moved apart, just as the door opened.

  Lazeen walked in, carrying a tray of drinks with some snacks, El got off the bed went over to take the tray from the man. She brought it over, sat it down on the table. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Lazeen had taken the other chair, Zamian walked over sat on the windowsill. Lazeen passed out the refreshments. Sitting there in silence, they enjoyed the warmth of their drinks.

  This stuff is delicious, El didn’t think there could ever be anything, that tasted better than hot chocolate, but this stuff was way better. She was beginning to believe as the colors are more profound here, maybe so was the taste of the food. This stuff was divine.

  “You realize that the two of you need to bond to one another, the sooner you two accept that, the stronger you will become.”

  She just blinked at Lazeen over the rim of her cup. She wasn’t exactly sure what he meant; they need to bond with one another for them to be stronger, nor did she want to ask such a question.

  “How do we, as you put it, bond ourselves together, to make us stronger?”

  Leave it to Zamian to ask, El felt the heat rise in her cheeks, not meaning for it to happen, but she was pretty sure she knew what Lazeen was trying to say. She wasn’t ready to be intimate with anyone yet. Especially since she had just turned sixteen, besides, she wanted to save herself for the man that held her heart with love. She cared about Zamian, but love, how was she to know if she loved him with all her heart?

  “You must join as one.”

  “Join as one, how are we supposed to do that?”

  Not believing Zamian didn’t know what Lazeen had meant when he said, join as one, at least she wasn’t the only one with her virtue still in tack. Happy to know this bit of information; why she was so excited by it? She wasn’t sure, but she was, nonetheless.

  Clearing his throat, Lazeen tried to gather the strength he needed to explain to Zamian, exactly, what he meant by joining as one, “You need to mate with her.”

  El stifled a laugh, that was a polite way of saying it.

  “Mate with El, you’re kidding, right?”

  “No, I am not kidding.”

  “Not happening! She’s only sixteen, Zamian couldn’t believe what Lazeen was asking of them. There was no way he was taking this young Lady to deflower her of her innocence. He refused. She deserved better than that her first time, he wasn’t going to ruin the experience for her. “Isn’t there another way?”

  “No, afraid not.”

  El was feeling a bit unsure about this whole conversation. She had no intention of mating with anyone. She didn’t care if it was to save the world; it wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t ready for this, nor would she allow anyone to push her into it. She was going to save herself; she wasn’t even sure Zamian was that special someone. She could tell he wasn’t ready as well; she thanked her lucky stars.

  “You two need to bond. Otherwise, you may not have the power to rid the land of the darkness that is spreading; you’ll at best be able to keep the evil at bay. Also, how are you going to protect El, from all the danger that is lurking at every corner?”

  “I don’t care how hard it is. There is no way I am mating with anyone!”

  El had enough of this conversation. She felt it shouldn’t all be on Zamian, so she spoke her mind. “I flatly refuse to mate with anyone other than the one I truly love, and that is final. So, until that day comes, I love someone wholeheartedly; I will not be mating.”

  Zamian looked at El; he didn
’t want to take her innocents. She wasn’t ready. “We are just going to have to make the best of things.” Though he was concerned about how they were going to protect her, he surely didn’t want to think of her mating with someone else, as she pointed out she wasn’t going to mate with anyone she wasn’t wholeheartedly in love with and he couldn’t blame her. He didn’t like the thought of another man holding her.

  With his head down, Lazeen wasn’t happy with this news. He knew they needed to bond together as one, to be their strongest, he knew it was their destiny, though they didn’t seem too interested in the whole destiny part. He needed to figure out how to get them to realize the importance of their bonding together.

  “I was reading a book.” Zamian walked over to where he had laid the book down, picking it up he flipped through the pages to the section he wanted. Once he had found the page he was searching for, he began to read, Krones a Dragon God, would one day send an Elite Dragon Fusion who would be the protector over all the dragons. The Elite Dragon Fusion blessed with potent magical abilities; being of pure heart, the Elite Dragon Fusion would need to find their soulmate until the day they bond. Until such a day, the choice to bond with one another, the Elite Dragon Fusion, could call upon their Dragon with “Dragon Call.”


  Oh, dear dragon

  I call upon you

  with such light.

  To come teach me

  this fine site.

  So, we may fight

  as one until

  the job is done!

  “DO YOU SEE, WE DON’T have to do anything right now if she needs me all she must do is state the “Dragon Call,” which will summon me to her side. It will allow us time to get to know each other better, not to mention grow a lot more before we do anything rash.”


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