The Love Laws

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The Love Laws Page 29

by Tamara Larson

· He’ll be patient and understanding if you’re a tad hesitant to get involved with him

  · He’ll go above and beyond to prove himself to you (Remember: he’s still a hunter)

  · He’ll touch you and look at you like you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, in and out of the bedroom (Even when you have eye crud and need a breath mint)

  · He’ll make you laugh even when you’re mad as hell and will actually listen to what you have to say (Even when you’re PMS-ing and acting like a crazy hag.)

  · He’ll worry about you and try to protect you from EVERYTHING

  · He’ll pay attention to your emotional and physical needs long after the sweat has dried

  · He won’t deny his past or be defensive, but he won’t let you obsess over the supermodels and yoga instructors he’s been with either. That way madness lies, so eventually move past your own jealousy and just let it go. (Reserve for huge arguments only!)

  If your reformed man-whore demonstrates these behaviors then he’s worthy of your time and your love. So, don’t write him off just because he has a past. You may be missing out on the second sexiest, funniest, sweetest, most maddening man in the world. (Number one is taken.)

  And don’t forget – all that experience does have its spicy advantages, especially in a loving, monogamous, committed, long-term relationship.

  Good Luck. I hope each and every one of you finds the love you deserve, with or without The Love Laws.


  Five months later…

  With the exception of Clay, their house on the hill in White Rock was filled to overflowing with chattering women. Baby blue decorations covered practically every surface and whatever space remained was filled with platters of baby-shaped food. This seemed somewhat cannibalistic to Jamie, but Clay had insisted it was adorable. Privately, the Martin twins agreed that being appointed the Party Planner for Jessica’s baby shower had created a monster – the power had clearly gone to Clay’s well-groomed head.

  This was illustrated further when Clay revealed the entertainment for the event. Much to Jessica`s horror Clay had actually hired a beefy male stripper to strut his stuff between games and cake. The party was winding down now so Sexy Rexy and his pink boom box were finally gone. Clay, however, was in the corner being chastised severely by Evelyn, Duncan`s conservative grandmother, for his error in judgment.

  Clay caught Jamie`s eye over Evelyn`s shoulder and winked. Obviously he wasn`t sorry in the least for his choice in entertainment. Of course, watching his latest flame grind his blue sequined banana-hammock against Jessica’s swollen belly had been the highlight of the party. Everyone had laughed uproariously watching Jessica’s reaction to Rex’s pornographic version of dancing. Her face had stayed an alarming shade of bright pink throughout the endless performance. Jamie smiled to herself just thinking about her twin’s embarrassment.

  Despite the stress of throwing a large party Jamie felt remarkably happy. Her home was full of friends and family. She was deeply in love with Mr. Kevin Hall and Hidden Treasures was finally thriving. It was hard to believe that just six months ago she had been miserable. The Love Laws had altered her life so dramatically. Who knew a few printed words could make such an impact?

  One of the biggest changes she’d made was her new address. Despite his enthusiasm for the idea Jamie had declined Kevin’s generous offer to buy her childhood home. As tempting as it was she hadn’t wanted to feel indebted to him. She needed them to be on equal terms in all things and buying her house had felt like a betrayal of their partnership agreement. So she had kept the house. With one notable exception – Kevin had moved in.

  Having him here was the best change she could have imagined. Her nights and weekends were now filled with laughter and pleasure. He had turned her mother’s loft into a writing space where he spent long hours doing research and working on the book. On the days that she was forced to go into the city she couldn’t wait to get upstairs and see what he’d accomplished in her absence. These moments of sharing were usually followed by some rather heated and inventive love-making.

  The sex remained incredible but their relationship had also deepened into something unexpectedly sweet and meaningful to both of them. They were lovers and partners but they were so much more than that. He was everything to her. She couldn’t bear it when he was anything but happy. On those rare nights when his nightmares woke him and he was driven from their king-sized bed to pace the floor, she stayed awake and listened as he worked through his worst fears. Eventually, the power of the nightmare subsided as did his need for alcohol to deaden his emotions.

  Her job had also changed dramatically. As expected, the publicity from The Love Laws had faded quickly and her store had resumed its dismal sales. She knew she couldn’t continue without the influx of cash from the house so she’d reluctantly approached Jessica about consolidating their stores in a last ditch effort to save Hidden Treasures. It had been difficult to ask for help considering her twin was usually skeptical of her ideas but she’d somehow managed to swallow her pride and present her idea.

  To her shock, Jessica hadn’t even hesitated. She’d agreed to combine their stores on paper and had even suggested that Clay take over and become Manager of both stores. Jamie strongly suspected that Jess had done this strictly as a favor to her but her twin insisted this was not the case. She was confident that Jamie’s designs would someday be a huge success and she was looking forward to sharing in those profits.

  Clay had been happy to take over the day-to-day running of both stores. His fashion background actually made him the ideal person to work at Hidden Treasures. Some female customers were initially hesitant to take lingerie advice from a man but Clay usually managed to win them over with his outrageous wit and excellent eye for fashion.

  Within his first week as Treasures Manager he stole three lovely salesgirls from a local high-end department store to work at both stores. They took turns manning the counters while he flitted back and forth between, giving orders and generally ensuring everything ran smoothly. His second order of business after hiring new staff was moving Raoul the Mannequin into his new private office. All staff members were very careful to knock before going in there.

  So instead of working twelve hour days on her feet, Jamie was free to do what she loved - design. With all the extra time she was able to oversee the manufacturing of enough stock to make Hidden Treasures designs available for online direct ordering. The best part was that business was picking up every single month. She was finally a success, with the help of the people she loved most in the world.

  A commotion at the front door drew her attention from her happy thoughts. She watched, amused, as Kevin, Duncan, and Dylan made a truly grand entrance. It was July now and the men had been paddle-boarding down at West Beach to avoid the estrogen-rich atmosphere of the baby shower. They were barely dressed in wet board shorts and tank tops and the sight of them caused all shower conversation to grind to a halt as every eye in the room turned to admire these three gorgeous men.

  Jessica waddled over and perched on the arm of Jamie’s chair. “God. Aren’t they something?” She whispered in awe. “The testosterone in the room just reached maximum density, don’t you think?”

  “They are impressive. Look at Clay. He’s practically salivating.” Jamie pointed at her friend and giggled as he approached Dylan and offered to help him towel off. Dylan politely declined and quickly made a beeline for Theresa to avoid any further uncomfortable conversation with Clay. Duncan looked appalled at this development and quickly stepped between his sister and Kevin’s flirtatious brother.

  Jamie shook her head at Clay’s antics. He would never learn that not everyone appreciated his flirtatious manner. Turning her attention back to Jessica she gave her sister a fond look. “How does it feel to have two of those inside of you?” She asked her sister, waving in Duncan’s general direction.

  “I really hope you’re referring to the babies.” Jessica said with a mischievous grin. />
  “Jess!” Jamie gasped. “You are turning into a dirty old married lady. Yes, I was talking about your little guys and not a threesome. Jeez.”

  Jessica lovingly rubbed her giant belly. “It feels strange. As for being a dirty old married lady, pregnancy hormones have definitely had an effect on my libido. Duncan loves it. And these.” She cupped her giant breasts.

  Jamie gave her sister’s melon-sized boobs an once-over. “Yeah. Those are scary big. Quite the transformation. Speaking of which, how do you like the changes Kev made to the house?”

  The two Hall brothers had done some recent renovations to their former home so now Jamie’s childhood bedroom on the bottom floor had been combined with Jessica’s to create a truly grand studio space for her to create and store some of her designs.

  Kevin, of course, had an ulterior motive in renovating the house. Her small bedroom with its double bed and boy band posters on the ceiling hadn’t exactly made him comfortable. He’d used every dirty trick up his sleeve to get Jamie to move to her parents’ room on the second floor but she had adamantly refused. For the most part she’d put the past behind her but doing nasty things with Kevin in her parents’ modest room just seemed wrong.

  Kevin, desperate for a good night’s sleep but unwilling to be parted from Jamie, had taken some time off from working on the book to do some research on home renovations. Initially that plan hadn’t gone well – he’d put a nail through his hand and nearly crushed one of his toes with a chunk of granite. So he’d hired some contractors. He’d watched and learned for the first few days and then he’d actually joined in and helped. Halfway through the project he’d announced that he was a master craftsman. Proud of his accomplishment he’d spent several days wearing his tool belt at all times, even while naked.

  Within a few weeks Jamie’s parents’ room and the small den beside it on the second floor were combined into a master suite of epic proportions. It was gorgeous but more importantly, the room was unrecognizable with its walk-in closet and massive spa-like master bathroom. Then Kevin had roped Dylan into assisting him with her studio. They’d done a remarkable job, with only the occasional trip to the emergency room to deter from the experience.

  “It’s amazing.” Jessica said, widening her eyes in amazement. “I can’t believe it’s the same place. Mom and dad would definitely approve. Thanks for agreeing to have the shower here.” She reached down and squeezed Jamie’s hand in gratitude for a moment. “Being here almost made it feel like they were part of all this.” She gestured at the decorations and food.

  Today was the first time Jessica had been in their childhood home since the death of their parents. Jamie had given her sister the tour before the guests started to arrive and there had been tears and laughter as they’d taken a trip down memory lane.

  Now that Jamie was more content with her life she found that she could let go of most of her resentment towards her parents. She’d been so blinded by her grief she’d been unable to see the Martins for the flawed but genuinely well-meaning people they’d actually been. Being angry at them had been easier than facing the fact that she’d lost them, so she’d embraced her rage to avoid the pain of her loss. Living in this house with all its positive memories mixed in with the bad had allowed her to heal and move on.

  Only one thing really marred her new life and she was looking at it right now. Kevin was approaching her with a smile on his face and that spark in his tawny eyes which usually indicated he wanted to get her alone as soon as possible. Even after five months together Jamie’s pulse leapt as he stood directly in front of her with his hands on his narrow hips. His gaze traveled over her body hungrily like he hadn’t made love to her in months rather than just a few hours.

  His desire for her only seemed to grow but something was missing between them. He had never said, “I love you.” He showed her his love every single day. It was there in everything he did. In every look and gesture. He spoke of their future together often and had even referred to them as being partners in love that one day, but those three important little words had never passed his lips.

  She had been so tempted to confront him and ask him if he loved her but didn’t want him to say it under duress. She wanted them to come naturally and spontaneously. But they never came. Even when she nearly shouted them at him during sex he never said them in return. He just re-doubled his efforts to make her scream with pleasure.

  Jamie knew it shouldn’t matter. He loved her and she knew it. The words shouldn’t make a difference. But they did. They mattered a lot. She needed them and she didn’t know how much longer she could wait to hear them without going crazy.

  She stared up at him and all the noise and commotion around them disappeared as he leaned down and spoke into her ear. “Can you come upstairs for a minute? I have something to show you?” Pulling back he gave her another scorching look.

  Jamie nodded mutely and allowed Kevin to tug her to her feet.

  “Jess. Do you mind?” She asked huskily as Kevin pulled her against his damp body. She should have been appalled. He was ruining the lovely blue silk dress she’d worn in honor of Jessica`s upcoming twin boys, but she didn’t give a damn. Being close to him made her so excited she would have torn the dress off if it meant feeling more of his warm skin and hard muscular frame.

  Jessica gave them a knowing look and stood up with some effort. Kevin held out a hand to help her but she slapped it away impatiently. “No worries. Clay has this party under control. So you guys can duck out for a few minutes. Try not to make too much noise though. Evelyn already thinks Duncan and I are a couple of degenerates because we keep taking ‘naps’ when he comes home from work. If she overhears you two ‘napping’ she’ll spend the rest of her visit lecturing us on decorum and appropriate behavior.” They laughed at this as she leaned up and gave Kevin a smacking kiss on the cheek. With a warm smile for her sister she waddled away to join her beaming husband across the room.

  Two minutes later Kevin and Jamie were climbing the stairs to the loft like cat burglars. When they reached the landing Kevin carefully closed and locked the door behind them and then pulled Jamie into his arms. He kissed her soundly while stepping backwards towards the window seat. When the back of his knees hit the cushions he released her lips, turned and gently pushed on her shoulders until she was seated in front of him.

  Jamie looked up at him expectantly as she reached out and ran her hand up one muscular thigh. “Wasn’t there something you wanted to show me?” She asked as she allowed her gaze to wander down his body. The front of his damp shorts bulged impressively but instead of stepping out of them he dodged her hand and moved out of reach.

  Kevin chuckled. “I guess I have two things to show you. The contents of my shorts can wait a few minutes. This can’t.” He walked over to his desk and held up a huge stack of papers and waved it at her.

  Jamie covered her mouth with her hand. “Are you serious? The book? You finished it? When? Have you been holding out on me?”

  He gave her a sheepish look. “Not quite. This is a very rough draft and the surveys, anecdotes and studies haven’t been added, so this is just my text. But it’s complete. And I wanted you to be the first to read it in its entirety.” He walked back to her, holding the pages like they were something precious, and kneeled down on the floor in front of her.

  Jamie snatched the bundle from his hands. “I can’t believe it. I’ve been reading bits and pieces of it here and there and giving you my notes but I had no idea you were so close.” She had originally planned on contributing more to Kevin’s project but had decided to leave it in his capable hands once she’d seen how intense his writing process actually was.

  His research consisted of plodding through numerous dry texts and studies before putting anything down on paper. Fact-checking and research really weren’t her things. But she did enjoy the results. Kevin’s book, Finding Mr. Right: A Comprehensive Study of the Challenges Faced by Modern Women, was amazing – humorous, insightful, informative and
most of all, fascinating. And her macho boyfriend had written it. She was so impressed that he was capable of writing something so sensitive she wanted to ravage him like a wild hyena. After she paid proper homage to his accomplishment, of course.

  “Don’t you want to check out the acknowledgements at the back,” he asked with an amused twinkle in his eyes.

  Jamie gave him a suspicious look. “You didn’t thank Kerry I hope.”

  He chuckled at her show of jealousy. “Why would I thank her? She nearly cost me the most important thing in my life.” He leaned forward and brushed her lips with his. “Besides, even if I did thank her for playing a part in getting us together she’s living in Monte Carlo with some Eurotrash designer. This…” He touched the pile of pages in Jamie’s lap, “…Won’t be a best seller. So she’ll never even see it. Most people won’t.”

  Jamie cupped his cheek with one hand. “You don’t know that. Women will be interested, I swear. And your writing has taken on a whole new level with this book. When you were writing true crime you sounded like another person – dry and clinical, almost detached. But you allowed your personality to shine through with this one and people will respond positively because you’re amazing. Don’t you know that?”

  He ducked his head in embarrassment and rubbed at his stubbled jaw. “So, you think I can bring pleasure to a LOT of women with this book?” He asked with an innocent look.

  “I think you’ve already pleasured a LOT of women in your life and should concentrate on pleasuring THIS woman instead,” she growled, pulling him down for a kiss.

  To her surprise, he removed her hands from his neck and placed them on top of the pages in her lap. “C’mon. Read the acknowledgment and then the pleasuring will commence, okay?”


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