The Ghost of Tobacco Road

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The Ghost of Tobacco Road Page 22

by Dale Young

  Logan fell to his hands and knees as the pain rocketed through his upper body like a charge of electricity. He managed to turn just enough to see Ethan’s shadow figure standing over him. Logan watched as baseball bat rose in the darkness, its shape silhouetted against the backdrop of the moonlit opening of the carport.

  Ethan brought the bat down again across Logan’s shoulders. This second blow caused Logan’s arms to give way and he collapsed onto the concrete floor of the carport.

  “You stupid fucking prick! You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?” Ethan’s voice boomed in Logan’s head as the pain cut through his upper body like a blade. But he knew he had to fight, and that if Ethan got the best of him then Colby would be left to her fate. With all the strength he could muster, Logan pushed himself up off the concrete until he was back on his hands and knees.

  Just as Ethan brought the bat down again, Logan shifted to the side. The bat crashed hard against the concrete and flew out of Ethan’s hands. Logan knew this was his only chance. With every ounce of strength he had left he kicked his right leg towards Ethan, hitting him right above his ankles. The blow took Ethan’s legs out from under him. He fell hard onto the concrete just as Logan rose to his feet.

  He took his right foot and kicked Ethan violently in the side of his body just above his belt. The resulting impact caused Ethan to cry out in pain. Before he could gather himself Logan was on top of him. He grabbed Ethan by the hair and began to pound the back of his head into the concrete. After three hits, Ethan’s body went limp. Then Logan rolled off of him and onto the cold concrete. His chest was heaving and his shoulders were throbbing from the two hits of the bat.

  After a few moments, Logan collected himself and managed to get to his feet. Ethan was still lying motionless on the floor of the carport. Logan suddenly realized that he might have killed Ethan but when he placed his fingers on the side of Ethan’s neck he could still feel a pulse. He was not dead, he was just unconscious.

  Logan thought for sure that Chip had to be inside the house. But then he thought about it and knew that there was no way he would have let Ethan come outside to fight without him. Logan knew that Chip would not have gone down as easily as Ethan had. But where was Chip? He obviously was not in the house and that meant that Ethan was alone. Logan knew that if Chip was not in the house then neither was Colby. So where were they?

  He walked over to Ethan and kneeled down beside him. Ethan began to stir slightly and then he started to moan and groan.

  “Where are they Ethan? Where the fuck is Colby and your brother Chip? You better fucking tell me or I’ll finish your ass off right now and dump your body in the Skeleton River where no one will ever find it.”

  “Fuck you.” Ethan’s words were slurred and barely understandable.

  Logan winced as the pain shot through his shoulder blades but he managed to grab Ethan by the hair again and lift his head up several inches off the concrete.

  “Tell me where Colby is or I’ll crack your fucking skull open.”

  Ethan knew better than to resist. This was his brother’s fight and not his. He gave in and then uttered one word to Logan.


  He didn’t need to hear the word ‘house’. He knew what Ethan was trying to tell him. Suddenly it all made sense. How could he have been so stupid? He looked down at Ethan and then let go of his hair. Ethan’s head dropped to the concrete and Logan watched as his eyes slowly rolled back in his head. He knew Ethan was out again and would probably stay that way for hours.

  Now that he knew where to look, Logan knew it was time to find Colby.


  Chip McPhale turned the chair around and sat down in it so that he could lean forward against the backrest. He was only a few feet away from Colby and she could smell the liquor on his breath and see the fiery look in his eyes as he studied her from head to toe. Then he reached into his pocket and removed the small flask. He unscrewed the metal cap and took a long swig of whiskey. Then he screwed the cap back on and tossed the flask over his shoulder. Colby flinched as the metallic flask bounced across the floor and came to rest against the far wall. She could tell by the sound that the flask was empty.

  “Now now, angel. No need to be so nervous. We’re just going to get to know each other a little better. You play along and I’ll make sure you enjoy yourself.”

  Colby felt warm bile rise in her throat. The thought of Chip McPhale putting his hands on her, or doing something even worse made her feel nauseous. Even though she knew better she pulled against the ropes that held her to the chair. Then she chided herself when she saw desire flash in Chip’s eyes. She knew that she was giving him what he wanted when she struggled against the ropes. She made a silent promise to herself that from that moment on she would do her best not to try and get free, if for no other reason than to deprive Chip of the pleasure he so craved.

  Chip stood up and pushed the chair to the side hard enough that it fell over onto its side with a loud clank. Colby flinched again at the sound of it.

  “Don’t worry, kitten. No one can hear us out here, least of all that dumb shit city boy that you’ve been fuckin’. Yeah, I know what you two have been doin’ in old lady Shaw’s house. But he’ll never find you out here.”

  She tried to remain calm but she felt her chest begin to heave as Chip took a step towards her. Then he stopped and she watched as he pulled a pocketknife out of his pants pocket. A glint of reflected light bounced off the blade as he snapped it open. Then a smile crept onto his face as he looked down at the blade.

  Colby closed her eyes as Chip walked around behind her chair. He put his hand on her shoulder and then with his other hand ran the dull back edge of the blade along Colby’s upper arm. She quivered when she felt the cold steel touch her skin.

  “I’d hold still if I were you, kitten,” Chip said as he leaned down and whispered into Colby’s ear. She turned her head to the side to escape the smell of his breath. This angered Chip and he grabbed her by the chin and pulled until she turned her head back towards him. Then he adjusted the handkerchief that was crammed in her mouth to keep her quiet.

  “Don’t you look away from me you little bitch!”

  Chip moved around to the front of the chair so that he could get an eyeful of Colby’s body as drunken desire flared in his veins. He knew that he was going to get what he had been craving for so many years and that he was going to have all the time he wanted to enjoy it. The only person that knew where they were at was Ethan, and Chip knew that his brother would keep his mouth shut at all costs.

  Chip took the pocketknife and brought it up to the first button near the neckline of Colby’s shirt. He worked the blade in between the folds of fabric and then cut the button free, listening as it bounced on the wooden floor at their feet. After a few seconds he brought the blade down to the second and third buttons before cutting them free as well. This was enough to allow Colby’s shirt to open so that Chip could see the tanned skin underneath.

  “Very nice, kitten. I’m going to take my time undressing you. You’ve made me wait all these years so now I’m going to make you wait. Deep down inside I know you want it, but all in good time.”

  Chip continued down Colby’s shirt until he had cut all of the buttons free. Then he took the tip of the knife and flipped open each fold of her shirt exposing her chest. Colby could not hold back any longer. She tried to stop herself but she couldn’t help but begin to cry. Chip watched as a teardrop traced a trail down her face. He took his finger and ran it up the side of Colby’s cheek and wiped away the tear.

  “There’s no need for that, kitten,” Chip said as he raised his finger to his mouth and tasted the salty tear. “No need at all.”

  Chip turned his attention to Colby’s legs. She was wearing shorts and her skin was the color of caramel under the light of the camping lantern. Chip folded the knife shut and dropped it back into his pocket. Then he leaned down and ran his hands along the tops of Colby’s thi
ghs. It took everything in her not to recoil against his touch. If it was the last thing she did, she wasn’t going to give Chip McPhale the pleasure of seeing her resist him.

  Chip stood up and looked at Colby. He could see her trembling in the dim light of the lantern. He reached over and slowly pulled the handkerchief out of her mouth.

  “Now if you scream so help me I will cut your tongue out of your mouth with my fucking pocketknife. Do you understand, kitten?”

  Colby swallowed hard and slowly nodded yes. Then she felt her heart sink as she watched Chip reach for the zipper on his pants.

  “You’re gonna use that pretty mouth for something other than screaming. And you better be good about it and take your time or I swear I’ll bleed you out right here in this fucking run-down house.”

  Before Chip could completely unzip his pants the front door of the old house burst open. Suddenly Logan Shaw stepped into the room and locked eyes with Chip. In Logan’s left hand was the baseball bat.

  “Well look what we have here.” Chip zipped his pants shut. “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a hero.”

  “You got that right you stupid fuck,” Logan said as he lifted the baseball bat and moved into the room towards Chip.

  As Logan stepped into the room Chip moved away from Colby and the chair. He wanted to be ready when Logan lunged at him. He watched as Logan moved across the dimly lit room, raising the bat as he walked. Chip felt the whiskey working on his head but knew that he was still sharp enough to take Logan down. And he wanted Colby to see it. He wanted her to know that the last man that could save her was about to be beaten senseless. And Chip knew that as soon as he got done with Logan that he would take care of Colby because there would be no one left to stop him.

  Logan felt a sharp pain in his shoulders as he raised the bat in the air. Ethan had hit him hard and had probably done a lot of damage. The shot of pain caused Logan to hesitate, and this was the opportunity that Chip was waiting for.

  As the bat came down, Chip stepped quickly to the side. Logan swung but missed, and this caused him to lose his balance. Chip drew back and swung hard, his fist catching Logan right below his sternum. This was enough to cause Logan to buckle over and fall to the floor.

  “Chip no!” yelled Colby from the chair. But he ignored her and walked slowly and deliberately over to Logan who was lying on the floor trying to regain his breath. Chip drew back his right foot and kicked Logan hard in the stomach. Then he reached down and grabbed Logan by the hair and lifted his head several inches off of the floor.

  “You’re gonna wish you had left town when you had the chance, city boy.” Chip then drew back his fist and slammed it into Logan’s face. Colby watched in horror as Logan’s body when limp.

  Chip stood up and admired his handiwork. Logan was out cold on the floor and for the time being would not be able to stop him from taking care of his business with Colby. When he looked over at her sitting in the chair, he could see the fear in her eyes. The last person that could save her was lying unconscious on the floor. Colby knew that now there was little anyone could do to stop Chip from doing whatever he wanted with her.

  Chip took one more look at Logan and then nudged him with his foot. But Logan didn’t stir. He was out cold. This brought a smile to Chip’s face as he slowly turned his head to look at Colby. He knew it was the time to take what he wanted.

  Colby’s eyes grew wide as she watched Chip walk across the room towards her. When he stepped beside her he leaned down and whispered into her ear.

  “Looks like you’re fresh out of heroes, kitten. So I think it’s time we get back to our business.”

  She knew her only chance was to try to reason with Chip, or to at least try to outsmart him. She knew that Chip was the kind of man that wanted a woman to fight against him so she tried to use this in her favor.

  “Just take what you want and get it over with Chip. I’m not afraid of you. Just go ahead and take whatever you want. I’m sure it will be quick.”

  The last remark inflamed Chip. He stood up and looked at Colby as anger flared through his body. Then he slapped her across the face.

  “Don’t you fucking sass me you little whore. I promise you it will be anything but quick.” Chip then looked over at Logan lying motionless on the floor. The baseball bat was lying beside him.

  “Looks like your little hero boy will be out for a while. It’ll take him at least an hour to sleep off the ass whippin’ I gave him. That gives us plenty of time.”

  “Just untie me, Chip. I’ll do anything you want.” Colby was trying to speak in a calm voice so that Chip would not sense her fear. “I promise I’ll make it good for you if you’ll just untie me.” Then Colby looked into Chip’s eyes. “A girl needs to use her hands to please her man.”

  Chip smiled and exhaled a long, whiskey-laced breath. Then he slowly untied Colby’s hands and then her feet. He knew she had nowhere to go and that no one was going to save her now that Logan was lying unconscious on the floor. Once the ropes were free, Chip stood up and admired Colby’s body. Her legs were long and slender and her shirt was still pulled open from where he had cut the buttons off with his pocketknife.

  The whiskey was beginning to catch up with Chip. When Colby brought her right foot up violently into his groin he was slow to try and block it. The resulting pain shot though his abdomen like a sharp nail. Then he fell down onto his knees.

  Colby pushed Chip backwards as she got out of the chair. She turned and tried to run towards Logan but Chip managed to grab her by the ankle as she turned. But she broke free before stumbling and falling to the floor. Rather than try and get to her feet Colby crawled on her hands and knees as fast as she could towards Logan. All she needed was to get her hands on the baseball bat lying at his side.

  Just as Colby put a hand on the bat, Chip grabbed her again by her leg just above her ankle. She felt his grip tighten and she knew there was no way that she would be able to break free again. He was too strong. Instead of trying to wrestle free from Chip’s grasp, she wrapped both hands around the handle grip of the bat. Then with every ounce of strength she could muster she rolled over onto her side and swung the bat down towards Chip, catching him on the forearm right between his wrist and elbow. He shrieked in pain as he let go of her leg and withdrew his arm. But then his rage returned and he rose up on his knees while holding his arm against his stomach.

  “I’m gonna kill you, you little bitch!”

  Colby was crying now but she forced herself to gather her strength. She pushed herself up and quickly got to her feet just as Chip was trying to get his balance. He was holding his arm and this caused him to have trouble getting to his feet.

  Before Chip could get his balance, Colby drew back with the bat and then swung at his head. The tip of the bat caught Chip in the chin and caused him to fall back down to his knees. Then he collapsed onto the floor, squirming from the pain.

  “I swear… I’m going to…” Chip’s words were garbled from the impact of the bat on his chin. He was still conscious but Colby knew that it wouldn’t take him long to collect himself. She looked over at Logan and ran to him. Then she got down on her knees and tried to wake him.

  “Logan! Logan! It’s me!” Colby patted the sides of Logan’s face until he began to stir. Then she heard Chip moan and roll over onto his back. “Logan! You’ve got to wake up now!”

  Logan slowly regained consciousness. When his eyes flickered open he gasped when he saw Colby leaning over him. He was groggy and weak but he brought both of his arms up and put them around her. Then he tried to pull her close. But Colby knew they had to move, had to get out of the house before Chip regained his wits. She knew that neither she nor Logan would survive his rage once he regained his composure and realized what was going on.

  She pulled and tugged at Logan until she got him to his feet. Once up he began to come out of the haze from being unconscious. He looked around the room and saw Chip lying on the floor.

  “There’s no time. We have t
o get out of here while we can!” Colby screamed. “Come on!”

  Colby then pulled at Logan’s hand as they both moved in unison towards the front door of the old sharecropper’s house. Just as they exited the door and stepped out into the night, Colby heard Chip moan from inside the house. Maybe they could get back to the Shaw house before he regained his strength and came after them.


  Colby and Logan moved quickly through the woods on the trail that led away from the sharecropper’s house towards the edge of the Shaw tobacco fields. The moonlight cut through the overhead canopy of tree limbs and provided enough illumination for them to see their way through as they followed the trail. Once they got to the edge of the field, Colby stopped and grabbed Logan by the hand causing him to stop as well.

  “What are you doing? We need to move,” Logan said as he looked at Colby with a befuddled look on his face. His head was pounding and he could feel the hot bruise on his face from Chip’s fist.

  She didn’t say anything. She looked out over the moonlit tobacco field and then at the Shaw house sitting on the distant rise above the far edge of the field. She knew better than to step out of the edge of the woods and into the field.

  “Come on, Colby. Let’s go! That crazy fuck will be after us before long. In case you didn’t notice, you didn’t knock him out. It won’t take him long to recover.”

  “Shhhh…” was Colby’s only reply. Then she brought her hand up and put it across Logan’s mouth. “Stop talking, Logan. Just stop talking.”

  Logan reached up and pulled Colby’s hand from his mouth. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Colby didn’t immediately respond. She seemed to be entranced by the moonlit tobacco field in front of them. Finally she snapped out of it and then looked up at Logan. He could see the fear in her eyes.

  “Logan, look at the moon.” Colby then pointed across the field to the yellow moon hanging in the sky above the distant Skeleton River.


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