B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas) Page 5

by Sapphire Knight

  I don’t reach to take it, but instead, keep my eyes locked with hers. I want to stir up some shit, see how trained these jackasses really are. Her long-lost sister is the least of my issues, and she’s gotta play to pay, but she doesn’t seem to get that just yet. “That all you’ve got to offer me? Let me make this easy on you: I accept, pussy, drugs, and cash as payment.”

  “How much will it cost me to get you to look at the photo?” She’s brazen I’ll give her that, coming at me so boldly and not being an eager club whore. Clearly, she’s used to having backup, ‘cause most bitches will barely speak a peep when I come face-to-face with ‘em unless it’s to beg me to take their pussy or mouth. I can bark at them to suck my cock, and they drop to do as they’re told. I have a feeling Alice would tell me no. That’s one fuck of a challenge I can’t simply pass up. I will get inside her pussy, no matter how long it takes me.

  I shrug, my eyes crinkling with amusement. “Now we’re getting somewhere, and I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want money or drugs; I want your warm, wet cunt.”

  She gasps in outrage, and the bodyguard closest to her lunges for me. “Stop!” she yells suddenly, clenching onto the suit’s arm. She stands between him and me.

  I’ve merely stood from my chair, waiting for him to get close enough for me to hit.

  “Please, Richardson,” she soothes. “Th-this is important. They could be the key to finding Madison to us going home with my little sister.”

  “You don’t deserve that kind of disrespect,” he argues, still not casting a look in my direction.

  The pansy-ass is whipped. I want to taunt his ass for it, but I wait to see if she’ll take me up on my request. I won’t force her to give it up. I’ve never had to, and I won’t start that now. There are too many women out there giving gash up for free, to take it from one.

  She agrees. “I know, but please, just let me handle this.”

  “Fine,” he grits eventually, not liking it one bit. He steps back in his original spot like a good little soldier.

  I chuckle. I can’t help it. I’m a fucking dick and find this entirely too entertaining. My guys quietly wait for my next move. Whiskey perches on his desk while Blow and Plague chill against the wall on either side of our company. Right now, they’re doing what they’re supposed to and waiting for my lead. If I decide to hit someone, they’ll make sure to have my back.

  She faces me again, her beauty making me swear under my breath. Fuck, this woman is on another level entirely when it comes to the ass I see on the regular. “Please.”

  Exhaling a sigh, I rub the back of my neck. I want to get her flustered into giving me what I want, but I need to get her alone. Right now, she has these imbeciles to lean on, and I need to change that up. I murmur, going for a less confrontational approach, “You want me to look? Then take a walk with me.”

  “Okay, I can do that,” she readily agrees, taking a step back as I stand once more and come around my desk. Her guys shuffle to the side to let me pass. It’s smart on their part. I wouldn’t hesitate to move them out of my way myself.

  “Alone!” I hiss when the guards seem to think they’re coming with us.

  “Ma’am, this is against protocol.” One of the other suits finally speaks up, his anxiety making itself known. I’m guessing the first guy is her lead, and these two jokers are bodies taking orders. “Your father wouldn’t approve.”

  Her temper flares at his proclamation, a blush peppering her cheeks and neck. She exhales, no doubt counting to ten to keep up this unruffled façade of hers. “Thank you for your concern, but I’m an adult. You guys will be right here if I need anything. I’m assuming you’re trained enough to get to me, or was my father mistaken when he hired you?” She throws down the passive-aggressive gauntlet, and I commend her on it. It’s sexy as fuck to see her call off her leashed dogs for me.

  I hold out my elbow to her, pushing the boundaries a touch further. Surprisingly, she steps closer and takes my offering. Her tender touch has my biceps flexing, and I mutter, a bit breathless at the tingle her skin elicits on mine, “This way.” I lead her out of my office and through the back door. We make our way over the backyard to eventually stop at the fire pit. I tip my head at one of the lawn chairs, and she sits. I take the stump next to her, my legs spreading immediately to make room for my heavy dick. She has me on the very edge of being hard. My jeans are squeezing the fuck out of me, my cock reminding me that I need to get laid and badly.

  “You enjoy stirring up trouble, don’t you?” she asks a moment later. It’s not chastising, only curious. I like her out here, like this—alone and mine for the taking. It’s semi late, the sky dark with a spring chill in the air. The club has several lights on out here so I can see her without any issues.

  “It has a certain appeal.” I shrug.

  “So... uh, what’s your name?” She tries to break the ice, though the patch on my breast says it boldly. Maybe she can’t see well at night, so I let it go.


  “Ripper, now that I’ve done as you’ve requested, would you please take a look at the photo of my sister?”

  I crack my neck, running my palms over my jean-clad thighs. “She must mean a lot if you’d chance coming into a place like this. It’s damn near the middle of the night, and you’re around dangerous men, yet you keep hounding me over her.”

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but you don’t intimidate me, Mr. Ripper. I understand that this is your life, your business. I respect that. I’m simply asking for your help. I figure it never hurts to ask. If you say no, then I have to accept that and leave. I’ve done what I can, and I have to keep up my search elsewhere.”

  “You’re telling me that I don’t scare you, even just a little? I could break your frail neck with only my hands.” I widen them, holding my hands out that could easily palm a basketball to get my point across. She’s so delicate and I’m tatted up, rough and rowdy, used to working for everything I want. When I say work, I don’t necessarily mean the legal way either. I pour a bit of fire starter on the pit, lighting it with a long match. We keep them out here in a plastic bag, so they don’t get ruined. I need the warmth. I wasn’t made for winter or cold weather. It’ll also offer up some more light, so I can read her expressions better.

  “Many men could, I suppose, but I don’t know…something tells me you won’t hurt me out here.” She gestures around us.

  I nod, conceding. “You’re right. I won’t hurt you like that, not ever. I don’t make it a habit to hurt women.” It makes me sick, to be honest, to know that some take advantage of the fact we’re physically stronger in most cases when it comes to females. “Those who betray me and mine…that’s another story, however.”

  “Thank you,” she breathes out. Her shoulders drop with it, releasing some of the tension they’d held when we started walking.

  “Tell me about yourself.” I take in her unrelenting beauty once more. She may not seem like much in her father’s uppity world filled with plastic surgery, but in mine, she’s a diamond—a natural beauty.

  “Will this help me find Madison?”

  I shrug noncommittally. “Maybe. I’m a biker, babe. I don’t offer up information to everyone when they ask. That’d be too easy. You want something from me, you gotta give me something in return, that’s how all this works. Tell me who you are, why you’re worried about your sister…the truth, and if I’m willing, then I’ll see if I know anything about this missing Maddy.”

  Her eyes flair at her sister’s nickname, and it’s like the floodgates have been opened. Alice knows damn well that I have information on her sister. She’s far too smart for her own good, especially if it leads her down dark roads like it did tonight. She’d probably flip out if she was aware that the woman in question was at her own place, wherever that may be, cleaning up. Maddy will be back here soon enough, no doubt, eager to hop on my brother’s dick and ride him into oblivion. Blow went to the bar. She could’ve gone with him, but she chose to use the time
to regroup for him. Maddy doesn’t have any clue how lucky she got; that’s for sure.

  Alice talks for hours, sitting back in her lawn chair in front of the fire. She tells me anything and everything I ask of her. She’s single, the oldest, and used to be a champion swimmer. With each new detail, I become a little more infatuated with her. My brothers had given me all the information on her they could find, but it’s nothing compared to hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth.

  Her spiel makes me want to keep her here with me. Although I know if I do that, then her senator daddy will come searching for her, guns blazing. The last thing I need to be caught up in the middle of a media frenzy with the senator of some state up north is the Royal Bastards MC.

  If Rancid, the OG prez from the first chapter, caught wind of it, I’d be fucked. He’d be foaming at the mouth to have me taken out and gain the ability to place someone else in my spot. He was already irritated that I stepped in for Gamble and suggested she take a prez spot in another club, rather than continue to be treated like his personal whore. I had to, though. He would’ve ended up killing her, and that sweet woman didn’t deserve such a twisted fate. No way would my brothers allow any harm to come to me from Rancid’s threats if this whole thing went south, and it’d turn bloody—quick. My brothers would die for me, and I won’t put them in that position unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  I amp up the fire as time passes us by. In Texas, the spring nights can still run a little chilly. She took me up on a beer earlier, and as the minutes pass, she becomes more accessible in my eyes. Reaching over, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. I desperately want to kiss her, but I hold back. I know now, after spending time with her, that she doesn’t like being bullied into something. That’s my usual MO for getting shit handled, but Alice is different, and she makes me want to act inversely with her. Maybe if things keep up as they are, I can coax a taste of her lips. Regardless, I’ll have that kiss before she leaves tonight. That, I’m damn sure of. She has to leave here with my taste on her lips. She needs to think of me afterward, so her fine ass comes back again.

  “Your hair’s lighter than hers,” I find myself noting aloud as the flames flicker and pick up on the hues in her hair. I also can’t help but want to keep her interested.

  “So, you do know her…”

  “Hm,” I grunt, not sure how much I should let on. “Let’s just say, I’m aware of who you’re talking about. Knowing her wouldn’t be the term I’d use, though.” Maddy knows my cock, however.

  “Please, tell me. Was she here?” she rushes out, glancing around to finally stop on the illuminated clubhouse. Knowing Blow, Maddy is probably inside with him now, snorting a few lines. They’re probably getting ready to have their own private party with just the two of them.

  “It’s going to take more than you sitting here for a few hours for me to talk, Gem.”

  She meets my stony stare. “But you said if I opened up, you’d tell me about Madison.”

  “And I kept my side of the deal. I acknowledged that I know of her,” I reason.

  Her bottom lip trembles. I don’t think she’s going to cry, though. It seems more from outrage. She sinks her teeth into it, and it draws me in closer. She has no idea how alluring she is. Like a moth to a flame, I’m drawn to her.

  My lips lightly brush against hers, nearly to the point you’d swear it didn’t even happen. I whisper against her lips, allowing her to taste a hint of my words, to sample the Jack I’d thrown back earlier. “How bad do you want it? The information? What will you do for it?”

  She admits, “Whatever I have to. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  A groan escapes me before my hand moves to the back of her head, and I dive in. I suck her plump bottom lip between mine, nibbling and coaxing her mouth to part for me. Once she allows it, my tongue slips inside, tangling with hers. She doesn’t follow or hide away, but rather, meets me head-on. Our mouths fight for dominance, and it’s one of the most erotic experiences I’ve felt with a stranger. This woman makes me want to consume her and drown in her every whim.

  Her hands move to my chest, fisting my cut in her grip as she holds on. She’s rooted in place as our lips come together, feeling the others out. This woman was made for me, the kiss alone has thoughts whispering in my mind to strip her this very second and fuck her. My caveman instinct tells me to lock her away and claim her before anyone else has the chance. I could own her, fuck her until she relents and calls me her ruler. Those thoughts spiral through my head as we selfishly ravage one another until the spell’s broken. I’m left hot, my blood boiling in my veins for her, wanting more.

  “Ma’am.” A throat clears, and I let loose a savage roar to the fuck stick who interrupted us. His eyes widen, but he holds his ground, a few feet away from us. He silently watches as Alice backs away, releasing her hold to smooth the thick leather under her palms. Her breath comes in soft, heated pants as we part, our stares locked on one another. I could rip that motherfucker in two for ruining such a perfect moment.

  Alice clears her throat, throwing a brief glance at the dickweed. She nods, telling me, “I need to go. It’s getting late, and my father will be expecting me to call first thing to relay what I’ve found out so far.”

  “You want to know more, you’ll come back.” I drive the point home with a stern glare at her and the jackass who’s too close for my liking. She better fucking come back. She’s got me hooked already, and I’ll hunt her ass down if I have to. One thing’s for sure, she and I aren’t finished yet.

  “Promise me,” she demands right back.

  I let loose a snort and bark, “Fuck promises.”

  Alice murmurs, “If you want me to come back, you will promise me.”

  The woman is going to be my undoing. I want nothing more than for her to return and give me more time, a chance to sink deep into that little cunt of hers. “Fine,” I relent, my voice gruff with irritation and pent up desire. My palm slides away from her hair, landing on my thigh. “I should take you home.”

  “On the back of your motorcycle?” she asks.

  I shrug it off like it’s nothing. Although, it’s a pretty big fucking deal for me to offer.

  “Maybe another time, but thank you.”

  I nod and stand, holding my hand to help her up. She takes it, adopting a beautiful smile in response. I mutter, “My brothers will leave you alone. I’ll make sure they don’t fuck with you…if you come back, that is.”

  “I appreciate that, Ripper. I can assure you, I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  I don’t say anything else as we walk toward the club. There’s nothing for me to say. She might come back, she might not. In my lifestyle, chicks like her rarely double back, so I won’t hold my breath. Doesn’t mean I won’t hunt her fine ass down, though. Some people wait for fate to take control, but in her case, I’ll make fate happen when I want it to.

  “Later, Gem. Take care of yourself, yeah?” I say once we’re at the back door. Her other dipshit guards are hovering by it like distressed parents on prom night.

  “Gem?” she pauses to ask.

  I nod. “You’re a motherfuckin’ diamond around here. A rare one.”

  Alice blushes and leaves. I hate to see her go, but damn, what a fine ass she has.

  Chapter 6

  Focus on the step in front of you,

  not the whole staircase.

  - Homebody Club

  “You gonna fill us in, Prez, on who that was the other day?” Powerhouse raises his brows, calling me out. It’s cool; I’d be fuck all if these guys didn’t keep me on my toes all the time and hold me accountable. Of course, he’d notice Alice and that big commotion I put on the other night when the brothers got her to the club. She’s far too fucking sexy not to pay attention to—that much I know for sure.

  “This isn’t church business, fucker. You could’ve asked me when you saw them the other night.” He’s askin’ about Alice because of Maddy. I know it. He probably saw the resemblance, and it h
as him thinking.

  He grunts, looking to Blow.

  “What?” I bark. “Blow, you gossiping like a bitch about me, brother?”

  He shakes his head and huffs. “Fuck off me, bro. House came to me, and I told him it had to do with the strippers.”

  “Ah.” My knuckles rap on the thick wood table before us. “Explains it, then. No wonder Powerhouse is being nosey.” I meet my brother’s gaze, seeing the concern for what it is now. “Your bitches are safe, brother. The club is straight. Old man BJ ain’t got shit to worry his flaccid dick over.”

  His jaw unclenches, and he nods—grateful for me setting him at ease. He’s like a motherfucking junkyard dog when it comes to those damn dancers. “Good. Who was she, then? And who were the suits? Those were the same johns I was telling you about before. They’d been around the strip club but didn’t cause a stir. I thought they were just passing through.”

  Blow snaps his fingers. “That’s right! Those were the same fuckers nosin’ around, asking questions. I thought they were familiar but couldn’t place them, but you nailed it.”

  Whiskey interrupts, a bit of sarcasm coating his tone. “Prolly ‘cause you were tweaking. You’ve never been good with descriptions when you’ve been snorting product.” He taps the side of his head. “Gotta stop burning up all those brain cells, kid.”

  Blow shrugs. “Have to escape the bullshit somehow, brother.”

  We leave it alone after that. Ain’t none of us trying to dig into Blow’s demons. That’s his shit to live with.

  “She came here for Maddy.” I finally fill everyone in, though I’m sure they’ve already guessed, for the most part. “Alice is her older sister, and the pack following her around was her bodyguards.”

  Plague lets out a low whistle. “Must be somebody, if she’s got private security.”


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