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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

Page 12

by Sapphire Knight

  Chapter 12

  Don’t try to win over the haters.

  You are not a jackass whisperer.

  - Brene Brown

  The agreement

  We managed to strike a deal, her father and me. It took a bit of finesse, but I was able to get what I wanted out of it overall, and in the end, so will he. I think back to how we’d walked until we came to the old ramshackle of an airport building. The private owner left the dilapidated brick structure in place and built another not too far away. I guess they weren’t willing to put the energy into it when they could just forget about the place and toss money at something new. Typical rich people, in my personal opinion.

  “My daughter says you have something to speak to me about.” He turns to me. I don’t catch much of a father-daughter resemblance in his face, so Alice must look more like her mother.

  Senator Compton isn’t at all what I was anticipating. I’ve seen him on the billboards, sure, but he’s different in person. His pictures show him with rich chestnut hair, not the faded gray brown mix he’s currently sporting. He also seems bigger in the photos, livelier. I’m thinking maybe that was the extra ten pounds the camera puts on, though. This man before me looks every bit like he could be Alice’s father. Older, rich, well dressed, and non-threatening. If it weren’t for his political ties making him influential, I’d swoop Alice up and keep her to myself, without ever acknowledging this uptight bastard.

  I accept his statement with a head tilt. “That’s right. I asked Alice to arrange this meeting between us.”

  “Well, shall we get to it? I’m a busy man.”

  “Yep,” I grunt, biting back a retort that he has a full staff to do every fucking thing for his pampered ass. I’m the one putting in actual work to make shit happen, not that he’d know anything about a hard day’s work. He’s not blue collar; I doubt he’s ever been.

  Alice had prewarned me that being rude or having an attitude with her father is not the way to get him to listen. She said if I go in headstrong then he’ll shut me out right away. Stubborn and opinionated is my everyday persona, so this is a stretch, but I’m giving it a shot.

  “I appreciate you taking the time, Senator Compton. I’ll get right to it. I need a favor.”

  His dull gray eyebrows rise as he folds his arms across his chest. “Already? The money isn’t enough for returning my daughter to me?” He acts like I’m the one putting him out, when in reality, I’m doing him a fucking favor. I didn’t have to make this any of my business. Maddy is a grown woman. If she wants to strip, snort, and fuck, who am I to tell her no? If it weren’t for this prick having the cash, the club wouldn’t have wasted the time on any of this.

  “It is. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask for more, however.”

  “What can I do for you? I make no promises, but if it’s within my reach, I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I have a brother being held on charges of possession.”

  I see the judgment fill his eyes immediately. Thank fuck I never had to deal with my ol’ man looking at me like this. I’d have put a bullet in him if that was the case. I got the lucky end of the stick with my pops, as he’s one hundred percent supported me in the club life. He wished I’d have pledged to his club, but he got over it. This fucker here, has me realizing why Alice is so punctual and uptight. She’s a good girl, a rule follower—she was until she met me, anyhow.

  I push on before he has a chance to interrupt and shoot me down already. “He was on a job for me, and now he’s looking at doing a few years’ time for something he never should’ve been arrested for. If you’re able to get him let off, it could look good for you with the cannabis voters. I read that your state is attempting to make recreational use legal. This could show your voters that you’re serious about taking that step.”

  He hums, silently thinking it over. I’ve caught him off guard with my request. The fucker’s probably in shock over the fact I read, but little does he know, aptitude has never been a struggle for me. I didn’t choose the club life because I had no other choice; I chose it because I love it.

  The senator looks me over, clearly pondering my request. He must’ve believed I was going to blackmail him, not offer up an opportunity. It’s in disguise of a favor to the club, but it works, nonetheless.

  “It’d be a far reach for me,” he finally sputters. I’m not sure I believe him though. “I’d have to call in multiple favors, as I’ve never spoken to your governor, nor anyone else who has the power to make those doors open in Texas. For the right incentive, I may be willing to go out of my way to see it happen. Tell me, Ripper, to what lengths does your club go to-to solve another man’s problems?”

  “Depends.” I shrug with the reply, leaning against the brick to help block the serious wind gusts we’re having today.

  I’m surprised the plane was able to land here in this shit without any issues. I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to fly around in it—riding was bad enough. The gusts were pushing us all over the fucking place. If there weren’t six of us leaving the club, I’d have rolled up in a truck and avoided the nuisance altogether. If it weren’t for the incentive of a big payday, I’d have fucked off altogether.

  “On what?”

  “Well, the payout…if there is any. It’d be contingent on the possible blowback, as well as the level of difficulty. Finally, it’d have to be voted on by my brothers and me. If it seems like something we can handle, we don’t mind getting our hands dirty to solve some problems for folks. Hell, we may even enjoy it.” I wink at that last little dig. He needs to know he’s not shaking me up in the least bit with his shady requests. I can be a fucking monster if I’m pushed enough.

  His lips tip into a sinister grin. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say. This particular request has to be handled delicately. No one can ever link it back to me, in any way.”

  I nod, promising, “I can make sure that happens.” My brow wrinkles as I become more serious, and my voice lowers an octave as I declare adamantly, “Depending on what it is and what we get out of it.”

  “I need someone to disappear.”

  “Okay.” I draw the word out, needing more than that. Does he want me to kidnap someone or kill them? And is this personal, does it need to be simple or a fucking bloodbath of torture?


  “Ah, and would I know who this somebody is?”

  “Most likely not, unless you follow the elections in my state.”

  “Then that would be a no. I don’t know any politicians from that part of the country aside from you, and I don’t want to.”

  He offers me a slimy smile. “That’s another good answer. If I can get your buddy released, would you be willing to make this problem I have go away?”

  “That’s a steep request, and a lot more risk than what you’d be doing for me.”

  “I can pay. Name your price, and I’ll see to it that you get whatever you need to complete this task.”

  “I’ve got money, and even more now that you’ve traded with my club for Maddy. I don’t usually deal in human flesh, but in this case, it worked out well for both of us.”

  He releases a tense breath, his gaze skirting around before trying again. “All right, then, what would you want in return? I’m sure we can come to some sort of an agreement. I’m a man with many means.”

  It’s my turn to grin, and I do so cockily. I have him right where I want him. He’s requesting something significant, and whether he gives me what I want and we go through with it or not, I have his ass. I could bluff and tell him I’ve recorded this conversation, and I plan to leak it to the press. I would never outright record a deal, but he doesn’t know that. He knows nothing about me. There’s more than one angle for me to work now, to get what I desire. He’s an amateur at this shit compared to us, fucking outlaws who’ve lived our lives doing whatever the fuck we want, following no laws or rules.

  “Alice and I have become…friends,” I commence, not wanting to tarnish her in his judgmen
tal eyes.

  He stares at me with skepticism and repeats, “Friends?” The old fucker can’t seem to come to terms with why his daughter would be mixed up with someone like me. I want to come out with it and tell him it’s because of my enormous cock and the way I fuck her, but I doubt that’d win him over anytime soon.

  “Yep. Turns out she likes Texas a whole helluva lot and isn’t ready to go back home. She wasn’t sure how to break it to you and was certain you’d be against it. But, now that we’ve met and we’re also friends, I figure you won’t have a problem if she sticks around for a bit.”

  His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows tightly. “A-and how do I know you’d let her come home when she’s ready?”

  I shrug. Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn’t. “Guess you’d just have to trust me, like I’d be trusting you with these other plans. You let Alice hang around back here, and I know you’ll keep good on your part of the bargain. It’ll also give me peace of mind, that you won’t grow a conscious and contact this enemy of yours to warn him. It wouldn’t be the first time a man went soft and hung himself out to dry. Which, by the way, is a death sentence in its own accord.”

  “You’re, uh, not very trusting, I take it?” Suddenly he’s looking nervous. The reality of what’s happening and how immoral I am must’ve finally sunk home for him. I’m a fucking killer, and now he knows it. The funniest part of all, is that I’m going to get what I desire no matter what he wants to do. Like I said before, I have multiple ways to work my angle now, thanks to his stupidity.

  “Nah, this isn’t my first rodeo. I make my living by breaking the rules and doing whatever the fuck I choose to. The real kicker is, I have a club full of motherfuckers just as crazy, if not batshit crazier than me.”

  His hands begin to shake. He attempts to hide them by tucking them into his slate colored slacks pockets, but I catch on before he can. I fucking love knowing he’s scared of me and my brothers. “If that’s the case, how will I know that Alice won’t be harmed in any of this?” It’s a reasonable question, and I commend him for not being so narrow-minded to not consider the safety of his daughter. He must not be a total fucking failure if he’s got enough sense to ask on her behalf.

  “That’s one thing I will give you my word on, here and now,” I stress. There’s no way I’d allow her to be collateral damage in any of this shit. Our agreement is business between him and me. Alice won’t be the wiser, nor would she pay for any of his fuckups.

  “You’ll keep her safe?” he probes, needing confirmation.

  “Of course, and better yet, I’ll make sure she’s happy too. If at any time she wants to leave, she can walk right out my doors and you can send whoever the fuck you want to pick her up.” I leave out the bit that I may not let her go in the end and kill any motherfucker who attempts to take her before I’m finished with her. I’m growing more possessive of her as the days pass, and that isn’t good for anyone trying to take her from me.

  “I feel like I should warn you. She has security detail for a reason. There’ve been threats.”

  “What kind of threats?” My muscles tense at the thought of anyone touching that sweet, caring woman. I can’t imagine someone being her enemy. The only thing she’s guilty of is having a heart too big.

  “Against my family. One in specific was aimed at Alice, promising to hurt her. I’ve had this particular team with her night and day. I’m fearful that whoever’s been threatening her will, at the very least, kidnap her…if not kill her.”

  This stupid motherfucker was careless enough to send her out on a wild goose chase all to safeguard his fucking image, when she could’ve been killed? Right there tells me all I need to know about Senator Compton. I fucking hate him, and if it weren’t for Alice, I’d put a bullet in his head too.

  “Then, this is a blessing in disguise for you, Senator. She couldn’t be any safer than in my club, surrounded by ruthless men.” And, if I decide to put my patch on her, anyone endangering her well-being would be a direct threat to the entire club. My club would mow them over in a heartbeat.

  “Why would they protect her? They don’t owe her their allegiance.”

  “No, they don’t. However, they’re steadfast when it comes to me, and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m the president of my charter. Everyone answers to me. They’re loyal to me. That protection extends to anyone else I need it to. If I ask them to guard Alice for me, they will with their life. That security detail you set up for her, couldn’t get near her when she was in my clubhouse asking about Maddy. One person hunting her down, or even a few individuals, wouldn’t get anywhere near her. Especially not to hurt her, and if I ever caught wind of them attempting it, I can promise you, they’d die. I’d make it a slow, painful death, while they begged for mine and her forgiveness.”

  This sort of thing would scare off most men, but for me it does the opposite. It makes me crave Alice even more than I already do. I want to hurt any motherfucker who comes near her with evil intent. Then, I want her to watch me do it, so she knows damn well she’s got a man who can protect her. She’ll never feel unsafe again, so long as I’m by her side. I’ll make sure of it.

  “It’s settled, then.” He holds his hand out for me to shake. “We have a deal as long as I have your vote.”

  I roll my eyes at his pun. Fuckin’ idiot. “Alice has my vote. That being said, it will extend in your favor. I’ll be in contact to set everything up. I suggest you take my call when the phone rings. I don’t give a fuck what you’re in the middle of; I’m not the type of man who waits.”

  He swallows tightly, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he nods his agreeance. “You have my word.”

  “Then you have mine,” I finish, leaving him to walk behind me. I’ve gotten what I wanted. Now I need to get the fuck out of here and put Alice on my bike and in my bed.

  “We’ve got shit to discuss, brothers,” I begin Church by stating the obvious. Lately, it seems like we’re cooped up in this room all the fucking time. “You’re aware I met with that senator yesterday.”

  They nod, staring me down. I know their curiosity has been eating them up. I go on, relaying the gist of the deal that Senator Compton and I struck. I don’t know why I hold back, but I avoid mentioning that the arrangement includes Alice’s brief taste of freedom. The club has to be on board with the plan of action, or it’ll never work out how I want it too. I also need something significant to hang over the senator in case he ever tries to take Alice away from me.

  Whiskey speaks up in agreement. “It’ll be worth it, bringing Baker home where he belongs.”

  Angel scowls. “It’s a risk. We’d be in other MC and gang territory, and that could backfire.”

  Powerhouse gestures to our enforcer, stating, “Angel is right. Not only that, but we’d be reaching into politics, and it could incite blowback on the other charters—not just ours. The Royal Bastards linked to a senator and murder would send the media into an uproar. It does go against code, to a degree.”

  Plague glances at me with confusion. “Code?”

  I nod.

  He goes on, scoffing. “We may’ve said that shit in the beginning when we pledged, but you know as well as I do, it means fuck all. We do what we want. Hell, we always have…”

  “I know, but this could bite us in the ass if we’re not cautious. If we go through with it, we have no room for any fuckups. No one can catch light of our hit.”

  “Look, Prez, this isn’t the motherfuckin’ girl scouts. The other charters are into some twisted shit, just as we are, they gotta be.”

  I keep my thoughts to myself on his statement. I agree with him, but by being the president of this charter, it would damn near be blasphemy. If I agree out loud and the wrong person were to overhear it, the repercussions could hit me hard. Take Rancid, for example. I repeat, “We move forward, we risk inciting unrest, but if we’re careful, we stay under the radar and make a lot of money.”

  Blow breaks his silence, staring me down. He steeples his hands un
der his chin, muttering, “And you get to keep her.”

  “What?” I question, taken off guard. I fucking heard him, but how does he know that part of the deal? That conversation was supposed to be between Senator Compton and me, no one else.

  “I heard you on the other side of the busted ass door. I was waiting for you and your conversation was clear as day.” He’s got all the brothers attention now, as they jerk their heads back and forth between us. This is exactly what I didn’t want. Our discussion went from the job to my personal shit.



  “Else heard?” he finishes for me. “No one. I made sure his suit was away from the crumbling bricks. He may’ve overheard your voices, but there’s no way he could’ve made out the words like I did. The wind along that dilapidated building masked a lot of what you were saying.”

  Releasing a tense breath, I say, “All right, then.” The other brothers stare curiously, obviously not knowing what the fuck we’re talking about. They trust me completely. They always have, without question. I have to tell them everything. I owe them that much if we’re going to put this into play and possibly get popped for it. “If we do this, the senator will back off Alice and me.” I come clean to the table about the rest of the deal I orchestrated.

  Whiskey rasps, “Then that’s settled.”

  “What is?”

  He gestures in my direction. “You put that woman on the back of your bike. If this is what we gotta do so you have your woman, then so be it.” He shrugs it off like the answer is simple.

  “Brothers, you would risk this for me?” I question and they all immediately move to agree.

  I’m a cold bastard, but this is enough to give me the feels. My brothers would risk the wrath of the other charters coming down on us, of the media possibly catching fire to our plans…all for my happiness with a woman I’ve known for less than a month. This is what true brotherhood is about, having each other’s backs, even when you have the option to pick another route.


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