Pieces Of Us: Missing Pieces Series, Book Three

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Pieces Of Us: Missing Pieces Series, Book Three Page 2

by Walker, N. R.

  She said yes, we’d need to organise a time for an appointment to sign off on everything, so I got to my feet and found Dallas speaking to Megan near the stairs to the flat.

  “Hey, Dall. Angela needs to speak to you,” I said, passing him the phone.

  “Everything okay?” he whispered, holding the phone to his chest.

  “Yeah ’s fine. Just tired is all. Might need a nap after my torture session with Megan though.”

  Megan laughed but studied me. “You look tired, Justin. Your boss isn’t working you too hard, is he?”

  I looked at Dallas. “Nah. He’s kinda dreamy though, isn’t he?”

  Dallas laughed and went back to the phone call, and Megan held out a walking cane. “I brought a present for you, Justin.”

  I stared at the cane. It was black and looked perfectly fine as far as canes went, but I didn’t want it. “No thanks.”

  She smiled. “You’ll like it better than the scooter.”

  Well, no, I wouldn’t. “It doesn’t have wheels. I like the scooter ’cause I can go fast.”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes and followed me up the stairs. There was something I really wanted to ask her, and I’d kept reminding myself all weekend to ask her when I saw her on Monday . . .

  Oh, that’s right.

  I took a seat at the dining table and waited for Megan to do the same. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can,” Megan replied.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. And with my leg and m’arm, and m’head too, I guess, being what they are.” I shrugged. “But I was wondering what’d be the best position for me and Dallas to have sex?”

  Chapter Two


  I was pretty sure Justin would be sleeping after his homecare appointment. He’d been getting tired before Megan arrived, and I worried a little that I’d given him too much work to do this morning. He hadn’t slept well and he’d been all out of sorts, but there was no way I was letting him believe for one second that he was useless.


  That fucking word.

  The last thing in the world he was, was useless.

  When Megan was finished, I met her at the bottom of the stairs. “How is he?”

  “He’s fine,” she replied with a smile. “He was just about asleep on the couch before we finished, so I’d say he’s gonna sleep for a while. I left the walking cane hanging over the back of a dining chair. If it’s missing, ask him where he’s thrown it to.”

  That made me smile. “Sure. Uh, he was kinda depressed this morning. I dunno if that’s the right word, but he was real down on himself.”

  “He mentioned it. Said you were very good at making him feel better without him realising.”

  “He saw straight through me.”

  She smiled but gave me a serious look. “He’s recognising his moods and that’s a good thing. He can tell when he’s not in a good headspace and he knows to ask for help. Mood swings and depression are very common, and in all honesty, he’s been more stable than most I’ve worked with. Just keep an eye on him, and if these episodes become more frequent or more severe, notify his primary doctor and we’ll look at some options.” She put a hand on my arm. “But he’s doing great. He’s kept up his physio exercises and he’s getting his strength back. I think you can expect some frustration in the coming weeks by what he wants to do versus what his mobility allows, but as long as he doesn’t overdo it, I think he’ll be fine.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, of course.”

  She smiled and went on her way, and I went back to work on the KTM. I picked up the ratchet I’d been using and smiled when I remembered the reason I’d put it down. Juss had told me he loved me. Unprompted, unnecessary, and yet completely believable. He’d just looked at me—like he used to look at me, before the accident—and said those three words that made my heart soar.

  I didn’t care that I’d kissed him at work, where the guys or customers could see. I didn’t give one single fuck anymore. If I wanted to touch him, kiss him, tell him I loved him, I would. I would never waste an opportunity ever again.

  “Oh my gawd,” Sparra droned. “Jusso had the same look on his face earlier. That I’m so in love look.” He grinned. “In case you didn’t know, Dallas, that guy’s giddy as hell over you. Again.”

  Davo smiled beside him. “Not again. Still. He never stopped. His brain just needed some time to catch up, that’s all.”

  I couldn’t help it. I was grinning at both of them. “Ah, yeah. He’s . . . he’s . . .”

  “If you say he’s kinda dreamy, I get to knock off early,” Sparra said. “That’s the rules.”

  I snorted. “What?”

  “That’s what Jusso said about you this morning. He’s so dreamy,” Sparra added, imitating Justin’s voice. “Asked me if I agreed. Now, boss, I reckon you’re a lot of things, but dreamy ain’t one of ’em.”

  I laughed at that but couldn’t help but ask. “Did he really say that?”

  They rolled their eyes in sync, and Sparra laughed. “Thank God it’s lunchtime,” Davo said, walking into the breakroom. Sparra followed him and I put the ratchet back down and went in too. “Did you guys watch the footy last night?” Davo asked.

  “Nope,” Sparra said proudly. “I had a date.”

  Davo and I stopped and stared. “A date?”

  Sparra grinned. “Yep. Wasn’t gonna say anything. But this is the third weekend in a row I’ve seen her, so maybe it might be something.”

  Sparra told us all about Carissa, how they’d met, and how he’d asked her out for dinner, and it was really good to sit and listen to him. He was excited about the prospect of a girlfriend, though he was trying not to read too much into it just yet. They were seeing each other again on Wednesday night. That sounded pretty promising to me. He showed us a selfie of them on his phone, and she looked sweet and he looked happy.

  I loved hearing about someone else’s life for a while, as weird as that sounded. I’d been so absorbed in our lives, I’d lost touch of where they were up to.

  “You might get to meet her this weekend,” Sparra said. Then he gave me an uncertain look. “If we’re still gonna meet up at the pub for lunch and the footy?”

  Oh, I’d forgotten about that.

  And you know what? Sitting around talking shit and having a laugh for a few hours sounded exactly like what I needed. “Absolutely. Not sure how long we’ll be there for. We went out for a few hours on Saturday and it knocked Juss around a bit. He was pretty wiped yesterday. So I’ll see what he says, if he thinks he’s up for it. But I’m not gonna lie, it sounds damn good to me.”

  Then I remembered something else. “Oh, that reminds me. Justin and I have some appointments tomorrow: one at nine, then another one at ten. We shouldn’t be too long. Doctor’s appointment first, then we just need to sign some papers or something and we’ll be straight back. We’ve only got two jobs in tomorrow and I was gonna spend most of the day in the office anyway.”

  Talk turned to work and what else we had booked in this week, and then we each went back to the bikes we were working on. I got busy and lost track of time and by three o’clock, I still hadn’t heard anything from Juss, so I went upstairs to check on him.

  The couch was vacant, though the TV was still going. The walking cane still hung over the chair. “Juss?”

  “In here.”

  I followed the sound. The bathroom was empty, and I found him sitting on the edge of my side of the bed with a confused look on his face.

  I walked in. “Everything okay?”

  He met my eyes. “Oh yeah. I’m just looking for something. I think.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Anything I can help you with?” He made a face, and was that a blush? I sat beside him on the bed. “Juss, what is it?”

  He swallowed hard, suddenly nervous. “Oh God, I don’t know how to say this . . .”

  “Say what?”

  “Well, I’ve been thinking. A lot. About .
. . Ugh, about sex.” He glanced at me, then looked back at his hands. “And I asked Megan today about stuff and she mentioned a few things that I haven’t even thought about. And I should have. It was stupid of me not to. I mean, I trust you, and you didn’t bring it up either. Not that we’ve really talked about it.”

  “Juss, baby. What are you talking about?”

  He reached over and opened the top drawer of the bedside table. “I found lube,” he said, his cheeks red. “But no condoms. I can’t find them anywhere. I assumed we used them, because I’ve never not used them. Did we just run out? Or did you throw them out? I looked in the bathroom and in our wardrobe. Because if we’re working on maybe having sex one day, we should have them.”

  Oh Christ.

  Was he ready for this? Was I ready?

  I took his hand. “Juss, we haven’t used condoms for a long time.”

  He stared at me. Like, stared.

  “We did, in the beginning, of course,” I added. “But we agreed to be monogamous and faithful, and baby, I haven’t even looked at another guy. Not once, not ever. So we got tested and we stopped using them.”

  “We . . .”

  I nodded. “Yes. We used to have sex without condoms.”

  “That means . . .” He blushed, hard, his eyes wide. Then he whispered, “You’d come inside me.”


  My blood got a whole lot warmer. I nodded.

  He licked his lips and swallowed hard, and it took a moment for him to look at me. “That’s really fucking hot.”

  I barked out a laugh. “Uh, yeah. Every time.”

  He let out a long breath. “Damn.”

  “And you know what?” I said. “You’re right. I should have brought this up with you before now. It was kind of irresponsible of me not to. But I didn’t want to talk about sex in case you felt I was pressuring you. The last thing you need is for me to keep talking about it. But we should absolutely go and be tested again.”

  “No, we don’t have to,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, we should. This is all new to you. Everything is new, so you should absolutely know, without any doubt, that we’re being safe.”

  “I do trust you,” he whispered.

  “I know, baby. But for our own peace of mind.” I kissed his knuckles. “If we get to do everything over again for a second-first time, then we should do everything.”

  Justin chuckled and put his free hand to his forehead. “Okay.”

  “We can go tomorrow. The clinic is super quick, from memory. Or we could ask Doctor Chang in the morning and get a pathology request form.”

  He made a face. “Clinic’s fine.”

  “We have an appointment to sign off on the workers’ comp papers after we see Doctor Chang,” I said. “We can go after that, if you’re not too tired.”

  Juss nodded and gave me a smile. “I can’t believe I was worried to talk to you about this.”

  “You don’t need to worry. You can ask me anything.”

  “I can’t believe we . . . go bareback.” The blush flared on his cheeks. “Was it . . . I mean, is it . . . ?”

  “The hottest sex ever? Yes. Is it the most beautiful kind of lovemaking?” I nodded. “Yeah. Well, it was for us. I never felt closer to you than I did when we did that.”

  He let out a shaky breath and met my eyes. “I want our first time—I mean, our second-first time—when we have sex, I want it to be like that.”

  I kissed him. “When you’re ready, Juss. I’ll make it so good for you.”

  Chapter Three

  Justin came back downstairs with me, but he mostly stuck to light duties. He helped me finish off the KTM but then unhurriedly tidied up for Davo and Sparra. He seemed content to go slow, just at his pace, and I was more than happy to encourage that.

  It was . . . peaceful.

  When the guys left, we locked up and Juss finished sweeping out while I sorted out some bookings and which parts we needed to order in. Finishing before me, he leaned against the doorframe to my office. “Hey.”

  I smiled up at him. “Hey. You done?”

  He gave a nod. “What did you want for dinner?”

  “There’s minced beef in the fridge.”

  “It’s gotten cold out,” he murmured. “So maybe something . . . like meatloaf and mashed potato.”

  “That sounds great.”

  “I wasn’t gonna make it. I was suggesting it.”

  I barked out a laugh. “Is that right?”

  He smiled. “I guess I could help.”

  I shut down my laptop and stood up, and when I walked to him, he didn’t move. I expected him to step out of the doorway or move so I could walk through, but he didn’t. He looked up at me with something in his eyes I hadn’t seen in a long time.


  He leaned his back against the jamb, his eyes on mine, and he waited . . .

  It was an invitation I had no intention of refusing.

  I pressed against him and captured his mouth with mine. He responded in kind, kissing me with equal passion. He pulled me closer, our bodies aligned that perfect way they always did. He was turned on, hard already, and feeling his erection pressing against me made me groan into the kiss.

  He slid his hand down over my arse, and that was . . . new. I mean, not for the old Justin. He’d done that a million times, but this new Justin hadn’t really been inclined to explore too much.

  And then he squeezed.

  I broke the kiss with a laugh. “Hello there,” I said, pulling his bottom lip between mine. We needed to cool it a little.

  “I think we should go upstairs,” he whispered.

  Or we could not cool it at all.

  I hit the lights, locked the door, and took Justin’s hand. He could have easily walked up those stairs, but we got to the bottom and he slung his arm over my shoulder. “Carry me.”

  Grinning, I picked him up bridal style and carried him up. He never took his eyes off my face, the heat of his gaze burning into me. Once inside, I gently put his feet to the floor next to the couch. But he didn’t pull his arm away. Instead, he trailed his hand along my neck and down my chest where he fisted my work shirt and pulled me toward him.

  I walked him backwards until his arse hit the back of the sofa, and with a hand to my jaw, he pulled me in for a hard kiss.

  He was so into it. Like a switch had flipped in his head, like some part of his brain had woken up.

  This was just like the old Justin.

  Justin, before the accident, was all about sex. He loved it. He was horny all the time, wanted me to suck and fuck him almost every damn day. I wasn’t kidding when I told him we had a lot of sex. But I also wasn’t kidding when I told him I’d wait until he was ready.

  He’d been pushing boundaries in the last week or so, but this was . . . this was quite a step. And it was freaking hot.

  My dick was definitely into it, and the hardness of Juss’ erection felt divine.

  I kissed him deep, tangling our tongues and sucking on his bottom lip, while grinding my hips into his. I was trying to be mindful of his leg, but the way he gripped me and grinded, I assumed his leg was feeling okay.

  I slipped my hand between us and palmed his erection. “Tell me what you want, Juss,” I murmured against his mouth.

  “I want . . . I want your mouth . . . on me. Right here.”

  Oh, hell yes.

  I dropped to my knees, sliding down his body, my eyes locked on his. I undid the button and fly of his work pants and let them hang open, off his hips. I nudged his cock with my nose and inhaled the scent of him before I pulled his briefs down and freed my prize.

  He was leaning against the back of the couch, his legs spread comfortably with me between his feet. The last thing I wanted him to do was strain his leg or his arm . . . I wanted him to feel nothing but pleasure.

  I licked the underside of his shaft, from his balls to the tip, and he groaned, frustrated, and he shook his head. He clearly didn’t want me to tease him or
drag this out, so I licked the head and tasted his slit before taking him into my mouth.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” he said.

  I worked him over, swirled my tongue, sucked on the head, and pumped his base. He began to thrust his hips. This was what he wanted. This was what he needed.

  I took him all the way in and looked up at him. He was staring down at me, his eyes dark, his lips open. He put his fingers through my hair. Then he touched my face and he drew his thumb along the side of my mouth, feeling how my lips surrounded his cock.

  So I swallowed around him, and it pushed him over the edge. He cried out and his body flexed tight as he came down my throat.

  He tasted like heaven.

  When he was done, I got to my feet to make sure he was okay. “How’re you feeling?”

  He replied by laughing and taking my shirt and pulling me in for a hug. A few aftershocks tremored through him but he just chuckled. “Fucking hell.”

  I kissed his forehead, his eyelid, his nose, but when I went to take a step back, he had hold of my shirt and didn’t let go. His eyes took a second to focus. “Your turn.”

  “Juss, you don’t have to.”

  “I want to,” he replied firmly. “Please, can I?”

  Fucking hell. As if he’d ever have to beg. I looked around to where might be the best spot—he certainly couldn’t kneel on the floor—but Juss took my arm and pulled me toward the coffee table. He sat on it, his right leg out straight, and grinned up at me.

  “This is a good height,” he said.

  I laughed and he tugged me closer. Fuck. He pulled open my work pants, rough and eager, and then delicately took out my cock like he was about to defuse a bomb.

  “Oh fuck,” he breathed. “It’s so beautiful.” He studied every detail, every angle, and I had to remind myself that this was new to him. He was probably committing everything to memory. He lifted it and gave me a long stroke. “It’s huge, Dallas. Like a porn star.”

  I scoffed and was about to reply when he flattened his tongue and sucked on the head of my dick.

  Oh fuck.


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