Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy) Page 5

by A. K. Michaels

  Finn popped his head in a few minutes later. “All ready.”

  “Ok let's get going.” Zach put his mug down and walked out, the rest following behind. Thadius had the bag with some supplies in it and Vlad held his back pack and another bag that had some containers with water.

  As they reached the horses Tatiana put her hand out – took both and tied a bit of rope to the top of the bags. She then placed it over the horse so that the bags lay on either side of it. Then they started walking – Finn and Dmitri now doing the scouting.

  Another hour had passed and they were nearing the exit of the town. Finn having gone on a little further to see if he could smell anything. They didn't want to just leave the cover of the buildings and run into a horde of angry goblins.

  Finn came back a little breathless – he had run some distance – making sure the way was clear. “Ok, nothing for a while but I can see smoke in the distance so something's happening further on.”

  Vlad clapped him on the back. “Good job Finn. You stay out front and let us know as soon as you see or scent anything.”

  The young wolf's face had a slight blush at the praise from Vlad but he nodded his head and trotted off in front again.

  “That boy's going to make a bloody good Guard.” Vlad said with a hint of pride and Zach noticed the smile on Dmitri's face.

  Shit he should do that more often, Alex thought. When Dmitri smiled it changed him completely. From a very scary, hard, vampire to a not quite as scary, handsome, vampire.

  Zach gave her a raised eyebrow, he had heard her thoughts. Alex laughed and more than one of their party turned to her with a questioning look. She didn't respond, only walking closer to Zach and taking his hand in hers.

  As they completely left the town Zach was worried. It was dangerous in the town but at least they had some cover. Out here he saw nothing that would be of help if they walked into any trouble.

  In fact the trees that were coming up on their right worried him – many could hide there.

  “Finn!” Zach shouted and the young wolf stopped and turned back, jogging to get back to them.

  “Can you scope out those woods ahead. I don't like the looks of them and we're very exposed out here.” Zach was keeping a close eye on the tree line, so far he hadn't seen anything. However, that didn't mean there was nothing there.

  Finn turned and veered off, heading into the trees from the side, fast. Soon he was lost to their sight.

  Vlad had a tight hold on his back pack. He had a few things that could help if they were attacked. Although he didn't want to use anything unless absolutely necessary, in case they needed things later. He too kept a close eye on the trees.

  Zach sent his senses out, he stopped for a second then walked on. What was that? He had picked something up but wasn't quite sure what.

  Vlad had saw the momentary stop and raised an eyebrow. “Something but I don't know what.” Zach replied and Thadius and Dmitri both tensed. Alex just watched, keeping her eyes on the trees. Zach's senses far superior to her own she knew there was no point in trying to find what he had detected.

  Tatiana took her crossbow off her back and held it in front, an arrow already in and ready to fire. Lilli looked scared but took her own bow from her shoulder and prepared an arrow. Her hands were shaking, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to shoot straight and true.

  Alex noted the fairies with their bows at the ready. Tatiana's was held firmly and with confidence. Lilli's was not. Alex was worried that Lilli would end up hurting one of them rather than any hostiles. She kept a close eye on the timid fairy.

  Just as they got to the edge of the trees there was a commotion from inside. Loud growls were clearly heard and Lilli was now shaking. Tatiana had an idea what, or rather who, was making the growls but didn't know at whom.

  A few seconds later three figures tore from the trees. Running as if the devil himself were after them. Two males in front and the second male pulling a small female by her hand.

  Right on their tail was a huge wolf – Finn. He herded them in the direction of the rest of them and Dmitri stood tall in a defensive pose. The figures were much smaller than he but you never knew what kind of weapons or powers they could have. Dmitri looked on everyone he wasn't sure of as an enemy, until that was disproved. His scowl would scare even the most hard of heart.

  Tatiana screamed and jumped down from her small horse. “No – stop – Finn – Stop!” The fairy ran towards the oncoming group and Thadius took off after her. What was she thinking?

  Tatiana stopped and shouted again. “FINN – they're friends – STOP!”

  The large wolf slowed and finally morphed into his human form. He was still following the three figures who were now looking behind them and then to Tatiana. Looks of incredulity on all three faces as they now saw a large male instead of a huge wolf at their rear.

  “Tatiana? Is that you?!” One of the figures moved forward – a male – and a small smile broke over his face. Thadius moved closer, directly at his mate's back, placing a hand on her shoulder. Staking his claim.

  “Mornor! Oh how glad I am to see you – and Calaron, how are you? What's happening here and who is this young thing?” Tatiana was looking at the third figure, a female. She was taller than Tatiana, about the same size as Alex. Out of the three in front of her Tatiana saw that the female didn't seem scared at all.

  The beauty of the elf was almost too much to take in. Tatiana had never saw anyone as beautiful as this. The features were soft and small, her lips more pronounced, luscious was the word that came to Tatiana's mind. Long golden hair and her skin even had a golden hue to it. It was very strange.

  The male, Mornor, moved closer, was about to take Tatiana into a hug when Thadius growled, baring his teeth. The male retreated, throwing glances to the huge being at his friend's back.

  “Thadius, it's ok, he's a family friend. This is Mornor and his son Calaron – but I don't know who this young beauty is.” Tatiana was still staring and she wasn't alone.

  Everyone was looking at these three. They had small pointed ears and were dressed in earthy tones, green and brown, except for the female. She was dressed in a gold gossamer floaty dress and she looked ethereal. An absolute vision.

  Finn had moved closer and was now only a pace or two behind these three. The female turned and smiled at him and his heart did a somersault. She was so beautiful it had Finn's stomach clenching hard.

  He took a deep breath and her scent was like nothing he had smelt before. Fresh air and moon – flowers and baking – heat and want. WTF! How could someone smell like that? Finn had no idea but he returned her smile with a shy one of his own.

  Mornor smiled, motioning for the female to come forward. He took her hand in his and held it tight. “This is my daughter – Glorel – she is young yet. Born many years after you left Tatiana.”

  Glorel smiled at everyone. She seemed to ooze kindness and her smile was glorious to see. Tatiana took her hand and held it in hers, feeling the goodness that was in this young woman.

  “I'm glad to meet you Glorel, although I wish it were under different circumstances. First let me introduce you all – Mornor – this huge hulk here is Thadius. He's my mate and this is......”

  Tatiana went on to introduce their party to the three in front and then did the reverse. “Everyone – this is Mornor, his son Calaron and daughter Glorel, they're elves. Now that the introductions are out of the way we can get moving – you need to come with us Mornor and you can give us whatever information you have.”

  Mornor was looking over this group. Everyone but Tatiana and Lilli scared him to death. He had no idea what they were but he could feel their power. It was immense and then it struck him why Tatiana had brought them, it was because of that power. They could help.

  “Ok Tatiana, we will come, if only for some protection for Glorel. Up til now Calaron and I have only been trying to keep her safe. Many bad things have been happening Tatiana and I don't know where to start.” Morno
r's voice was full of emotion as he spoke and Tatiana patted him on the back.

  “Come – let us get on our way.” Tatiana turned round and moved back to her horse, Thadius picking her up and placing her on top.

  They set off again with the three elves staying close to the horses.

  “Mornor, can you give us any information on what has been going on? Anything at all may help.” Tatiana smiled down at her friend, a close family friend, and his look of anguish hurt her.

  “My wife is dead, they caught her on her way back from town, we found her body. Her skull bashed in...” Mornor stopped to take a deep breath.

  Tatiana gasped, “No – oh Mornor I'm so sorry. I feel your loss my friend.” And she did, deep in her soul she could feel the loss of his wife.

  “Well after that we've been moving a lot, trying to keep Glorel safe. We know that a lot of people are being kept outside the castle, the fields have high fences around them. They just appeared out of nowhere. Anyway, most of the people are there but I don't know why. A lot were killed in the beginning. The goblins seemed to take pleasure in it! I've been using my skills in nature to hide us. My magic isn't working and that worries me. Why would my magic not be working Tatiana?” Mornor had a deep frown on his face and Tatiana had no news that would help.

  “We ran into some goblins back in the town. They said there is a man and a woman who are strong in magic and who have taken control. It seems they want to enslave our peoples, but why I do not know. We're on our way to see what we can do. My friends are great warriors Mornor, they can help.” Tatiana knew that he would not know what her friends were.

  “So few Tatiana?” Mornor looked around. He saw that all the beings were powerful but surely they couldn't do anything with only a handful?

  Tatiana laughed. “Yes Mornor. Thadius my mate is a powerful wolf, you already met Finn and the rest are vampires my friend. Zach is very old and powerful as are the rest. If we need any more help we can call on Zach and Alex's twins. They are the most powerful beings to walk in any realm other than the Angels. Oh and Lexi, that's their daughter, her mate is Michael who was once an Angel, and he also is powerful. If we need their help all we need do is call.”

  Mornor found all of this hard to take in. Vampires, wolves, twins even more powerful? Mornor wasn't even sure what a Vampire was. Then a thought struck him. “Call? How Tatiana? You know our realm is guarded, how would they hear your call?”

  Tatiana smirked. “Lexi has the most powerful magic. She has spelled each of them, if they need her they call and she will come. She can find them anywhere Mornor. Even here in our realm.”

  Mornor didn't answer, mainly because he didn't have anything to say to what Tatiana had just told him. He hoped that this small band could help their peoples. If not then he feared for all of the fairy realm.

  Chapter 5

  Vlad looked for Finn, found him trailing behind the elf female a look of wonder on his young face.

  “Finn – can you get back out front and scout please.” Vlad shouted back and he was sure that Finn was reluctant to leave the presence of the elf, Glorel? He hoped that the female wasn't going to cause a problem for the young wolf.

  Finn moved away from Glorel but he did so with unease. He didn't want to have any great distance between them. If there was then he may not be able to protect her and the need to protect her was strong in him. Why? He had no idea only that he felt so.

  Finn loped off, his long legs taking him further in front and each step made his stomach clench in fear. He shook his head, he had to get himself under control. This was his first mission and he couldn't mess it up. No matter what feelings were running through his system.

  Dmitri joined him and the large Russian looked him over with knowing eyes. He had felt the attraction between Finn and the elf as soon as he saw them near one another. Finn would have to try and push that away, for now anyway. They had a dangerous mission and feelings like that could pose a problem.

  “Once the mission is over you can maybe get to know her a bit better.” Dmitri's words hit Finn's ears and he blushed, god was he so transparent.

  “I don't know what you mean!” The young wolf said with a hiss and Dmitri smiled. He thought he knew exactly what was going on.

  Finn concentrated on his job. Tried not to think of those scents and the way she had made his stomach clench. It was hard and he found his mind wandered more than once and he was angry at himself. He had an important job to do. He needed to keep everyone safe.

  Dmitri stayed near, using his senses to feel for any threat. He saw Finn shake his head more than once and knew the boy was trying to clear his head of the female. At any other time Dmitri would've laughed and joked about it but this was no time for that. So he kept his senses alert in case Finn missed anything while his mind wandered.

  Tatiana was tired, hungry and thirsty. “Do you think Zach will let us stop for a little while?” She whispered to Thadius who walked at her side.

  As soon as she spoke his head whirled in her direction. “My fairy, are you ok?” His voice full of concern.

  “Just a bit sore and tired and I could do with something to eat.” Tatiana smiled, not wanting Thadius to worry.

  Thadius sped up, his long legs bringing him to the side of Zach. “Zach, the fairies and elves do not have our stamina or strength. Can we stop for a bit?” Thadius waited on the vampire's reaction. Hoping he could see the sense in his words.

  Zach looked back and saw how tired Tatiana, Lilli and the elves looked. Shit he should've realised this. “Of course, but I think we'll pull off this track. We'll go nearer the trees for some cover.”

  “I think I'll go wolf and try and catch something for dinner tonight, if that's ok?” Although Thadius was in effect Zach's boss he also knew who was in charge on this mission, and it wasn't him. It was Zach so he waited for the go ahead before changing.

  “Yes Thadius, that's fine. Just be careful though.” Zach didn't want Thadius to attract any unnecessary attention, but he thought the old wolf was more savvy than he sometimes let on.

  “Of course Zach. I won't be long.” Thadius turned and walked back to Tatiana. “We'll stop soon, over nearer the trees and I'm going wolf. I want to catch us something to eat later, other than fruits.”

  Tatiana chuckled, her mate liked his meat.

  Zach shouted on Finn and Dmitri and told them to scope out a place to stop near the trees. Both moved off quickly and soon they motioned, their party made their way over.

  The fairies dropped down from the horses and felt immediately better. Their bodies sore from sustained riding bareback. Tatiana grabbed the bags from her mount, opening and sharing out some fruit and water. The vampires all only took water, knowing that the others needed the food more than them.

  Vlad had a small supply of donor blood in a specially adapted cool pack but they wouldn't use it unless absolutely necessary. Alex and Zach of course could feed off each other.

  The elves and fairies sank down onto the grass and drank their water while picking at the berries, fruit and seeds that Tatiana held out.

  Thadius moved a little bit away. Just before he changed Tatiana managed to remember to give a warning to the elves.

  “Mornor, please don't worry, my mate is only changing to go hunt.” As Tatiana spoke the elves and Lilli looked to the large man. They saw a shimmer and in seconds in his place stood a huge wolf.

  Much larger than Finn's and they gasped. Mornor pulled back, a little, even although Tatiana had said all was ok. The size of the wolf instilling fear into him. Calaron, his son, looked wide eyed but Glorel stared in wonder and stood up.

  “What are you doing!?” Mornor asked in almost a shriek.

  Glorel ignored him and walked over to Thadius' wolf. The wolf saw her coming and stilled. He had been about to take off into the woods but stayed where he was. The young elf female moved closer and one of her hands was outstretched.

  Thadius moved closer and her hand touched his fur. Glorel knelt down and sta
red into the wolf's eyes. “You are magnificent wolf, go and catch us something nice for supper.”

  Thadius moved away, loping quickly into the trees. Glorel's eyes followed the massive form, wonder clear in her eyes.

  As she rejoined the sitting group a smile played across her features and she turned and found Finn. His eyes were on her and she smiled broader then lowered her eyes, the sight making Finn gasp.

  She had the look of submission on her and his wolf howled in his head. That wasn't the only reaction and he realised he had grown hard in his combats. He sat down quickly and pulled his backpack from him and placed it in his lap, rummaging through it as if looking for something.

  Finn tried desperately to get his body under control but he felt himself blush and he kept his face down.

  Dmitri hadn't missed the interaction and neither had anyone else. Vlad chuckled, oh shit, it looked like another Guard had found a mate. Finn was young, and so was the girl, he hoped their attraction didn't impact on the mission.

  Glorel's father hadn't missed it either and he was frowning deeply. Scowling at his daughter and then at Finn. Tatiana thought he better be careful, she knew just how possessive wolves could be.

  “Mornor, what will be will be. You have no say in this matter. Trust me when I say this. Wolves find a mate and nothing will steer them away. Do not even try. It would be folly on your part.” Tatiana was almost whispering, not wanting others to hear her words.

  As Finn's head snapped up and found her eyes she realised she had failed. They had all heard. Tatiana smiled at the young wolf and he blushed again before lowering his gaze once more to his lap.

  Glorel on the other hand was not acting shy at all. She smiled at Tatiana and her father then turned and watched Finn again. Her brother elbowed her in the ribs. “Glo – stop it!” Calaron spoke, rather harshly.

  Zach had watched the scene with a half smile. Shit, those elves didn't know what they were in for if the female, Glorel, was Finn's mate. Nothing they said or did would stop him from claiming her. He just hoped they could contain themselves until after this was all over. However, he was thinking they may not. Sometimes things just didn't wait for the best of timings.


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