Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy) Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

  “Glorel you have said the same as Finn and Calaron is upset as you are now his only family. So, first of all Calaron, you need to understand this mating business. My mate is a wolf so I'm speaking from first hand experience. They have no control over it once they pick their mate. You nor a whole horde of demons will keep them apart. Finn will be returning with us and as Glorel is his mate so will she. That is not up for discussion Calaron. …. No do not interrupt me elf.” Vlad scowled down at the male his tone as cold as ice.

  Calaron scowled back and Vlad was impressed. Most shrank back from him and his anger.

  “So the decision is not about Finn or Glorel, the decision is for you Calaron. You can stay here or you can come to our realm.” Vlad waited as his words sunk in and both Glorel and Calaron's eyes went wide.

  “What!? Can he? Can he come?” Glorel was jumping about within Finn's grasp. Her excitement flowing from her as she thought her brother may also come with them.

  Calaron was looking at Glorel then Vlad. “What? But what would I do? I know nothing of your world – what if I don't like it?”

  Calaron was nervous, the human realm? Could he go there? That's where the vampires and wolves were.

  “Calaron, I can give you a place to stay and I'm sure once you become accustomed to our realm you can find some work to do. It would mean you are near your sister. If you don't want to do that then that's fine. However, Glorel will be going with Finn.” Vlad stared between the three. He didn't particularly care if Calaron came or not. BUT he was sure as hell not having him interfere in his young Guard's life.

  Finn was holding Glorel close, tight, against his body and all he wanted to do was kiss her senseless. His cock was hard and pressing against her back and he knew she could feel it. He found that he wasn't embarrassed at all. This was his mate and his wolf needed to mate with her. As soon as possible.

  Dmitri saw the tight hold Finn had of Glorel and he looked at Finn then Calaron. If that elf even tried to take this argument further Dmitri knew Finn would react. His reaction would not be good. Calaron had better come to his senses, and soon.

  Alex and Zach just watched, waiting to see if they were taking one or two extra back with them.

  Finally Calaron heaved a huge breath. “Glorel, ok I see that you want and need to go with this, this, … wolf! But I can't go. I may be needed here and well, Lilli and I, we've become quite close. I want to stay here with her.”

  As the elf finished Lilli moved to his side. His arm circled her waist and she leant into him.

  “Shit, I so didn't see that one coming!” Alex half laughed, Lilli and Calaron? She hoped they would be happy but her main concern was for Finn.

  Just as this decision was finalised they heard shouts from the hill down to the castle. “Lilli!” Was being shouted over and over and the fairy looked behind her.

  There, coming up the hill towards the woods were her parents. She turned and ran to meet them, tears streaming down her face.

  “Oh I'm so glad you're safe! We found Tatiana beside a huge wolf, for goodness sake, a wolf and she was cuddling it! Anyway, she said you were up here.” Her father was holding her to him as if he was afraid someone would take her away.

  “I thought you were both dead! I hid in the root cellar and then Tatiana came with her ….. friends! It was them that saved us all. The wolf, that's Thadius, he's Tatiana's mate.” Lilli's voice was full of joy at having her parents back.

  “Mate? That huge creature is her mate?” Her mother was shocked, how could a wolf be her mate?

  “Well he can change, to a wolf I mean. He's normally a big man.” Lilli tried to explain but by the looks on her parents faces she didn't think she was doing a good job of it.

  Finn was getting fed up with waiting. He wanted home and to take Glorel to his bed. He wasn't the most experienced in the bedroom department but he was a wolf and had had quite a few escapades.

  When a female wolf was in her breeding cycle she needed 'release' and in unmated females without a steady boyfriend well then they could pick who they wanted. Finn was lucky to have been given that honour quite a few times. Shit if he was honest it had been a lot.

  Dmitri could see the boy getting increasingly antsy and he nudged Vlad. “I think Finn's going to need some time off work!” The large Russian chuckled to his friend.

  Vlad's eyes followed his and saw the wolf, his lust clear for anyone to see if they only looked in his direction. “Shit, you're right! Christ can we not come on a mission and find a mate, for once!”

  Zach and Alex heard Vlad and both laughed, at this rate everyone would have a mate. Good, Alex thought, a mate gave love and stability. Not a bad thing for any concerned.

  “We better go and check on Thadius, we'll need Tatiana to open a portal home.” Zach now held Alex's hand in his as they turned and walked back down towards where they had left Tatiana.

  They met them about half way, Thadius now back in human form and limping just a little.

  “Glad to see you up and about Thadius. Tatiana, your parents are with Lilli. Glorel will be coming with us. As Finn is getting more and more antsy we thought it prudent to find you and get a portal opened.” Zach didn't want the boy exploding with either anger or need.

  Tatiana did a small laugh. “I knew those two would end up together. I must say I'm happy for both of them. I want to say a quick goodbye to my parents and then I want home. I want to get my medicinal herbs for Thadius plus I just want to be in my own bed!”

  Alex agreed wholeheartedly. They moved back up the incline and as they appeared Tatiana's parents turned, their eyes going like saucers when they saw a huge man instead of a wolf by Tatiana's side.

  Alex, Zach, Vlad and Dmitri stood back, giving some privacy to the fairies. Finn and Glorel were now standing in the shadows. Kissing deeply and the pheromones in the air was easy for the vampires to detect.

  Finn held Glorel in his arms and his wolf was fighting for dominance, something Finn had never encountered before. He fought it back, knowing he had to wait. Although not for too long. He was taking her straight to his place as soon as they got back.

  Glorel's mind was fractured, her feelings for this young wolf strong in her system. She had never known feelings such as these and marvelled at what the mating was doing to her. She had no doubt, none whatsoever, that they were meant to be together. She was just as anxious as the young wolf to be alone.

  The elf knew that it would be a shock being in the human realm but the thought of not being with Finn? That sent fear deep inside her and she just couldn't contemplate it. She couldn't wait to be alone with her young wolf.

  Tatiana introduced Thadius to her parents and the fearful looks they gave him made her smile. They had never came face to face with a large, old and powerful wolf. She only wished they could get to know him properly but she wanted to get home, to the human realm. She realised that she now thought of there as her home. Her home with her mate, Thadius.

  Tatiana kissed her parents and her sister and noticed that Lilli was now very close to Calaron. His hand around her waist? Tatiana hoped the two found happiness together, even a small portion of what she had with her mate would ensure they did.

  Tatiana walked back to the vampires. “Where's Finn, I'll get the portal opened now. Our powers came back as soon as the Queen was released. I must say it's nice to have them back.”

  The fairy had felt as if she was only half a being without her magic and she was now at peace with her abilities flowing through her body.

  “He's over there...... Finn! Come on we're going home, and you can have the next week off! Only a week boy, then back to work!” Vlad's tone was firm but he had a small smile on his face as he watched the young Guard and his elf.

  Finn pulled his lips from Glorel's and gave his boss a lop sided grin, a week off. He knew exactly how he and Glorel were going to use that time.

  Chapter 12

  Finn pulled Glorel behind him as he moved over to where the rest of his party were standing.
Tatiana's parents together with Lilli and Calaron stood off to the side watching their group, the older fairies still had a look of fear when looking at the vampires and the wolves.

  As Finn drew nearer his nose twitched, a scent filling his senses. A low growl rumbled from his throat and he heard Thadius' growl join his.

  “What's wrong Thadius?” Zach asked as he saw the change in the old wolf.

  “Goblins, they are near Zach. We can't leave yet!” Thadius had visions of Tatiana's parents and sister, with Calaron the only young male to protect them. No, he couldn't leave the others with only Calaron to keep them safe.

  “Are you fucking kidding me! Really?! I'm sure getting fed up of those little buggers!” Vlad was severely annoyed. He pulled out his sword and his look turned harsh. He wanted to get home to his mate.

  “Calaron, get Lilli and her parents,stay close to Thadius, stay with him and Tatiana. Thadius will keep you safe while we deal with them.” Zach also now had his sword back in his hands and he was also getting more than a little fed up with these strange creatures.

  “Glorel, stay with Tatiana.” Finn ordered and Glorel's breath hitched at the total command in his tone. She found she liked it, a lot. She stood on her tiptoes and pulled his head down, placed a quick kiss on his lips, then moved to stand beside the fairy and her mate.

  Finn changed and Tatiana's parents gasped. Where the young man had stood was now a very large wolf. Their brains were having a hard time taking all this in.

  “Finn, show us.” Vlad ordered and the wolf took off into the woods and to the right of where they were grouped. The vampires followed and every one of them was annoyed. They all just wanted to get home.

  Alex had a deep frown on her face. These goblins just didn't know when to call it a day. With her shorter sword in her hands she moved after Zach and kept her senses on high alert.

  Finn moved slowly and made no noise whatsoever. His huge paws landing on the forest floor, on top of leaves, branches, a host of other things, but he made no noise. Alex always found this strange, every time she saw any of their wolves they could do this. Weird.

  Zach could now hear the flurry of feet coming towards them and sent his powers out again, quite a few of them. He wished they would just disappear. The little misshapen men had caused so much trouble and heartache in this realm. Did they not know they were going to be punished for it?

  “Spread out a little, not too much.” Zach spoke quietly knowing that the vampires ears would pick up his words and they did as he said. Moving so that there was a little space between them. Enough room to wield their swords and not hit one another.

  Finn's wolf roared and leapt forward landing in the middle of a group of angry goblins. His size knocking some down and killing two with his great claws and maw. The rest scattered, only to come face to face with the vampires.

  There was a short flurry of activity, the wolf and vampires taking the goblins down one by one and doing so quickly. Yet again they were covered in fresh, wet, blood, which joined the blood they already had on them.

  Alex cursed, she would need to stay in the shower for a week to get rid of all this blood. And just why did it have to stink?

  A stray goblin stood behind a lovely flowering tree and Alex was close, she hadn't seen it though. Her attention wandering to thoughts of a long, hot shower. Her back was to the tree and her attention elsewhere, the goblin got bold. Sneaking out it raised his large, heavy hammer in both his hands and moved to strike this demon being in front of it.

  Finn smelt the stray Goblin and had tracked it. There, behind the tree Alex was standing in front of. The wolf roared a warning and ran forward. Alex turned her head, what was wrong with Finn, she thought?

  At the wolf's roar Zach sought it out. It was a roar of warning and he looked to where the beast was. Zach saw Finn's huge wolf move with incredible speed, towards Alex?

  WTF! As Zach moved with his supernatural speed towards his mate he had no idea what he was going to protect her from. Was there a danger. Or had Finn lost his senses?

  In a split second Zach was at Alex's side, not before he heard her scream in agony though. The Goblin had struck Alex with his hammer and Alex went down like a ton of bricks.

  Her hip took the brunt of the hammer blow and she felt it shatter. Felt every minute piece of her hip bones sliding around inside her as if she had a million pieces of broken glass cutting her insides. After the first scream she was silent. The pain so bad she couldn't even draw a breath.

  Finn's wolf had landed on the Goblin less than a millisecond too late. He had torn the head from it's body and it lay dead on the grass behind Alex. Zach was bending down to his mate, fear on his face.

  “Alexina! Shit! Baby, hold on, hold on!” Zach didn't even attempt to move her, knowing she would be in immense pain.

  Tatiana let out a shout as she saw what happened. The small fairy running the short distance into the woods and towards her girl. “Alex!” Tatiana screamed and dropped down onto her knees at Alex's side.

  “Stay still Alex. Don't move.” Tatiana sent her newly returned magic out and felt for the damage. Dear lord, the hip was completely shattered. The pain must be incredible.

  “I can heal you Alex, stay still.” Tatiana concentrated hard, pushing her healing abilities outwards. Her hands only just touching Alex above the area that was hurt.

  Zach held one of his mate's hands as he watched Tatiana get to work. His heart beat way too fast and he wondered if he should call Lexi? Surely their daughter would be quicker at this?

  “Tatiana, Lexi – should I call her?” Zach managed to get out, but words were difficult, his throat so tight with fear.

  Tatiana shook her head. “No, I can do this, but you may want her to check later, make sure all is as it should be.”

  Tatiana's face showed the deep concentration she required to do a healing spell as large as this one. A small glow snaked from her hands and down into Alex's body. The small vampire moaned as things inside started to move and knit back together. The pain growing more with each second. Alex looked up into Zach's face and gave him a small smile, before her eyes closed.

  “Tatiana!” Zach roared, seeing his mate's eyes flutter and then close as she lost consciousness.

  “Shh Zach!” Tatiana retorted. She needed to concentrate.

  Zach tried hard not to shake the small fairy to get a response but saw she was working arduously to heal Alexina.

  A few minutes passed, Tatiana still working over her girl. Everyone else now stood in a circle watching. Finn and Vlad having made sure the area was now secure.

  “Look!” Glorel shouted and everyone turned and looked to where the elf pointed.

  Their eyes were drawn to the castle. A bright light emitting from one of the upper windows. A light which arced and came towards them, quickly.

  Tatiana had also raised her eyes and when she saw the light she smiled. Her Queen had heard her plea for help.

  The light was nearly upon them and Zach wasn't sure exactly what as happening. The light seemed to be coming straight for them.

  “What the fuck!” Zach cursed, not knowing if this was good or bad.

  Tatiana laid a hand on his arm. “My Queen is going to help.” Was all the little fairy said as she moved back and away from her girl lying on the ground.

  Zach's eyes widened as Tatiana moved, surely she wasn't finished? Then her words entered his thoughts – the Queen?

  The bright, glowing, light arced ever nearer and finally entered Alexina's prone body. Zach watched as his mate's body seemed to be infused with the brightness and suddenly the light was gone. Everyone blinked their eyes and Zach was no different, he blinked rapidly and then felt a squeeze on his hand.

  The hand that held Alexina's. He looked down at her face and he saw her become aware of herself and her surroundings. A confused look on her features.

  “Alexina, meine Kleine, are you ok?” Zach asked, his tone still fearful.

  Alex smiled, “Uhm yea, but what am
I doing on the ground?”

  Alex tried to get up but Zach pushed her back. “Stay still, we need to check you.” Zach looked to Tatiana who came forward and placed her hands over Alex's hips, a smile on the fairy's face.

  “She's healed Zach.” Tatiana whispered, awe in her voice at her Queen's intervention.

  “Healed? From what? What happened?” Alex was again trying to get up and this time Zach helped her to her feet. His hands ran over her body, looking for any damage, but found none.

  “Thank you.” Zach said into the night air and pulled Alexina into his arms.

  “Will somebody please tell me what the hell's going on!” Alex moaned as Zach's arms nearly broke off her air supply.

  “You were hurt by a goblin's hammer. Your hips were shattered.” Tatiana explained and Alex's eyes looked even more confused, she couldn't remember any of that happening.

  Tatiana nodded her head and Alex looked around. Behind her, she saw the body of a goblin lying, without it's head.

  “Oh!” was all she could manage and Zach placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I think we all need to get home now.” Zach spoke, his words mumbled as his face was buried in his mate's hair.

  “I second that!” Vlad said as he smiled at Zach and Alex. He was greatly relieved that Alex was ok. He didn't relish going home and telling Irina they had let Alex get hurt. His mate would not be happy at all at that news. If Irina wasn't happy then he wasn't happy.

  “Is it safe though? I mean to leave?” Alex asked, not wanting to go if the fairies and elves were still in danger.

  “Yes, the Queen is back in power, she'll watch over everyone.” Tatiana's voice was one filled with relief. She was amazed at herself, she couldn't wait to get back to the human realm.

  Hurried goodbyes were once more said and they all moved to the edge of the trees. Tatiana's hands flew and she spoke the words to summon a portal. Once more a large, green mist covered shape appeared and Zach was the first through it, pulling Alexina behind him.

  Finn now had his arms around Glorel and was trying to get her towards the portal. His little elf was still waving and saying 'goodbye' to her brother as Finn finally turned, picked her up in his arms and walked through. He could wait no longer to get his mate alone and in his bed.


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