Soldier for Hire

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Soldier for Hire Page 16

by Kimberly Van Meter

  “Is there anything else you need to spill?” she asked. “You’re not a secret spy for Russia or anything are you?”

  “No,” he said, but a hint of that damnable grin threatened as he added, “But I guess I should come clean about coveting that ass from the very first time we met.”

  Scarlett didn’t want to laugh but she couldn’t help the smile as she grudgingly admitted, “Ditto, asshole” before settling against the chair, thinking through the situation. So, she knew Xander’s dirty secret and assuming he was being completely honest this time, she had to decide whether or not to walk or keep helping him clear his name.

  The odds were stacked against them—they were likely going to fail spectacularly.

  And yet...she knew she wasn’t going to walk.

  Hell, going up against crappy odds was kinda her thing.

  Besides, no one lived forever, right?


  Decision made.

  Chapter 18

  Xander knew the minute Scarlett decided to stay. He felt the shift in the air and he didn’t know whether he had the right to be grateful or if he should feel guilty, but he was definitely happy.

  It was selfish of him but he didn’t want her to leave. Hell, he never wanted to let her go but that was an issue for another day. For now, he just wanted to savor the moment because only God knew how long it would last.

  He took a bold step toward her and when she didn’t stop him, he dropped to his knees in front of her, parting her legs so he could position himself between them.

  “You should’ve told me,” Scarlett said, gazing down at him, her eyes darkening as he popped the button on her jeans and slowly unzipped them.

  “I know,” he acknowledged as he pressed a gentle kiss to her exposed belly, smiling against her skin as she shivered. “What can I say? I’m an idiot.”

  “Yes, you are.” She lifted her hips so he could shimmy her jeans down to pull them free. He pressed a trail of kisses from hipbone to hipbone before sucking at her slit through the thin cotton shield of her panties, taking great pleasure in teasing with his tongue and mouth. The impatient thrust against his mouth was exactly the encouragement he needed. Scarlett threaded her fingers through his hair and pushed his face deeper, whimpering when the tiny slip of cotton prevented his tongue from going straight to her swollen nub. “You’re a tease,” she growled.

  He laughed and rose, pulling Scarlett with him. In a quick movement, Xander hoisted her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes—a delicious, yummy and delectable sack of potatoes—and she yelped when he lightly smacked her perfectly sculpted ass with the flat of his palm before tossing her onto the bed.

  “I’ve always wanted to do that,” he admitted with a grin as he pulled his shirt off.

  “Savor it because it’s never happening again,” Scarlett replied but the high flush in her cheeks told a different story.

  “You are the hottest woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, his gaze drinking in the sight as she tossed her shirt and removed her bra. Those breasts... If he weren’t already as hard as a rock, he would’ve split in two. He could lose himself between her thighs and sleep forever beside her and be a happy man forever.

  Scarlett slowly let her legs open, revealing his favorite place in the entire world. “I believe you have a job to finish,” she said and his heart nearly stopped.

  “Hell, yes,” he said, wasting no time in burying his face between her folds, until her legs started to shake and her head to thrash as if he were exorcising a demon.

  He’d never been so into a woman that he wanted her in his life on the daily.

  He wanted that with Scarlett.

  Helluva time to figure that out when you’re on the run.

  His hands shook as he levered himself above her, taking a rare moment to simply gaze down at the woman who complicated and completed his life in ways he couldn’t even begin to put into words. He swallowed, loving the slight haze in her eyes, partially hidden by her half-mast lids. Her lips were parted as her tongue teased her bottom lip, inviting his mouth. How could he ignore such a sweet invite? His mouth claimed hers at the same moment that he pushed himself inside with one slow, measured motion until he was completely buried inside her hot body.

  “Let’s forget the world and stay here in this shitty motel, just like this,” he said on a gasp, squeezing his eyes shut as Scarlett gripped him tight and pleasure cascaded though him. “I’m not going to last long if you keep doing that.”

  Scarlett’s deep-throated laugh sent shivers walking down his back. They fit together like a custom lock and key. She grinned and said, “You mean stop doing this?” And the woman clenched hard, squeezing her internal muscles, clamping down around him so that he saw stars. He groaned and rose up onto his knees to toss her legs over his shoulders, bending her in half as he buried himself deeper. This time it was her turn to moan as he thrust against her and he loved every gasp.

  “Xander...” she breathed, her nipples hardening to tiny pebbled roses, begging for his mouth but he was too close to his own release to stop to play. He rammed against her like a wild man, loving how eagerly she took everything he had to give.

  And then he came hard. Losing himself like never before.

  Scarlett stiffened as she found her own release. “Jesus...” the word rattled from his mouth as he withdrew and collapsed beside her, both breathing hard as they recovered.

  The silence was broken only by their breaths, his mind blissfully empty for the first time since this nightmare had begun.

  The weight of his secret had leached all of the happiness from his life, even when he should’ve been having fun. But this time had felt different, more freeing. He’d never experienced anything so wonderful.

  Goddamn, he was turning into a sap but he didn’t care.

  Xander turned to catch Scarlett regarding him with a slow smile and a sweetness spread across his chest. He opened his mouth and she silenced him with a finger across his lips. “Don’t ruin it,” she advised and he nodded.

  Good thinking. This was why she was the TL and not him. Instead of speaking, he pulled her into his arms and they drifted to sleep with the ease of honeymooners rather than two people on the run facing an uncertain future.

  And it was pretty damn awesome.

  As much as she wanted to hide in this crappy motel and avoid the problem, Scarlett wasn’t hardwired to run.

  Rousing herself from the bed, she went to the bathroom, washed up and emerged to find Xander awake and dressed.

  Something had shifted between them but it wasn’t awkward. Her heart rate quickened at the sight of Xander, the suspicious frequency enough to send warning bells clanging but she didn’t want to analyze her feelings. Not right now.

  Instead of talking about what was happening, she chose to focus on the case.

  “I’ve been doing some thinking, and it occurred to me that whoever killed McQuarry wanted to make a splash, something over-the-top, and why would someone want that unless they had an agenda?”

  Xander snapped his fingers, pleased with her train of thought. “I was thinking the same thing. When the Twin Towers fell, what followed immediately after under the guise of protecting the American people?”

  “The Patriot Act,” Scarlett answered, nodding. “Which likely never would’ve passed without the foundation of 9/11 to build upon.”

  “Exactly. So maybe McQuarry’s death was secondary to the true agenda of whoever is pulling the strings.”

  “Something terrorist-related, I would imagine, right?”

  “That was my first thought but if that were the case why would they pin the blame on an American hero? Let’s get real. If they wanted to serve a terrorist angle, they would’ve picked a Middle Eastern patsy not a decorated white male veteran.”

  Xander had a point. “Okay, so perhaps stiffer laws of some sort? Deeper backgr
ound checks? Maybe we should look into pending legislature and see if there’s anything that sounds remotely close to what we’re seeing.”

  “That should be easy enough,” Xander said, going to her computer and handing it to her. “Just do a Google search.”

  Scarlett scooted onto the bed and logged in, quickly typing the search perimeters. She frowned as the results popped up. “The list is endless. It could take weeks to wade through this crap.”

  “Narrow the search perimeter, try using the Department of Defense in the search,” Xander suggested.

  Scarlett typed in the search and several pending bills popped up. One in particular caught her eye. Department of Defense Appropriations Act, H.R. 720. “Hey, this might be something,” she said, paraphrasing as she skimmed the details. “Looks like a DOD spending bill that would allow organizations access to the FBI’s fingerprint database with the intent of disclosing criminal records for employment or volunteer purposes.”

  “On the surface, seems like a good idea. Maybe that way fewer pedophiles would find their way to positions of authority with kids.”

  “Yeah, I agree but it’s another bludgeon to right to privacy, which is something the Patriot Act has already taken a whack at.”

  “I don’t think people care about their privacy anymore as long as they feel safe,” Xander said, shrugging. “Let’s keep looking.”

  Scarlett scanned the pending bills but nothing else popped. “H.R. 720 is essentially a spending bill, allocating more money to the department with the additional provisions provided, maybe as a sweetener.”

  “How so?”

  Scarlett warmed to her own theory, sitting up, she said, “Look, anytime a politician comes up with a bill that requires more spending people are automatically against it, because they’re tired of paying for a bloated system. However, appeal to their bleeding hearts—kids in danger, old people, et cetera—they suddenly become more forgiving, more willing to listen.”

  “Good point,” Xander said. “And honestly, how much money could it take to make channels accessible with the right servers?”

  “Exactly. Little investment for a potentially bigger reward.”

  Xander’s wheels were turning, too. “But the only way to get the bill to pass is to create a spectacle that calls into question public safety.”

  “In this case, set up a scare to get the people riled up, feeling unsafe and a bill that proposes additional safety at the right time, and it’s a sure thing.”

  “The only way to know if we’re on the right track is to ask around but I can’t exactly walk up to anyone in this town and ask them about their motivation behind H.R. 720.”

  Scarlett nodded. “No, but Red Wolf can. I’ll send Zak and CJ.”

  Xander looked down at his hands. “Are you sure we should keep putting Red Wolf in the middle of this? It’s bad enough that I’ve got you involved. I don’t want Zak and CJ getting caught in the crossfire, too.”

  “They want to help. I couldn’t tell them to back off if I wanted to. They’ve got just as much skin in this game.”

  “How so?”

  “If someone had the balls to frame a highly decorated veteran working for a classified-clearance PMC, they can come after anyone. We all have a vested interest in seeing this through so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else.”

  Scarlett knew she’d made her point when Xander nodded quietly and moved on but there was another reason none of them would walk—they were a team and they never left a man behind.

  But Xander knew that, too, because she caught the sheen in his eyes before he glanced away.

  “While Zak and CJ are chasing down this lead, we’ll follow up the angle of McQuarry’s secret lover.”

  “We don’t even know where to start,” Xander said, frustration lacing his tone.

  Scarlett knew it was a shot in the dark and a wild card at best but she had a hunch.

  “Let’s start with the DOD,” she suggested and Xander cast a curious look her way. “Secrets have a way of spilling. We just have to ask the right people the right questions,” she explained with a small smile.

  “The DOD...” he repeated with a quizzical smile. “And how do you suggest we get access to anyone worth talking to in that department? They’ve got security on top of security.”

  “I didn’t say we’d just walk in and flash our badges, but even the DOD personnel have personal lives, right?” At Xander’s slow nod, Scarlett ended with, “Well, I’m sure there’s someone out there looking for a date and I haven’t had a good glass of wine in too long.”

  “You’re going to go out on a date?”


  Xander scowled. “I hate this idea.”

  Scarlett rose and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. Trust me, I can handle this.”

  Xander’s muttered, “I know you can. The question is can I?”

  His words sent a thrill straight to her heart. She laughed, kissed him hard and then went into TL mode.

  They had work to do.

  Chapter 19

  It was the first time in a while Xander had talked to his buddies Zak and CJ and it hit him in the feels.

  Using a dark-web video chat program, Xander patched in with Zak and CJ while Scarlett went off to see if her friend Conrad could help them narrow the target list from the DOD for her date.

  The grainy video feed was crap but it felt good to see them again.

  “Hey, jerk-face,” Zak said by way of hello. “Long time no smell. How’s life on the run?”

  Xander gestured grandly to the shithole they were staying in and replied, “As you can see, it’s the friggin’ Ritz. How are you?”

  “I’d be better if I wasn’t running interference so that the FBI didn’t catch your bony ass.”

  “My ass is not bony,” Xander said. “Grade-A Choice beef right there. Don’t be jelly. It’s not your fault you weren’t graced with perfection.”

  CJ popped into the frame. “Hey, dickwad, TL pay you back for that whack on the head you gave her back at the warehouse? She was pissssssed!”

  “Yeah, that was unavoidable and she understands,” he said, pretty sure of himself, but the idea of Scarlett whacking him upside the head as payback once this was all said and done was a real threat. He’d think of that possibility later. “Thanks for believing that I didn’t blow up McQuarry.”

  CJ shrugged. “No problem. We wolves gotta stick together, right?”

  “Yeah,” Xander agreed, but then looked to Zak with nothing but true friendship and said, “Thanks, man. I appreciate all the help. I owe you one.”

  “You don’t owe me nothing,” Zak said.

  But then CJ piped in with, “Bullshit. Drinks on you when you come home,” and Xander laughed.

  “You got it, buddy. Full round on me. I promise.”

  “So how’s it being locked in a room with TL 24/7?” Zak asked, half serious. “Neither one of you are the easygoing type.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m chill as shit,” Xander disagreed. “But yeah, it’s been fine. Nothing, uh, I can’t handle. I mean, she snores but beyond that... Yeah, it’s, uh, great.” He sounded like an idiot with something to hide. Time to change the subject. “So Scarlett is going to see if her FBI buddy can get us the schematics to the Department of Defense. At this point, it’s the best lead we have.”

  “Yeah, this case hasn’t been exactly easy to chase down. I think I prefer dropping down into an Afghani war zone than all this cloak-and-dagger shit. I wasn’t cut out to be a spy, that’s for sure,” Zak said, echoing Xander’s own feelings. “Give me a gun and a target and I’ll sleep like a baby at night.”

  “You probably shouldn’t say that out loud,” CJ advised in a low whisper, which was comical as shit because CJ was as crazy as a circus clown.

“So what do you think you’re going to find in the DOD?” Zak asked.

  “There’s a pending bill that might need a little grease and we think that McQuarry’s death was the grease.”

  “What bill?”

  “H.R. 720.”

  Zak shook his head. “Total Greek to me. I don’t follow that shit but I’ll keep an ear to the ground and see if I can’t find anything that shakes out.”

  “Thanks, man. In the meantime, Scarlett is going to go on a date to get intel.”

  “TL is going on a date?” CJ repeated, incredulous. “Like at a gun range or something?”

  “No, at a fancy restaurant where they serve decent wine, apparently.”

  CJ shared a look with Zak, then asked, “Has TL ever worn a dress?”

  Xander tried to remember if he’d ever seen Scarlett in a dress. He came up empty. He’d seen her in camos, jeans and a T-shirt, and even a ghillie suit but never a dress. Hell, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to see her in a dress for someone else.

  He tried to hide his discomfort but he wasn’t a very good actor.

  “You okay? She can handle herself,” Zak said, misinterpreting Xander’s reaction. “No one’s going to get the jump on Scarlett.”

  Xander had no worries there. Scarlett could break a man’s spine without a struggle but what if she had to play the part of an interested date? What if she had to kiss the man? Yeah, he hated that idea with a passion. He forced a smile for Zak’s sake. “Yeah, sure, of course. I just hate that she has to go through this stupid farce on my account. Not used to having others fight my battles.”

  CJ and Zak commiserated with understanding nods. “All right, man, you sit tight, stay out of sight and let us see what we can make happen on our end. We’re gonna figure this out, you’ll see. Have faith, brother.”

  Xander nodded and clicked off, leaning back with a sigh. His gut was unsettled, churning the fast food he’d wolfed down earlier. If he managed to get through this ordeal without losing all his muscle and gaining twenty-five pounds, it would be a bigger miracle than clearing his name.


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