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Siege Page 21

by James Mason

  But if you're going to pit a White Man and a Black in the ring and call it a "match", why not pit a Black in the ring with a gorilla? Same logic, same kind of "match". You know who'll win every time... the more primitive. But take an army of Blacks versus an equal number of gorillas and see which side wins. The Blacks, of course, because of their greater ability to organize themselves. Take an army of Whites versus an army of Blacks and the Whites will win every time for the same reason. So who then is superior?

  To attack a family of gorillas, which are some of nature's most shy and timid creatures, would be a gross immorality. To attack a village of primitive Black Africans, replete with grass skirts and bones in their noses, would be equally unfair. But today, when confronted by armies of vicious Black street criminals, outfitted and trained in modern weaponry, and who are out to "Kill Whiteyl", the bets are off. When they challenge the White Man as a race, they must be answered as a race. And the answer to any such challenge is a foregone conclusion.

  Therein lies the main fallacy of democracy, human rights, human dignity, racial equality, and all the rest of the System hogwash. Taking people one at a time you'll get nowhere, in fact, you'll become hopelessly lost. There are plenty who'd say it isn't "fair" but they overlook that the concept of "fairness" was an invention of and only exists in the mind of the Aryan. The Third-Worlders and Internationalists know it's a joke. They are winning because we keep ourselves manacled on bonds of our own making - ideas and customs intended solely for and amongst our own kind, not aliens. Commander Rockwell loved to repeat the prayer of the non-Whites and the early, sicko Christians of the post-Roman world when faced by - or whenever contemplating - our Viking ancestors: "Lord, save us from the fury of the men of the North!"

  This time. Lord, screw 'em!

  [Vol.X, #10-Oct., 1981]

  Big Brother, the System & the Establishment

  The time is overdue for us to get a few terms and definitions down pat. What we deal in are not simply cue-words or catch-phrases but actual, functioning people and things that make up the reality of the circumstances we are forced to deal with. The Left has been the master of the art of the blurb, of garbage semantics with their famous ones such as "imperialism", "racism" and "fascism". If any of these things were real then it is doubtful whether we in the Movement would have felt ourselves constrained to declare war on the society as it stands. Indeed, we should feel perfectly at home sharing positions of wealth and power alongside the ruling class were this the case (which is actually what the modern-day Leftist ARE doing). And so we do not deal in fable; we deal in fact.

  In previous segments we have spoken of the Establishment and many would object right away that we are lifting the term from the New Left of the Sixties. The Establishment is a reality though concepts of it vary widely, and until a better term comes along we will stick with its usage when referring to the economic and social goings-on in the nation and the world today. These are your big and little money people who make it possible for this stricken monster, the System, to continue lurching forward yet another step, then another. They buy us time and yet they condemn us to a longer sentence. Some of them pay pretty good lip service to some of the Movement's more conservative aspects but they do not lend any appreciable support to the Movement for the implementation of its program. They like this Capitalist System and only really resent the bigger, official Capitalists who are ripping off the rip-offs. The Establishment is corrupt, complacent, reactionary and business-as-usual.

  The System is a term not so frequently used by the Left in the past because to glance at it too closely would reveal that the same ideals are postulated by BOTH except that the phony "revolutionists" are in a bigger hurry than are the Kennedy-type Establishmentarians. We use the term 'System' in place of the word 'government' because what controls America and the whole West today are not governments, they are faceless tyrannies, branch offices of a single monstrous SYSTEM. When we speak of the thousands of interchangeable, expendable parts of the alien, inhuman bureaucracy, we speak of the System. From police to welfare bureaucrats, to city, local, state and national appointees and so-called "elected officials"; from prison administration to the Armed Forces; those who either represent the System or who are in the employ of the System ARE in fact the System itself. High and low it is marked by the overweening drive to entrench itself ever deeper into the body of the nation - like the parasite that it is - to evade any and all real responsibility, and to regulate the lives of everyone it can in as minute detail as the System "legislators" can clear a "legal" path for it to do so.

  When we speak of 'Big Brother' we use a term which has been infrequently employed by the Right Wing of years past because, traditionally, the Right has been associated with "Big Government" or central government. The Right has had its share of stock dialogue phrases, not altogether accurate and tending to fall into the easy manipulation of its very opponents, the liberals, for that reason. The "Communist Conspiracy" of the Right, for example, has been looking more foolish as the years have gone by. We of the Movement are aware that most of this is in truth the CAPITALIST conspiracy of which the Communist segment is but a poor relative. So when we use the term Big Brother we mean, first of all. The Conspiracy in general (for, have no doubt, it is a conspiracy which is at work). We do not harp away on Jews, Jews, Jews but this conspiracy is practically unthinkable minus Jewish input and control. We recognize that there is a highly disproportionate degree of Jews in the Establishment, the System AND in Big Brother which their overall population percentage does not justify. But Big Brother is the wellspring from which all the really noxious social, cultural and economic poisons emanate. It is the alien worldview which now permeates everything consumed by the public. Everything must have Big Brother's seal of approval before it is marketable, printable, believable. It goes far beyond mere liberalism. It contains the greatest amount of DRIVE of any ideology or worldview ever imposed on an unaware or unwilling populace. None of its tenets or programs work in practicality. But no matter. The forces and resources of both the Establishment and the System have long ago been harnessed to CLAMP ON the dictates of the Big Brother advocates and their stated goal of total integration and everything that implies.

  We do however subscribe to the old adage that, in order to kill an "ism" you must kill the "ists". It is a general rule that in this ultra-sick society the members of the Establishment, the System and of Big Brother's exclusive few share many common traits. The most basic of these is cowardice. And from cowardice comes repression. As we already have said, none of them will accept responsibility for anything. Their defense is their endless red tape. Their offense is their economic system (not to mention the press, courts and police). They hide behind the "law". They are "officialdom". They are the ruling class. If we are to play by their set rules, as we must, then one of them is co-equal to all the rest, as guilty as the next. To participate in this anti-White conspiracy is a crime that shall be punished by death. And no appeals are granted by the Revolutionary Court .

  [Vol. XI, #6 -June, 1982]

  The Simplistic Society

  I've been told in recent years that we just can't blow the heads off the powers that be, that we simply cannot call for an anarchy. But what these sensitive, conservative types can't grasp, or else refuse to grasp, is that the alternatives are either fast being removed by circumstances themselves, or they are gone already. What we must recall always is the magnificently just and civilized Program which Commander Rockwell offered to the nation and the world during his nine years as head of the Party. No one chose to listen. It's now out of our hands.

  The point remains that the deadly and worsening situation we each are caught up in has at no time been the product of accident or even of stupidity. In point of fact, were things to be LET ALONE then a natural process of healing and correction - what Manson would call a balance - would begin to take place. However this can't happen unless and until the SOURCE OF THE POISON is gotten to and shut off as a prerequisite to any ch
ance for even the most gradual improvement. And for this golden, chance-of-a-lifetime reprieve we could afford easily and happily to do without a majority of what today passes for "indispensable". Indeed, much of it is part of the poison and we would be far better off without it anyway.

  Our task is uncomplicated yet awesome in its individual challenge. I think the entire Movement is generally agreed that the System is going to fall; indeed it is currently in the process of falling. We have in the recent past the lesson of Iran : when the Big Brother regime there was toppled, all the high technology and the money itself disappeared... YET. Iran has gone on to successfully purge itself of practically all of its impurities and has fought a victorious war with a militarily well-supplied neighbor. And it is doing so under the direction of one elderly holy man who embodies the spirit and will of the entire nation. Are we to think it can't happen here? But Khomeini's march stretched over a period of a generation or more, much of it spent in exile. We're no strangers to enduring long, dry spells made even more oppressive by the iron grip the System has over things in this country, but more is still required. We'll need to have a team ready when the time comes.

  As some more advanced Movement thinkers have already projected, this occurrence may well be on a world-wide scale. Many believe that it is essential it does happen in this way so as to thoroughly pin down the forces of Big Brother.

  Everything connected with the Past will be erased. And we can begin again minus any alien or renegade influence. Minus any parasites. We will have been provided with a clean palate with which to do this. Primitive is not the word to be applied but rather simplistic, or even organic, because a purely White society is intrinsically far superior to any high-technology mongrelized cesspool such as what exists today. What this will mean will be the beginning of a new GOLDEN AGE for our People.

  [Vol. XI, #7 -July, 1982]


  It is those who are blindly willing to trudge on in the standard, accepted fashion of "business-as-usual", and these alone, who permit the System and the Establishment to keep functioning. In recent years they have seen themselves reduced from pawns to victims and yet nowhere do we see any appreciable trace of popular rebellion, that is, genuine rebellion. They continue to work their jobs, go home or to the bar, drink and watch television. Is it that their resistance has been totally conditioned out or that obvious channels of resistance are as yet managed by the "Fellow Travelers of the System"? (Why, for example, have not the Communist factions called for a general strike nationwide?) This business-as-usual attitude, practically a fanaticism in itself as it calls for total inaction in the face of the worst excesses and outrages, will be the greatest single thing about the current historic phase that will puzzle and mystify researchers and historians for the rest of time. "Such miserable swine as these", they will think, "so utterly devoid of the will to live or even of the worthiness of life itself".

  For us today, this prevailing attitude contains the most ominous portents and it actually gives us the outline of events to come. The peoples of Europe chose to cling to business-as-usual in their refusal to join with Germany in the defense of Europe . What they got was World War Two and the state of affairs that has existed ever since. The menace was present, the prophets were issuing their warnings, the solution was easy at hand. Instead, the people begged for disaster and that is what they got. Today the menaces are clear, the prophets are equally clear in their messages, the answer is present but the reaction of the people is the same - or maybe worse, for at least the people of Germany answered Hitler's call. The worst that history has ever had to offer will be their lot this time.

  National Socialists and all students of history are aware that this current business-as-usual phase is positively incapable of turning a page of history. The break will come to terminate this agonizing, lingering illness and it will come like thunder, suddenly. It will be an end to business-as-usual and a resumption of history.

  [Vol. XI, #12 -Dec, 1982]

  Dark Age

  George Orwell will be mentioned now just in order to get his name out of the way so that we may go onto examine things far more real than anything envisioned in his imaginings.

  Things are going on and being said and done on a daily, routine basis that should cause one phrase to flash into the brain of any thinking, aware person: "The Dark Ages". Starting with this example is the discussion here in Ohio and indeed across the country about whether to "build more prisons and stage more executions". A lot of people are going to prison but many are getting out. Some are dangerous, it's true. They are overflowing. Guards fear the conditions. So the turnover is rapid. And, around here, they ARE building more prisons - one right across the highway from the state prison that had housed Charles Manson during the 1950's. Almost like competition across the street. "Will also create more jobs", they say.

  We have to look at the way it is, not the way some Right Winger would like to see it. What does all this talk of prisons and executions MEAN? Hand-in-hand with the strong talk about "law and order"? Whose law and whose order? Why, the same ones as who own and operate the prisons and execution devices, of course. The State. Does this bode well for any of us? Hardly.

  Prisons are loaded with Blacks. Prison populations consistently run from 50/50 on up in favor of Blacks. Signs of a racist, repressive society? Not exactly. It is just that Blacks commit most of the crime. But all that is in their nature and the laws of this society, as they were originally intended, were never meant for a multi-racial population, for coloreds to have to abide by. They should not be "punished" for this but instead allowed to go and make their own laws to live by and to take care of their own transgressors. But the State won't have it that way. Rather, they alternately inflict the Blacks on White society and inflict prison on the Blacks, ever heightening the fury of the cycle.

  And what of the Whites in prison? Aside from the federal, "white collar" types, most are there because they cannot help themselves and the State, the only source from where real help could be expected to come, babbles on about "more prisons, more executions". After removing the Blacks and the rest of the non-Whites, and removing the habitual criminal types by actual and swift execution, the remainder would be only a shadow of the monstrous problem that exists today. A firm and healthy White society would easily absorb the majority and lead them to a productive existence while the rest, those who positively "can't make it" with others, under others' rules, could be gathered in colonies similar to the successful British experiment in Australia , to be left to make it on their own.

  The State and those running it presently either can't see that or won't allow it. In the first instance, they are incompetent. In the second, they are criminal. But at bottom, given the conditions and circumstances today, this official mutter about "more prisons and more executions" smacks clearly of a declaration of war by the ruling class against the poor.

  As "liberal" or "Marxist" as that might sound, if the System has ever had you behind the old eight ball, that is the inescapable reality that dawns over you. And they have the pomposity and gall to refer to these hell-holes as "correctional institutions". They are human warehouses and, because of the conditions that prevail in most of them, they are in fact torture chambers. And it is a most odd twist that, because the System that created them and the conditions within merely tosses a person in and turns its back, rather than employ full-time official torturers and executioners, the System, in whose name these prisons stand and function, gains no respect by them but only engenders hatred and contempt among these hordes of prisoners, both Black and White. And still they babble on about building more of them. Somewhere along the line is a built-in justice that is taking its time in manifesting itself.

  Another hallmark of the first Dark Age that we read about in school books was the degree of superstition and illiteracy abroad in the land. The talk was taking on a loud shrillness in my early school days about not being able to secure even an undesirable job without a high school diploma. Th
ey weren't kidding about that. But no one has offered to explain all the "functional illiterates" WITH diplomas and WITH average jobs. The emphasis can't, therefore, be on education. People I meet for the first time invariably take me for a) an attorney; b) someone in law enforcement; or c) a clergyman. Seriously. I happen to be a ninth-grade drop-out and subsequent runaway, with a prison record, with no employment history and an avowed revolutionary. Seem strange? I've maintained in the past that "qualifications" in this society mean the degree to which you have reduced yourself to the level of a quickly and easily interchangeable part.

  They loved to point out to us kids in school the ghastly idiocy of the official belief in such things as the "sun revolving around the earth" and the "earth as a flat disc", and that any who opposed - or so much as questioned - this official view of the Church and State, were routinely burned. It really wouldn't matter a damn if the sun did revolve around the earth or if the earth were flat. Things would go on about the same. It's just that there were men of science who sought the TRUTH at any cost. But how about today when it is taught by System, encompassing State and Church, that "all men and races of men are equal" and inter-mixing has become law? Not only is there no evidence anywhere to support that very recent assumption, but in fact all science stands against it. And IF the lessons of history are ignored, IF this de-evolution goes on to its conclusion in North America, IF this civilization crumbles as a result, then what? In principle, it may be akin to the superstition that the earth is flat, but the results are infinitely more terrible. And what of those who today go against all this babble and chatter and "laws" about "human equality"? Only they can know and appreciate what Galileo and Copernicus might have gone through.


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