by James Mason
If that's not enough, there's the business of "Six Million Dead Jews" killed by the foremost promoters of the "racist" idea: the Nazis. To deny this - merely to raise the question of it - is against the law in many countries and there currently are TRIALS underway to punish (silence) any who dare to challenge this "gospel", this "canon". Yet, all real investigation, all hard evidence shows that no such "Holocaust" ever took place. And they look upon the inquisitors of old and alternately shudder and laugh, smug in the certainty that this is the most enlightened of all times and places.
Before proceeding further, these two things, illiteracy and superstition, are what ensures that no national renaissance such as that which occurred in Central Europe in the 1930s can be possible in this country today. In Germany they wanted to be given the Truth, and Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP provided it. Here, they don't want the Truth and will try to kill you if you offer it. For a huge and complex society such as this, what this invites resembles something out of the darkest, bloodiest pages of the Old Testament. Such is the cry of eternal justice that will not be stilled.
Finally, in terms of total practicality, this society teeters on the edge of a return to something even more primitive than the original Dark Ages. On television these days I see ads for a "computer dating service" which features such types as "marketing consultants", "time management consultants", "data processors", etc. Now these are very high-paying, professional positions but I ask What is actually being PRODUCED by them? This is being billed as not only the wave of the future but as what to look for as the "ideal" in a mate, the kind of lifestyle to be desired. But who in the hell is going to PRODUCE? You hear constantly of farms folding and disappearing. That there are now more "white collar" workers than "blue collar". Some proportion way above eighty percent of the population is now living inside the cities. Where's the FOOD going to come from? And, lastly, some in the Movement are highly enthusiastic about computerism, about how it is the wave of the future and how we'd best dive right into the swim. But I ask again, what does the rapid processing of information actually PRODUCE? What happens if someone or something pulls the plug?
A war or an anarchy, or any form of disruption or breakdown. Anything at all that puts the lights out and keeps them out. It's all held together by a few generators, a few dams and a lot of wires. They think that the ancient standing stones of Western Europe were some kind of conductors of currents but who knows? Who'll know what the hell these giant, metal towers out in the middle of cornfields were ten thousand years hence? I've stood in lines in supermarkets when the electricity has been out for as long as thirty minutes. The lines backed up to the meat departments; some people got fed up and just walked off, leaving their carts. And the people at the registers just stood helplessly, idly by, waiting for "someone" to turn the power back on. No one dreamt of whipping out pencil and paper. Tell me where the computers will be when the lights never come back on, or not for a period of years. What's more, where will the COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS be then? It'll be back to the soil fast... or DIE. Winter and starvation won't wait. Try "consulting", "programming" or "managing" your way out of that. The diplomas will come in handy when the shipments of toilet paper stop.
It has been said that Western Civilization reached its peak in the Eighteenth Century. For many reasons, this is probably correct. But I would add that mechanization had reached its natural, healthy peak at about the turn of the last century. By that I mean machines had developed enough to lighten man's load but not too much to enslave him and make a hopeless dependent of him. I marvel at the inventions of the late Eighteen Hundreds and early Nineteen Hundreds. Practically none require fuel of any sort beyond man and horse power. Furthermore they were built to last forever. Many required a certain native CRAFTSMANSHIP to operate but therein was man's greatest INSURANCE against disaster: HIMSELF and his own natural capabilities.
Life was hard? Life was neither soft nor hard, life was merely life. Today, life is a hothouse, artificial. The lifeline can be cut at any time. Perhaps for the first time ever in history a society composed of hundreds of millions of people has lost the capacity for self-sufficiency. Cut the power and they'll die by the millions. Talk about the plagues and diseases of the famed Dark Ages of old!
Centralization has brought it about. But more than that, centralization in the WORST POSSIBLE HANDS. Centralization of nearly everything. Yes, everything. Even mass opinion created by a centralized media. The question is not whether it might collapse, but how it can possibly keep from collapsing for much longer...
[Vol. XIV, #4 -Apr., 1985]
Ain't It Funny
I am disgusted by the sight of an army of drooling slobs grinning insipidly and mumbling, in halting phrases, from the television screen how they are attending this or that technical institute or some branch of the armed services to get the training necessary to become computer programmers. When I was a kid, it used to be that if you were going to become a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer then you had something to take pride in and could pretty well feel that you had your future made. Today it is with computer programmers.
As a vocation, this seems to be society's ideal. I guess it only stands to reason. Any trained savage can be taught how to program a computer by punching the right buttons. In fact, they've been conducting successful experiments for years whereby they are able to communicate with chimpanzees by training them to punch colored buttons to indicate words and phrases to make up for the sad fact that they are elocutionally underprivileged. But the area of computer programming seems to be the one that is attracting the most Negroid types - both Black and White - who are zonked out bad enough to choose something like that to dedicate their lives to in return for being granted by the System the desired status of "consumer".
Agreed, at the present time and for the foreseeable future there will be an expanding "need" for computer programmers as Big Brother tightens his grip over every tiny aspect of people's lives in this country and the world, as people are increasingly reduced to numbers. That, of course, along with the vast and growing credit-debt-slavery racket, which is the mainstay of the System's economy and the inherent sifting and storing of countless billions of pieces of information related to how much people owe. At the present time, the computer programmer is every bit the necessity as his blood brother, the System bureaucrat, is.
I've heard it stated that no matter what happens in the world with regard to politics, war, or the state of the economy, certain people will be in demand everywhere, at all times, and among these would have to be the doctors, the engineers, not necessarily the lawyers but certainly not such freaks as the computer programmers. There will always be sick people to attend to and roads, bridges and buildings to erect, especially after a general breakdown of the current order when there will be untold human suffering arid much rebuilding to be done. Lawyers will be pretty much a useless commodity as talk and smooth dealing have no value when there is a world to be built anew. And it will be the vast legions of computer programmers that will find themselves instantly dashed from the top to the bottom rung of the society.
As opposed to medicine and engineering, for example - what is produced, what benefit is provided by computerization? It's like the crappy, worthless Federal Reserve money: it exists for itself, it is entirely artificial, the offspring of high technology. What happens when the lights go out and STAY out?? How will they run their blasted computers then?? And what need will there be of them any further?? Big Brother will have suffered a paralytic stroke.
In this new Dark Age - different from the previous one wherein religion was the primary concern rather than the upbreeding of the Race - it is technology that supersedes every other concern of life. It must be "progress" because it is all so far-advanced and miraculous! But note how the United States and the rest of the Western world are going computerized just at the moment of their impending death. So much for the true worth of so-called high technology.
It all seems to indicate a loss of vitality because, agai
n, so much is involved in "keeping track of" rather than in creativity and productivity, goods and services. The demand for computer programmers soars while the national productivity continues to decline. So much attention to cold data must be seen as another form of death rattle in the affairs of men arid nations.
[Vol. XI, #3- Mar., 1982]
"People Are Too Smart For That"
This will not be an exercise in wishful thinking but an examination of WHY one long-cherished strategy has not worked and will not work and hopefully, a case for the new strategy which we are building through Universal Order. It is the study of one major symptom of our time. Commander Rockwell called it the monumental conceit of today's individual who smugly figures that he knows it all in this most enlightened and progressive age.
I got it from a very good source, the confirmation that people are "too smart" to know who their friends and enemies are, much less to embrace the former and expel the latter. While I was locked up at Cincinnati 's Workhouse, I resided in the hospital building where I held the post of hospital clerk. The chief paramedic was as fine a fellow as you'll generally discover functioning in the real world successfully. A big Pole who resembled a youthful, blonde version of Father Christmas himself. Once the word on me got out - thanks largely to the efforts of one Jewish social worker - the para-med started up with the fact that he was an avid Nazi blade and pennant collector. He was able to bring in and show me his pennants but, obviously, not the blades. It wasn't long at all before he was spitting out how he wished he could have been a part of the Waffen-SS, "an outfit to really kick ass", as he put it. Here he was letting his White nature hang way out in healthy exuberance but it was later, as were discussing Hitler's style in public addresses, that he spoke up for the whole of the White Liberal Establishment. He said that people were too smart nowadays to fall for such theatrics as those that went on in Nazi Germany. (He of course had never had the opportunity to hear a recording of any of Hitler's more heart-to-heart addresses to the German nation, free of all the carefully rehearsed histrionics which were intended more for the diplomatic corps and the rest of the world than for home consumption.) I suppose he was saying that these people nowadays only respond to - or accept as "for real"- some dried-out, stuffed-shirt who looks and sounds as though he is reading off the day's stock market report but who, in essence, is saying nothing. The character fits perfectly into the scheme and pattern of Capitalistic America.
Commander Rockwell vehemently condemned another one of today's Liberal "virtues", i.e., to keep it "cool", to play it "cool", to be "cool" at all times. To be inflamed by nothing, to stand for nothing, to be willing to die - or kill - for nothing. Hitler and the whole fascist aura are certainly about as "uncool" as it is possible to be. (Note that the same cannot be said for the Communist/Leftist mystique.)
Machiavelli is condemned for being Machiavellian yet he is the least so because he came out with the way it IS, not the way someone who wants to represent, or misrepresent it as being. Hitler was least tyrannical for booming out the collective will of the entire German nation. Today's leaders fly in direct defiance of the will of the majority; they would not know the truth if they saw it, could not speak it if they knew it. (Besides, it remains a positive treat and experience to hear one of Hitler's speeches - even if one does not understand German - for it invigorates. If one does comprehend the language then it is positively inspirational. The same cannot be said for today's bureaucratic puppets and dolts who only bore.)
So how smart indeed is a people that not only cannot solve any of its major problems but which fails to recognize the most paramount of these as problems at all? How smart are they when they can't do anything to prevent their government, society, institutions, traditions, families and their own lives from falling apart? Drugs, suicide, miscegenation, every manner of degeneracy is "smart", "cool", "sophisticated" and quite acceptable in the course of demonstrating one's "individuality". Mindless pleasure bent is "smart". Clinging to a false material security is "smart". On goes the rationale.
When it catches up with them in full, they'll be wondering why. Smart.
[Vol. XI, #12 -Dec, 1982]
The thing that brought this segment's topic to mind was a news item about the nomination of a transsexual for post commander of a branch of the American Legion. The only real Commander - George Lincoln Rockwell - used to chide the American Legion for being conspicuously absent at all of those countless Communist demonstrations during the 1960's and at the height of the Vietnam War. They would rather, he said, pass resolutions linking the American Nazi Party WITH the Communists even though we were the only ones out there physically opposing treason. Now it's really their turn!
Picture a middle-aged, thick-set, square-jawed veteran of World War Two or Korea vintage in a low-cut gown and long, blonde wig (or maybe it was his/her own hair?). Really ravishing! And this for an American Legion post commander as reported in a national news item! Serves 'em right. Of all that sort of business I've seen, from "Christine" Jorgensen on up, this one was the most bizarre because, if you blocked out the gown and wig, and squinted your eyes so couldn't see the makeup, you had the face of a rugged male. It's all over people, I'm telling you! There's nothing and no one left to trust and rely on except ourselves.
In the beginning, that is, with the start of the Post World War Two era, any of that sort of thing was considered just one more weirdism. Trash music or "rock 'n' roll" was to all but the very young and impressionable just that: trash. And it was fervently hoped and expected that it would pass away. In the meantime, it was one more example of something strange and offbeat. The sight of racially mixed couples was an outrage but no less strange. "Addicts", etc., were the same. One tended to write them off, all of them, as lost causes, the dregs of society - in fact, the "exceptions" that proved the rule that America was still great. You and everyone you knew still were sure of what was what and who was who. At least until the point when everybody was on some kind of dope; until girls from "good families" were seen in the company of Blacks; until the new "Rock" made the old "Rock 'n' Roll" sound like Guy Lombardo; until weirdoes and sickoes were found in higher social standing than you.
No longer "strange" but now, and for a long time past, only par for the course.
So if it's no longer remarkable or extraordinary (not to mention unacceptable) for music to be no more than a deafening roar; for mixed couples to be seen and encountered routinely; for marginal types of every description to be filling all kinds of key and administrative positions; for bars to be going up on windows and doors of businesses and homes - then what is it actually? It is that they used to be the degenerates. Now, instead, it is the society itself which has become degenerate. And you and I are the misfits. (The Right Wing of old was looking for a Russian-Chinese invasion, a "Red Dictatorship"! What actually happened turned out to be a thousand times worse.)
It's all meaningless now. It was a White society with White Men, White Women and White Children. White families. White culture. White values. Up until the Fifties, if you weren't White - including Jews - you either played it White or you didn't exist. If you were a druggie, you kept it hidden, or else. There was an Ideal - though it was too poorly defined and not at all effectively enforced - and it was a White Ideal. It was slowly eroded to the point where, today, there is nothing left of it.
Those principles that had been expounded and for which this country fought two World Wars to crush and destroy the very center of our Race and our Culture, from the start of this century on up, spelled out all of this clearly enough. Those who opposed the outward manifestations of it had no leg to stand on. It's here now and in full bloom! Democracy triumphant. And they still demand more, much more! Any doubt at all as to where it will ultimately lead?
And it is at this point that we must acknowledge to ourselves exactly who and what we are and what our goal is. For one, we are the remnant - which means the future is entirely up to us. For another, our job is not to
"protest" any of this because to whom would we be protesting? Those who may be, for varying reasons, lagging behind their more jet-set, avant-garde counterparts in the society? In five years time, more from the former will be among the latter. In ten years, yet more. In twenty to thirty, it'll all be down to a quivering, putrefying mass. Our goal is to, first, make sure that we survive its death. And, second, to hasten, if at all possible, that death.
[Vol. XIV, #7 -July, 1985]
Thrill Kill
"Thrill kill" was a term born in the Fifties. You remember the "punks", the "hoods" of the Fifties, don't you? (And, parenthetically, in line with what I was saying in the last segment, if you had any proclivities to punkism PRIOR to that time, you knew better than to let it show.) Anyhow, the Central Park punks would beat or knife an old man to death just for the "thrill" of it, just for "kicks". But, just like good ol' "Rock 'n' Roll", it took a toe-hold and grew from there.
I love it when the System and the Establishment are made to look like conservative reactionaries. And the latest bunch of business coming out of California, the Leonard Lake and Charles Ng "survivalist" serial murders, has done just that. Mass graves, videotaped slaughters, etc. You see not all the manifestations of Liberal Democracy can be guaranteed or expected to proceed according to Hoyle. These people claimed to be getting ready to survive "Armageddon" but I can't see what the sex killings have to do with that (unless it's to break the boredom). But given that plus the fact that at least one of their prime movers is an Oriental and you can be sure that they're not what could be called revolutionary. No. They're a part of society.