by James Mason
But the one favoring "gun control", who was from California , spoke like a brother to the one from Ohio when he said that unless those "fifty million handguns" were removed from circulation and if the current trend continued unchecked, then the both of them would soon be targets of other assassins. And that jewel went out over network television at prime time. But I wonder how many caught its meaning. The move towards "gun control" stems from the FEAR of ruling structure that revolution may be in the wind, coupled with the fact that we are the most heavily armed populace in the world, thank God! Precisely like the so-called "bussing issue", taken at its face it makes no sense, can't be justified, is unworkable and as far as its stated goals are concerned, is a flat failure. The stated purpose of "gun control" is to curb crime. But the real point of it is that THEY ARE SCARED OF US!
Why doesn't somebody among the Conservative debaters look one of these bastards in the eye and ask, "Exactly what are you afraid of and why?".
If they want it, they're going to have it. Never doubt that. Nobody is in favor of bussing but it remains the "law of the land" nevertheless. If they want it, they'll have it! And none of the tried-and-disproven Conservative methods of opposing naked tyranny will even slow it down. So don't waste your time. We must expect it. Just be ready. Look at what prohibition did for Al Capone. I can hardly wait!
[Vol. X, #5 -May, 1981]
A Breed Apart
"The mightiest counterpart to the Aryan is represented by the Jew." These are the words of Adolf Hitler writing in Mein Kampf. One is immediately struck by a hidden or little-noticed implication contained in that short declaration - the vast difference in numbers between Aryans and Jews for them yet to be "mighty counterparts". What else can this imply other than not everyone counts? We who have spent years within the Movement are aware that the Jews, as a race, are elitists and think of themselves as such. This would mean then that most Jews matter in affairs of Jewry - that Jews, on average, represent themselves very well and in ways that count.
Aryans, or Whites, on the other hand, as we have seen, by and large have abdicated not only their world role but their individual roles as members of the Great Race, to the point where the Race is now only "great" in so far as its past and potential are concerned. But in terms of hard reality, such things as "past" and "potential", together with 50 cents, will get you a cup of coffee. How it got that way has been treated thoroughly in thousands of pages included in dozens of thick volumes put out by the Movement's best authors so we need not delve into it here. The only concern is what steps are to be taken to correct the situation.
What we have on the national and world stage today is a situation that fits Hitler's statement far closer than when it was written in 1924. Numerically - as far as those who count are concerned - true Aryans just about equate Jews and this parity in terms of the battle for eternal stakes lends a light to the gravity and finality of the thing seldom before seen. The rest, as Nietzsche said, are merely humanity, the gray masses representing nothing but inertia. Thousands of years ago the Jews spelled out their own estimation of these types: "Goyim", or cattle, to be grazed, milked and, finally, slaughtered. Can we argue this?
We view the current status of the world conflict this way: yes, there are two mighty counterpart forces at work in America and in the world - the forces of Life and the forces of Death. The Life forces represent an upward path toward, as Nietzsche put it. Godlike humanity. The Death forces merely seek now to make the cesspool, which they have in fact created, one of an irremediable nature. We must know that we fight for Life, for Revolution, as a matter of COURSE and not as a matter of choice or of reaction to anything. Our Program fulfilled will mean the rehabilitation and rejuvenation of Whites whereas the ongoing depredations of Jewish-Capitalism will finally eradicate them altogether.
They themselves are unaware of this and, in any case, couldn't care less. And this, in turn, means that we, like the Jews, must come to view ourselves as an elite, as a BREED APART from any other, because it is our DESTINY to do so. The Jew fights for his destiny in the same way... which is the only way his course can be explained or understood without, as did Commander Rockwell, looking upon it as purely insane.
[Vol. XI, #9 -Sept., 1982]
Smashing the Pig System
To make the critical distinction between ourselves and Marxists or plain anarchists, we must face that there has been no government that has been of, by and for White people since 1945. Conservative types and "fair dealers" were content to allow "good" aliens to man sensitive posts and make policy as long as they did their utmost to keep profit margins high. More reactionary conservatives railed at the thought of "creeping socialism", "creeping liberalism", etc., as the price the so-called "leaders" were willing to pay for the continued services of the master money manipulators. But they all rested their cases on the democratic system, the two primary political parties, the "free press", etc., to ultimately set everything right somehow. Of course, the U.S. government ceased to be White even before the outbreak of the First World War as the very smallest number of alien infiltrators had succeeded by that time in deranging the entire meaning and thrust of government away from being the servant of the people and even away from being pro-American in world dealings. From that humble beginning it has grown into the monster that it is today.
With that as our setting we turn our focus to what was transpiring in the news during late October with regard to the bombings and robberies carried out by different Leftist/Black outfits that hadn't been heard from since the 1960's. Names and racial/political orientation are irrelevant actually because we are no longer concerned with the "menace" and "bogeyman" kick of the Sixties and we are through with conservative reaction. The point is that SOMEBODY HIT THE SYSTEM! And that is all that counts.
Even during their heyday in the Vietnam era we rightly termed them "Phony Revolutionaries" as they merely made a public spectacle out of what the traitors in Congress and the rest of the government were quietly making into national policy. Who lost Vietnam? Jerry Rubin or System scumbags all the way from Kennedy to Ford and all the big and little ones in between? Jews like Rubin and Hoffman and dozens of others probably knew exactly what they were doing as demonstrated by their recent maneuvers but hundreds of thousands of duped, liberalized White youths did not. Furthermore, millions of Blacks - to the contrary - did know what the likes of these Jews were up to and, if anything, were a thousand times more sincere (if violently anti-White) than the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), Yippie types. In the end it is questionable who the biggest dupes were however.
The most rabid among these groups idealized every move they made as being directed against the very vital innards of what they viewed as the "White Racist" society. We did not and still do not take them lightly because, after all, it is the sentiment that counts. But you and I know that this is anything else but a "White Racist" society. It is a cesspool of miscegenation. So when they attack in earnest, physically, what is it that they attack? They attack Big Brother whether they know it or like it or not. They attack their very Patron Saint! This is known as falling for your own propaganda. It is the old "Frankenstein" story. Rubin once wrote that the fallacy of the Conservatives and the Right in trying to deal with those like himself was in their creating and aura of a gigantic menace which in reality didn't exist but yet generated a very real void effortlessly filled by these shirt-tail bolsheviks. Does such a void exist today and for whom has it been tailored?
Each of us knows how they howl, march and protest against "racism", the Klan and the Nazis to this day. They have even lately taken to saying that Blacks have actually lost some of the ground gained after 1965. But it is glaringly clear that pro-Black discrimination rampages up and down this land like a steamroller gone wild. Each of you knows how impotent the traditional Right Wing has become. Yet, to the Left, Enemy #1 remains "Racism". That is the situation and it is one of the prime reasons we must stick by our guns just as Commander Rockwell insisted from the beginning an
d NEVER shrink from the use of our rightful name and rightful symbol, the Swastika - for who and what more vividly represents this huge and terrible "ogre" than Nazis and the Swastika? The point is that, even while they declare us to be the primary foe, our very non-presence denies them the opportunity of getting at us. That is the effective result though they - after several cautious glances about - like to say that they won't "allow" us to appear. We, on the other hand, are aware that plain redneck stupidity has merely run its full course.
These psyched-up Reds - and especially the agitated Blacks - can't be expected to lie dormant forever and you can only hit what you can see. One of the cornerstones of our strategy is to make ourselves the most unattractive target for these peripheral rowdies. We'd rather see the System take it on the chin instead. In deciding who your enemy really is you must take into account that an opponent is only dangerous to you if he holds some kind of power over you. Groups like the PLP (Progressive Labor Party), etc., can't affect us in the slightest unless we provide them with an opening. The Big Brother System is another matter. THERE IS THE ENEMY!! It is our worst enemy in the entire world!
If a bunch of Black Nationalists rob a Brinks truck, if they kill some System Pigs, WHO CARES? Money is the lifeblood of the System so let the Blacks, or anyone else who cares to, open up a damned artery! Any Pig killed by a Black or Communist Revolutionary is one Pig you may be sure will not come after YOU one night with a nice, neat Federal warrant.
It is a dirty, rotten shame that it has to be left up to the likes of Blacks and bowlegged Jewish agitators to hit the Pig System but, damn it, SOMEBODY'S GOT TO DO IT! So wish 'em lots o' luck because this is serious, deadly business and twenty years of bitter experience has shown us that all the piety and all the law and order bullshit of the past has gotten us NOWHERE!
[Vol. X, #12 -Dec, 1981]
Thanks - But No Thanks
For the first time in six or seven years, I had to decline the twice-annual engagements to speak before combined classes of political science students in an auditorium at Worthington, Ohio. I had usually been scheduled each Fall and Spring and this had been going on since the birth of SIEGE [1981] and just before. The very first appearance was made by one old-time Movement "leader" to whom I acted as an escort. While that first time was "dynamic" to say the very least, it had also within the first five minutes or so totally alienated the entire audience. As with the handling of that, the publication of SIEGE and any number of other independent endeavors, I felt pretty certain that I was unable to bungle it any worse myself.
One third individual who had been with us on that initial occasion, but who dropped out after the second or third, gave as his reason the fact that "nothing was coming out of it". But since when has ANYTHING "come out of" any standard Movement activity? Was that ever the point? If it was, then we must really love going after failure and winning it, aces high. At any rate, that was never my reason for going back year after year. My purposes were always self-contained, ends to themselves. One other complaint that I got from this other person was his reminders of the "dangers" that, someday, might be waiting for me. Turns out that it was I who had the long wait because "they" never did show up despite the fact that I carried on alone.
My reasons for continuing with these speaking invitations over the past years included a very old, deep-seated desire not to allow - when I was able to do something about it - the Leftists to hog the show with regard to showing young minds the political alternatives that exist. I did it to "show the colors", so to speak. Also, and even though I had by that time fully entered the strategy of the armed, underground struggle and held no illusions that anyone could or would be "recruited", I kept up these appearances in order to keep myself in form, in the habit of addressing large audiences made up entirely of fresh people and not Right Wing types. Finally, as I had deliberately cut myself off from the mainstream of Movement personalities and activities, I sincerely enjoyed the intellectual exercise, especially when it came to the period of questions and answers with the audience.
But aside from all this, it was undeniable that there was no productivity whatsoever in these speaking engagements. It was also undeniable that a certain risk did exist although I would have to class it with the same risk one takes every morning in getting out of bed. Therefore, and in accordance with a set of new rules decided upon here in the opening weeks of this year, I concluded to terminate this aspect of things. No gain, no loss. Just a hole plugged. The significance of that should become clearer as you read on into the following segments.
[Vol. XV, #4 -Apr., 1986]
Send In the Clowns
Only one thing did come out of those speaking appearances, which numbered about fourteen spread over the last seven years. Approximately three and a half years ago, at the conclusion of a typical address and as part of the usual group of those who'd come to discuss some topic one-on-one with me at the podium, an individual introduced himself and began with statements of praise for what I had to say, expressions of fear that it might be true and the amazement that I was willing and able to stand there and successfully exchange barbs with the few hecklers who made themselves known from time to time. Slight of stature, racially good, well-spoken and presenting a professional social image, he insisted on giving me his name and address in hopes of getting together at a later time in order to discuss matters at greater length and detail. Not just one or two things, but everything about this guy told me he wasn't for real. He had "agent" written across his forehead. I readily agreed to meet.
True to his word, the contacts were made and a long series of meetings began which didn't change in their essence for the next two years. He had it all well covered: he had been in the audience that day as, through a daughter who attended that school, he heard I was going to appear. He was a ready-made "sympathizer" and had all the right come-ons and come-backs. He was a few years younger than myself and, from experience several years before in the same county of Ohio , I guess they knew they could never get me to fall for a racial lowlife. Trouble was that, immediately after I cut off dealings with and practices of the "normal" Right Wing, I commented to one associate that, henceforth, for the authorities to send in one of their clowns, they'd be compelled to do so accompanied by a full brass band. For there could no longer be any hope of sneaking someone in.
This was a circumstance handled in a manner that is not advisable for most to try. Though only one person was laboring under any illusions - HIM, thinking that he was taking me in - he was DAMNED GOOD at what he thought he was doing and no doubt could have made terrific mileage had he hit a regular group of the Movement. He was the dream of the "mass strategy" set. And he was the kind of which Commander Rockwell spoke when he would taunt the Washington, D.C. office of the FBI to please send him more of. The free dinners, free gifts, cash contributions and subscriptions, etc., that I received over the three year period, when added up, would have to be formidable. It's only worth mentioning in passing now because they weren't able to hang me on anything. Otherwise, I assure you, none of it is worth it. Very basically, I wanted to find out what they wanted to know. Plus the material support didn't hurt. It was sort of a tightrope walk.
Since you just don't get genuine support like this, the question becomes: what makes a good agent? He looks and acts good. He talks a good line. He's ready with the cash. He's ready with the goods and services. He wants to help, to be involved. I guess at this point we part company with the credibility-building phase and get down to the infiltration proper. He pretended to know a little but he wanted to know a lot. He really wanted to know about the Manson connection. After a few months and at one meeting at a restaurant where I had a friend with me, he inquired of my friend, after I had excused myself from the table, what types of weapons did I have. And one other unique thing: as part of both building credibility and prying their way in, good agents will go to work on their intended victim's vanity and ego. I feel very honored because this guy was a licensed pilot and took me on many a pleasing
junket into the wild blue. All this just to impress little, old me.
Maybe he or his superiors began to get the feeling I was a dead end as I was using up somebody's money and time and supplying only what could be gleaned from reading Movement publications. At any rate, he disappeared for a period of months. I never attempted contacting him just as I had never bothered to check into him or any of his covers. Why bother? I was sure in my own mind he was bogus and hostile and played things accordingly at all times. I could effectively do no more at that stage. Details were details and my resources at uncovering such things were not even at par with their ability to conceal them.
Then of course came the beginning of 1985 and the explosion onto the national scene of The Order. This transformed more than one thing in the affairs of the Movement. Suddenly, he was back on the telephone wanting to get together again. He had been away in Florida, he said. This time he wanted to get to know the different groups, and, through me and the use of airplanes, travel and meet the various leaders. At the same time he began propositioning me with money-making schemes - involving the planes - that centered around hopping state lines for the purposes of evading taxes. Finally, in an effort to get something all set up, he arranged a meeting between me and the man he was supposedly going to fly these runs for. Basically, I was greeted by an older, sharper version of himself at the runway, piloting a plane twice the size of anything he had ever brought himself before.