by James Mason
Security, even in a military sense, is a relative thing at best. Taken in any other sense, it becomes an illusion. They talk on about "job security", "family security", "home security", "social security", etc. The way to terrorize and CONTROL these people is through control of the money system. And this is exactly what we see today. Big, burly men will cry and crawl, beg and plead, even blow their brains out with enough of an applied financial squeeze-play. It's a miserable and disgusting sight. I can't feel any pity toward them because it is they who chose to accept the rules of the game from the System. It is they at the same time who curse me and my kind as no-goods because we don't punch a time-clock or otherwise make slaves of ourselves.
The other thing which prevents most people from being willing to stand alone is that they don't have any reason to do so. None whatsoever. These are of course "the masses" and I don't condemn them for anything except when they break bad with me for not only having a cause but also my standing up for it. They live only to produce and consume; to masticate and defecate. Wasted exercises in protoplasm. Here only to breathe the air and take up space. No really valid reason for living. Show them a real cause and a real act and they'll hate and resent it because it makes apparent the bottomless futility and insignificance of their own lives. The furthest "cause" or "belief" they know or will accept or will admit is today's washed-out, washed-up, homogenized and mass Christianity.
Being on your own, strictly speaking, has its disadvantages. But these are the kinds of disadvantages referred to by Hitler and Nietzsche as being the makers of superior, truly great men. Personally, I don't know of anything, however small or insignificant on a daily basis, that isn't some kind of struggle. And mostly these days it is financial. So be it. I've often enough said that economics is the key. Not those that have it but those that can live without it. I've already experienced the rest.
We need and want professional revolutionaries. Men who are truly tough... inwardly where it counts. Men who will not flinch at anything that they themselves have to endure, much less anything which they may inflict upon the Enemy one day. We need a large band of those "flint-hard personalities" - the kind of which, though they may have been of alien blood and creed, took over Russia when the roof came crashing down around the ears of a rotten and decadent ruling class, one so very similar to that which exists here today. We each tread that course alone, as it must be. We'll each either arrive at our destination in full figure or we'll have perished along the way due to some weakness... alone.
[Vol. XIII, #1- Jan., 1984]
Beliefs and Ideas
Back again to ourselves as proof that it can happen that an oasis of thought and purpose can arise in the midst of a barren desert. To be sure, no propagandist injected any of the philosophy we share into our heads. It was there all along; it was there at birth. It required only development, enhancement, maturity. We are not the brainwashed ones as the fools and idiots claim. We are the few that REJECTED THE TOTAL BRAINWASH job being put forth by the System media, the same job that has been going on non-stop, twenty-four hours a day for the past forty years or longer, under which three generations have been warped and bent. To have stood immune to this poison - deliberately made inescapable - is something truly miraculous but we few did it and went on to codify our own beliefs independent of the media hype and all its diversion. We should congratulate ourselves for this remarkable feat.
We are familiar with the concept of the mass taste as dictated by New York and from Hollywood , the "styles", the "fads", etc. The "two sides" to everything that are conveniently supplied by the same source. The catch-words and phrases and personages that are sanctified or damned by the Media Masters. We can see that, despite all the hell and unrest, nothing is ever really said or done to significantly rock the boat by any of these so-called "protests". Though many words are used, nothing profound is ever said. We already know of the idle gripe and the idle platitude.
The point is that probably only one out of ten thousand has an idea in his head not planted there by some outside source. Those unable to THINK independently, on their own, have no chance of doing anything else.
[Vol. XIII, #3- March, 1984]
We have all seen the phenomena which tend to spell out that there is no longer any dependability; that no one's word anymore is worth a damn. They'll agree with you, they'll tell you they'll do it, they'll be there or they'll have it, and they'll look you right in the eye, maybe even give you a dish-rag handshake. Come the appointed hour and place, zero. Excuses will be as imaginative as they will be aplenty. It is only par for the course nowadays. Lots of talk and no action. Spinelessness. The log-jam in the courts and the proliferating over-supply of lawyers in the country says the rest. George Lincoln Rockwell advocated the return to dueling in order to wipe out this mess and restore honor and value to man's word.
Compare things today with Hitler's remarks at the Sixth Party Congress at Nuremberg when he said that the legions of faithful present had been summoned only by the command of their hearts.
Strange that these other types can only be made to perform regularly and with some dependability through the knowledge that doing otherwise will lose them their livelihood. Job slaves; money terror. How many on-the-job hotshots with padded billfolds, cushy positions and all the rest have each of us encountered who cannot or will not perform dependably for the Movement, i.e., on their own, for themselves, for their Race. THAT is the true measure. It means that ANYONE can be paid and prodded into some service or routine but to perform faithfully and well in the service of one's inner calling - assuming one has one - despite any hardship, is rare indeed.
[Vol. XIII, #3- March, 1984]
Taken along with all the rest it would be difficult to try and tag any one symptom as the major one with regard to the entanglement the American people finds itself in as to regaining control over their lives and their future, but I would have to offer lack of discipline as certainly among the foremost. Of course, when a society has lost its normal health and vigor and no longer cultivates true discipline upon its citizens, then it has to come from within: SELF DISCIPLINE. This is also the key element that has ever been lacking in the building of a successful political movement in this country. This is the cement among the sand, gravel and water, without which all the rest is but soup.
Among Movement members and organizations it manifests itself in those not holding a steady course or pursuing effective, long-range goals. It prepares the way for the endless mutinies, splinters and factions; the "You can go to hell!" attitude which prevails. When the only discipline that can be exercised from inside these organizations is mere expulsion from same, then the cycle is foredoomed to be repeated out into infinity. Only SELF-DISCIPLINE can correct the mess. And again, approximately one in ten thousand possesses the capability to muster it from within and bring it to bear.
Among the remainder it shows itself as "Uncle Tom-ism". Conforming and staying in line doesn't require discipline. It instead takes a lack of initiative and vision. The biggest, the baddest, the roughest and the toughest... ALL will never step out of line, not really. A bar fight and a weekend in jail for "drunk and disorderly" hardly constitutes a revolutionary act. They cannot and they will not conceive of taking a revolutionary departure from what Big Brother expects of them. Beyond that, it is most often seen in the population as everyone informing on everyone else. Isn't this the scenario they painted for Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia? What's so different here? Maybe it's in a good cause. Every man an Uncle Tom. "Pinch the Pusher", "Take a bite out of crime", etc. And what constitutes a criminal? Hot-lines and toll-free numbers. Whisperers and dime-droppers everywhere. Infiltrators, spies, finks, snitches, pimps, both on the official payroll and off. Keeping safe by ratting out to Big Brother. It's the national pastime. No honor, no discipline, no guts.
Look at Ireland where White is pitted against White over idiotic issues such as religion and geography! They are tar-and-feat
hering Irish girls who date British soldiers! They are bombing British installations and killing people in high places regularly. AND NO ONE BREATHES A WORD ABOUT IT! A Negro and a White renegade parade down Main Street here and what occurs? Usually nothing. And if something did occur? A hue and cry such as has not been seen for any rape or murder. Not only would the populace not offer any aid to the revolutionists, they'd be all-out helping the Pigs run them into the ground.
I'm not about to say that this can be overcome. It simply is a fact of life and something that we will have to learn to recognize and work around. To me, it represents the sign of the very lowest of low. The mark of a people who no longer hold any claim to freedom or liberty. In short, people who are fit only as slaves.
[Vol. XIII, #3- March, 1984]
Intellect, Instinct & Personal Loyalty
This is about how real leadership works. Not good administration but real leadership.
Since last year I've had as an acquaintance a young lady whose company I enjoy very much but who, unfortunately, is a hopeless liberal. You may first ask why in the hell I waste my time with her and I would respond that, one, the mere fact that she continues the relationship indicates she has a spark of life left somewhere and, two, it is the best way to learn the workings of the human heart and mind. Besides, it's entertaining and it breaks the boredom.
First, she's top-notch racially, being primarily Germanic. Second, she's a brilliant conversationalist which is damned rare in this one-mule town. She's one of the System's primary victims yet, at the same time, one of the System's most outspoken advocates. (I was also told by another comrade that we happen to be totally opposed astrologically, if that means anything.) Anytime the conversation turns to politics she ends up screaming, stomping out of the room, slamming doors, etc., etc.. Later, she'll say how it upsets her to allow herself to become so frustrated while I never ruffle a feather at all her name-calling once her "facts and arguments" all draw blanks and I start walking all over taboos and superstitions popularly held sacred today. According to her - and to her kind of course - I'M the problem; poisoning, subverting, befouling the workings of the "Great Democracy". There's something wrong with ME! That's why things are so irrevocably, inexplicably screwed up in the country and the world. True liberal logic.
Jews and the System know how to play these people like a violin. Commander Rockwell said that it was because of the high level of development of the abstract virtues or "advanced instincts" of charity, decency and fair play found exclusively among the best racial types within the White Race. The Jews have done an almost complete job of perverting these instincts into the Negro-worshipping mania that is everywhere today.
But it's tough to feel sorrow, much less kinship, for anyone who'll sneer at you and say that they have an intelligence quotient of a hundred and forty and, therefore, they know it all and, furthermore, any Negro that comes along with and equally high I.Q. is just as good as you or I, maybe even better. To seemingly further illustrate her argument, I never make any bones about the fact that I left school at the age of sixteen and made my way to Party headquarters. She, of course, has had several years of college. Still, she can't nail me in facts and principles. And only after I thoroughly debunked to her the merit of so-called "I.Q." in my own terms, according to my own values, did I tell her that when last tested by the public schools at the age of about fourteen, my I.Q. far exceeded hers when last tested as an adult.
My argument against pure intellect, or I.Q., or the placing of too much emphasis on its importance, is simply that it is but one more physical attribute, or blessing, if you will, to be USED by the possessor. And it can be used for good or evil. Most of the slimy bastard, lawyer-politicians ruling this land today have exceptionally high I.Q.'s. It only enables them to tighten and maintain their ruthless and destructive hold over the rest of us. A really high I.Q. can be compared to weighing five-hundred pounds, or having three arms, or four legs, etc. Depending on the circumstances it can be a blessing or a curse. Jews, of course, as a group are known for their power of intellect. So what does this prove? That intellect is only a tool to be used, or a weapon to be wielded. Used or wielded by what higher power?
Nobody ever heard tell of a "noble intellect". Intellect doesn't MOVE people, if anything it serves to hold them back from bold and daring action. A stone coward - by use of his intellect - can come up with a thousand perfectly plausible covers for his cowardice. The same swine that hold political office today use intellect to swamp the simple people in massive confusion and colors of gray. The lone, intelligent individual, many of who are to be found in the Right, may have sat down and sorted it all out for themselves but to what avail? Because again, intellect cannot mobilize the masses. People are largely unthinking. Of what benefit was intellect to any guy out to seduce some female? Hitler himself told us that the masses are feminine in nature. Of what good is intellect to its owner in the instant that sudden violence occurs?
Instinct - a healthy instinct - stands second only to pure blood in vital importance. Hitler in Mein Kampf said that loyalty took precedence over intelligence, and loyalty is but one by-product of instinct. Aside from pure blood, nobility is found in the instinct. Facts can be distorted but the "sixth sense"- where it exists strong and unsullied - is well nigh impossible to deceive. Instinct is the product of eons of evolution. So-called "intellect" is measured by the amount of "information" one can store in one's head, whether that "information" be essential or rubbish. When it comes down to male/female relations, it's a matter of what animal signals are sent out and how well the other party senses these. In combat - animal, one-on-one combat - instinct takes over completely and the intellect shuts down so as not to impede the organism in successfully fighting to preserve its existence.
Only man in his ignorance, pride and conceit, his off-base worldview with himself as the center of the universe and above Natural Law, has made possible the awful mess people are living in today.
But did you ever notice how people with healthy instincts rarely need to be propagandized or otherwise "straightened out"? Those who require propagandizing can only at best hope to make up a class of distant followers, never leaders. Leaders and the Leadership Cadre itself must be able to serve as their own guiding light and their own inspiration, they cannot be skaters who need to lean on anyone else or be carried when times are tough ("Nobody ever told me it might be like this!"). Total instinctive awareness is far superior to any number of years in a university. Can instinct be cultivated and can it be dulled? I rather think so and I am certain the Jews think so too, which is the reason for such things as "Project Head Start" and the general program of school bussing. To kill off the instinct before it has a chance to grow. To what extent the artificially created drug plague plays a role in this can only be estimated but I feel it must be devastating.
Regardless of the degree of any success the Jews and the System may have had or shall have in the future in making the walking dead out of otherwise healthy, happy human beings, the number that somehow manages to hold on - through some fortuitous genetic twist - and resist the poison will respond to the call when it comes from the right Leader. The rest, as we can clearly see already today, are of no use anyway. But what I refer to as the proper Leader or the proper lead is just that. It is not one more poor man's sneaky attempt at a clever charade or club activity. Far less is it an exercise in counter-culture revisionist thinking. It is a call to ACTION. It will be a call for millions of people to lay down their lives. It had better ring true. Most of all it is a call to action by those currently ACTING on their own.
I've said in the past that when it really starts to happen it will happen FAST. Right at the moment nothing is happening. Nothing except our enduring this most tiresome, agonizing and potentially discouraging phase of the struggle when nerves and spirits are tested to the utmost. The instinct for action cannot be fooled. It will not respond to a false alarm. Nothing half-hearted will strike fire. I've seen many small sparks made. I've seen th
e pattern of how it works. When the current is running through you - and only then - it can be transmitted to others and the process of making an army has started. I did it myself again last month and worked a last-minute miracle in court. Of the small army I contacted the night before, not a single one failed me. Some got out of sick beds, others left their jobs in order to be in court at 8:30 am, in order to be there for that purpose. A real purpose, not bullshit.
That sort of thing can only happen fast. Dragging it out will kill it surer than any action by the Enemy. And what has the Right Wing been known for these umpteen decades other than DRAGGING IT THE HELL OUT? People get TIRED. I am tired but I also happen to be one of the tiny few whose guts are on fire permanently. Most people don't have the capacity or the desire for that. Massive-scale, high-performance output can only be maintained for short periods. A successful revolutionary will know how to get it, how to direct it and how to secure rapid results before it dies down. Look at the 1905 aborted revolution in Russia , or the Munich Putsch, or the so-called "revolution" of the Sixties.
Other than members of the hardcore, the rest will respond only to a visible, known and familiar Leader figure. And down through the ranks that pattern will follow. Personal loyalty has historically been what the "hinge of fate" has turned upon. Owing to the split-second dynamics (historically speaking) of great revolutionary movements, this is well and good. Lenin lived the bulk of his fifty-odd years in comparative obscurity, as an exile. But he was the Man In Time for the Russian Revolution, and afterwards only lived a scant six more years. Hitler knew that as Leader of the world's most crucial revolution he had to move fast lest he die and his revolution flounder without him. "He spoke with the eloquence of emergency", and the current which ran strong through him was conveyed to all of Germany.