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Siege Page 37

by James Mason

  Beyond the absolute fact that a man without enemies is worthless as a friend, there is the equally powerful truth that a man's enemies can and do serve a definite use in his life's struggle. Again, when everything has lost its meaning and worth, the presence of a string of enemies can provide a reason for life. I've never been disappointed or betrayed by an enemy. To them, I am Number One and rate special attention accordingly. They do me honor in this way when all others have forgotten or turned their backs. When life itself has taken on every aspect of a bad joke it becomes reduced to a kind of game where the object is to keep building, keep winning for no other reason than to confound one's enemies. Probably unbeknownst to them, over the years they have each and all provided direction where there had been only aimlessness. They have instilled resolve where there had been resignation. I am sorry indeed to have to say that I could make no such dedication as this to any supposed comrade or friend.

  Perhaps a handful of long-time readers of my output will recall some of my more lengthy dissertations on those whom I felt were doing a great disservice to the Movement and perhaps they will remember these as "smears" of a sort. Note always that I never claimed to have been undone by, nor did lever attempt to "put the blame on", any of those named or alluded to in these exposes but that I instead carefully pointed out the mistakes that had been made, for whatever purpose, so that they might be recognized and not repeated in the future. No, my enemies cannot undo me. Only I can do that. As long as my enemies are around, new ones coming after the old, then they shall be my own best defense against that by keeping me constantly alert and on my toes.

  Despite the debt that I may owe them, and that some of them who may read this could become ill at my revelation, I do not fool myself in false sentimentality about it. Enemies are enemies and, if allowed to build up or join forces against one, then he has invited his own doom. I view it as a war and a war it is indeed. I will kill them if I can. I owe them much - call it vengeance or call it justice, whatever you will. As with most larger, more important things in life, I fear I owe them more than I can repay.

  [Vol XII, #7- July, 1984]

  When Indomitable Wills Despair

  When this occurs it is definitely time to look out. No greater dynamite, potential or otherwise, can I imagine. I know... I'm one and I know what I have in mind. This is the exact point at which revolution appears within any society. It of course, at first, appears silently and unknown even to that person within whose brain it is beginning to hatch. It takes time to find its definition and take its form. It takes more time still to get into action and to manifest itself. But it always traces its start to within those who, in better times, would more likely be found among society's professional classes. When enough of these people despair of anything positive then, truly, anything can happen.

  If there is anything that I desperately want to believe in it is the old, historic maxim that every action will result inevitably in an equal and opposite reaction. This after all would be the very thing we've all been waiting for: the pendulum to return. But I refuse to hold out any childish hope for anything that, in my carefully cultivated cynicism, qualifies as only a pretty theory. It was this feeling that led me from the Right Wing - where dreamers are forever building "parties" to "take over" the country and "clean things up". No, as I have said in the past, this is Death Watch 2000 and only the most grim and remorseless can hope to make it all the way out to the end and be around for the final body count. This is where I intend to be.

  Not only is this where revolution begins, it also happens to manifest itself as what the simple-minded and quaint see as "evil". Nietzsche would understand but precious few others could ever cope with it. Damned few can understand what it means to write your own rules as you go along. Or doing whatever it is you have to do at the moment in order to get the mission accomplished. And only a fraction of a percent know what it means to carry on in this manner and yet possess the highest calling, to give a damn for nothing as it exists in the present circumstances and yet proceed in a coldly methodical pattern ever-toward the highest ideal. Most aren't capable. In order to be to able to do this then, one must arrive at an understanding of those masses of people which surround him.

  The masses are approximately the same regardless where you find them or during what time you find them. They have a way of killing their Christs. They'd kill us if given a good, clean shot at it. A whole world full of one, big Parisian mob. Never at any time are the masses to be found "in the right" of the most profound issues. By the time they have accepted these, they have long since gone stale and flat, just as with Christianity. They will forever reject and try to destroy that which is new and vital. This much of an understanding is necessary if one is not to bash his own brains out in a vain and gullible attempt at setting the world straight (a world, by the way, that doesn't want to be set straight).

  [Vol. XIII, #6- June, 1984]

  Confused Recollections

  To me, this is what all so-called "holy books" dating from timeless antiquity are. Confused recollections. They are all variations of the one, lost Truth which does go back to the beginning of, at least, Man's own time. If the right meaning of these things was ever properly comprehended on earth in the beginning, then they certainly have been lost and muddled by the time anyone first sought to capture them down in writing. Primitive attempts at explaining the misunderstood or the unknown. Stories dealing with the start and meaning of it all so old and so re-told as to have long since taken on the air of nothing more than meaningless fairy tales. And how much was embellished along the way by opportunists seeking to terrify and control through the method of "super spookism"?

  Once the practical history and meaning was lost, then in came the demand for blind faith in incomprehensible fables. Hence the erection of the religions and churches. The ultimate, cogent Truth having been lost, the remainder thus is rendered meaningless and worse than meaningless... dangerous. For it sets the basis for all enforced unwisdom. This sort of thing is not the meat of revolutionaries.

  [Vol. XV, #3- Mar., 1986]

  The Big "If"

  To attack religion, any religion, is a foolish waste of time at best. Between ourselves we may discuss anything and in intelligent terms. But the masses of people, whenever involved, have never yet been separated from their peculiar religious beliefs. (If the Communists of Eastern Europe weren't able to do it then no one can.) The question need not even be a matter of philosophy or ideology but, rather, one of strategy: do like the capitalists, and, lately, the communists, and get the Church spouting exactly what you want it to through infiltration, etc. It merely helps keep down the friction. So much for that problem.

  We are not a mass movement and this is not a mass publication which is the only reason I, from time to time, even address the issue of religion and the revolutionary movement. And when speaking in terms of "the Movement", we are merely speaking of a core, a potential for something more greatly significant. Within this core is a large percentage of those who make their main thrust one of religion.

  Among these are some of the leaders - actual or potential - that I happen to trust and respect most. Ninety-nine percent of what they believe, preach and write conforms to that shared by the rest of us in the Movement. (And by "the rest of us" I'm undoubtedly referring to a minority.) But that other one percent is where the danger is found that I take particular issue with. These people will tell you that we can't lose, no matter what. That at the very end of time, when the "Red hordes", the "anti-Christ", the swarms of sub-humans or whatever you will, just about have the White Race ("the Race of Angels") finished off, then God or Jesus or Michael will come bursting through the clouds at the head of a host of warrior angels and will save the day.

  (Some, whether by belief or in order to make this sound more believable, make this tale analogous to the equally high hope of the flying saucers which are even now supposed to be keeping close watch over earthly developments.)

  They'll tell you that without God
or God's inspiration all is to no avail and our best efforts are doomed from the start. They'll tell you that God has stated, "vengeance is mine" and it is all out of our hands from the start. They'll tell you that Satan presently rules all the earth and is calling all the shots. All of this may well seem to fit the situation, that is, everything going to hell on a greased pole with no visible resistance or effective opposition. To some it may serve as an "explanation" of sorts, as a sop to an otherwise wounded self-image as some sort of political wizard.

  Some of the more rough-and-ready among them (not to mention more realistic) will add that God expects you to fight for yourself and will only help those who help themselves. That is a little better for it almost approaches the totally realistic view of one making his own luck.

  Have you ever studied or heard what the Muslims are saying, and have been preaching for three decades and longer? It is almost the same thing except for two important points: in this case it is the Black who is the "superman" that is on an irreversible course and it is a Black Allah which smiles down on them (yes, from a "mother ship" saucer!), in their teeming billions, as they prepare to swamp the "White Devils". The rest is a lot of mumbo-jumbo, all quite ridiculous. One thing I found exceptionally ironic is that they count those most responsible for their rapid ascension during this century - the Jews - as Whites, saying, "they were the first out of the caves", and planning the same demise for them as for the rest of us.

  The answer of course is in the numbers and in the wire-pullers behind the scenes, not in whose "god" happens to be on top. Blacks and Whites alike are fools because neither side fully understands or appreciates the reason why things are the way they are. Blacks believe in their new-found "invincibility" while Whites are convinced of their own "guilt" and impending end. Forgetting even the numbers involved for the time being and just removing the hidden, alien, Jewish factor and the situation would begin to reverse itself practically overnight. A simple matter of control - who's doing the controlling and to what end?

  The new wave of thought within the Movement states that we must stop thinking that the forthcoming end of the System and this society means the end of the White Race or of higher culture. A defeatist will hold to that outmoded line but a revolutionary will see the coming, gradual collapse as a loosening of the very CONTROL that has led up to all of this in the first place. The intrepid won't worry about the end to convenience, luxuries and amenities that this coming collapse will mean. Those who do allow it to concern them will, in all likelihood.

  To associate the facades of this crumbling civilization, the lifestyles and values of this decadent society, the "knowledge" of this backward culture, with the life of the White Race as it effects the limitless future is to express a kind of oneness with and a desire and a willingness to go down with it... to the bitter end, waiting for some god to bail you out at the last possible moment.

  To an agnostic, that might be seen as one hell of a big "if". Years ago I gave up the terrific effort it required to be an agnostic - or pretend to be one - and admitted to myself and others that I was and am an atheist. In other words, there is no "if" factor: if we lose, we lose on our own, all alone and we'll have lost FOR GOOD. If we win, it'll only be because a few of us - but certainly enough of us - got smart in time and made the right moves. To me there can be no "it's". We can lose and we will lose unless we do something to change the situation. No one and nothing outside of ourselves can or will step in to save us.

  Too many races and too many religions are saying the same things. There's historic explanation for that but it only spells out further the confused state and lost meaning of religion. Worse than that, the White Man is saddled with an alien religion - counter to his warrior nature - which is controlled by more aliens. And in this mess, he doesn't stand a chance at all. I personally reject all of it and am convinced that it is dangerous in that it is so self-deceiving. If it weren't, it'd be damned silly nonsense and fairy tales.

  I'm a believer in clear thought and strong action. I believe we are our own "god" and control our own fate. And I know that we can't leave any of this to chance or to an "if". As far as the Movement is concerned, let us use religion as a tool to lead others whose understanding is thus limited. We can't afford to pretend or to accept for a moment that religion can ever lead us!

  [Vol. XIII, #11- Nov., 1984]

  The Most Moral

  I'm not in any danger of waxing religious but, at the same time, I've never made any bones about the fact that I am total fanatic and true fanatics tend to come to resemble one another in various aspects. But in complete truth, many of these modern day religious fanatics could take quite a few good lessons from an actual political fanatic. It offends me to see these Christians insulting their own religion through their lighthearted attitudes about it and their god as it involves their own beliefs and lifestyles. After listening to and observing a few of them in action lately, I have come away with a feeling of absolute piety.

  I have always attacked moralism. I am not - nor have I ever been - a moralist. To me, that is a person who has been taught and who preaches a set of behavioral rules which run contrary to their nature. Consequently, they are forced to maintain practice, to hold tight vigilance over themselves and even their thoughts and to live their lives watching their step, so to speak. Human nature being what it is, they slip up regularly and must come crawling back to their god asking for forgiveness. And the cycle starts all over again. Modern day Systematarians have provided themselves with endless "alternatives" that are equally fine and dandy with the "new" god who is very "hip". Just so that they are able to work it out in their own minds that as long as they are somehow "square" with their maker, any despicable thing goes.

  Revolutionaries have no such "alternatives", no choices.

  Immoralities arise from frivolities, trivialities, materialism, leisure pursuit and a dissipation and rottenness of spirit. And the constant preaching of morals is a sign of an intrinsically immoral society. Certainly the revolutionary attacks conventional "morality" as the height of hypocrisy.

  As with the "sportsman" and the hunter, as with the dog and the wolf, one kills for the pleasure of it while the other kills because he has to. There is the morality. Everything the moralist does, he does in order to fool somebody, if only himself. In order to make the appearance of being "righteous" or in order to steal a few moments of physical, animal pleasure.

  Everything the revolutionary does, he does because he has to. There is the justification and there lies complete and total morality. The revolutionary does nothing "for the hell of it", does nothing "for the fun of it", does nothing for the gratification or diversion of it. Revolutionaries possess the highest goal, the highest calling and, therefore, anything is allowed. And in this same regard, it was Commander Rockwell who said, "Only failure is immoral."

  [Vol. XV, #3- Mar., 1986]

  Three Wishes

  This will have very little to do with my politics or philosophy but it does signify a certain state I have arrived at in my twentieth year with the Movement. If everyone were to be able to stop and look back in reflection over the past the way I have done lately, it would be quite a good thing for most. I've often enough attacked indulging in wishful thinking but I believe, in this case, I may allow myself this luxury by way of measuring where I've come from and where I'm at.

  First, I would wish that all of my enemies could be subjected to the same tests that I have had to undergo heretofore. I confess my share of anxiety and discomfiture but I managed to prevail in every case. I would like to watch them each crack and crumble when placed under the same trials and stresses that I had to cope with.

  Second, I would wish that in each separate contest, every challenge and every struggle, the actual, physical circumstances could have been transposed to that of a battlefield. One of the greatest insults of the present day is the way, for the most part, any swine who seeks to offend or undo you can walk away - win or lose - with virtual impunity. I would want every hos
tile encounter to have been upon the field of honor where the defeated do not get back up to try again later, and where one lives or dies according to one's actions, not words.

  Third, and most fondly of all, I would wish that I could time-travel back twenty years and be able to be a constant companion and guide to my former self as a youth those many long, uncertain years ago. To be able to compensate for the bitter moments, of which there were many, when, as a kid, I had only lonely determination to sustain me.

  Twenty years into the future, especially to an adolescent, is "the future" indeed. Those intending for themselves normal and average lives might balk at knowing what such a comparatively distant span of time might hold in store for them, and increasingly so in these most uncertain times. But to have laid claim to such a fanciful, outrageous and impossible dream of what a life and career should be, to have burned - literally - all bridges behind, and to have achieved in reality what was but a personal dream at the start is something one might take an appreciable share of satisfaction from.

  Not a bad personal roster of hopes and regrets.

  [Vol. XV, #3- Mar., 1986]

  A Thousand Plagues, A Thousand Curses

  Among the things I have been since I first opened my eyes at birth is an atheist. But I've always been able to wax very "religious", quoting scripture and even going so far as to get myself ordained, for whenever the occasion demanded. It seems as though I'm always ready with a Biblical connection to anything. Then too was one of the very first realizations I ever made on my own as a child: that this world and especially this society were on their way out. It irked me then only because I didn't want to share in its fate. I hated it, I wasn't part of it, I didn't want to go down with it. Then I encountered the Movement with all the high plans of turning the mess around for the common good. Only then began my real education. And today here I am with my own conclusions. I'm afraid it's back to the Bible connections, childishly simple hopes and fears, plus what was learned in a long sojourn with the Movement.


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