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Siege Page 41

by James Mason

  The next big step has been found. It will be up to each one individually to either take it or remain where they stand forever. The turning point has arrived - thirteen years ago - and time for each of us is wasting. Lincoln Rockwell knew what he faced in openly embracing Adolf Hitler for what he truly meant to the White Race, but that did not deter him. He faced the blindness and the bigotry of the rest of the MOVEMENT ITSELF at that early time - those too unintelligent to see, those too cowardly to look. I've been fully aware for two years of the actual role and nature of Charles Manson and I have already experienced much of the same reaction as Rockwell experienced - from both extremes within the Movement - and I have so far handled it and I intend to keep handling it in the same way: nothing will deter the furtherance of the necessary and proper course. Nothing.

  [Vol. XI, #10- Oct., 1982]

  New Thresholds

  The symbol of the Swastika in contemporary America has been called the threshold of anger. For no one would have been willing to embrace the Swastika openly unless and until they had already been largely disenchanted and disillusioned - totally alienated - by the System. Anything short of that, or so it would have appeared to us, would have been only a cop-out. Anything more was inconceivable, even to us. Yet, a truly open mind would have known that there HAD to be more. An even greater extent to the degree of anger and frustration felt that was sooner or later bound to find its definition and expression. It had to be. Just one more aspect that an historically trained mind not only would have found no surprise in but, again, would have been carefully checking his watch in expectation of. Something NEW.

  That new threshold appeared right on time. The fact that it appeared unbeknownst to us does not alter that fact. Two years after the assassination of Commander Rockwell and the end of that phase and that strategy there appeared on the world scene the man who would extend the content and definition of the Idea itself in order to fit perfectly the situation in the world today as we have it. That new threshold was and is represented by Charles Manson. And just as the entire body of the Movement had to catch up with the Idea as defined by Commander Rockwell - as they have all now done after much begrudging reluctance - they are now going to have to rise and expand to this new challenge. They'll bitch but they'll do it.

  [Vol. XII, #7- July, 1983]

  The Meaning of Manson

  He is a product of the American heartland and was subject to the worst conditions that prevailed. But racially, psychically, and culturally he is perhaps the MOST American. Personally gifted, selfless, fearless - both morally and physically - and absolutely dedicated to Life, to Earth and to Truth. What he did - in spite of a life full of the worst adversity - rather than drown in a sea of bitterness as most would have done, he established a racial-socialist colony in Death Valley, in California, in the midst of the push-shove of the 1960's, which was neither hippie nor Right Wing.

  As far as those of us today who remain active in the struggle against Death, in favor of Life, Manson's meaning is of the highest importance. His ideas can be readily accepted by racially sound, intelligent, honest Leftists as they can be by Rightists. Without Manson's input, neither side will unravel the problem nor find an answer in time. His is to date the most supreme example of defiance, action and survival.

  Little more can be added here except that the verse from Main Kampf in which Hitler cautioned against turning one's back to the immortal hands which occasionally are outstretched to us in times of great stress, has its most potent meaning at this time - "...woe to the people that is ashamed to grasp them. "

  [Vol. XII, #3- March, 1983]

  A Non-Faker

  Throughout SIEGE I've referred often to the fakers within the Movement. So often in fact that many might tend to believe that lam hung up on the term and toss it around recklessly, almost as a smear to be applied to those I personally don't like. No. Many if not most of the Movement fakers I've known I liked personally. It's just that I placed the Movement and its development above all personal considerations and refused to allow myself or my own contribution to the Movement be retarded by narrow, blind personal considerations when the individual in question proved to be of detrimental or limited effect.

  At great length and in several ways, I've outlined what makes a faker and how to spot them. It is regrettable that, until now, I haven't had the occasion to point out the makings of a non-faker, that is, someone who is genuine and for real, and to go into the detail of what makes them so. Actually, I've had the opportunity to do so all along except that person involved is not, nor has he ever been, a part of the Movement in the strict, formal sense. In the real sense however, this individual is GREATER than all the "leader/fakers" in the Movement combined, as his worldwide fame and his personal impact will attest readily.

  Can you imagine any Right Wing type in legal possession of a mail-order "group" or "party" telling one of his followers that he has imparted to him all that he can give on his own and that the time has come for the follower to carry on and see how much farther he can go with what he's got? It's never happened to my knowledge. I certainly have never experienced it. No. They'll "sit on" their memberships and mailing lists like mother hens but with one difference: they refuse even to allow the eggs to hatch! Even with a moderate conservative line, no progress can be made like that and, indeed, none has been. No development into a revolutionary Movement can ever occur that way and the only way the revolutionary Movement has had any development has been through violent and bitter splits.

  The fakers know why they are fakers. They have too much to hide, too much to protect, too much to lose. The attraction of any real talent or genius or personal drive is a direct threat to them as it threatens to "take away" not only their livelihood but also rob them of their "star" status. To protect these meager, paltry considerations, they are more than ready to stifle and squelch the Movement itself. They are quite ordinary people with ordinary capabilities who only just so happened to "bump into" the Movement. Outside the Movement, they'd be absolutely nobody... and they know it.

  The best possible example of a non-faker which every one of us in the Movement can agree upon is Adolf Hitler himself. Without formal education, without family background or connections, without money, without even German citizenship; surrounded by officers, gentlemen by birth, scholars, intellectuals, royalty, government officials, long-time veterans of the Movement there at that time, he nonetheless rose to the pinnacle of leadership practically instantaneously and was never again to be seriously rivaled for it by anyone. He had nothing to hide, nothing to be afraid of in the way of personal shortcomings to the point that he had to fake nothing. No one would and no one could attempt to even consider taking over his place.

  With this knowledge and this security as a rock-solid foundation. Hitler was able to appoint and delegate authority to the kind of men which would make even the cream of today's Movement look like stumblebums. We know Hitler is accused of having only "toadies" and "yes-men" around him but we are also aware of the falseness of that charge. But imagine had he really been so insecure about himself and his position that he only allowed jerks and nincompoops to surround him. Of course, you'd have never heard about him in history. By comparison, the "best" attempts on the part of certain Movement groups lately have been those headed by fakers and with a larger-than-average coterie of these same nincompoops to do a few extra, odd jobs for them. They began to look like real organizations. But where are they now? This has been our worst bane.

  There is a great leader/philosopher in our midst, alive and involved today, as he has been for over eighteen years, with a name and a reputation world-renowned and a following of his own - loose as it may be, at least equal in number, if not greater than that of the combined groups comprising the traditional Radical Right. His actions have been mightier, his ideas loftier, his eloquence greater, his philosophy superior and his impact ten thousand times that of anything the Movement can offer as its closest runner-up Still, the "faker-syndrome" will show itself
within the minds of the very same rank-and-file who may condemn it in the "leaders" who forever are letting them down when they instantly disown and defame - jumping right on the Jewish-System-Media bandwagon - this same great man. Woe to them...

  Be that as it may, I was told very recently in a telephone conversation by this man whom I revere that there is little more of a building nature to be exchanged between us, that I am in a position to take it on my own. The words came to me as an honor, to be sure, as a congratulatory remark but also as something tinged with sadness as well as having their own unsettling effect. I still consider this man as the only one who can teach or tell me anything. I can't foresee the day when this feeling will change. I can't foresee the day when I will no longer bow before this man as my own mentor and inspiration. The day will never come when this man will cease to be The Leader as long as he is alive.

  He is aware of all this himself and is in total humility about it, just as was Hitler. Therefore, he is able in complete honesty and sincerity to make the kind of statement and bestow the kind of authority implied in the previous paragraph. He knows he can't be threatened or rivaled by anyone. He is secure. He only wants to see it all put successfully forward by whomever and by whatever means are at hand. Hitler did no differently.

  He is Charles Manson.

  [Vol. XII, #8- Aug., 1984]

  For Love or Money

  Those who were fortunate enough to have seen the "Tomorrow Show" interview from June, 1981 between host Tom Snyder and Charles Manson should have caught and should recall one of the major points Manson brought forth in the course of parrying Snyder's attempts at distortion and misrepresentation of what Manson really is: "You're playing for money; I'm playing for life." The entire meaning was lost on Snyder to whom money and life are one and the same. Manson's trademark - one of them - from the time of his first farcical "parole hearing" has been issues of play money from the "Monopoly" game. This is one of his ways of demonstrating a contempt for the System and those who are part of it. Those who are playing for money may currently be holding him and many hundreds of others. They may be making life miserable for many millions and may have driven thousands to their deaths. This money power may hit hard, but seldom, it seems, does it hit fatally at one blow. Those like Manson with a full understanding of the nature of it can expect to survive it, to turn the tables on it and, assuredly, not make its own same mistake in the handling of their enemies.

  The lack of understanding mixed with the desire and the effort to be part of this money power has created a species that we around these parts refer to as the "Johnny Paycheck" types. (In fact, the actual Johnny Paycheck comes from around here.) From a line just east of here reaching west as far as southern Illinois and from mid-Ohio, Indiana and Illinois down to mid-Kentucky we have an island generally defying current population trends in that we remain overwhelmingly White. But we seem to have an overabundance of two types of thoroughly revolting "consumers": the "White Niggers" and the "Would-Be Niggers". A "White Nigger" is a Black that a true Negro would surely refer to as an "Uncle Tom", whiter-than-white assimilationist. These are few. More numerous are the "Would-Be Niggers": those of European descent but whose only claim to the title of "White Man" rests solely in the happenstance of both his parents having had white skins. In every other regard he is much more closely related to the White Nigger than he would be to a GENUINE White Man. The great equalizer is the paycheck both these swinish types draw from whichever System factory or business they may be employed in.

  Take away the money, take away the regular paycheck and such as Snyder never would have ventured into the bowels of the System's hell where Manson makes his home to secure his interview. In fact, you never would have heard of Snyder - a money person - at all. But Manson would be Manson regardless. One of the reasons they fear and hate him so much is that he is a man totally outside their Money System: he is strictly of his own. Take the paychecks away from the cruds in this or any other area and they become invisible. Imply the threat of removing their paychecks and they become mindless slaves, quivering cowards. When the Money System collapses I think it would be reasonable to estimate that there will remain only about a thousand or less true White Men on the continent of North America. For what is the measure of a "consumer" if not the amount he is able to consume?

  Manson also coined the phrase "Dead in the Jews' money." This establishes the premise: For love or money? The millions upon millions of Establishment Creeps, those who are dead in the Jews' money, are only shadows, outlines of real men and women ("persons" they like to call themselves), who are foul but they reign supreme. How can this be? Because the love of the Jews' money and - more than that - the FEAR of being without it keeps them in line and exacts from them the very essence of their lives. A poor substitute for true devotion to duty but an effective one nonetheless. They hate their jobs but would sell the world to hell a thousand time before chancing losing them. They work to live. Life consists of paying taxes, paying private debts and incurring new debts for more minor luxury and diversion. (I spoke before on the role of the computers. The hottest new diversion today is the video computer game.)

  The quest for the buck. To go after the buck they scratch and wrangle for "training" and "qualifications" in desperate hope of edging out that White Nigger or Would-Be Nigger that they are standing behind in the applications line. You must be trained to pull that lever or punch that button!! Training? Garbage! The proper word is CONDITIONING! The Jewish or Jewish-stooge bosses in the businesses and plants are only interested in types mentally geared for the menial, meaningless and repetitious tasks. If one imagines one needs real training for this sort of thing, if he believes it and wants it bad enough to go after it, then he has already demonstrated himself to be the kind of zombie that Corporate America uses to keep profits coming in.

  An intelligent White Man throws them into consternation. Didn't they abolish serfdom over a hundred years ago? This is the true "beauty" of capitalism. And it is at the core of communism as well.

  My question to you then: is our Movement not worth shaping up for? Can you not find sufficient motivation and discipline to fall in line, to forge a Movement with which to smash Pig Power? Or are you so bad off that someone must, as in the cases of the swine I've just mentioned, affix a carrot from a line at the end of a stick and lead you around like that? Do you not have it in yourself to move - by force of willpower - together into a mighty political instrument and submit the ego, again, to the force of WILL, in favor of whatever it requires to overcome the situation and master it?

  We will delineate "Column A" and "Column B" and let each one categorize themselves accordingly.

  [Vol. XI, #4- April, 1982]

  The Attack On Manson

  Last month's issue of SIEGE had gone to press at about the same time the news of the prison attack against Charles Manson reached us here. Personally, I hadn't experienced such a shock since I received the word of the assassination of Commander Rockwell. Neither had the implications for the Movement been as great as that day in 1967. It was probably better that things worked out as they did, time-wise, as there was little or nothing more that could have been added in these pages to the news reports which, I'm certain, everyone saw at that time. I dislike trying to comment in an intelligent way on a grave topic about which few facts have come in.

  Speculations now aside, Manson's injuries are not severe and will produce nothing of a lasting nature. One friend reported that, "It was all over with inside of four minutes." Those with any combat experience, or experience at being wounded, will be aware that four minutes can be an eternity. But there are at least as many friends of Manson inside as there are enemies and this plus their fast action made the difference. We thank these from the bottom of our heart.

  I never recalled any questions or worries during the Sixties about what would happen should someone kill the Commander or even whether anyone might seriously try. He was eminently well qualified to take care of himself and, as he would say, h
is very audacity helped keep him alive. But with Manson it has been different. We have worried - deeply - about the very real risk of just such an attack. If the world outside is a jungle then the world of prison is an insane asylum. It turns out that it was a "nut" that finally got to Manson after all these years but it certainly didn't have to be. Among dangerous punks of all types - inmates and guards alike it is known and accepted that a hit against Charles Manson would place one at the top of the pecking order. And it's an odd coincidence that both Rockwell and Manson were forty-nine years of age at the time of their most deadly personal attacks.

  People are dying and getting killed all the time. It'll happen to each one of us sooner or later. In prison, those with "names" have been targeted traditionally since these institutions first existed. Though maybe prison, with all its risks, is and has been Manson's world, we still view his life as something of extreme value, something to be preserved at all cost. We have been lucky this time. I'm a believer in luck. Maybe nothing like this will happen again, or at least not for a very long time. It was as though, with the elevation of years with no significant attack, the probability of one happening was becoming critical. Now, in more ways than one, the pressure is off, for awhile.

  The press, as always, treated Manson as hot property, not as an individual. That he had been seriously attacked was sensational. That he's going to be all-right is not. And it is this view - that of the Jewish press - that the majority of those in the Movement seem content to be left with concerning Manson. Not too surprising really when you match this view and this attitude with the state the Movement finds itself in.

  Though I expressed the sincere feeling that I do not identify with these times, I do take pride in the fact that and the realization that I am not, in spite, stricken by contemporary blindness. Jesus of Nazareth in robes and sandals in 1934 would be a sensation. But in the year 30 A.D., he was just another guy, a shit-disturber whom they allowed to be strung up in the manner of the most common criminals. Adolf Hitler with his flashy uniform, his para-military party and his histrionic oratory today seems most out of place. In 1933, he was little different than a dozen other European dictators. They say familiarity breeds contempt while the dreamer in all of us longs for the exotic. Maybe that's why the Christs among us in the present are so often overlooked or scorned. The Movement with its weird way of looking at things can't see in Manson anything more than what the Jewish press puts in its deliberately distorted, sensationalized coverages.


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