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Siege Page 46

by James Mason

  Men and women of good race who are compatible are all that is necessary. The will to live and to survive is the bond. No idiotic notions of "fun", "romance", "tradition", "security" or anything else can ever enter in. The realization that we CANNOT survive this alone, any of us, must govern all our thoughts and actions. The best security is the awareness and the preparedness for the tooth and nail struggle that is upon us plus the grim determination to SURVIVE at all costs. There'll be plenty of fun and romance connected with the fight itself. Each day brings another victory; each hit - large or small - carried off against the System represents another vindication. This calls for men and women with their eyes open, cold and sober, yet full of life. These types are getting scarcer each generation.

  It can mean living underground but it will more commonly mean living in a state of gradually moving further toward the underground. Holding off Big Brother where possible; ripping off Big Brother where possible. Dropping out of the slave market first; working toward dropping out of the System entirely. Discarding the dead and false values and morality of the rest of the slaves and doing only what you have to do in order to survive. It means raising a generation of children who are conscious of their Race and conscious of the evil that dominates the mainstream of life. It means giving these children true values and real purpose, the things they will NEED when the full-scale war takes place about the time they are reaching adulthood.

  The best long-range goal this strategy can have is our successfully existing, not as atoms, but as effective UNITS, then tribes, communities and finally again as a NATION! This biological bond must live and build, it must SURVIVE while all forms of "System" and "Government" are diminished and blasted away.

  [Vol.XIII,#3 - March, 1984]

  Starting At the Beginning

  A real family unit to withstand the shocks and stresses of life in the heart and belly of the Beast System will require large measures of intelligence, cooperation, resourcefulness, guts, discipline, plan and purpose. Note well that these are also the very things that would be needed to build a successful political movement or party to accomplish the same goals. For whatever reasons, these have never been found in sufficient supply in the Movement thus far and I believe that as long as there is even a hint of the old forms and concepts left over, they never will be. The only way to really stop the role-playing and get on with business is to trash-can all the old framework, over which we attempted to drape grand illusions. When we start off at ground level, with nothing but ourselves, we'll quickly latch onto what's real and learn to automatically reject what isn't.

  The unreal and unhealthy "stag" atmosphere of the former Movement will be right away dispelled when one sees that he cannot make it without a good helpmate and proceeds to find one. The ridiculous and utterly ineffective "hobbyist" air that has always permeated the former Movement will disappear when one stops slaving at a Pig job in order to support his Movement "hobby" and instead devotes himself full-time to surviving free of any such Pig entanglement. It will then become sink or swim; and those who do swim will soon become Olympians at it and, at the same time, damned good and deadly REVOLUTIONARIES. Once the hobbyism has stopped and the realities start to shine through, then the offspring will see it as the only way to the future instead of a joke that the Jews have made it out to be thus far, and as the fools in the Movement have been going out of their way to confirm.

  An ideology of SURVIVAL AT ALL COSTS amidst a poisonous and decaying environment can only evolve over a period of time, after great test. We each who have stuck it out this far in the old Movement have a great advantage over the rest: we have the background. The future may be as difficult for us as any of the rest however. We will learn. This is the actual melding of the George Lincoln Rockwell Idea and the Charles Manson Idea - RACIALLY AND POLITICALLY CONSCIOUS FAMILY. Militant, White Family - or families - bonded together by an evolving, revolutionary ideology. Not only is this our only chance for survival, it is our guarantee of victory because nothing can withstand it.

  Now is the time to begin.

  [Vol. XIII, #3- March, 1984]

  'We Missed Our Exit'

  I was on a short hop to the State Capital last month armed with a set of totally erroneous directions on how to reach a certain destination. They were correct providing one was approaching the area from the west rather than from the south as I was. After I got that much figured out and was nearing the spot, the sheet of paper indicated that Exit #96 was the one I needed to take. Watching the signs along the interstate, I first saw Exit #95 and then, to my dismay. Exit #97. If I had applied traditional Movement logic to that situation, I'd have stayed on that interstate and would have long since gone off the west coast into the Pacific Ocean. (Or I could have gotten mad and quit.) Instead, turned around and quickly found Exit #96 and arrived in time with twenty minutes to spare.

  In one of his editorials in a 1966 issue of THE STORMTROOPER magazine. Commander Rockwell headlined, "Der Tag Approaches". Judging by national and world events of that time, as well as by his own actions and successes, that was not a bad assessment of the situation. But, within a year, he was dead and the race riots, etc., had abated. In short, the situation altered radically and practically instantaneously. Did the Movement take heed of this? Hardly. The philosophy of that day, as well I recall, was to just hold tight and when things got bad enough, the people would come to us. In other words, all we had to do was wait until Der Tag dawned over the planet. But what our dead leader, Commander Rockwell, had neglected to tell us was that Der Tag meant the optimum chance for us to DO IT under his strategy and according to his guidelines as they were originally formulated in 1960. And so that particular "Der Tag" came and went minus the right leader and appropriate action. We missed that exit.

  By 1969 a new leader had announced himself literally to the world in letters a mile high and even that went unnoticed by a notoriously single-minded Movement. Like the lonely scientists here on earth who patiently and unceasingly send out signals into outer space and are prepared to receive signals from new forms of intelligence (new to us, that is), had anyone within the Movement been doing their job properly at that time, we'd have been able to afford ourselves of a crucial advantage in 1969 or 1970 which would have been oriented toward the 1980's and '90's rather than 1960. But Charles Manson was too "different", too "off the beaten path", to even bear noticing.

  [Vol. XII, #4- Apr., 1983]

  Right or Wrong

  It is claimed there exists an old German saying that goes to the effect, "Right or wrong, my country." As National Socialists and as revolutionaries, we might tend to take several issues against that, primarily that it is far too narrow a concept. But it evokes a thought that, when properly applied as well as defined, holds true in this modern day struggle we are caught up in. A better adjustment of that sentiment might go, "Right or wrong, my ass!"

  Once one has fully come to identify himself as one and the same, inseparable with the Cause of the revolution, then he'd better arrive at about the same time at the ultimate conclusion that he is simply above all considerations of right, wrong, good, bad, legal or illegal, moral or immoral. He is simply what he is and it is imperative that he not only continue but that he prosper mightily, that is if the higher goal is to be achieved. A large step in historic development is when an idea stops drifting through the air and comes to settle in, focus upon or take the form of actual, living breathing personalities. Only then can it hope to take the lead and begin to conquer. These personalities must first of all know who they are, get over any fear of that realization, get comfortable and adjusted to the fact, then become super-conscious of it and aware of the tremendous responsibility they have to themselves, the living embodiment of the Movement itself. They are not like the rest of the people.

  You do what you have to do at all times. You do what you want to do whenever you are able. It is expected that these things will run you into difficulties, and not just on rare occasions, if your tastes have no place in the run-of
-the-mill. But you proceed in spite because to do otherwise is to voluntarily hem yourself in and stifle the raw, revolutionary spirit within yourself that demands freedom to develop to its fullest potential. As Nietzsche would say, you are out on a rope... the rope stretches between the Superman and the animal. There can be no going back and, beyond that, the rope stretches over an abyss. You keep going forward or you die in the attempt.

  This has to do with your preventing, at all costs, your dying in the attempt.

  When beliefs, convictions or lifestyles run you into direct conflict with personalities or agencies representing the System, there must never be any question: it is YOU who must prevail. Perhaps their laws have been violated, their moral code stepped on. It matters not. You cannot allow yourself to be stopped or undone, for any reason. Whether the conflict involves a known adversary such as the System itself, whether it involves perfect strangers or whether it involves friends, loved ones or even blood relatives, the situation remains unaltered: it is YOU who must say or do whatever has to be said or done in order to win, to survive, to prevail.

  As Hitler once said, "You must close your hearts to pity." Many times this is easier done on a grand scale than on an individual scale. But it must be done nonetheless. Simply visualize yourself in the position of the vanquished and try to imagine the "pity" you'd receive. Let there be no backpedaling once an issue is struck, no attempt at "explanation", no equivocation, no compromise, no remorse. Only see to it that you, as representative of the Cause, win out. Regardless who gets hurt.

  [Vol. XIII, #7- July, 1984]

  Rules That No Longer Apply

  A communist revolutionary during any point in time from the start of the International until about the mid-Sixties would have been accurately described as a subversive. A National Socialist revolutionary in the present day could not be so described. Why? The same communist today could no longer be called a subversive either. Why?

  Codes of morals and civilization centuries old, which were fanatically and violently defended by the American Nazi Party of twenty years ago, which were bitterly cursed and defamed by the communists of the same period, suddenly are found to be no longer valid. How can this be?

  Are we to be found guilty of the identical communist ploy of arbitrarily switching the "party line" as it suits opportunity? No. The communists of old Russia , of the early years of the International, might have - I say might have - been actual revolutionaries. The primary reason for this was that the System they sought to overthrow was not only in total opposition to their program but it did not cooperate with them in its own destruction. That has not been the case in recent decades with other communist parties. Today, the only ones finding themselves in that kind of position of absoluteness are ourselves. Our only "opportunity" lies in being in complete tune with the reality of the present moment and keeping our program and our strategy in accord with this. And this is neither opportunism nor is it double-talk.

  It is in error to state that the communists won. Or, if they "took over", it is only because a morally bankrupt society - that of the entire West - allowed them to. How early in the game was it said that communism was no more than "democracy in a hurry"?

  It was more than could have been asked to expect solid, decent White Americans to take up arms against their own laws, religion and government, indeed their entire way of life, back in the 1950's when an astute mind could have known - as some certainly did know - that this all was on a one-way ride out, even in the midst of so much outwardly apparent strength and prosperity. Why, to have done that then would have been COMMUNIST! And so the ground which most of us today sprang from was in the beginning very solidly conservative ground - that of those who sought to shore the situation all up, albeit in a modified, turn-back-the-clock form.

  That fell flat for various reasons but all of these are pointless reasons because that which had been the object and the point of the whole crusade disintegrated and poured right through our fingers. That is no more than what occurs when terminal rot sets in. You may say that life goes on. Who are all those people out there, what are they doing and what keeps them together? A revolutionary won't be deceived by "apparent" signs of life. An economic system together with strict laws protecting the "rights" of those with money to hang onto it and keep on accumulating it. That which passes as "government" is a Frankenstein experiment with millions of hapless unaware souls as guinea pigs. Liberal, egalitarian and democratic theories which have no basis in fact or reality but which, by order of the decree of a handful of insane minds, shall be made to run their course, backed up by the System's billions of dollars (not to mention their armies of Pigs) add fuel to the flames of further disintegration.

  This carries all of the laws, all of the institutions, all of the traditions, all of which were held sacred by our people for the past thousand or more years, right down with it. Law and order is a thing devised by a people, and then made the responsibility of the government, for the furtherance and protection of that people. But in the present case, as any well-versed Right Winger can tell you at great length, aliens have long since infiltrated, ruined and spoiled it all. They have so twisted and perverted the meaning as a means toward their take-over that none of it is any longer salvageable. It all has the stench and taint of Death upon it. We as a people must start anew.

  We must reform everything on our own if we are to survive.

  Our position is lonely and unenviable. We live at a time in history when the civilization around us is rapidly collapsing. To be accurate, it has already died, it died when its moral decay together with its infiltration by hostile aliens rendered it hollow and meaningless, counter to the interests of the very people who first made it. To be perfectly accurate, it has been in a state of decomposition now for about twenty or thirty years as it is impossible to put a finger on the exact time the final flicker of life passed out of it.

  Our position is not one where we can expect at any time in the near future to destroy them but rather to AVOID them and thus prevent them from destroying us. No conventional organizations of revolution or counter-revolution are possible here today. As veterans of this struggle are aware, this is not because of any sudden, lost war or classic-style coup d'etat. Rather, it is because of such supremely insidious things as comfort, corruption, mass opinion control, along with the rest of the cancer at the core of this civilization.

  It is clear to those not any longer caught up in game-playing as sport or distraction that none of it is worth anything. All of it is garbage. All of it is useless. And when you live by what is useless and what is garbage then you are the pawn and the fool of those in control. For they are under no such illusions. They live for whatever material pleasure - in obscene proportions - that the money they wring from the dumb workers, through the means of their System, can purchase.

  To be a man, a person, an individual; to be someone in some degree of control and mastery over their lives, their own destinies and futures, it is necessary that you struggle hard and shed "that which you have been taught" If you are an older person and what you were brought up on had meaning back then, then I assure you that the meaning now lives only in your memory and not in reality. If you are a younger person, then what you have been taught and what you are being taught is pure, uncut lies and poison. In both cases, it is necessary that you start at once to think for yourself if you have the ability and the instincts - not to mention the courage - left to do so.

  Life, health, human happiness and future all depend on it. Pull away, draw away from the march of doom. Keep to yourselves. Live by primal, animal laws. To hell with what others may think or expect. To hell with "opinion". Go forth in your daily life in anonymity in order to do what you have to do to sustain yourself. In your private dealings, never invite the System to invade and attack and thus destroy you. Dig the groundwork for a new world, a new civilization now, today, starting with yourself and those immediately around you.

  Above all, do nothing to needlessly immolate yourself and you
r efforts. This tragedy of all tragedies must not occur and least of all due to the presence within ourselves of any allegiance to rules that no longer apply.

  [Vol. XIII, #8- Aug., 1984]


  No one could have seen or known back at the time the current Movement in the U.S. was being formed, but the earliest groundbreakers in this were going about things backward, or inside-out. During the 1950's, the End had occurred only yesterday and the maggots were only then beginning to crawl openly over the corpse of the U.S. and the West. Some suspected the whole thing was already dead but most simply refused to see it. A few, like Commander Rockwell, suspected it but knew nothing else but to fight it, reverse it if possible, but at all costs, go down like men, with honor. Indeed it's been a downhill drag ever since.

  We can't go back and we can't erase the past. It is useless to speculate whether we'd be any better or worse off if we'd just sat back twenty or thirty years ago and "contemplated" ourselves and our circumstances. When one stops to consider what, if any, "good" has come out of all the sacrificial, thankless effort of the past three decades, then the answer becomes pretty clear. Still, we did only what we felt we had to do. Personally, I'm sorry for nothing.

  Today the situation is different, for all the lessons have been learned, all the mistakes have been made. I, for one, will not go on repeating any of them. I've said often enough in the past to FORGET all notions that you, your particular group, or the Movement as a whole is reaching anything remotely approaching the masses with their message. If you can come to terms with that realization, you will begin to think more realistically. When you understand that, then you will know that the time for such things as "parties", "uniforms", anything of an "official" nature with pretenses to actual power, either state or private, is either past or has not yet arrived (take your pick). This does not mean, nor will it ever mean, that we need to or should ever deny our greatest Heroes, just as Commander Rockwell warned against. But just as with everything else in human dealings, there is a correct time, place and METHOD of broaching any subject, especially any highly profound or sensitive subject.


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