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Ever since entering prison, I've met many who claim to have shot Blacks on those occasions when, first, they were there and, second, it looked like they could get away with it. If true, the reaction of those discovering the bodies must have been that they were killed by other Blacks. Consider if these had been Lone Eagles and had deposited WLF notes on the corpses. It would appear (and be in reality) as an overnight wave of racial killings and the System and media outcry would be fantastic! Blacks would stay on their own side of town for a time. There would be a demand for a legal "crackdown". Blacks would counter with more "Zebra" type groups. The races would polarize and the respective peoples would come together for common defense. (Remember the Redleg and Jayhawkers wars in Missouri and Kansas before the Civil War? The Redlegs ran the anti-slavers out of Missouri and the Jayhawkers ran the slavers out of Kansas .)
Political power is gun powder, don't let anyone tell you different. Ballots are only a replacement for guns and when the ballot box does not serve someone, they fight with guns. Martin Luther King was a "pacifist" but his marches caused violence (including his own death) which, in turn, caused Blacks to burn many American cities. When American Whites get the spirit and organize as the Klan did after the Civil War in the South, the WLF will be born.
The WLF will need public support and, like the 1st Era Klan (33-1 , some call it), they will use their loot to help widows and indebted farmers, etc., as well as to run out the modern-day "carpetbaggers". They will kill top JDL leaders as they will kill all enemies - Jew, Black, and traitor Whites who side against their own people. If the System tries to black out the news, the people will demand to know what's going on. ("Why has the Statue of Liberty been painted red??") With a strong, nationwide WLF, the murder of a mixed couple will cause the reaction that miscegenation is a bad risk. The following generation will know that it just isn't done. (Consider a mixed marriage in Northern Ireland today: a target for both sides.)
By the year 2000, terrorism will include atomic bombs, chemical as well as germ warfare. The successful terrorist group will be the one which bars no device and which is proficient in all. The Spisaks, Franklins and Mathews will be remembered for their moderate and humane treatment and style. The do-nothing, go-nowhere approach of today's overground groups are driving more people into becoming Lone Eagles for lack of any short-term victories since Rockwell's days. Since the Commander's death, fifteen years ago, the NS Movement has done NOTHING but divide and sub-divide into smaller and smaller "parties", all of which do little more than bicker and quarrel with one another. Only one national group, the National Socialist Liberation Front of Joseph Tommasi's creation, has claimed an underground section (part of which is in Canada, I expect).
I'll tell you that things are going to change in the next fifteen years or else you can kiss your White baby goodbye for it will have become brown! The other White Movements are doing little better. Now is the time to organize for the future. Canada today is America tomorrow. When they outlaw you, you'll either be an outlaw or you'll be nothing! If printing is all you can do, then print. But be prepared to go to jail for it. At least you'll be a point of injustice the WLF can protest.
Terrorists often become known and cannot always hide in a basement. In later stages, WLF teams and groups will hide in wilderness areas, always on the move, and they will sometimes fight hit-and-run engagements with the mongrelized U.S. Army. This will be a first since the Civil War and will certainly set the stage for open war.
Let us consider also a Russian invasion. Will you prefer to fight adjoined to some mixed American Freedom Fighters? The WLF must maintain its independence at all costs. A Russian invasion would only help us win our own territory and gain more sympathy with the general public. On the other hand, a war in which this country fought in the defense of Israel would put us in the "traitor" class except in the eyes of those few who saw the error of such a military sham on the part of "our" government.
In the end, the WLF may need to come out of the wilderness and into normal combat. This will require a general race war already in progress and reaching into the ranks of the armed forces. I can't predict everything but ! can promise you that if you want a free and White America - or even a piece of it - it is going to be a long and DIRTY fight. Therefore, I suggest you'd best be prepared.
[This essay was issued by the Universal Order as a special supplement to SIEGE.]
Appendix III: National Socialism
One Mans Armageddon
by Perry Warthan. Universal Order
(The following is slightly edited excerpts from an autobiographical/philosophical essay by Perry Warthan, which was published by Universal Order and sent to SIEGE subscribers in 1983.)
"...even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light." W Corinthians 11 :14
It's been a year now since I was laying face-down, spread-eagle on Ore Dam Boulevard in Oroville , California , on November 6th, 1982, with Rate Barker, being arrested for first degree murder.
Christian Lee Jones, Barker's fourteen-year-old recruit and runaway sidekick had told sheriff and district attorney investigators that I had shot Joe Hoover for informing to police on activities within the Chico area National Socialists group. Hoover, six days short of eighteen, was about six months older than Barker and was his "best friend" and possible recruit. After Barker heard Jones' story he agreed to "confess" in exchange for three years plus between two to three years probation. Jones also received three years - both of them to the California Youth Authority in exchange for their "testimony" against me.
I came to San Quentin's security unit on August 8th, 1983 . It was no surprise as I've been in lockdown or segregation through jail and the Vacaville guidance center which sent me here. In this unit you travel everywhere handcuffed in the rear, even to the shower and the yard. When I came in I scored two sour milks and some sort of sweet sandwich and the guard escorted me to my new home here, cell 3B-22, singing to himself a line from "Hotel California" ("...such a lovely place").
During the past year I've had lots of time to gather my thoughts and I hope to share them with comrades of the Movement here in these pages.
What Went Wrong?
The arrest for Hoover's death came as no surprise after three weeks of press and television coverage demanding it, and that having been preceded by five weeks of media coverage demanding a solution to the end of the stuffing of school lockers locally with literature carrying "racial invective" which also bore our local "Dial-A-Nazi", or White Power Message, phone number.
After Hoover 's body was discovered, two weeks after his death, rotting in a marsh, I was interviewed by major newspapers in the Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Bay Area as well as by the Associated Press and the other wire services all of which promptly tried and convicted us. This should come as no surprise to a veteran National Socialist who understands who and what controls the media. After all, they are there to make money and not spread our message or bother about justice or truth. It doesn't or shouldn't matter to comrades whether I was in fact guilty or innocent; the trial itself was a sham, a joke, and had I been a Black radical or a Leftist I would have won an acquittal like Angela Davis (after having remained free throughout the trial stage, of course).
I don't want to whimper and whine about the raw deal I got from the System; we NS all know about the System. In the December, 1982, issue of SIEGE, the question was put, "we want to know what happened here and why." Now I hope to tell you just that. What went wrong in my own case was, first, my recruitment was poor in its selection, or lack of selection. After my arrest, at least six of these recruits gave statements to the police and, of these, five were called to testify. Of the remaining few, only one local old man and his aged wife stood by me to do what they could.
There was support from across the country and the world however, as well as those "National Heroes" who ran. One was a well-known "Aryan atheist church" guru who was until lately headquartered in Florida . Shortly before the expected arres
t I called upon him to obtain a fifty dollar loan which I could repay within two days. This I needed to bring an out-of-state person to Oroville by bus to escort my ten-year-old son, via another bus, to safety. This "Racialist Champion" didn't want to get involved even though I had been a contributor of his in the past and had been a minister in his "church".
My son was placed in a foster home after my arrest where attempts to "de-nazify" him were started before we able to transfer him to relatives two and a half months later. He was also interrogated several times by the D.A.'s office while the defense attorneys never talked to him once. He was forced to testify and put through an ordeal not necessary to convict me. Ravaged by false guilt after the trial, he had thoughts of suicide but after several counseling sessions he has exchanged this notion for the transplanted idea that I "murdered his friend". The ways of Big Brother effect even little children and cowardice extends high into the ranks among so-called White Racialist "leaders" and the creep with the phony atheist church is not even the least of these.
Another good example of these types is a Christian Racialist "leader" who also refused to support me after my arrest or extend any effort on behalf of my son. It was claimed that I had converted to his faith too recently. This same "Angel of Light" freely labels anyone with whom he has a disagreement a "Jew". Some Christian.
It is not my intention to quibble about the injustice of the press and the media. My effort here is to try to show what I've found to be wrong with the Movement in general since my arrest, judging from a great amount of communication with every source, mostly related to the Racialist Cause in one form or another.
The D.A.'s office claimed they photostated thirty-five hundred letters to and from me between November 6th and April 20th, 1983, when we were well into jury selection. Most of these offered support in one form or another; good wishes; a few dollars for stamps and tobacco; a publication of a group they supported or published themselves. I began to see a pattern. Some were the real thing and some were not. And of those that were not, many honestly thought they were. There are agents provocateur and spies, yes, but normally our own name-calling, I found, together with inter-group jealousies were responsible for most claims that so-and-so is an "agent", "Jew", "queer", etc., which in the end does more harm than all the real agents provocateur and spies put together. I often feel the ADL is laughing at us all with delight as we continue to divide ourselves into feuding factions.
However the real problem is with the "serious" people in the Movement. Often we will be eager to allow too much free reign to units of our organizations in an effort to merely "build membership". Often we will admit shady characters in exchange for a healthy donation just in order to increase our funds or for a host of other equally unsound reasons. What you see is what you get but what do you see?
If I lay a twenty-dollar bill in front of you, you say it's worth twenty dollars. But is it? What if it's counterfeit and only has the look of an honest twenty-dollar bill? If it's not backed by anything, it's not worth much more than toilet paper. Sooner or later most all phonies are detected and when they are they are destroyed in one way or another. If the counterfeit bill had a brain and knew what was going on to the point it knew it was tender and was often spent and passed around as good money, do you think it would have any idea it was a counterfeit?
We can compare this to a person of part-Negro blood who doesn't honestly know he's a mulatto (white skin but half-Black) who becomes a National Socialist, Identity Christian, Klansman, etc., perhaps even securing membership in an organization which maintains sloppy security research as our local California district did. This person is mentally destroyed when the true facts are revealed and he's found to be racially counterfeit. (I recall the suicide of a Klan unit leader in New York , Dan Burros, some years back after he discovered he was part Jewish.) We also have the knowing counterfeits like Frank Collin, a.k.a. Cohn, who, though half Jewish, was "Commander" of one of the larger National Socialist units in the country. He was also a child molester and how such an unnatural person became, or remained, the head of a group of National Socialists escapes me. Surely it was excellent propaganda for the System to use against us. Likewise, the perfectly legal, "clean-white-hands" National Socialists in the Movement may consider my "crime", if in fact I'm guilty, as a blot on the National Socialist record. Others defend the radical idea that informants, when uncovered, should be shot.
Bad money will inflate a monetary system and everybody pays for it until it is discovered and the holder pays. The best policy is not to take counterfeits in the first place.
From Anarchy Comes Order
Order grows out of anarchy as light grows out of darkness. Refugees in the dark flock to the nearest light. But even the devil can look like an angel. When anarchy comes, through nuclear war or whatever cause, I need not describe the lack of order and leadership that will exist. The masses will flock to the first helicopter with a bullhorn. The communists have a plan! But do the National Socialists? The larger groups do not and the smaller ones will be lucky to survive at all, if they can. WHO'S ready, if anyone? WHERE is the leadership? The PLAN? The leading organizations have been claiming that no one can function effectively, much less win, until we all get rid of our inner, "spiritual" weaknesses. So they begin to reform. But they are doing it on a misguided basis.
Picture this: You're watching a civil rights special on television; a special bill is being passed in Congress. The President is there and the cabinet, both houses of Congress, the Joint Chiefs, etc., as well as two hundred thousand civil rights demonstrators before the Capitol. The TV goes out in the middle of the President's speech and you learn fifteen minutes later that some terrorist has detonated a twenty kiloton Plutonium bomb made out of stolen nuclear waste. This is the same type and size bomb used on Nagasaki in 1945. There are two hundred and fifty thousand dead, counting the demonstrators, the heads of government and local inhabitants. Even though a small band of anarchists, bent on ending government altogether, claims responsibility and maintains hope the masses will support them in creating a state of unblemished anarchy, the Racialist Right is blamed and the Justice Department orders the arrest and internment of all racialists. WHAT DO YOU DO?
Do you have a plan? Does your "party" or "unit" have a plan? Is your gun and its supplies ready to go? And go where? Do you know where to safely meet? The local police know what to do the minute they receive the arrest order. Most likely, if you have time, you'll grab your gun and your gear and head for the hills to hide someplace, God knows where - you don't. You're now a revolutionary; the counterfeit is spendable; the "looking glass Fuhrers" and their five-man "parties" have their hour of glory... and defeat. Imagine a nuclear attack by an enemy nation and the picture is even worse. Terrorists WILL have these weapons soon and they WILL use them! Nations have nuclear weapons and they will use them. Someday only the fittest survive.
What It All Comes To
If National Socialists are to survive and be a vital part of a White American future they had better learn... The first thing is to stay out of the public eye. In all of Ireland, the I.R.A. doesn't maintain a single post office box, yet they do quite well. Being public, you will only attract the "Joneses", "Barkers", " Hoovers", etc.
You'll get the "Wish Whites", the "Counterfeits" and the "Mirror Fuhrers", etc., and what useful folk you might get will fast become disgusted by the others, quit, and form their own splinter outfits hoping not to repeat the same mistakes but, of course, doing so.
Secret, selective recruitment is the answer. You join with them because you want and need them; they don't join because the policy is a public, open door. Next you must understand that the System will not let you "vote it away". George Lincoln Rockwell said as much and also said that if it were to be voted away, then stormtroopers would have to come out in force to defend the right of the newly-elected NS government to take power. Most of the dumb White masses will never understand true White Racialism anyway and if y
ou explained it to them they wouldn't believe you. Let them perish with the other fools when the day comes or follow the leaders they must when - and if - we're in power.
Understand too that not all Whites march to the beat of our drum and some prefer other White Racialist alternatives. Expect that even if as a minority we can maintain NS turf somewhere in the future if a sound plan has been laid. The Posse Comitatus proclaim "power to the county", yet they are generally anti-NS. However even they would allow a county or a number of counties to maintain an NS regime if that is what the population demanded. You're as powerful as the amount of support you can obtain, organize and lead.
Right now the NS Cause is not only very weak and without a master plan, but fractioned. Every local unit aspires to be a "national party" and lead the "White masses" to victory. It is best to remain a strong local unit and, if necessary, import good NS material from outlying areas where effective organizing is less or not possible. Comrades who may need a home, job, or other support should be used to build a community within a community.
Many good local units will make a real party. Leadership needs to be kept at the local level. Any national leadership can be rotated and, at all times, in a capacity of general administration. No national policy need be set. "Local X" may wear brownshirts and "Local Y" may wear blackshirts and so it goes with every smaller issue in each local.